Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 20: There is no shortage of manpower (below)




Inside the Laoshan cave, the amazing sound of sword-sounding sounded like heaven and earth, turned into a heavy billowing sound wave, just like a tsunami, from the inside of Chen Zong's body, it was constantly turbulent, and then hit the surrounding cave walls.

Fortunately, the cave walls were also reinforced by Chen Zong with the force of formation. Otherwise, it could not be supported at all, and it might collapse. If Chen Zong was buried in this cave, it would not be fatal, but it would affect it. Your own cultivation.

He is another sword, as if condensing his life-long skills, penetrates, tears, and breaks.

That sacred level, after being attacked repeatedly by Chen Zong's life-long sword, was finally broken through a crack, the crack continued to expand, and the last sword was killed, as if burning.

In Chen Zong's ears, the grotesque cymbal drum sounded, as if it were a mighty thunder, which shocked the entire person almost to lose consciousness.

At the same time, the level from the middle level to the high level of Yuanming Realm was completely broken.

The invasion of Xuan Jian was like a bamboo shoot, and it was re-formed into a primitive sword Yuan, and the realm also broke through to the higher level of Yuan Ming Realm, making Chen Zong feel as if he had broken the fan cage, and there was a wider world.

Jian Taichu Jianyuan continued to move between them, and began to purify on his own, and continuously absorbed the vitality of the surrounding world, becoming more magnificent.

A few days and nights passed before Chen Zongfang stopped the operation of Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong, and the Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong, who was constantly carrying him, also slowly fell silent.

Xiuwei, has already broken through and initially consolidated in the high-level realm of Yuanming Realm, but it is only a new entry. Because of the relationship of forced breakthrough, it still takes a lot of time and energy to further consolidate, making up for what was left by the forced breakthrough. Only after a few flaws can you continue to improve until you are satisfied.

"Breakthrough is a breakthrough. Now, you can continue to enlighten the Kendo of the heart and improve the field of Kendo." Chen Zong's eyes are bright and bright like electric light.

Consolidation and make-up of Xiu Weiwei is not a overnight effort.

With the breakthrough, when Chen Zong came to enlighten the mystery of the Kendo of the heart again, he found that the **** had disappeared, and he could continue to enlighten more mystery, which means that the field of kendo can continue to improve.

之后 But after that, with the continuous improvement of kendo, Chen Zong found that he encountered a bottleneck again.

9,999 meters!

When the kendo area reached 9,999 meters, it got stuck. No matter how you got involved, you couldn't break through.

Chen Zong feels that this is not the upper limit of his own high level, but he can never break through, even if Chen Zong has tried to break through forcibly.

"The 10,000-meter field has always been a watershed." Devil Heart said with a sorrow.

Generally speaking, only the supernatural powers can practice the avenue in the avenue to 10,000 meters.

But 10,000 meters is a symbol. Whether the avenue area reaches 10,000 meters is a distinction between high and low.

境 In the metaphor of realm, the avenue area below 10,000 meters is like the entry level, and when it reaches 10,000 meters, it enters the small level.

"You need an opportunity." The magic heart said: "It is best to find external forces to stimulate."

Otherwise, it is estimated that it will take a lot of time for me to comprehend it by myself. Although the magic heart of this sentence is not explained, Chen Zong understands it.

Withdrawing from the formation and so on, Chen Zong left the place where she practiced for several months. As for Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong was not worried, because she transmitted to herself with the Nine Heavenly Circle, saying that Xiu Xiu had already reached the imperial realm. At the limit, the first awakening of the blood veins has reached a critical moment, and a deep retreat is prepared to fully awaken the blood veins and break through to the level of the Yuan Ning Realm.

多少 How long will it take for the retreat this time, Yu Nianxin also does not know, so first told Chen Zong, so that he does not have to worry about not being able to contact himself.

The area of ​​Kendo reaches 9,999 meters. It is necessary to break through 桎梏 and reach a higher level.

Excitation of external forces, in order to find opportunities, when you can find some places left by the Kendo strong to observe and enlighten, to inspire yourself.

Chen Zong entered a giant city and collected information.

The Bingbing Holy Star is very large, and various forces are also complete. There are also forces that specialize in buying and selling information. It only takes a small price to be able to buy a lot of information, which is much more convenient than slowly exploring it yourself.

Nowadays, Chen Zong's accumulation of wealth is incomparable to many supernatural powers. A little wealth is nothing at all.

"The Ice Sword Extinction is the place where the Ice Sword Emperor used to be a cave mansion. It has been shrouded by the Frost Sword for many years and has been affected by it. It has turned into a sword area, frozen vitality, and people should not be near." Information, decided to go to that ice sword extremity.

Frostblade Sword, is a Taoist strong, should not be a very powerful Taoist, but Taozun is Taoist, not a trivial matter, the remaining ice sword is also extraordinary, there are hundreds of Years old.

But according to information, the ice sword extinction area is continuously shrinking. It is estimated that in about a hundred years, it will truly disappear. By then, the ice sword extinction area will also become a thing of the past.

After all, the loss of blessing can not withstand the erosion of years, and it will eventually disappear.

What's more, many people who practice swords will go to the Ice Sword Extremity to observe and enlighten, which virtually accelerates the power consumption of the Ice Sword Extremity and makes its existence time continuously shorter.

This void is extremely vast. I don't know how many traces of seniors have been left. When those traces exist, they can inspire the practitioners, but they will eventually disappear.

Just, when it disappears, there will be new ones, just like life and death.

As long as there are practitioners in this void, the traces left by the predecessors will always be there.

After reading the information, Chen Zong decided to go to the ice sword extremity, which is the closest, and it is also one of the secret areas of the kendo area left by a few former strong men.

I left, immediately left the city, and quickly went to the valley where the ice sword extinction was located.

The temperature in the air is getting lower and lower, and the chill is getting deeper and deeper. The frost debris is pervading all around, floating more than ever.

But none of these can affect Chen Zong.

Finally, Chen Zong came to a snow-capped valley, and the entire valley was shrouded in snow, and the chill emanating from it was astonishing.

The farther inward, Bai Xue became thicker and thicker, and gradually transitioned to ice.

I continued to march inside, and Chen Zong began to see some people inside and seemed to be doing something.

Here is where the ice sword is.

At a glance, Chen Zong saw a giant sword, an ice sword with a huge sword, a hundred meters high, standing on the frozen ground, not inserted into the ground, but stood up from the frozen ground, It's like growing up.

The realm of Xun Bingjian's extinct is just from the huge ice sword, covering the surrounding area, which is exactly 10,000 meters.

This 10,000-meter kendo area is the kendo area left by the last Frost Sword Master. It will dissipate within a century.

Within the 10,000-meter kendo area, around dozens of huge ice swords, there are dozens of people sitting or sitting cross-legged, or standing like swords, or dancing slowly with swords, each of them enlightened in their own way. Mystery.

Chen Zong stepped into the Frost Sword Realm and immediately felt the repression. This repression belongs to the repression in any field. It is a kind of repressive force that will repair the strength, speed, and even the strength of the opponent. Strength and so on are suppressed to a lower level, reducing combat effectiveness.

The stronger the Qiongdao area, the more significant its repression.

The 10,000-meter ice sword area is obviously the second largest in the avenue area, and its suppression force naturally surpasses the first major area below 10,000 meters.

Regardless of the avenue, whether the avenue itself is strong or weak, the repression force is basically the same when it is in the same range, because that is only a force attached to the avenue field, not a real force.

However, the first-ranked avenue area only has the most common suppressive force. Only when it reaches the second level will the real power of the avenue area be initially shown.

For example, the second power of this Frost Sword Domain is Frozen, very cold, colder than other places.

Here, in addition to feeling the suppressed part of his strength and so on, Chen Zong also felt the breathtaking coldness of the ice. He constantly penetrated into the body from all sides, he could not stop it at all, and he could only resist by his own strength. Intangible, will consume more power.

Moreover, Chen Zong also felt that even his own Yuan Shen seemed to be affected in general, and the speed of thinking was also weakened ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The feeling was as if it was too cold, causing the brain to be dull same.

And this coldness, even the strong body of Chen Zong, feel uncomfortable, let alone other.

But Chen Zong was not afraid, but instead looked forward to more and more.

I do n’t know what kind of power will I have after breaking through to the second place in Kendo?

Chen Zong abandoned all thoughts and slowly approached the ice giant sword. The closer he got, the more he felt the chill and the stronger the attack. Therefore, Chen Zong stopped at about five kilometers, which is currently his own ability. The limit reached.

Begin to enlighten!

Chen Zong directly opened up the whole-hearted mood, and cooperated with the enlightenment, to carefully feel and capture the breath fluctuations of the ice sword domain, to feel it more clearly, to combine with each other, to confirm each other, the effect of enlightenment is better than the heart. Several times during enlightenment.

At the same time as enlightenment, the strength contained in that great ice sword is falling at a slight, imperceptible speed, a little bit. When the strength contained in it falls to the extreme, and it is consumed, it is this ice. When the Sword Realm disappeared, it was also when the Ice Sword Extinct disappeared.

The ice sword field emanating from the giant sword is like a nutrient, which is continuously absorbed and absorbed by others, and becomes a nutrition for others to grow.

From time to time, there are other sword repairs coming from the outside, stepping into the valley, and then entering into the ice sword domain, to understand the mysteries, and improve their kendo.

There are also sword repairs that cannot withstand the power of the Frost Sword Realm, and have to withdraw from the sword realm and rest. After recovering, they enter again, and so on and on.

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