Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 23: breakthrough

The heart of the world is the product of the collapse of the world. It is the purest epitome of the world, but it is difficult to find even if there are not many ruined worlds.

At that time, the storm of the dark moon could get a heart of the world, and it was also a coincidence. At that time, he was already dominated by a mighty kendo. When he traveled the void and improved himself, he happened to encounter a world that was moving towards destruction.

Only by going to the dying and destructive world by itself will the chance of the birth of the World Heart be greater. If the world is forcibly destroyed, the World Heart can hardly appear.

Of course, some Xeons can rely on some means, such as certain formations and the like, to force the world to speed up its destruction and increase the probability of condensing the heart of the world.

But no matter what you do, it takes a lot of time.

For example, when the moon was trembling with wind, when I discovered that the world was going to ruin, I waited for tens of thousands of years before waiting for the world to be really ruined, and I was lucky to get the heart of the world.

No matter where the world is going to be destroyed, even if it is, Chen Zong cannot be approached, because with his own strength, he can't resist the power of the world's destruction at all. The aftermath alone can kill himself thousands of times, even It is the Taoist strong that is approaching, and in all likelihood will die.

Even if he is the dominant power, he dares not to be directly in the ruined world, but only to stay away.

In any case, Chen Zong had no chance to win the heart of the world. At least, in the years to come, it was almost impossible, unless it was an opportunity against the sky, which happened to be encountered, but pinned on that kind of illusory hope. It is not Chen Zong's style.

Long ago, when Zhan Wujian entered the sword world reluctantly, Chen Zong already knew two necessary conditions to cultivate the sword world.

One of them is that the area of ​​kendo reaches 10,000 meters.

Second, it is the heart of the world.

Although he knows the difficulties, Chen Zong still has no reason to look back. No matter what, raising Kendo to the second realm of 10,000 meters is only good for him and not harmful at all.

Therefore, Chen Zong would like to cultivate kendo consciousness to 10,000 meters first. As for the second condition, it depends.


宗 Chen Zong kept thinking, thinking like lightning. Although he had thought before, but because he hadn't met the first condition, he didn't think too much. Now, he is thinking with all his strength.

Demon heart is also thinking, inferring, thinking, and helping Chen Zong from his former realm, which is also one of his duties as a god.

I ca n’t find the heart of the world, so can I find another way?

The sword world was created by man, and it is the inheritance of others. So, can I make some modifications to fit it?

说 Speaking out in this way, you may laugh at the teeth of many people. After all, the sword world is a must-have mastery of the strongest kendo in the Middle Ages. Its depth is profound and difficult to predict.

If Chen Zong is a strong man of Taoism, there may be a bit of hope to make changes, but it is only Yuan Ming Realm, and it is an attempt to do so, it is like a ridiculous arm blocking the car.

But for Chen Zong, if he didn't work hard, how could he know that it wouldn't work, maybe he could?

As long as a chance is found, the impossible can be turned into a possibility.

Chen Zong retreats again. This time, while refining the body, he is looking for opportunities. The opportunity to cultivate the sword world is suitable.

Time is like water, years are long, and one year passed in a blink of an eye.

In the Binghuang Road, inside the cave house of Yu Nianxin, inside the suspended body, there was a burst of breath. The breath seemed to be ice-blue, with a touch of white, faint white, A pale color, just subtle.


Su Yu Nianxin's body is covered by countless ice-blue breaths. Outside of the ice-blue breath, there is a ray of paleness burning like a pale fire.

The domineering breath suddenly emerged from Yu Nianxin's body, rising layer by layer, becoming more and more powerful and more amazing. Vaguely, there seemed to be a sharp and extremely noble scream, high and magnificent. The sky is ordinary, but blocked by heavy formations, otherwise it will shock the outside world.


Su Yu Nianxin's body is constantly burning, becoming more and more intense. The pale flame, from weak to gradual, gradually strengthens, and each enhancement will make Yu Nianxin's breath increase a little.

When the breath is enhanced to the extreme, 霎 霎, whether it is ice-blue breath or pale flame, poured into Yu Nianxin's body, merged into her body, the body could not help shaking.

I seem to endure great pain, making Yu Nianxin almost scream, but could not hold back.


A powerful and pure force is emerging from the body, from the depths of the body, like a flood that opens, which is the power from the blood.

Inside the maggot, as if a phoenix with a pale flame was passing by, and wherever it passed, strength emerged.

Immediately, after the pale flame of the phoenix had circled nine times in the body, it went directly to the Shenhai and rushed into the Shenhai, wrapping the spirits entangled in the Shenhai and burning wantonly.

However, Yu Nianxin did not feel the pain, but had a warm feeling, as if returning to his mother's arms.


I was so relaxed and relaxed in the warm and comfortable atmosphere.

Unconsciously, a breakthrough has begun, and within Shenhai, the spirit surrounded by the pale flame phoenix is ​​being forged and made stronger.

The strength of the spirits in the Yuanyuan Underworld is naturally not comparable to that of the Royal Taoism, it is an improvement.

的 The phoenix with a pale flame burning, while forging the soul, while drawing Yu Nianxin's essence and spirit and all other forces, cast the Yuan Shen, and soon, the outline of the Yuan Shen appeared and perfected a little bit.

A natural breakthrough from the water into the canal.

Yuanshen united, Yuan Ning Realm stepped in.

At this moment, Yu Nianxin ’s cultivation has reached the lower level of Yuan Ming Realm. Of course, she has just entered the low level, but her combat strength is by no means comparable to one star.

Because this is a breakthrough under the first awakening of Bingyan Tianhuang's blood, and even the calamity with the soul is burned to be more pure and arrogant, and it is better than many similar levels of the Yuan Ming Realm. As a result, he broke through the heavy weight and became more vigorous and pure.

Even more blessing of blood power.

好 For a long time in the past, Yu Nianxin woke up slowly, and immediately felt her own practice and broke through.

Xuan Yuan Ming Realm, he has reached the level of Yuan Ming Realm, and his potential is surging endlessly, just like the ocean.

Next, it is time to work hard to fully transform potential into strength.

"Wait for Chen Zong after I have completely stabilized, and surprise him." Yu Nianxin smiled playfully.

Wu Yu Nianxin retreat, and Chen Zong is also retreating.

Outside, the enthusiasm for searching for Chen Zong has also cooled down. After all, when there is no special relationship or purpose, no one will always look for someone, just to meet or make friends.

For aspiring practitioners, time is very important and must not be wasted.

There is no sun or moon in the Laoshan, alternately rotating, night and day, endlessly.

Chen Zong is enlightening and practicing every moment.

The high-level Tianming Baodan has already been used up, and the middle-level Tianming Baodan has also consumed some. However, with the promotion of Chen Zongxiu, the middle-level Tianming Baodan's stimulation of its own potential is also weakening, helping more and more Smaller.

After this period of time, Chen Zong's practice of refining his body has not yet broken through to a high level, but it is gradually approaching, even the world avenue has been improved, and the scope of the world area has become larger, and it is gradually approaching the second level.

The conventional combat power of the refined body has also been continuously raised and improved from the six-star level to reach the top six-star level, which is close to the seven-star level.

However, it is still not enough. It needs to be stronger.

Promote refining the body to the level of practicing Qi, if you can continue to use the supreme power of the martial arts, the extreme combat power will be stronger, this means, you must not give up.

After nearly a year of cultivation and thinking and the deduction of the magic heart, Chen Zong reached a conclusion, or modified the sword world, to make it suitable for his own cultivation method.

That is to find something to replace the heart of the world.

This is already known. As a result of thinking, what kind of thing do you look for to replace the heart of the world?

First of all, you must be similar to the heart of the world, or have similar abilities, so ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can cultivate the sword world.

然 Otherwise, it is not the sword world.

The mystery of the sword world lies in the sword-making world, and the world is a sword.

First, there must be a sword, and again, there must be a world.

Only the sword and the world can become the sword world.

The so-called sword is dominated by kendo, and the so-called world is dominated by the heart of the world.

Chen Zong already has the field of Jiankendo, but the heart of the world is not there, and there is almost no hope.

So, how about replacing the heart of the world with your own world field?

This is the alternative method that Chen Zong and Moxin have thought through many times and constantly deduced. It is not imaginary. If you imagine imaginary, you do n’t need to spend so much time. You must not only figure it out, but also deduct it. Deducing its possibilities again and again.

After countless deductions and modifications, in the end, I have a 70% certainty.

Although it is said that a 10% grasp is better, a 70% grasp is also amazing. When he deduced it, Chen Zong found that it was impossible to continue the deduction anyway. It was too difficult or too difficult, perhaps because of his insufficient level .

However, if you want to cultivate the sword world by replacing the heart of the world with the world domain, after repeated deductions, you will have a greater success rate if you also want to raise the world domain awareness to the second level.

Knowing this, Chen Zong did not feel regret, but was encouraged, at least, he has a very clear direction and goal.

What's more, Chen Zong and the magic heart jointly deduced many times, and have already simulated the construction of the sword world. Once the conditions are met, they can immediately start practicing.

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