Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 18: Warnings and threats

Even though there is so much resentment, Yu Nianxin left Bingfeng City and returned to Binghuangdao.

When he left, Chen Zong took out thirty low-level Tianming Baodan and ten middle-level Tianming Baodan to Yu Nianxin. The thirty low-level Tianming Baodan should be enough for Yu Nianxin to inspire a lot of potential. The cultivation is promoted to the extreme of the imperial realm, and can assist the stimulation and awakening of blood vessels.

I have tried it before. A low-level Tianming Baodan is enough to inspire Yu Nianxin's 50% of the potential inspired by the breakthrough from the sub-level to the imperial realm. Two can be equivalent to the sub-level breakthrough to the imperial power. The potential inspired by circumstances is amazing.

In addition, Tianmingguo's awakening of Yu Nianxin's blood power can also play a role, although it is not as good as the Awakening Dan of Bingsheng Palace, so think of it, Tianming Baodandang also has the effect of assisting the awakening of blood power. It can completely surpass Tian Mingguo, maybe it can be compared with Awakening Dan.

As for the effect of the high-level Tianming Baodan, it is very difficult for Chen Zong to take it by himself. Yu Nianxin is not suitable for taking it now.

Hoe, looked at Bingfeng City, here, left a deep and beautiful memory.

I look at him, Chen Zong is about to rise from the air, and then, when he is looking for a suitable place, practice well, and try his best to improve.

Another point is that there are dozens of Tianming Wangguo left. Before leaving the ancient ruins, I got some high-level fuming cores. I can refine a few high-level tianming baodans.

It's time to settle.

But when Chen Zonggang flew not far from Bingfeng City, a figure appeared abruptly in front of him, blocking Chen Zong.

"You stared at me for so long, it finally appeared." Staring at the figure in front of him, Chen Zong had no accidents. As early as in Bingfeng City, when he was wandering with Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong was keenly aware that someone was Staring secretly at himself seemed to be monitoring, but Yu Nianxin didn't notice it.

情况 The situation at the time, Chen Zong did not want to take the initiative to interrupt the leisurely time, that is a rare enjoyment, unless the person watching in secret appeared.

However, the other party did not show up, but until now, did not show up to intercept.

The person who intercepted Chen Zong was a powerful man with divine power. He was meant to be the guard around King Ao Sheng. He was tall and strong, but his appearance was very ordinary. It belongs to the kind that is difficult to find in the crowd. Types of.

This is the appearance of a middle-aged person. He stopped Chen Zong and showed no expression, but when he heard Chen Zong's words, he was secretly shocked. He did not expect that his own tracking was discovered by the other party.

But I didn't think about it, but the opponent was guarded by a Taoist powerhouse. It must be the means left by the Taoist powerhouse to remind him.

I don't know, the magic heart did not remind Chen Zong, but Chen Zong himself discovered it with super strong perception.

Alas, what about that respectable powerhouse?

Since I stared at each other, I haven't found the Taoist powerhouse yet. I don't seem to follow?

Even so, this person did not dare to deal with Chen Zong. Who knows if Chen Zong's body has the means and strength left by the Taoist strong.

In case he really wants to take a shot and is counterattacked by Dao Zun's power, he will undoubtedly die.

"You are far away from Yu Nianxin." Ao Qi, the supernatural power, said coldly, his voice was vigorous and low, as if a giant bell rang, shaking in all directions, but did not spread, but was controlled in a certain range Inside, Chen Zong was enveloped, and constant shocks rang in Chen Zong's ears.


I tried it again and again. Although this Ao Qi didn't do it directly, this method also made Chen Zong uncomfortable.

I just said that although Chen Zong felt that the sound was very loud and shocked like a deafening sound, he was not affected much.

The strong mental will and mind are strong enough to resist.

"Who are you speaking on behalf of?" Chen Zong asked, after turning his thoughts.

"It has nothing to do with you, you just need to remember, stay away from Yu Nianxin, don't cause yourself unnecessary trouble, some people can't offend you." Ao Qi warned again, in the tone, even bring A little threatening.

"Hehe." Chen Zong smiled disapprovingly.

Hearing Chen Zong's laughter and seeing the unintended look on Chen Zong's face, the corner of Ao Qi's eyes jumped slightly, his eyebrows frowned, and a rage continued to irritate from the bottom of his heart. Out, turned into a strong killing, directly slap Chen Zong to death, pat into meat sauce, pat into powder.

However, he held back and did not dare to take the shot, fearing to cause a counterattack of Taoist power.

"I have already brought the words, you better obey, otherwise, you will find your own way to death." Ao Qi finally did not dare to take any action, and ended up with a ruthless sentence and turned away.

As for whether he really left, Chen Zong was not sure, at least, there was no feeling of being followed.

"Who sent this person in the end?" Chen Zong looked away, thinking while flying in the air.

However, without sufficient information, Chen Zong could not sort out any clues for a while and could not think of who he was.

But one thing is for sure, it should be the people of the ice holy palace, and it can lock the people who are the ice dragon road.

In addition, it was difficult for Chen Zong to extrapolate more information.

As for now, I can't think of so much, find a place to practice well, try my best to improve everything, improve combat power, and become more powerful.

This world, this side of the void, only combat power is eternal, strong enough combat power, can be in charge of everything, not be controlled by others.

Only strong enough, don't dare to provoke yourself at will. Where can there be such a situation now that somehow someone has come to warn him of the threat.

Ran Aoqi did not continue to monitor Chen Zong, but quickly returned to the Ice Dragon Road, and told all the details he had seen to Ao Shengwang in detail.

Another Ao Liu also mobilized the intelligence of the Ao family, found out some of the situation of Chen Zong, and sent it to the hands of King Ao Sheng.

King Ao Sheng looked at the information in his hand, and frowned immediately, not much, and found little about Chen Zong.

He just knew that the other party was the cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm, the true disciple of Xinyi Tiangong, the fifth true biography of Yixingong and Xinxindao, and the title of Wushen Sword in the Xinyitiangong existed to break the record.

As for the identity of Daozi, because the Daozi Grand Ceremony has not yet been opened, the Mind of Heaven has not been announced, and Chen Zong has not said it.

So there is only so much information that can be found.

"Wushuang Divine Sword, a big name." Wang Aosheng sneered sneerly: "Is the title of No. 1 heavenly palace, no wonder, there will be Taoist strong men to protect them."

However, even so, Wang Aosheng will not have any fear, because he is confident, his talents and strength, even if he is a disciple who is equally trained in the mind of Heaven, he will not be inferior.

Wushuang Divine Sword, the title sounds great, but the strength is only known after the battle.

Although, what happened to Binghuangdao before, Ao Shengwang already knows, and the first secret biography of the red phoenix on Binghuangdao is not as good as its own. Today's strength of Binghuangdao is at the level of disciples. On the whole, it is not as good as Ice Dragon Road.

However, that Yu Nianxin has the potential. Once the bloodline of Bingyan Tianhuang is fully awakened, it will advance by leaps and bounds. By then, maybe he can lose the advantage of Binglong Road compared to himself.

However, if Yu Nianxin becomes his own person, then all advantages will be on his own side. In the future, Bingsheng Palace will be in his control.

Top-level star-level forces!

How stupid and tempting it is to be in charge of the top-level star-level forces in the party.

I thought for a moment that Wang Aosheng was trembling with excitement and his face turned red. That was his goal since he was a child. He would fight for it and do everything possible.

The Bingbing Holy Star is very large, and most of the better mountains are occupied by people. It was not appropriate for Chen Zong to choose a place for cultivation.

I looked around, and it took Chen Zong a few days to find a relatively remote and pretty good place as a temporary cave house. After opening up some layouts, he started to practice.

From the Taixu Shenxu, Chen Zong has been inherited by the Taixu Shenmen's low-order middle and high-order lineages. Now, he has mastered it with his extraordinary understanding and understanding. Maybe he wants to arrange some powerful arrays. For a while, it was difficult to do.

However, it is not difficult to arrange some vigilante and trapped enemy formations, it is only necessary to remind yourself when someone approaches, and to confuse and trap the opponent for a little time.

In fact, there is a magic heart, Chen Zong can practice with all his heart and mind, no need to worry, but Chen Zong has become accustomed to doing things, it is better to rely on his own ability first, for this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Magic Heart Also agreed.

The monastic protection is not permanent after all.

After arranging the formation, Chen Zong entered the cave and quickly dismissed the thoughts. Chen Zong began to take Tianming Baodan for taking.

This time, Chen Zong will take the high-level Tianming Baodan directly. Although it will be very hard, the potential for inspiration will be more and it will help him more.

As for the middle-level Tianming Baodan, to be honest, the potential that it has stimulated is not enough, while for the low-level Tianming Baodan, Chen Zong is totally indifferent.

After taking the first high-level Tianming Baodan, Chen Zong fully cooperated with refining. After the honing of the Kendo area where the Middle Ages Kendo dominated the Moon Moon Breeze, Chen Zong's overall strength was stronger. Baodan is easier, but the process also makes Chen Zong feel uncomfortable.

The first one was taken and the refining was finished. Chen Zong felt the potential was surging. Soon, he took the second one and was excited again.

Then, take the third and fourth tablets!

Chen Zongfang stopped until he took the tenth high-level Tianming Baodan, because the body has a lot of potential, just like the tide, as if to break through all obstacles and break out of the body's restraint.

Chen Zong knows that it can't be excited anymore, at least not now, otherwise, it may cause harm, otherwise it will cause potential loss.


Now, when it ’s time to cultivate with all your heart and soul, do your best to transform the endless potential into cultivation, realm, power of the road, etc., and turn it into a nourishment for the improvement of your own combat power to make yourself stronger.


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