Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 4: Great gain

Beyond the burrow of the **** of fire and hell, a huge black shadow of a thousand kilometers stands in the air, and the giant palm blasts out. It is like a mountain and a sea. As the palm fell, there were tiny cracks in the void, densely packed, each one emitting a terrifying atmosphere, as if to destroy everything.

The giant palm was shot down, and the amazing palm pressure caused the ground to collapse, and numerous cracks spread like lightning, forming a 10,000-meter collapse.

Under the giant palm, is the figure of the demon heart.

This palm makes the magic heart feel the pressure.

It is a pity that after turning himself into a god, the fighting power of the Taoist peak is also gone. The remaining fighting power is only a small part of his heyday.

Fortunately, even a small part is enough to deal with this top-ranking underworld.

A right hand was held in the air, and the black flame was burning, spreading out quickly, and a long knife appeared in the hand between the hands.

The long knife is straight, more than one meter long, three fingers wide, the tip of the knife is extremely sharp, and the blade is burning with black flames, swaying like an unreal fire.

As soon as the long knife appeared, it filled with amazing direct power, sweeping in all directions, the vastness of the magic flame.


He stabbed himself with a knife and cut it out like a sky. The dark sword light directly tore the void into a huge mouth, spreading away at an alarming rate.

That knife light, which looks much smaller than the giant palm, is more condensed and extremely powerful.


When he died, the giant palm was cut, and the terrible sword raged, smashing the giant palm.


The way of the sword is similar to the way of the sword. The sword can break thousands of ways, and so is the sword.

One sword cut through the giant palm, the demon heart flickered, merged with the magic sword in his hand, and struck into the air.


The battle was extremely fierce. Inside the cave, Chen Zong was also in full swing to refine the high-level Tianming Baodan.

Throwing the last high-level nucleus into the five-footed furnace, Chen Zong controlled the black star pit dragon to be refined.

It didn't take long for the last high-level Tianming Baodan to be refined.


A total of twenty-three high-level Tianming Baodans were obtained in total, without any failure, and during the refining process, Chen Zong's control of Heixing Pinglongyan was further improved.

The high-level Tianming Baodan is also the same size, but the pattern above is several times more complicated. With keen perception, Chen Zong can feel the power contained in it, which is much larger than the middle-level Tianming Baodan. Times, but also much pure.

There are 98 low-level Tianming Baodan, 33 medium-level Tianming Baodan, and 23 high-level Tianming Baodan.

This time, it can be regarded as full.

The low-level Tianming Baodan is made from ten heavenly fruits and one low-level nucleus. It uses the refining ability of the gods to refine the fire, and all the impurities in it are refined, leaving only the essence. , In the most perfect way.

The efficacy of a low-level Tianming Baodan is definitely better than ten Tianming fruits.

In other words, about ten Tianming fruits can inspire one thousandth of the potential inspired by Chen Zongyu's Taoism breakthrough to Yuan Mingjing, then the potential that a low-level Tianming Baodan can inspire exceeds one thousand. One point, as far as how much can be reached, Chen Zong is not clear.

After collecting the high-level Tianming Baodan, Chen Zong took out a low-level Tianming Baodan and took it directly. After the entrance of Baodan, it quickly melted and flowed into the belly, turning into a seemingly cold and hot air

, Spread quickly, swept across the body.

Chen Zong carefully felt that with his super strong sense, he could feel that his potential was being rapidly stimulated and becoming active.

"Three thousandths!" Finally, when the potential no longer emerged, Chen Zongfang made a noise.

Three thousandths of the potential is fully developed, which is three times that of the ten Tianming fruits.

This is also because of the integration of the lower-order nucleus. The power contained in the nucleus is very amazing. Under the **** fire, the violent components contained in the nucleus are removed, leaving the most essential part, and then re-integrated. The scent of the fire from the underworld refining, finally smelted, the effect has multiplied several times.

In this way, there are ninety-eight ... um ... there are still ninety-seven low-level Tianming Baodans. If you take them all, it is enough to stimulate more of your potential.

However, according to the predecessor of the magic heart, the low-level Tianming Baodan is more suitable for Yudaojing, and its effect may be better.

As for Yuanming Realm, it is best to take the middle-level Tianming Baodan, if you take the high-level Tianming Baodan, it is naturally more amazing.

Chen Zong took out a medium-level Tianming Baodan and took it to see how it would work. After all, after the potential has been stimulated, it will not be silent, and it will remain active until it is converted into strength.

Intermediate Tianming Baodan ... take it!

The mid-level Tianming Baodan's breath is overwhelmingly many times, ten times more than that. It is constantly rolling in Chen Zong's body, like a continuous stream like torrential rivers. Its cold and burning breath is more and more amazing.

The breath lasts longer than before, and the potential it evokes is more than before.

Not only ten times, but ten times.

Five percent!

Chen Zong felt his potential and was inspired a lot.

Low-level Tianming Baodan excites three-thousandths, while intermediate-level Tianming Baodan excites 5%.

A medium-level Tianming Baodan is made from one hundred Tianming fruits and one medium-level Ming core. If only one hundred Tianming fruits are counted, only one percent of their potential can be stimulated. Refined into Dan, but five times.

Now, Chen Zong has taken out a high-level Tianming Baodan. The high-level Tianming Baodan corresponds to the level of supernatural power.

Taking the middle-level cultivation of his own Yuanming Realm as the example, and taking high-level Tianming Baodan, do not know how much potential can be stimulated?

As the high-level Tianming Baodan enters the stomach, the cold and hot breath is several times stronger than that of the middle-level Tianming Baodan. It is as continuous as the surging river. , As if the torrent of a **** rushed.

Chen Zong trembled unconsciously, only feeling that force was raging madly in his body, as if to destroy his body.

This kind of power is extremely amazing. If you do n’t have a body training and you are not low, it is estimated that it is difficult to bear it. That is the case. Can't help shaking, bones and muscles are shaking, as if to be crushed.

A torn pain seemed to be sweeping through the body, as if the tide was surging.

Chen Zong's body could not help shaking slightly.

The cold and hot breath was like a sword that was cut freely in the body, as if it was going to be late from the inside, very uncomfortable.

This feeling lasted for a long time before weakening.

After weakening, Chen Zong can clearly feel that a breath is constantly emerging from the depths of his body, like a rushing flood, which permeates the whole body and no longer bears the slightest burden.

And uncomfortable, but make yourself feel very comfortable.

That is potential, the potential that is inspired, just like the rushing waters of the rivers and rivers, so comfortable that Chen Zong has a feeling of wanting to fly and fluttering.

When the breath stopped flowing, Chen Zong felt it carefully, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face, his eyes were excited.

One hundred percent!

The potential inspired by a high-level Tianming Baodan is 100%.


Really amazing.

Chen Zong can feel his potential is full of body, very active, walking around and pervading.

However, thinking of the pain when taking the high-level Tianming Baodan just before, Chen Zong felt that it was not easy, and it was indeed a treasure medicine suitable for Shentong.

After pressing His Majesty's mind to continue taking Tianming Baodan, Chen Zongfang noticed that the seniors of Moxin were gone.

Divine thoughts quickly spread out, and along the passage, I felt that the overwhelming force was colliding, screaming endlessly, as if destroying the sky and the sky, and that breath made Chen Zong feel destruction.

There is no doubt that the seniors of the magic heart are fighting with people, um, with the underworld.

That kind of power is not a magical realm, nor can it be attained by a high-ranking ghost.

"Sure enough, is the combat power of Demon Heart seniors still at the level of Taoist respect?" Chen Zong secretly thought.

I just don't know, how much is the combat power of Devil Heart seniors better than when he came to life?

Chen Zong was so excited that he wanted to go out and see the battle with his own eyes, but he was not stunned.

Dao-level battles have shocking aftermaths. If they affect themselves, they will probably die, even if they do not die, most of them will be severely wounded and dying.

I can only stop watching the war, at least when I can't protect myself ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Don't think about that kind of thing.

Then, when the battle is handed over to the demon predecessor, he will cultivate himself and turn the potential inspired by Tianming Baodan into strength.

Today, Qi training is the middle level of Yuanming Realm, and refining is the middle level of the Dacheng world **** body. Both are flush and go hand in hand.

Focus on one's heart!

Paying attention to the movements, practicing the skills, and enlightenment on the Kendo of the heart, and the world avenue, as if there are four Chen Zongs, the efficiency is even more amazing.

Cultivation skills are to promote cultivation, to participate in the avenue, to enhance the power of driving the avenue, and to improve the avenue area.

This can also be regarded as a practice method that goes hand in hand, and improves at the same time, saving more time and energy.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's mental strength is very strong, and the recovery speed is extremely fast, before he can open up his mind and heart.

Time passed slowly, and the external battles gradually subsided.

"It's a pity." The magic heart looked at the top-level ghost who was far away, and secretly said, but did not pursue, although the pursuit of it might kill the other party, but his purpose is to protect Chen Zongxiu, Then, in the event that a high-ranking underworld person sneaks into the cave, Chen Zong is not an opponent.

When the battle was over and the magic heart returned, Chen Zong also ended his cultivation, because the potential that had been stimulated had been exhausted, or transformed.

The repairs have been improved, the power of the avenue has also been improved, and the two avenue areas have also been enhanced.

All in all, in terms of overall combat power, Chen Zong has strengthened, but has not yet reached qualitative change.

"Almost equals my whole-hearted practice for months or even half a year." Chen Zong secretly rejoiced.

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