Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 10: Sword repair in the Middle Ages (3)

"It is rumored that the practice of this era has been passed down from the ancient times, the ancient times, the Middle Ages to the modern times, but the practice of each small era will have some changes, different from other small eras."

"If the tradition of cultivation can be gathered in the four epochs, it will be truly perfect."

只是 "It's just a pity that many powerful people have tried it, but no one succeeded."

"And you are so lucky to be able to get these opportunities."

The demon heart said sentence by sentence, making Chen Zong surprised.

I'm really lucky to be lucky.

It's just a pity that the so-called round missed fills the original sword qi of the Middle Ages with too little, too little, and the promotion of his own sword primal is very small and very limited.

宗 Chen Zong decides to enter the area of ​​Kendo again to see if he can continue to obtain the original sword energy left by Hei Jianxiu.

When Chen entered the realm of Kendo again, Chen Zong felt that his strength had been suppressed again and could not move.

Jian Qi condensed, killed in the air, but was crushed by Chen Zong, a trace of the original sword qi, integrated into Chen Zong's body, lurking down.

This time, Chen Zong did not look for it anymore, because he already knew.

go ahead!

Continue to move forward, continue to chop sword Qi, and continuously harvest the original sword Qi.

Chen Zong came to the giant sword again, separated by a hundred meters.

But Chen Zong frowned slightly: "Senior Demon Heart, do you feel that the scope and suppression of this kendo area seems to have narrowed and weakened a little."

"Well, the scope of kendo is indeed narrowed, and its repressive power is also weakened." The magic heart answered with a positive tone.

"Is it because I absorbed the relationship between the source sword energy?" Chen Zong guessed.

As for whether it is, try it once to know.

Chen Zong retired from the scope of Kendo, and he recovered his strength and merged into the primordial sword energy of his body. He also reintegrated into his original sword sword element and filled the gap again.

Strictly speaking, this kind of defect is not a defect of Gongfa, but a defect of the era, or a defect of a small era.

After all the primordial qi of the dark attributes were incorporated into Chen Zong's early sword Yuan, Chen Zong felt that his sword Yuan seemed to be more rounded, and he was more handy.

踏 Step into the realm of Kendo again, move forward, crush sword energy, and gain sword energy.

When Chen Zong reached the place of the giant sword again, he stood still.

"Senior Demon, the scope of this kendo area has really narrowed, and its coercion has indeed weakened some." Chen Zongning Shinto.

"Well, maybe, it is the relationship between you that absorbed the original sword energy." The demon heart said, immediately looking through the body of Chen Zong, looking at the huge black sword: "The original sword energy should be from that huge sword." From the above, if you can get that huge sword, it will be of great help to you to make up for the lack of sword elements. "

宗 Chen Zong nodded and tried to approach the giant sword again, but, however, at a distance of ninety-nine meters, he could no longer proceed, and the sword pressure was too strong.

However, it was a hundred meters before and now it is ninety-nine meters, which is indeed an improvement.

I can also say that the field of kendo is weakening.

In this case, Chen Zong once again exited the Kendo field, stepped in again, and so on again and again and again, constantly acquiring the original sword energy, constantly absorbing it and refining it. In the beginning, Jianyuan also changed a little bit. An essential change, although each time is very weak, but the number of times, the effect is still obvious when added up.

Each time, the range of the kendo area is reduced, and the sword pressure is weakened.

Ninety-eight meters!

Ninety-seven meters!

Ninety-six meters!

When he was tired, Chen Zong stopped to rest and regained his strength and spirit while learning swordsmanship.

Entering this area of ​​Kendo, he could not motivate other forces. He could only show basic swordsmanship. In this way, Chen Zong's swordsmanship foundation was gradually improving.

Chen Zong's sword foundation is extremely solid, and he wants to further improve it. The difficulty is astonishing. It is ten times more difficult than Xiuwei's improvement. Repeatedly refining the basis of his swordsmanship, he went one step further at a hundred feet.

If this step of improvement is to be done in peacetime, it will take many years.

This is an additional benefit.

After resting, his spirit was restored, and his physical strength was restored. Chen Zong continued to enter the kendo area.

Repeated over and over again, as if there is no end, this is undoubtedly boring. Time is longer and more than one time, it will inevitably make people feel tired. From physical to mental fatigue, Chen Zong forgets everything else. The operation is also based on the deduction of swordsmanship, and sinks into it with all his heart, like being drunk, like crazy.

In this way, Chen Zong will not feel bored, and don't care how much time elapses, or even how much he quits and enters.

Eighty meters!

Seventy meters!

Sixty meters!

Fifty meters!

Every time one more approached the giant sword, Chen Zong had to withdraw and enter at least twice, that is, each time, when he could advance half a meter away.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of Chen Zong, when he reached ten meters away from the giant sword, he could see the lines on the giant sword, which became clearer and more eye-catching.

The sword pattern was extremely mysterious. When Chen Zong stared at a close distance, he could feel an indescribable mystery permeating in it, but not fascinating.

However, with his extraordinary understanding, he could not even comprehend the mystery for a while.

"There are still ten meters." Chen Zongshou stared, and then backed out again.

Compared with the first time, the scope of the kendo area has narrowed a lot, less than half of that time.

Exit, enter, then exit again, then enter again.

This time, Chen Zong marched to a place half a meter away from the giant sword, but that half a meter was like a heavenly beast, so Chen Zong couldn't cross it.

The sword pressure was amazing.

The area of ​​Jian Kendo has been reduced to less than one kilometer.

I withdrew and Chen Zong took a short break to restore the spirit and body that was almost overdrawn.

When his spirit was fully restored and his physical strength was completely restored, Chen Zong once again stepped into the realm of Kendo.

He walked forward, all the sword spirits suddenly condensed, but instead of directly attacking and killing as before, he floated around, spaced a distance from Chen Zong.

More and more sword qi condensed, one after another converged to the middle, and finally condensed into a figure, slowly solidified.

It was a figure emitting a faint black light, holding a sword, standing in front of Chen Zong, and saw that his right sword was pointing obliquely to the ground, with his left hand on his back, standing quietly, motionless, blurred faces, a pair of faint His eyes gazed at Chen Zong.

Chen Zong only felt that he was staring and locked, and a little chill permeated from the depths of his body.

He didn't speak, and he didn't have any words. The black light figure suddenly lifted a sword, and Jian Guang broke through to kill.

剑 Silent sword, but exquisite, indescribable, so that Chen Zong has a feeling that can not be avoided anyway.

Wu Mingming is just a very ordinary sword, only a basic sword, not a trick, nor any terrible and extraordinary powers, but it called Chen Zong to have an unavoidable feeling.

I was very strange. The sword was extremely fast, killing me instantly, and could not tolerate the slightest hesitation of Chen Zong.

I didn't even have time to think about it, Chen Zong had followed the instinct to practice his sword to meet.

The blades clashed, and Mars splashed away. However, the double swords were not ejected, but instead, the shocking force was removed in a wonderful way of unloading. The hard and straight long sword seemed to turn into soft fingers in an instant. , Become extremely flexible, instantly shuttle, killing each other.

The sword's body, from the moment of constant collision, the force of force, combined into a stream of dense sounds like rain hitting a banana.

Wu Jianguang raged and surrounded all directions, surrounded them densely, as if woven into silk.

宗 Chen Zong concentrated all his mind, opened up his heart and mind, and was extremely focused. He captured all the movements around him, as if he could “see” the opponent ’s sword.

Wu Xuan is extremely wonderful. These swordsmanships are better than their own. If they are not dedicated, Chen Zong estimates that it is difficult for them to support them for a long time.

Xunyixinshu belongs to the skill, unlike the skill like Taichu Jianyuangong, which does not have any direct attack and lethality, it is like an auxiliary, so it will not be suppressed by this kendo field.

This was the case with Chen Rao, and Chen Zong was also injured. He was chopped by the opponent ’s sword and was directly wounded.

Chen Jian was torn and wounded, and a burst of cold breath invaded it, which made Chen Zong feel very uncomfortable, but Chen Zong held it down and seemed to feel the same.

Sword technique is also further improved unknowingly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seems that its own potential is under this pressure, a little bit excited, and then transformed into the basis of swordsmanship.


Endless promotion!

When Chen Zong's sword wounds were as many as twenty or more, Chen Zong's sword skill foundation also rose to a whole new level. It seemed to break his sword skill limit and enter a new and more superb realm.

But, that state is beyond words, and Chen Zong does not know how to break through, perhaps with the help of external pressure?

I just, this person's sword can no longer put much pressure on himself, and has been on par with himself.


The swordsmanship of the opponent has a mysterious and unpredictable, but it also contains a kind of upright feeling, very contradictory, but perfectly integrated into one.

In this battle, Chen Zong's spirit and body have undergone a double test, with extremely high intensity, as if reaching a limit, a critical point.

I struggled for a long time, and my mental will and physical strength reached the limit, as if the steel wire was about to break.

宗 Chen Zong's eyes are extremely condensed, and the light is shining, staring at the other side, as if seeing through everything.

In a hurry, Jingman burst like a scorching sun. The sword trembled in an instant, the frequency was too high, and it broke a boundary, and it seemed to break the void.

Make every effort to bet on all your spiritual will and physical strength, and bet on unbelievable beliefs, killing with one sword, the sword light, bright, to the extreme, like the noonday sun, and it seems like a sacrifice life passing by The meteor is unique and unparalleled.

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