Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 22: Heart of the World

In the Binghuang Road, the formation of Yu Nianxin's Dongfu was opened one after another, and the Dongfu was firmly protected from entry.

A figure was hanging three meters in the air, sitting cross-legged in the air, her eyes closed, her long black hair naturally falling, no wind, but her hair swayed slightly.

I'm Yu Nianxin!

After taking a lot of low-level Tianming Baodan, Yu Nianxin, who has stimulated his potential, started a real retreat. The purpose of this retreat is to take advantage of the potential inspired by the low-level Tianming Baodan. Complete the first awakening to break through the imperial realm and reach the level of Yuan Ming Realm.

Only in this way can he become more powerful. Only in this way can he have more powerful combat power and can go side by side with Chen Zong.

Otherwise, there is always a huge insurmountable gap between Yudaojing and Yuanmingjing.

However, it is not easy to awaken the bloodline of Bingyan Tianhuang for the first time. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time.

Uh ...

After another month, the situation about the ice sword extinction has been spread by people. Even under the powerful intelligence force, the identity of that person was also dug up.

The fifth true story of Zongyiyi Tiangong Yixingong Chen Zong, has the title of Wushuang Sword.

But that's the only thing. There is no more information. The Temple of Mind is among the four holy places. It has always been the most low-key and mysterious.

As for where Chen Zong is now, it is not clear, but there are still some people looking for it.

A remote mountainous place, covered with snow and ice, freezing in the cold, but not without grass.

The environment of the ice holy star is the environment of ice and snow, and the vitality of the sky and the earth is extremely strong. However, it is dominated by ice properties. Such a place is not annihilated. On the contrary, it is vibrant and many plants with ice properties are here Growing, frosty blue, very magnificent.

Even in this remote place where Chen Zong chose to retreat, it is the same, it has a handsome beauty.

A figure appeared as if penetrating through the heavy formation, appeared from the cave, stood on the snow outside the cave, and touched the snowy ground without touching the ground, completely flat.

After a month of retreat, Chen Zong finally grasped the mystery of the second kendo area.

"The mystery of the second sword domain is really comparable to the first." Chen Zong couldn't help but whispered, there was no one around, this voice can only be heard clearly by himself.

From my heart, when the kendo area spread out in a flash, the air seemed to have a layer of invisible ripples centered on Chen Zong, expanding rapidly. When passing the falling snowflakes, the snowflakes trembled slightly, as if frozen in mid-air. In the middle, then, silently turned into powder.

Disappeared, the snow drifted, disappeared one after another, completely disappeared, and turned into nothingness, as if it never existed.

10,000 meters!

Chen Zong ’s kendo area directly covered a square of 10,000 meters. Within 10,000 meters, a terrible sword pressure came and suppressed everything.

Snow, grass, and drifting snow were all suppressed. The drifting snow turned into powder dust. The grass and trees were crushed on the snow. The snowy ground collapsed directly three feet, as if suppressed by a mountain of 10,000 meters in size. More solid.

This is just the power of sword pressure in the field of kendo. When it is heavier than the first, it has improved a lot, more than doubled.

"Jianqi!" He sang aloud and said his words as usual. In a hurry, within the 10,000-meter sword domain, strands of sword gas condensed out of thin air. The condensation of these sword gas did not consume Chen Zong's own strength, because That is the power that belongs to the kendo realm. It is the power that evolved by itself after it reached the second level.

Is like the cold breath in the ice sword area.

Different kinds of fields have different powers when they reach the second level. Even for the same kind of fields, the powers evolved may have slight differences.

Of course, nuances are difficult to distinguish without firsthand experience.

Chen Zong's second power in the Han Hanbing Sword Realm has been experienced. In addition to being cold, there is also the sharp edge of Jian Qi.

And his second place in kendo, after a month of retreat, Chen Zong also mastered it.

When I shared my thoughts, I saw countless sword spirits permeating the 10,000-meter sword domain, and suddenly changed.

Some swords are stretched, as if turned into a ray of sword silk, very soft, but extremely tough and sharp, and some swords are quickly contracted, condensed into a point, like a touch of cold star light, although Subtle, but permeated with an extremely dazzling light.

Some of the sword qi's tumbling continuously approached each other, condensed, and then turned into a tiger. The tiger made of sword qi, its shape, is very similar to the real tiger, lifelike.

There are not only tigers, but also beasts such as lions, leopards, wolves, giant bears, snakes, goshawks, and so on. No matter what kind of beast, its appearance looks like real, even if it is subtle.

The crickets seemed to be printed out of those beasts as molds.

However, these fierce beasts are all condensed with sword energy, possessing great power and mighty power.

The fierce beasts acted in the 10,000-meter sword area, the fierce tiger fluttering, the goshawk swept the ground, the giant bear collided, and the python roaming, no matter which one, they fully explained the proper posture of the fierce beast.

Then, all the fierce beasts disintegrated, as if the sword air was spreading out, and they gathered again and again, coming from all directions, condensing into a sword air dragon, ten meters long, driving and soaring in the 10,000-meter sword domain, sending out waves like Jianming screamed like dragons, and wore Jiuxiao in shock.

"Scattered." The sound of the sword qi Tianlong also spread out and reverted into countless sword qi. Then, the countless sword qi was also hidden in the field of kendo, and it seemed to disappear.

Everything that I just found is like hallucinations, but Chen Zong is very clear that it is not hallucinations, but the power of the second kendo area that he has come to realize.

This kind of kendo has changed. According to the kendo of the mind that you are enlightened with, it should be called the jiando of the heart.

In the area of ​​Xinxin Sword, all sword qi is controlled by oneself. It is controlled at will, appearing or disappearing, how to change, all with one mind, greatly improving one's own means of responding to the enemy.

In the past, I may be able to do it, but I must consume my own power to evolve the sword energy, and its power is not so strong, nor can it be completely integrated with the sword domain.

This is a qualitative change.

"Whatever you want, change from heart to heart, is indeed subtle and extremely amazing," Moxin couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah, sword territory is the second most important thing. It really is incredible." Chen Zong responded: "But I don't know, what level can I reach today?"

Previously, during the initial stage of the Yuan Dynasty, Chen Zong's conventional combat power reached the level of six stars. If he had the ultimate combat power, he could surpass the top six stars and even barely reach seven stars.

Afterwards, with the improvement of Xiu Wei, the enlightenment and strength of the mystery of Kendo in the heart and the improvement of the Kendo field have all strengthened Chen Zong's conventional combat strength.

Nowadays, in order to reach the high level of Yuanming Realm, although the first entry, the power of Jianyuan has also improved a lot.

The enlightenment of the swordsmanship of the heart naturally follows the promotion of a small realm, and the strength of the swordsmanship of the heart is much stronger.

In the field of kendo, the first 桎梏 is broken, reaching the second ,, and the power is greatly increased.

This is a comprehensive breakthrough in combat capability, a comprehensive improvement in combat capability, which has already surpassed the seven-star level.

"Eight stars?"

"Or top eight stars?"

"Or better?"

Chen Zong is hard to determine at this time. After all, in a short time, the improvement of his combat power is too obvious, too fast, even he feels unexpected.

But if there is no high-level Tianming Baodan, this time will be at least ten times or even dozens of times longer.

It is a pity that because the Qi training is to break through to the higher level of the Yuan Ming Realm, but the refining training is still the middle stage of the world **** body, the gap between the Qi training and the refining training has made Chen Zong temporarily unable to exert his spiritual skills. Go to the law, but this is not insurmountable. You only need to raise the practice of refining the body and reach the level of practicing Qi again.

It ’s easy to say, but it ’s hard to do. After all, refining and training are different. You do n’t need much talent. You pay more attention to hard work. It is better to have external help to get faster. There are only a few high-level Tianming Baodans, and only a few are left. It is simply not enough to allow the practice of cultivation to break through to the advanced level of the Dacheng **** body, which is equal to the practice of Qi training.

What's more ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is also the world field, you also need to learn about it and take it to the second level.

Speaking of which, I still need to cultivate and improve, there are many.

However, this is also more interesting, isn't it? There are goals and directions for progress, and full of motivation.

In addition to the practice of cultivation, one thing is the cultivation of the sword world.

Today, his kendo area has reached the level of 10,000 meters, and he has initially stepped into the second level, when the first condition of the world of sword practice has been met.

But the sword world, after all, is the supreme inheritance of the Middle Ages Xeon Jiandao. It took him 100,000 years to create, and it took many years to perfect the condensed essence of an astonishing Taoism, which is extremely profound.

It ’s just just getting started, Chen Zong has used his heart and soul to achieve it several times before reaching it. However, it ’s just getting started. It ’s still far from practice. At least until now, the first condition has been met, and the second Conditions.

Heart of the World!

The so-called heart of the world refers to the core left after the destruction of a world, condenses the last essence of the world, and contains the mystery of the origin of the world.

Not all the world will leave the heart of the world after its destruction. It requires a lot of chances and coincidences, and it is harder to find.

If the heart of the world is to be compared with the tree of the world, the value of the former is at least a hundred times or even a thousand times greater than the latter.

"Heart of the world." The magic heart sighed for a while, and he felt helpless.

That thing is not a question of value at all, but priceless, and there is nowhere to buy, even if there is more wealth.

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