Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 7: Superman

Chiyan swept across hundreds of miles, like a torrent of torrents, carrying the violent might that destroyed everything and the blazing high temperature that burned everything to ashes.

The eleven ghostly people in the dark vortex suddenly fluctuated around their bodies.

With a cold hum, the top-level ghost man also shot at the moment, erupting into the dark shadows, as if spreading out in an instant, forming a cold and extremely dark cloud billowing, and a blaze of great hands suddenly rolled from the billowing black cloud. It reached out, and it was covered with black flames.

The hand of the **** of hell!

This is another kind of Ming Wu, with amazing power.

The **** of the gods has thousands of kilometers of hands and feet, carrying endless terrorist power, and shoots out directly in the air, directly toward the torrent of flames.

The roar shook the world.

The Taoist powerhouse who controls the flames is obviously much stronger than the Taoist powerhouse who used to control the Thunder before, and has not been defeated by the top-level ghost.

Both sides are evenly matched.

Immediately afterwards, the Taoist powerhouse who only managed the Thunder also shot.

As soon as the two Taoist princes took the shot, the top-level ghost man immediately fell into the downwind, but with his superpowers, he could still support it.



When the supernatural powers saw that the top-ranking ghost man was held down, they immediately exerted their strength and killed ten high-ranking ghost men.

However, more people are coming quickly.



The battle between the practitioners and the underworld broke out.

The purpose of the holy man is to block the exit, to prevent the practitioners from leaving, to find the stealers, and the purpose of the practitioners is to leave, especially those who have stayed here for a long time, which have been eroded by the evil spirits. Slight pollution, if left in time, the consequences are worrying.

Chen Zong also joined the battle. In the final analysis, the reason why the Ming people rushed to block the exit was also inseparable from themselves. At least, they had to bear half the responsibility.

Of course, Chen Zong will not have any feeling of guilt. If he is replaced by other people, he can find the place where the infernal refining fire is located, and can kill the four high-ranking high-ranking underworld men. If they enter the cave, they will also perform Take all means to take away the fire of Hell.

The world of cultivation has always been like this.

I can get what I can get, as to what kind of consequences it will cause, that is what will happen later.

Maybe people who have a sense of justice will feel guilty, must sacrifice, and so on. There will also be weird people watching secretly because of their disputes, but Chen Zong will not face it.

There is neither guilt nor arrogance, only face up.

If you have enough abilities, you can solve them. If you don't have enough abilities, you can make a contribution. Chen Zong recognizes this clearly and is not proud and impatient, so that he can live longer and longer, and is qualified to chase the Tao. Pinnacle.


Under the help of the gods, Chen Zong's combat power increased greatly, and he was controlled at the mid-level ten-star level. The sword light waved, and the sword light phantom on his body also waved the majestic sword shadow, which was extremely powerful.

The ghostly man with insufficient fighting power can't completely stop Chen Zongyi sword.

"Come on." Suddenly, the voice of the demon heart came into Chen Zong's ears, and was very rushed, which surprised Chen Zong slightly.

"Where to go?" Chen Zong asked quickly.

Exits are still blocked.

"Left, fast!" The voice of Devil's Heart grew more rapid, as if he realized what a terrible crisis was looming.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately displayed the Sword in the Sky, and left to the left at the fastest speed.

Under the martial arts, Jian Zong of Shun Kong was also used to the extreme by Chen Zong, whose speed can reach the level of the middle-level eleven-star.

This speed was very rapid, reaching the extreme, rushing into the void, directly appearing tens of thousands of meters away, and rushing into the void again.

At the same time, in the distant horizon, a large black cloud rolled violently, as if covering half of the sky, rolling over and over, dark shrouded, terrible coercion overwhelming the sky, as if an ancient demon came, Wiges.

That breath, terrifying, was beyond description.

Such an amazing power makes Chen Zongqing can't help but feel cold and trembling, as if he can't avoid it no matter how he flies, as if everything is shrouded in this horrible phantom, flooding this piece world.

This kind of power, I am afraid that not the Taoist class can be described, will make the magic heart so daunting.


Two words popped up in Chen Zong's heart, and he fluttered involuntarily.

Corresponds to the dominating superhuman.

Even this level of the dark people were dispatched, and the situation became more serious.

Only superpowers who can dominate the super order can fight.

However, the ancient ruins are rarely entered by the dominant power.


Even faster!

Chen Zong borrowed from the law and borrowed more power, and felt that his body seemed to be exploded. Even under the control of the martial arts, he felt overwhelmed.

The speed has soared, reaching the mid-level 12-star combat level, much faster than before.

Even so, I still don't feel fast enough, because this side of the world seems to be shrouded in shroud, which is shrouded by the horrible horror of mighty power, which is the super-high level of human power, shocking and suppressing all directions.

As soon as the super-hidden figure appeared, he immediately saw everything on the battlefield clearly, and everything seemed to be in his grasp.

Chen Zong swiftly walked away, and even when he turned into Jianguang and then emptied into the void, he was also clearly seen.

Just glancing at it a little, Chen Zong had a feeling of being stared at by the great terror. The Yuanshen trembled and the spirits trembled as if to be destroyed.

It was a kind of repression and consternation that came from the depths of the soul and the body, and it was a kind of fear.

The gap between Taoist level and Yuanming Realm is the essential gap. The gap between the dominating level and Yuanming Realm is like the difference between the two levels of life, completely suppressed.

Chen Zong has also seen a few masters, but that is the usual time, the masters have converged their strength and breath, unlike now, there is no concealment that emits terrible breath fluctuations.

It is completely crushing. In front of him, he is as small as a ant.

If that kind of breath suppresses directly, it may cause your soul to collapse.

Unparalleled horror.

In the next breath, I saw a cloud of almost transparent black smoke from the dark cloud that shrouded that side. At first, it was slow and wandering slowly, gradually accelerating, and flickering like lightning, flying towards Chen Zong.

Just a moment, the almost transparent black mist seemed to turn into an off-string arrow, and it shot through the void silently and steadily. It took tens of thousands of meters, compared to the instant sword cast by Chen Zong. I'm even many times faster.

But it's just a short breath, that black ray

The sharp arrows of the mist pierced the sky. As if there was a mang on his back, Chen Zong was unconsciously stiff and cold all over the body. Even the Yuanshen seemed to be frozen and could not function.

It seems that I can only wait for death.

When he was in danger, the magical heart suddenly burst into an overwhelming force, immediately using his own strength to drive Chen Zong's body, and instantly plunged into the void. The speed was faster than Chen Zong's instantaneous sword sword. It's tens of times hundreds of times faster.

Only in an instant, he got rid of the black fog arrow that was shot and killed.

Almost, just a little worse, they will be shot.

The power of the outbreak of the magic heart, carrying Chen Zong's body away at a hundred times speed, is not impossible, but Chen Zong's body cannot bear it. Such a speed is already the limit that Chen Zong can bear.

The black fog arrow fell, but did not hit the ground, but it was a momentary moment, showing the amazing control of that super-human, even if he just hit it casually, did not care so much, and the main mind was not put here , But still under control.

Then, I saw a roll of black mist turned into a black mist snake with a swaying body, as if chasing into the void, chasing away at a faster speed.

The person he wants to kill will not be escaped in this way, especially the other party is only a small Yuanming Realm, a cricket ant.

If it were escaped by such a cricket ant, wouldn't it be too detrimental to his superhuman idiot.

However, he did not pursue with all his heart and soul, a pursuit of strength was enough.

Chen Zong only felt that he was constantly moving forward, the speed was indescribably fast, faster than imaginary, everything around was going backwards, going backwards so fast that his superman's perception was distorted and became very fuzzy. .

It ’s like traveling through time and space, and that amazing power pulls on his body, although there is a layer of power protection ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But as time goes by, the pulling power keeps stacking up, making Chen Zong feel like his body To be torn apart.

Continue, maybe the body may be torn, then tragedy.

However, the magic heart didn't mean to stop at all, because the Black Mist Snake kept coming, getting closer and closer, the crisis struck, and the body was uncomfortable, Chen Zong must also bear it.

Fortunately, the gods of the world are arrogant enough to withstand a greater load, otherwise they will simply leave the food.

"Chen Zong, hold back, I want to burst into an extremely fast moment." Feeling the black mist snake approaching at an alarming speed, the magic heart said immediately.

This means that his body may really be torn apart and die directly, and even the Yuanshen can't save it and just die.

"Okay." Chen Zong looked extremely dignified. He knew very well that if he couldn't get away, there would only be a dead end.

Therefore, I had to fight hard.

At least, this is your choice, and there is hope for life, but if you don't do this, you will be deadly chased by the black mist snake.

One is 100% dead, and the other is 50% that may not die. Even a fool, you should know how to choose.

When Chen Zong's words fell, a tear to the extreme pain seemed to come from the outside, tearing and tearing his body completely, and the pain was like the deepest from the body. .

It's like being inside and outside, as if being thrown into a meat grinder, twirling frantically and completely shredding the body.

The pain is beyond the tolerance of Chen Zong. Chen Zong ’s will is amazing, far beyond other geniuses of the same cultivation, but such an amazing will can not bear such pain. .

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