Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 6: Shenwu

(Taking Xiao Liudao to the park for a lap, update later)

The Nether People appear and go around, constantly searching, and erupting multiple battles with the practitioners, each with death and injury, but no one has found the person who steals the Nether Seed, nor has he found the person who took away the Netherworld's Fire.

After all, the three infernal refining fires have been refined by Chen Zong, thoroughly refined, and turned into their own control of the fire.

Chen Zong also deliberately avoided and acted in a low-key manner to avoid being stared at by the underworld.

Cultivation of skills, understanding of the mysteries of the avenue, slowly passing by time, but it is difficult to feel.

The cultivation of enlightenment is over.

"Chen Zong, I have something to pass on to you, so you can realize it." The voice of the magic heart sounded.

"OK." Chen Zong responded immediately.

The next breath, a stream of information came out from the demon's heart, and poured directly into Chen Zong's Yuan Shen, into the soul.

"Divine martial arts!" Chen Zong, with one heart and one mind, accepted the information and sorted it out, while slowly comprehending it. The three-pronged approach went hand in hand.

This divine martial art was imparted by the demon demon heart, and its source was Hades.

And Ming Wu is the high-end martial arts supernatural power of the ancient ruins of the ancient Ming Dynasty. It was passed down from the Middle Ages to practice meditation. Chen Zong's experience of the mystery and power of the Ming Wu is amazing.

Divine Wu comes from Ming Wu, or in other words, it is the result of the demon's heart watching the other's Ming Wu after the battle with the top-ranking Wu Ren, combined with his own cultivation cognition and so on, and finally modifying the Ming Wu .

The magic heart itself cannot cultivate the martial arts. This magic martial art was learned and practiced by Chen Zong. The effect is that when it borrows the power of the magic heart, it can truly control the freedom, instead of the general one, and it is impossible to completely control the leakage , And also made his swordsmanship and so on unable to perform to the extreme.

Therefore, the premise to learn and perform divine martial arts is to master the deities and borrow the law. Of course, the most prerequisite is to have a divine spirit.

To put it simply, before Chen Zong used the spirit to borrow the law to increase his combat power to the level of ten stars in the Yuan Ming Realm, that is basically the upper limit that Chen Zong can now bear. No matter how much more, of course, But it hurts itself.

However, after mastering the martial arts, the spirit power borrowed by the gods through the law can be fully controlled freely, thereby exerting a stronger combat power, and it is not a problem to surpass the ten stars.

Shen Wu seems to be simple, but it is not simple at all. With Chen Zong's super strong understanding, it is difficult to fully understand it in a short time.

However, with super strong understanding, Chen Zong gradually came to understand a little mystery, and gradually approached the entry level.

Only with great success can we truly grasp all the power borrowed by the deities through the law and bring it to its true limit.

The description of this piece of information made Chen Zong very interested in this martial art. After reading and finishing, he immediately opened his mind and heart.

One of them pays attention to all movements around them, and the remaining three minds realize the mystery of the martial arts.

Nowadays, Chen Zong has successfully cast the thirteenth heart palace, and it has become a big one. The strength of the mind has been further strengthened, and the speed of recovery has also been increased.

This is also the amazingness of Yixinjue. The more you go, the greater the help. Of course, other people who practice Yixinjue still ca n’t compare their mental strength with Chen Zong. In the same practice, they ca n’t Do like Chen Zong.

Under the three meanings, Chen Zong's efficiency of enlightenment is very amazing. Enlightenment from different directions, and then confirm each other, the effect is not as simple as one plus one plus one.

Super strong understanding coupled with single-minded understanding, confirm each other, and get started

, Quickly realized the mystery of it, and constantly deepened and mastered.

getting Started!



The martial arts of Dacheng Realm is enough to allow him to master the power of the gods by the law, and there will be no leakage.

It took a lot of time to comprehend the mysteries of the martial arts and practice to the end, but the magic heart was shocked.

"So amazing understanding." The magic heart couldn't help but secretly amazed, this **** martial art was evolved based on the underworld martial art, very deep and unpredictable, but Chen Zong realized the mystery of it within a short time, and practiced Dacheng Realm is really unexpected and amazing.

Immediately, the magic heart laughed. Within the gods grave, he had been asleep for many years, and felt the extraordinary breath of Chen Zong before waking up.

Originally, I just thought that Chen Zong had a good talent, and was qualified to let him practice for him. After signing the contract, he fell asleep and was shocked again and again after waking up.

Amazing talent, super strong understanding, shocking ancient and modern.

Now, the magic heart is extremely looking forward. In the future, where can Chen Zong go?

It is inevitable to transcend ourselves.

Then, you should do your best to protect your path, and do your best without affecting Chen Zong's self-improvement.

Think about it, one day, with your own help, to cultivate a peerless powerhouse for the mind of heaven, how amazing and how fulfilling it is.

When you think about it, the magic heart feels very cool.

I am now dead and transformed into a god. Although I cannot continue to fight for Xintian Temple, I can still contribute to Xintian Temple.

After training Shenwu to the Dacheng realm, Chen Zong also stopped practicing. On the Dacheng realm, there is a division of the perfect realm, but it is difficult to achieve the full realm. It cannot be achieved only by cultivation.

Chen Zong now really wants to try the power of this martial art, but the place is not right, and the timing is not right, so he can only hold it.

Now, when it comes to low-key.

Chen Zong wanted to be low-key, but the Ming people did not give him a low-key opportunity. Or, at this moment, under the control of angrily anger, the Ming people were very wanton and did not care about the practices of the practitioners.

They must find out the practitioners who steal the underworld and the underworld refining fire, or they will all be punished, and under the threat of punishment, they will act more wantonly.

Everywhere, battles between practitioners and the underworld erupted.

Chen Zong was still unavoidably found by the underworld.

"In this case, try the mystery of Shenwu." Chen Zong stared at the approaching mid-level meddling. With the feeling of being clear from the sky, Chen Zong could feel that the meddling had a strong combat power. By his own combat power, it was Its opponent.

At the same time that the puppet rushed, a black ghost appeared, entangled in the body, followed by a broken finger, and the black finger shot and shot, and called Chen Zong's dignified face and creepy.

The whole person seemed to be penetrated, and the extreme chill followed, and it seemed to freeze his body and body.

This is Ming Wu!

Da Zhoutian Sword World!

With full combat power, this sword is enough to withstand the blow of the mid-level eight-star combat power.

However, the Da Zhoutian Sword World was broken in less than one-thousandth of an hour. The power of this blow exceeded the mid-level top eight-star combat power.

Hit the big Zhou Tianjian with a finger

In the moment of the world, Chen Zong knew that he couldn't stop it, and immediately cast his instant sword into the void to avoid this dark finger attack.

After the dark fingers penetrated the sword world of Da Zhoutian, they went through the sky and penetrated the megaliths and giant trees. Under the terrible power, they were all broken and turned into powder.

The power of this finger made Chen Zongxin jump.

At least reach the level of mid-level nine-star combat power.

Sure enough, with his own combat power, he is really not an opponent.

The gods borrow the law!

In a hurry, all the mighty powers poured into the body of Chen Zong from the body of the demon spirit, combined with Chen Zong's power, pushed forward layer by layer, kept skyrocketing, and became even more tyrannical.

The domineering power was full of Chen Zong's body, so that Chen Zong had a feeling of being exploded.

"Shenwu!" A low sigh, a breath of breath, spreading out of Chen Zong's body, soaring into the sky, it seemed that countless sharp swords came out of the sheath and sprayed out the extreme sharp edge .

Countless sword lights, intertwined and entwined over Chen Zong's body, and finally turned into a sword light phantom. That sword light phantom looks almost exactly the same as Chen Zong, but has a height of ten meters, standing in the air, as if with Chen Zong's body overlaps, or Chen Zong's body is included.

When the sword light vanishes and condenses, Chen Zong feels that it seems that the tyrannical power to support his body will no longer cause the slightest impact and interference on himself, but will change from a tyrannosaurus to a docile Like little sheep, they are completely under their control and control.


Refining the Heart and One Sword: Five Swords!

With Chen Zong's action, Jian Guang's arm suddenly waved, as if the sword shadow in his hand overlapped with the sword uttered by Chen Zong and merged into one.

The extremely condensed Jianguang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ traverses the sky, as if it can break everything, and directly kills the middle-level ghost.


Really master and control the power of the gods to borrow the law to the fullest.

The sword light broke through, and the sword shadow struck across. It was invincible, as if nothing in this world could resist the sharp edge of this sword.

Everything, regardless of existence or nothingness, will be crushed by killing.

Can't escape, can't stop, the middle-level ghost person roared, the dark shadows of the body Wu Wu more and more condensed, exerted all his strength, gathered with one palm, absorbed countless fumes, turned into solid palm prints flapping .

This palm, as if it can break the mountains, shoot everything into a fan, terrifying.

The sword flashed, the sword shadow followed, and a sword broke through, directly penetrating that huge and solid palm print. The unrivaled sword strength even tore and shattered it.


Crossing to the death, the dark shadow on the mid-level underworld was directly broken through, and the next breath was also penetrated along with the body.


Kill with one sword!

Chen Zong secretly was shocked. This martial art was really mysterious. He could fully control the power of the gods by the law, and there would be no leakage or waste of power. In fact, he would become stronger.

After the killing of that ghost person, Chen Zong immediately took away the artifact of this ghost person's storage. This is his spoils, maybe there will be a **** fruit or a ghost core.

"It's just a group of goods that were abandoned by the times, so dare to be so arrogant." The voice of overbearing arrogant sounded, a raging fire swept the sky, swept madly, carrying the terrifying high temperature that destroyed everything, and rushed directly to the dark man in the dark vortex.

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