Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 3: Divine Fire Transformation

The refining of the intermediate Tianming Baodan requires one hundred Tianming fruits and one intermediate nucleus, and the difficulty of refining increases linearly.

Fortunately, Chen Zong has refined a lot of low-level Tianming Baodan, accumulated enough experience, and successfully refined the first intermediate-level Tianming Baodan.

The mid-level Tianming Baodan and the low-level Tianming Baodan are generally the same size, but obviously, the pattern is much more complicated, and the energy contained in it is more and more pure.

After collecting the mid-level Tianming Baodan, Chen Zong continued to refine, refining all the Tianming fruits, but there were still some mid-level nucleus.

The next step is to refine the high-level Tianming Baodan.

However, the refining of high-level Tianming Baodan will be more difficult. First of all, the materials for high-level Tianming Baodan are very expensive. Only one thousand heavenly fruits and one high-level nucleus can be hoped for. Make a high-level Tianming Baodan.

However, if there is a Tian Ping Wang fruit, you don't need as many as a thousand, only ten are enough.

All the Tianming Fruits were used up. Except for the three previous failures and 30 wasted, the other thousands of Tianming Fruits and some low-order intermediate-level nucleus cores finally produced 98 low-level tiantian fruit. Ming Bao Dan and thirty-three intermediate-level Tian Ming Bao Dan.

"Tianmingbao fruit is very rare and should not be wasted." When Chen Zong secretly thought about it, when he was refining the middle-level Tianming Baodan, he felt that it was not so easy. The high-level Tianming Baodan's refining difficulty would be increased several times. Not so sure.

Once the refining fails, it will be distressed.

After all, the king of the ancient tree of Tianming is extremely scarce, and the result is not easy, unlike Tianming fruit, it is easier to obtain.

"First, let ’s absorb the refining fire of the infernal refining **** and merge it into the purple atlantosaurus. At that time, the purple atlantosaurus will be upgraded, and you can also get the ability of the infernal reincarnation. You may also use this to refine Control the heavens and treasures. "Chen Zong secretly thought.

This is a direction worth trying. Anyway, I also decided to devour the refining, hell, and fire.

If it doesn't work, there are still two infernal refining fires available. If it doesn't work, you can only take Tian Ping Wang Guo directly, which is better than wasting it.

Then, start refining. As for the other place, there is a magic heart senior, there is no need to worry at all. After all, because of his strength, he is not qualified to worry about anything. He still concentrates on doing his own thing. Work hard.

The lid of the tripod furnace was opened, and the fire of the infernal purgatory rushed out immediately, but Chen Zong controlled the purple Huanxing Dragon Yanyan fluttering and turned into a fire dragon that expanded rapidly. It was more than two meters long and the mouth of the dragon was opened. Hellfire Fire Swallowed.

It seemed to be irritated. The fire of the infernal refining **** burned violently. In a flash, from the size of the head of the original person, it soared more than ten times, and it suddenly broke out of the purple globe star dragon inflammation, which in turn turned purple Surrounded by atlantis, it burned wildly.

This infernal refining **** fire, trying to absorb Chen Zong's purple atlantic dragon inflammation refining and absorption, into his own nutrients.

That purple atlantosaurus was cultivated by Chen Zong, so Chen Zong can clearly feel that purple atlantosaurus is being burned continuously, as if it were going to be melted.

However, although the strength of Zihuan Xinglongyan at this time is not as good as the fire of the underworld, it is supplemented by Chen Zong's power, and it is tempered by the Yanlong refining method.

Little by little, Zihuan Xinglongyan uses the dragon's refining method to continually refine the power of the God of Fire.

At the beginning, the refining was relatively slow, but as time went on, as the fire of the underworld refining was continuously refined by the purple atlantosaurus, the power of the purple atlas was gradually increased. The power of the divine fire is constantly weakening. Under the circumstances, the gap between the two divine fires is constantly narrowing, and the speed of refining is getting faster.


At the same time, the underworld refining **** fire is also continuously refining the purple atlantosaurus.

Like two snakes, they bit each other's tails and swallowed them bit by bit.

At first, when Zihuan Xinglongyan Refining Co. absorbed 10% of the Hellfire Refinery Fire, it was refined by the Hellfire Refinery Fire for 20% of its own, but the gap continued to close.

In the end, each refining is 50%, you have me, you have me, there is a sense of interrelatedness, regardless of each other, everyone knows, this surprises Chen Zong, and is pleasantly surprised, if the magical fire of infernal refining is wise, Will regret crying.

After all, in the face of Chen Zong, it does not have overwhelming power. It is being eroded and refined a little bit, and the mystery and power of the Yanlong refining method are constantly exposed.

Sixty percent!



The further back, the faster the refining.



When the fire of the underworld refining fire was completely refined by the purple atlantosaurus, the atmosphere of the purple atlantosaurus continued to rise and became more and more powerful.

Intermediate level two!

Intermediate level three!

Intermediate level four!

Intermediate level five!

In the end, the atmosphere of the Purple Star Dragon Dragon stopped at the middle level and fifth level, which is the level equivalent to the five-star combat power of Yuanming Realm.

In other words, if Chen Zong only uses the purple atlas star dragon, he can have the five-star combat power of Yuanming Realm. Of course, for his own application of Shenhuo, Chen Zong has not studied in depth, and cannot compete with the flames of God Compared with those who are converted to God's Fire, these people are compared.

But it is also different that Chen Zong majored in swords, but this magical fire was an auxiliary means, not a main means.

Of course, if he can have the opportunity to practice the method of controlling the sacred fire, Chen Zong will also realize it, and it is not harmful to himself.

Although the Yanlong refining method is very deep and mysterious, it is not the method of making the **** fire, but the method of practicing the **** fire.

Zihuanxinglongyan ... It can no longer be called Zihuanxinglongyan, because after devouring the fire of the underworld refining god, the whole fire dragon changed greatly.

After all, the underworld refining fire is relatively powerful. Although it is absorbed by refining, it still changes the purple star dragon dragon inflammation. It was mainly purple, supplemented by red, and a little black like starlight dragon scales. The embellishment is there, but now, the purple is gone, and it has become black, which is the kind of black that is used in the underworld.

In addition, the original red color became extremely deep and turned to purple.

As the black of the dragon scale, it is still black. The color has not changed, but it is more dazzling and brighter, as if it emits light all the time, like a star on the sky, blinking endlessly.

The whole body of the fire dragon has also grown from more than two meters to more than five meters, and the power it exudes is becoming more and more amazing and more arrogant.

"A new name is needed." Chen Zong gazed at the five-meter-long fire dragon.

Since I got a strange fire of the ground, I have embarked on a road of no return to keep naming the flames.

Up to now, with every evolution of the flame's devour, you have to change a new name.

Take one casually?

Non-existent characters like Chen Zong cannot tolerate casually.

Moreover, the stronger the flame, the closer it is to the origin of the Avenue of Flames,

The name is more in line with the magic fire itself, otherwise there will be some deviations.

After thinking about it, today's Shenhuo is based on Zihuan Xinglongyan, and then integrates Hellfire Refining Godfire, which already has the ability of Hellfire Refining Godfire.

"Well, let's call it Heixing Minglongyan." Chen Zong said to himself.

The fire dragon's body swayed, and the body suddenly ignited a black flame, more and more mighty, and seemed to recognize the name of the heart.

Heixing Minglongyan is worthy of the name.

Hellfire God Purification Fire is a pure fire, but Heilongyanyan is not a pure fire, only it has some characteristics of fire.

This magical fire is controlled by Chen Zong, so Chen Zong knows the power of Heixing Pinglongyan.

In addition to the original burning and purifying abilities of the Purple Atlas Dragon Dragon, now the Black Star Phalonitis has one more ability, that is, refining the god.

The so-called refining God is the ability to impact and even burn the Yuanshen and Divine Soul. Refining Tianming Baodan also requires the refining ability of Heining to refine the fire.

Infernal fire, more or less possesses such ability. Infernal refining **** fire is very outstanding in refining god.

But in addition to refining the gods, the **** refining fire has another ability, the ability called hell, which has not been obtained.

However, there are two more fires in the underworld.

The battle between Zihuan Xinglongyan and Hellfire Godfire was just completed. The other two Hellfire fires did not participate, but what is waiting for them now is the active attack of Heixing Wulongyan.

Compared to the previous one, these two fires from the underworld are weaker and weaker, so they are easier to deal with.

Not long after, the remaining two Hellfire Fires were swallowed up by Black Star Nether Dragon.

Breath, soaring again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ reaching the level of mid-level six, which is equivalent to having a mid-level six-star combat power.

It is good to know that after devouring the two Hellfire Fires, Heilongyanyan also gained another ability: Hell!

At this moment, Demon Hearts rushed into the channel and went directly out of the hole.

Outside the burrow, there was a dark shadow that was oppressed across the sky. It was huge, with a height of thousands of meters. It was like a mighty **** on the shore, exuding a terrifying breath.

The magic heart gazed at the black shadow with a height of 1,000 meters, with indifferent eyes, for the first time, a trace of excitement and warfare appeared.

"After so many years, I can fight with Daozun again." Moxin said to himself.

The attacker was the top-ranking dwarf, with a level of fighting power at the level of Taoism.

It is precisely because the incoming netherworld is at the top level and its combat power is extremely high. The magic heart will actively leave the cave to intercept it on the surface. Otherwise, once the opponent enters the cave and starts fighting, it will be very detrimental to Chen Zong. Chen Zong can't bear the slightest, and will be killed directly.

Chen Zong, who focused on refining the underworld and refining the **** fire, did not notice the departure of the magic heart.

After raising Black Star Plutodon to the extreme, Chen Zong set out to make high-level Tianming Baodan.

The number of Tian Ping Wang Guo is small, it is only more than 300, and there are not many high-level Ping Nuo, only 20 or so.

In this way, at most, more than twenty high-level Tianming Baodan can be refined.

To calm down and get rid of all distractions, in order to ensure the success rate and not to waste a bit of the Pluto King Fruit, Chen Zong even opened his mind and heart.

Heixing Pinglongyan is completely under his control, and the difficulty of refining is greatly reduced.

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