Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 19: There is no shortage of manpower (Part 1)

In the Binghuang Road, Yu Nianxin practiced with all his strength, and quickly transformed the potential inspired by Tianming Baodan into practice, and assisted the blood awakening.

After the potential that was stimulated was refined by Yu Nianxin, he was cultivated as a breath surging, layer by layer, and increasingly approached the limit of the nine revolutions of the imperial realm, and the awakening of the bloodline was a little more and closer to the first Awakening.

"The low-level Tianming Baodan's awakening effect on the blood veins is not lost to the Awakening Dan in the palace." Yu Nianxin was secretly surprised.

Of course, the Awakening Dan of Bingsheng Palace has more than one level, but there are two levels. One is the ordinary Awakening Dan, which is called the Little Awakening Dan, and the other is the Big Awakening Dan.

What I have taken before is Little Awakening Dan. It is not easy to redeem it. As for the Great Awakening Dan, it is more difficult to exchange it. It is ten times better than the Little Awakening Dan, even if it is red phoenix. At the level of sister, it is not easy to exchange for Great Awakening.

Nowadays, the effect of the low-level Tianming Baodan is not inferior to that of the Little Awakening Dan, and it can also stimulate its potential, which is incomparable to the Little Awakening Dan.

"On this day, I want to complete the first awakening." Yu Nian is full of confidence and full of motivation. Only when he becomes stronger can he be qualified to walk alongside Chen Zong. Otherwise, he can only become a burden. Even if Chen Zong didn't think so, she didn't want to.

Martyrs, you need to be close to each other in order to really be.

As long as the first blood awakening is completed, by then, there is a great possibility of being qualified to prepare for the Tao and have the ability to participate in the real Tao dispute.


Continue to take out the low-level Tianming Baodan and take it. As for the middle-level Tianming Baodan, according to Chen Zong, the load will be very large, and he will not take it for the time being. Yu Nianxin is not a radical personality.

If it is absolutely necessary, she will not do something contrary to her character.

Uh ...

The potential is like a tidal wave like a sea tide, which is endlessly stirred in the body, as if to break through the restraint and restraint of the body, and emits a burst of roar, like the roar of a blue dragon, like a sea of ​​immense force.

However, such a magnificent force was completely confined in the body and continuously refined by Chen Zong.

With this power, Chen Zong wholeheartedly participated in enlightenment, enlightened the Kendo of the heart, and improved the field of Kendo.

The Middle Ages ’supreme Kendo dominates the supreme inheritance of Hidden Moon: The World of Swords, this inheritance, unpredictable, extremely mysterious, Chen Zong took a long time to reluctantly get started, but to cultivate, the first condition is mastery Ten thousand meters of kendo area.

10,000-meter sword domain, that is the most basic requirement, the sword domain is less than 10,000 meters, you can only think about it.

After the first condition is met, the sword world cannot be cultivated because there is a second condition and so on.

But now I ca n’t consider that much. I ’m still going to raise the kendo area to the level of 10,000 meters. I do n’t know if it ’s possible to practice the sword world. Chen Zong pays for himself, his conventional combat power will be improved a lot again, and the ultimate combat power will naturally be increased accordingly.

As for the power borrowed by the gods through the law, the power that does not belong to oneself after all, can not be used normally in order to avoid the formation of dependence.

Of course, once you encounter a powerful enemy that you can't match, you should borrow it. Chen Zongke is not so pedantic.

Every effort to perceive and improve, the mystery of Kendo of the heart was excavated a little bit by Chen Zong, and it became deeper and deeper, and the scope of the Kendo field was also improved a little bit.

之下 Under the potential is active, the communication with the origin of the external avenue becomes clearer and the effect of enlightenment is better, ten times more than usual, which is very amazing.

Such an improvement allows Chen Zong to feel his own progress, and he can't help but be addicted.

Belongs to the original breath of Kendo. It is stripped away a little and merges into Chen Zong's kendo of the heart. The kendo of the heart is improving and the potential has also been developed.

After exhausting all the potential of excitement, Chen Zong can feel that his understanding and mastery of the Kendo of the heart is quite obvious.

After a short break, Chen Zong drew his sword. After practicing several swordsmanships, he took the high-level Tianming Baodan again to stimulate the potential. After reaching his own upper limit, he once again learned the kendo of the heart and improved the kendo. field.

The 7,000-meter kendo area reached eight kilometers, and then stopped, and could no longer be improved.

"Did Xiu be the upper limit?" Chen Zong could not help frowning.

Participation in the mystery of the avenue is not unlimited, or in other words, the avenue is unlimited and manpower is poor.

The powerful gods can understand and master the mystery of the avenue. However, it is closely related to the cultivation of the realm. The higher the cultivation, the more stable the foundation, the easier it is to understand the avenue, and the more you can improve the avenue.

分级 If the roads are classified, it is not easy for Yu Dao Jing to understand the first level, but if Yuan Ming Realm is to go to the first level, it is easy.

Conversely, Yuan Ming's realm understanding of the second level is a bit difficult, so Yu Dao realm understanding of the second level is almost hopeless, not only because of the understanding, but also because the realm is not enough, and the contact and mystery of the avenue are not enough.

Like a bucket filled with water, the bucket is treated as a repair, and the water is used as a mystery force on the road. The amount of water that can be filled in a small bucket and a large bucket is completely different.

The eight-kilometer kendo area is the upper limit of your own cultivation in the Yuan Ming Realm. In other words, if you want to continue to improve, you must first make cultivation a breakthrough.

"Yuan Ning Realm can grasp and master the avenue realm, but most of the Yuan Ming Realms are cultivated to a complete state. The avenue realm can only reach one kilometer. A few Tianjiao can reach three kilometers. Kilometers. "The voice of the magic heart sounded:" There are some Gaidian Tianjiao that can exceed five kilometers, reach six kilometers, or even seven kilometers or even eight kilometers. As far as I know, at the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, there were people The mastery of avenues in the avenue is 10,000 meters, which is unprecedented in history. "

Even so, the magic heart is still very surprised, because Chen Zong is now only in the middle level of the Yuanming Realm, and the kendo area can reach eight kilometers. Then, at the high level of the Yuanming Realm, the kendo area reaches 10,000 meters. It is not difficult. At the level of Yuan Ming Realm, Chen Zong's kendo area will be able to surpass 10,000 meters.

Yan Zhen Shuo Jin!

For the situation that Kendo cannot continue to improve due to the limitation of cultivation, Chen Zong expressed a bit of helplessness and can only accept it.

Continue to practice, but this time, Chen Zong is wholeheartedly improving his practice.

The fourteenth primordial sword Yuan Gong runs endlessly. After filling the gap, the primordial sword Yuan Gong is more rounded. Its power may not be directly improved. However, the power consumed during the show is less and the recovery speed is also lower. A little faster.

Under the potential surge, Taiyuan Jianyuan ’s practice speed is much faster than usual, and Chen Zong can feel that his Qi practice is improving faster.

Renovation and the Avenue complement each other.

The avenue of enlightenment needs to be repaired to a certain degree, but conversely, when the avenue of enlightenment has reached a certain level, it can reciprocate the improvement of the practice and form a virtuous circle.

For this reason, when Chen Zong became aware of the kendo area to eight kilometers, Xiuwei's ascension would also be faster.

With the help of elixir and potential excitement, Chen Zongxiu's promotion speed is very amazing, and the speed of the fourteenth Taiji Jianyuan practice is extremely amazing.

There are no years in the mountain, I do n’t know how time passes, and Chen Zong did n’t pay attention. When he was practicing, he took a break, and after that he practiced swords. It seemed like a swordless practice of swords. Extreme, back to true.

After practicing sword, Chen Zong continued to practice and promote cultivation, so repeatedly over and over again, cultivation continued to improve, getting higher and higher, approaching the higher level of the Yuan Underworld.

"Now, it is already the peak of Yuanming Realm, breaking through 桎梏, when you can reach the high order of Yuanming Realm." Chen Zong secretly said, but thinking about it.

According to normal practice, breaking this 桎梏 is not a simple matter. It is estimated that it can take several years, even more than ten years.

Note that the more difficult it is to improve in the later stages, the more difficult it is to break through.

However, that time is a bit long, after all, my main purpose is not to break through cultivation, it is only incidental, but to cultivate the sword world.

Chen Zong's hunch that the practice of the sword world may take a lot of time.

"So, let's break through first." Chen Zong secretly made a decision.

One is to cultivate the sword world, and the other is because the enemies they encounter seem to be getting stronger and stronger, and they must have stronger strength to be able to resist ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If only one of the reasons, Chen Zong will not be so determined.

After all, forcing a breakthrough is not your own way of doing things. It has always been a breakthrough that has been accumulated to the extreme and then achieved.

The advantage of a forced breakthrough is that you can continue to enlighten Kendo and improve the field of kendo up to 10,000 meters. The disadvantage is that you must spend a lot of time to make up for the defects left by the forced breakthrough. Although it will not affect the performance of your own combat power, Will affect subsequent breakthroughs.

However, some side effects are within tolerance.

After weighing the pros and cons, Chen Zong finally decided to forcibly break through.

Accumulate, accumulate, and constantly mobilize oneself to cultivate strength, adjust one's state to the extreme, one arrogant strength, constantly diffuse from the body, and overlap, as if the waves are surging and surging, impacting in all directions, as if to be Destroy everything around.

"Break!" Immediately, Chen Zong completely restrained his strength, continually condensed and compressed into a sword light, a dazzling sword light, condensed to the extreme, unparalleled.

Xie Yijian was killed, carrying a terrible power, as if to penetrate everything between heaven and earth, piercing the mid-level Yuan Yuan to the high-level Yuan Yuan realm.

But this 桎梏 is very tough, because Chen Zong's very solid foundation makes it more difficult to break through the bottleneck.

A series of tremors trembled as if a thunder sound blew directly in the ears. The tremor caused Chen Zong to feel dizzy, and his blood swelled endlessly. However, he was almost injured. Fortunately, his body was strong enough to bear it. Otherwise, he would vomit blood directly. .

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