Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 9: Sword repair in the Middle Ages (2)

Under the shroud of unknown Kendo, all the power of Chen Zong was suppressed, and only one sword technique could be used.

Sword Qi, condensed within the sword domain, filled with amazing direct Mori killing, as if the sword of the peerless swordsman in the hands of the general, a volley, straight into the sky, sharp and amazing.

宗 Chen Zong's eyes were sharp, his eyes penetrated the candlelight, and he slashed with a sword.

At the moment when Jian Qi and Jian Guang fought, Chen Zong only felt the trembling of the sword body, and was almost blown away, but the sword Qi was also broken by Chen Zong's sword.

After being broken, Wu Jianqi left behind a ray of subtle and pure power, as if it were a non-proprietary source of sword qi, submerged into Chen Zong's body and lurking down.

Chen Zong felt it carefully and didn't find where the slightest pure sword qi was.

Since you ca n’t find it, just ignore it and move on.

The more you go forward, the more Chen Zong can feel the pressure, making his footsteps heavier.

Jian Qi condensed and shot through the air. The sharp sharpness was extremely amazing, which made Chen Zong's body cold.


With the exquisite sword technique, Chen Zong shattered that sword qi again, leaving behind a ray of extremely pure original sword qi, which merged into Chen Zong's body and disappeared.

Unconsciously, Chen Zongjin sent a thousand meters, but did not see the end, or the source, released the source of this Kendo field.

Since there is a Kendo field, naturally it cannot be rootless duckweed. It must have its source.

For example, if you release the field of kendo yourself, you must have your own, otherwise, where does the field come from?

For one thousand meters, although the sight is blocked and cannot be seen too far, it is easy to see that one or two kilometers, so there is a distance of three kilometers, but I still don't see any source of kendo.

With continuous advancement, the greater the pressure on Chen Zong, the more solid the condensed sword energy, and the more powerful it became.

Two kilometers!

Three kilometers!

I counted the sight, there were five kilometers, but Chen Zong still found nothing.

Four kilometers!

Five kilometers!

The sword air has changed a lot. It is no longer just a sword air, but the sword air condenses into a faint figure, as if it were a swordsman. The toes lightly touch the ground, and the body seems to lose all weight. The volley stabbed.

Xuan Jianguang broke through the air and condensed into a straight line, as if it were a sharp line of sky.

Compared with the previous sword qi, the power of this sword is much improved.

Only momentarily, the faint figure formed by the condensed sword has broken through with a sword and stabbed across tens of meters to tell Chen Zong to have a feeling of being pierced.

With a look of Chen Zong's expression, this sword seems simple, but it is extremely mysterious, as if the sword style of the sword is maximized, and its power is thoroughly tapped.

I only repair this sword, when it can pierce the world.

If you are stabbed, you will definitely be injured or even die.

宗 Chen Zong responded very quickly, a sword rushed away, and a sword stabbed out.

A simple sword stabbed out, but the mystery was exerted to the extreme, as if this sword can penetrate everything.

At the moment when the sword stabbed, Chen Zong immediately felt a terrible sharp sword invasion through the sword body, and seemed to pierce his arms and body.

Xeon Faith!

I will never retreat!

Jianqi, suddenly broken, Chen Zongyi sword drove straight in, permeating the faint figure formed by the sword energy.

With a sword in his hand, he stepped forward. Although the pressure was getting heavier and his steps were getting slower, he became more and more firm.

剑 This sword-qi figure was broken by Chen Zongyi sword, leaving only a pure sword-qi into the body.

He stomped his feet, moved it forward, and then fell, as if carrying a heavy weight on his body, extremely heavy.

Chen Rao was so, Chen Zong still did not stop and kept moving forward.

I walked 10,000 meters, but still did not see the existence of this Kendo area, as if it did not exist.

Although still not found, Chen Zong can already be sure that the sword repair in the field of kendo is really afraid that it will fall.

It is just that after the fall, it is still able to release such an amazing area of ​​kendo. I don't know how strong it was before his death. It is simply inestimable.

He continued to march again, and encountered the interception of Jianqi. After a fierce battle, Chen Zong added several wounds to his body. These were the wounds left by the sharp sword Qi chop. Can't heal.

Under the repression of this kendo area, not only was its own power suppressed, but its superb self-healing ability was also suppressed to the lowest point.

Finally, Chen Zong saw the source of the release of Kendo.

I just, Chen Zong was surprised.

He is not a human, but a sword, a black sword with a whole body, directly inserted on the ground, and the part exposed to the ground is more than one meter long, and the blade has a wide palm.

宗 Chen Zong's eyesight is amazing. You can see that the palm-shaped inky sword is covered with strange patterns. The lines are crisscrossed and crisscrossed, as if condensed into a series of characters.

Chen Zong could not understand the character, because it was not a character of the ancient era, but a character of the medieval era.

Although he couldn't understand, Chen Zong could still see that the characters were extremely mysterious, each of them contained inexplicable power, supernatural and unpredictable.

It is this sword that releases the realm of Kendo.

I used Chen Jian to release the kendo realm. What a means to let Chen Zong secretly guess.

"The master of this sword should be the master of Kendo." The demon heart spoke out in a very positive tone.

The Tatars have fallen, leaving only one sword here, and released the repression of the kendo area in all directions, with a tens of thousands of meters of kendo area, exceeding Chen Zong many times.

Of course, the kendo area dominated by a kendo can not only have tens of thousands of meters in radius, but the kendo master has fallen, leaving only a long sword here, which is not at the peak of his life.

This is the case in Chen Rao. This area of ​​kendo also makes Chen Zong unable to compete, and his strength is suppressed. It is terrible.

Looking at the black giant sword, Chen Zong can feel that the breath fluctuating from the giant sword is obviously the breath of qi.

In other words, the owner of this sword should be a ghost sword.

The so-called Mingjian Xiu is a sword-based meditation.

This sword is exactly a sword left by the master of the sword, and should be its own sword.

The swords that I carry with me all stay here and fall, the ghost sword master dominates, it is estimated that they really fell.

Chen Zong walked forward step by step, slowly approaching the black giant sword.

The closer I came, the stronger the sword pressure became, and it was so difficult for Chen Zongcun to walk. I just felt the constant impact of the sword pressure, all the time, no dead ends.


I directly suppress myself in general.

One hundred meters!

Chen Zong just advanced to about one hundred meters away from the giant sword, and felt powerless, unable to survive.

Sword pressure!

I was too strong, so strong that Chen Zong could not resist.

The distance of one hundred meters is the current upper limit, but although he can no longer move forward, Chen Zong does not intend to retreat, but insists on seeing if he can continue to move forward.

When unable to persist, Chen Zong will retreat, even the coverage of the tens of thousands of meters of kendo area.

When Chen Zong exited the kendo realm, Chen Zong immediately felt a force of repression, as if unblocked, and became very active like a tiger out of the gate.

The power of puppets is surging in the body, and this feeling is very beautiful, as if lost and recovered.

For practitioners, their own strength is the most important. Once they have mastered a good force through cultivation, they can be distinguished from the ordinary, above the ordinary, and chase the higher and farther paths. Climb higher mountains and enjoy more views.

But, after experiencing that kind of beauty, I lost it and couldn't bear it.

[31 Novel Network] Chen Zongxin rejoices when power is lost and regained, but Chen Zong is not so excited. Losing power and gaining power again is a kind of sharpening of his mind.

宗 Chen Zong's mind is strong and will not be affected by the obvious impact. Besides, the feeling of losing this power is not the first experience, but many times.

The light road is familiar, the old horse is familiar.

At the same time, with the unblocking of his own power, Chen Zong also felt that the pure sword qi that had entered his body before, even turned into operation, and slowly merged into his sword element.

This sword element is the sword element cultivated by Jianyuan Gong in the beginning of the Taiyuan period. It is extremely pure, but as the extremely pure sword energy merges into it, the original pure sword element also slowly develops a mystery. The change.

宗 Chen Zong carefully observes that this kind of change is beyond his control, but ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in perception, it should be changing in a good direction.

I seem to have something in Jianchu in the beginning.

Chen Zong is watching, so is the demon heart.

Jain is purely integrated into Jianyuan as if it were the original sword. When all is incorporated, Chen Zong can feel his Jianyuan. Although the power has not improved, it seems to be more rounded.

"Missing the gap," the magic heart whispered, surprised.

Chen Zong's realm is not clever enough, he can only feel that he has benefited, but what kind of benefit it is, he can't see it for a while, he can only realize it slowly.

However, Moxin was the top Taoist deity during his lifetime. His knowledge is not comparable to that of Chen Zong, who has the memory of the master of the Dongting Sword.

After all, what belongs to others belongs to others, even if you know it clearly, it is not really what you have experienced.

A few words from the Demon Heart, combined with the current situation, immediately let Chen Zong know that he really got great benefits and filled the vacancy.

Make up the defects in Jianyuan, make up the defects in the skills.

Of course, Chen Zong ’s sword sword power in the beginning is actually not incomplete, and there may be some deficiencies, but that will be continuously made up with Chen Zong's cultivation and enlightenment until he is perfect.

The so-called incompleteness does not exist.

But the current gap filling is not the kind of deficiency, but a kind of filling in the essential sense, which is to improve the essence of Jianchu and Taiyuan Jianyuan.

Because those sword qi are from the Middle Ages, a sword qi source dominated by the sword sword practice, and meditation is the mainstream practice of the medieval era.

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