Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 2: Hellfire Fire

The three middle-ranking puppets all have storage artifacts such as Najie, from which Chen Zong has some gains.

Tianming fruit!


Although not many, it can be considered an additional booty.

Underworld is the site of underworld people. Although Chen Zong sneaked in very cautiously in search of the underworld refining fire, it was unavoidably discovered again.

There is almost no peaceful coexistence between the practitioner and the netherworld.


Fortunately, the puppets at the Taoist level basically stay in the deepest part of the puddle and will not appear easily.

Even if it does, it may not be encountered.

The emergence of high-end top-level combat man, is not the opponent of the magic heart predecessors.

In the storage artifact of this high-end top-fighting Hades, there are hundreds of Hades cores, which are richer than Chen Zong's previous harvest. There are also thousands of Tianming fruits. Chen Zong also found a five The foot tripod furnace, one person tall, black throughout, exudes a strong scent.

"This is an alchemy furnace, but it is not an ordinary alchemy furnace." After feeling the magic heart, he said, "It is just right for you to better refine the Tianming Baodan after you find the Hellfire, and the little one, your Good luck. "

Chen Zong also felt that his luck seemed good. In fact, he had a alchemy furnace. However, it was not as good as the five-legged furnace in front of him, and he accepted it. Chen Zong continued to move forward, still lurking.

Gradually, Chen Zong keenly felt that in addition to the cold and cold atmosphere of the air, there was a trace of hotness, which was very strange, as if extremely cold and extremely hot, and that kind of overcast Cold is the sensation of the body, and the fiery sensation is the sensation of the Yuanshen.

"This is the breath of Hellfire refining fire." Devil Heart said after groaning. After many years, but with memories, he still remembers the breath of Hellfire refining fire.

This also shows that Chen Zong is very close to the underworld refining fire.

With super strong perception, Chen Zong kept going forward, the deeper and deeper, the kind of cold and hot fluctuations became more and more obvious.

The source of the breath is located underground, and a burrow leads directly to the ground.

The burrow was guarded by the wicked.

In other words, Hellfire is not an unowned thing, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty.

"Go." Devil Heart said without hesitation.

Chen Zong also thought a little, since he came here, there is absolutely no reason to withdraw.

His body flickered and he did not use the magical techniques. Chen Zong turned into a sword light and merged into the void. The next breath appeared next to the two holy men guarding the cave, wielding his sword.

Although the gods borrow the law, they can bring themselves an overwhelming and mighty power. They are overwhelming and endless, but they also lose their perfect control over their own power.

Before, I cast the sword in the sky, but I could only transform into a sword light, and couldn't get into the void, because I couldn't control the power completely.

The exercise of refining one's heart and the sword of the Great World were also disturbed.

Although Chen Zong feels very comfortable with his powerful power, he is crushed by his strength and is extremely happy, but he will lose his absolute control over his own power, unable to make the most of his supernatural martial arts, and make Chen Zong feel uncomfortable.

In truth, Chen Zong prefers the latter.

Therefore, when there is no powerful enemy that cannot be defeated, Chen Zong will not use the spirit to borrow the law.


After the magic heart shot and killed the four high-ranking ghosts guarding the entrance to the cave, Chen Zong turned into a sword light, plunged into the cave, and kept going down.

The deeper you go, the more intense and intense the breath of purgatory fire.

The cave was crooked, and it was estimated that it continued to penetrate for thousands of meters and finally reached the end. It was a black magma-like lake, with a square of hundreds of meters, and a faint black flame in the black magma lake. It was burning, like a ghost.

"Is that the underworld refining fire?" Chen Zong whispered.

"No, those are not the true infernal refining fires, those are the infernal refining fires." The magic heart said, Chen Zong looked at it, and saw a few dark flames floating over the black magma lake, floating slowly. The cold and hot breath is constantly flowing out of it.

With super keen perception, Chen Zong could feel the amazing power of the three flames.

"Now, my Purple Atlas Dragon Flame has broken through to the mid-level Shenhuo level, but it is only a mid-level level, just a level equivalent to the one-star combat power of Yuanming Realm. For me now, it cannot increase much. "Chen Zong quickly thought about it:" Purple Universal Star Dragon Yan can swallow and absorb other magical fires to improve himself, and also obtain other magical fire characteristics. "

And he has more knowledge of Yanlong's refining method, which is a very profound magical fire skill. From this, the purple Huanxinglongyan is melted and related.

In this way, there is a high possibility that one wants to absorb the refining and infernal fire.

The murderous sweep swept through the tunnel of the underground cave. Chen Zong knew that there was a ghost person coming.

He killed two ghost men guarding the burrow himself, and sooner or later they will be found without surprise.

"You are refining Tianming Baodan with peace of mind." The voice of the demon heart sounded, and then, as soon as he stepped out, as if travelling through time and space, he stepped directly out of Chen Zong's body, step by step, in the void. Step out in the middle and walk towards the tunnel passage.

The devil's heart is standing with his hands in the air, facing the passageway, and there is a blazing blast of malignant gas, rolling like a tide, as if to destroy everything.

At a glance, Chen Zong had a feeling of trembling and trembling, which shows that the wicked people among them are arrogant and cannot be resisted by himself.

But I saw the magic heart with a single arm like a knife, a light stroke, the dark knife light broke, fluttering like a butterfly, and with incredible sharpness and domineering.

The wicked people in the turbulent gas were shocked, but couldn't escape.

A knife stabbed into the turbulent qi, and even the screams were too late to be uttered. All the wicked people were beheaded and killed. Immediately, the magical heart grabbed, and the storage artifacts flew quickly.

When the predecessors of the magic heart blocked the obscurity, Chen Zong could make Tianming Baodan without any heart.

How to make Tianming Baodan, the magic heart has been taught to Chen Zong. With Chen Zong's super-perception and absolute control over himself, it is not difficult to learn.

Take out the five-legged furnace, which may be left over from the meditation in the Middle Ages, and has the ability to attract and bear the flame of the attribute.

Chen Zong slaps the tripod furnace with a strange pattern of his hands, making a series of dull sounds, constantly shaking away.

In a hurry, the lid of the tripod furnace flew up, and as soon as the idea was moved, some Tianming fruit and a low-order nucleus were dropped into it. Immediately, the purple globe star dragon inflammation was summoned and circled at the entrance of the tripod furnace.

At the moment, the three floating goddess of fire of **** felt the fluctuation of the breath of the purple dragon star dragon, and immediately swam in this direction.

Come here.

The gods of fire will eat and absorb each other and promote themselves, just like a rule and a law.

It is the most direct way to attract the goddess of fire by using other **** fires. If Chen Zong did not master the **** fire, the magic heart would teach other methods, but it would be a lot of trouble.

Three fires from the underworld, the one nearest, and the fastest, arrived without hesitation, and rushed to the place of the five-legged furnace, as if the evil wolf rushed to the purple star dragon flame.

The power of this infernal refining magical fire is many times better than that of Zihuanxinglongyan. Chen Zong estimates that there are four or five levels of intermediate fire.

Zihuan Xinglongyan is extremely flexible to avoid the slamming fire of the infernal refining fire, a powerful force falls at the same time, press the infernal refining fire into the five-legged furnace, and then cover the lid to prevent That hellfire fire escaped.

Intermediate-level Divine Fire does not possess any wisdom. Even high-level Divine Fire has more instincts than wisdom. Only when it reaches the level of top-level Divine Fire can true spiritual wisdom be born, which is not human wisdom.

After Zihuan Xinglongyan was collected by Chen Zong, he lost his target, and the other two Hellfire Fires did not continue to Chen Zong's side.

"Control the fire mark!" Chen Zong quickly printed his hands and landed on the five-legged tripod furnace. Using the power of the five-legged tripod furnace for the time being, he controlled the infernal refining fire in order to refine the lower rank Nucleus and Heavenly Fruit.

Super perception also allows Chen Zong to accurately feel everything in the five-footed furnace.

The resistance of the Hellfire Godfire was not a concern, and was quickly mastered by Chen Zong.

Take the essence to its dross, fuse the essence, and thoroughly integrate into one. Among them, it will blend into the scent of the fire of the **** of infernal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and finally form the Tianming Baodan.

Not long after the refining was completed, it failed.

This is Chen Zong's first refining. Failure is also reasonable, and Chen Zong is also ready for failure. Because of this, he first took out the low-level nucleus and ordinary Tianming fruit for refining, which is equivalent to It is to get familiar with it first, to practice hands, and to have enough experience.

Failure is not terrible, come again.

The second time, it still failed, but Chen Zong had more experience in refining. The third time, he still failed and had more experience.

The fourth refining.


A Tianming Baodan appeared in the five-legged furnace, was still, and was not burned by the fire of Hellfire God, of course, because Chen Zong controlled the relationship of Hellfire God fire.

Opening the lid, Chen Zong took the lid of Tian Ming Bao Dan at the same time, and quickly closed the lid, so as to avoid the escape from the fire of the **** of hell.

I just use the five-legged furnace and the fire control mark to temporarily control the fire of a **** of inferno.

Tianming Baodan is about the size of a dove egg, very round and black, with inconspicuous patterns on the surface, which is difficult to see if you don't look carefully.

But under the eyes of Chen Zong, the pattern was very clearly visible.

This is a low-level Tianming Baodan. It is made from ten Tianming fruits and a low-level Ming core. Its efficacy is far better than the combination of ten Tianming fruits.

Put away the low-level Tianming Baodan, Chen Zong took out ten Tianming fruits and low-level nucleus to continue refining.

First, one by one refining to ensure the success rate, master the experience, and then carry out batch refining.

Refining the low-level Tianming Baodan first, then refining the intermediate-level Tianming Baodan, the difficulty of refining the intermediate-level Tianming Baodan will undoubtedly be higher.

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