Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 24: Controversy over Tao (Part One)

Within the hall of Binghuangdao, several Taoists were present, and Yu Nianxin was also present.

"Yes, Bingyan Tianhuang's bloodline has been awakened for the first time." A Taoist respect stared at Yu Nianxin, nodded, his tone of joy a little bit of joy.

Bingyan Tianhuang is one of the highest bloodlines of the Bingsheng Palace Binghuangdao. At that time, the Taoist statue with Bingyantian Phoenix ’s bloodline unexpectedly disappeared. It never occurred to him that it fell out, causing Bingsheng Palace to lose a top combat power .

Unexpectedly, Yu Nianxin gained his inheritance and worshiped in the Ice Holy Palace.

However, the stronger the bloodline, the more difficult it is to awaken. When Yu Nianxin can awaken the bloodline of Bingyantianhuang is still unknown. Therefore, although Binghuangdao attaches importance to it, it will not keep staring.

Now it ’s different and awakened. Yu Nianxin's Bingyantianhuang bloodline was awakened for the first time, also called the first awakening. The stronger the bloodline, the more times you can awaken.

After the first awakening, Yu Nianxin's status in Binghuangdao increased greatly.

"Since Bingyan Tianhuang's blood has been awakened, he should be eligible to be listed as a preparatory Tao." Lan Ning Daozun said directly.

The Binghuang Taoist, who has the blood of Bingyan Tianhuang, has a close relationship with Lan Ning Tao, but his sister, a very good sister, and is a sister who worships the same master.

Therefore, Yu Nianxin received a drop of blood from Binghuang Taoism, which is equivalent to his inheritance. To a certain extent, he is the descendant of Binghuang Taoism, and Lan Ning Taoism is his master.

There is no surprise that Yu Nianxin was qualified, ranked ready for preparation, and qualified for contention.


"Mind your heart, now that you are in the position to prepare for the Tao, you must be prepared. The struggle for the Tao is about to begin." There are only two people in the cave of Lan Ning Tao.

"Yes, uncle." Yu Nianxin responded respectfully.

"The dispute over Taoism is not only about you, but also needs external assistance." Lan Ning Tao said positively: "You need to select some teachers and sisters as your assistants in Binghuang Road, and you need strong foreign aid."

This is the way the Bingsheng Palace fights.

In addition to yourself, you also need followers to help you, and you need foreign aid to help you. Otherwise, you will lose the competition for the Tao.

No matter there is Binglong Road or Binghuang Road, there can only be one Tao.

There is only one, which means that the struggle for Daozi will be very difficult and very amazing.

"Disciple in Binghuangdao, I can arrange a strong aid for you, the rest depends on you." Lan Ning Tao Zun said.

"Thank you, Master." Yu Nianxin didn't ask for more. The dispute between the Taos was not just about individuals, but about comprehensiveness.

It is necessary to have sufficient strength itself. Of course, the contention of Daozi does not say that the individual strength is better than other preparatory Daoism. Otherwise, there is no need to compete and you can directly select candidates.

There are also clear rules for foreign aid, and the cultivation should not exceed Yuan Mingjing.

Otherwise, if you can get a master of magical powers to shoot, wouldn't it be able to sweep other competitors.

Yudaojing or Yuanmingjing, but if you really ask for foreign aid, you will usually only choose Yuanmingjing, and it is a powerful Yuanming Jing, otherwise it lacks sufficient competitiveness.

Yu Nianxin already knows the candidates for foreign aid. What he has to do now is to recruit some teachers and sisters in Binghuangdao to become his own help.

The Tao of the Bingsheng Palace represents the face of the Bingsheng Palace. Naturally, it will not work alone. After becoming a Taoist, it is equal to a group of loyal followers.

This is not the same as the Heavenly Palace of Mind.

"Mind the heart, the palace rules are not dead, but you can't shake it easily. If you can become the respect of the Tao, you will have more strength to fight for it." Lan Ning Tao Zun finally took a deep look at Yu Nianxin, and said something as if Wordless.

"Thank you, Master." Yu Nianxin's eyes lightened slightly, and he understood the meaning of respected words by Lan Ningdao.

Lan Ning Dao Zun closed his eyes and stopped speaking. After Yu Ningxin bowed to salute, he retired from the cave of Lan Ning Dao Zun.

Next, I'm going to find someone.

Find some sisters and sisters in Binghuangdao as their assistants to help them participate in the Daozi dispute.

As he walked towards his Dongfu, Yu Nianxin frowned.

Not easy to find!

Although there are many true and even secret disciples of Binghuangdao, but relatively slow to become a preacher, and four faster than himself.

Those four are secret disciples, who have already started, soliciting most secret disciples and true disciples who have more potential and strength, and become their own help.

Relatively speaking, Yu Nianxin has no advantage.

But no matter what, you have to work hard and strive for it. One can count for one, two for two, and three for three. If you don't argue, why bother to prepare for the way.

While thinking, Yu Nianxin also sent a message to Jiuzong Tianhuan to Chen Zong.


"Master Sister, Yu Nianxin has now gained the position of preparation. Awakening the blood of Bingyan Tianhuang, I'm afraid it will become a threat." Inside the Red Phoenix's cave house, a red flamed red phoenix sat in the first place, below, There were three or four people sitting.

These three or four are all secret disciples of Binghuangdao, and they are all secret disciples with good strength and talent potential. Among the secret disciples in Binghuangdao, the combat power is relatively upstream.

Since they chose to assist Red Phoenix and join the Red Phoenix camp, everything will naturally be considered for Red Phoenix and their priority will be given to them.

"Yu Nianxin!" Hearing this name, Hongfeng's eyes suddenly flashed a sharp color, and he couldn't help trembling, a sharp and direct killer rolled out like a storm, as if freezing three feet, cold attacking people The four secret disciples called included could not help but tremble, and looked horrified.

Yu Nianxin!

These three words and this name were her shame. That day, it was because of the low-handedness of Yu Nianxin, that she was defeated by one sword, suppressed on the spot, and almost died.

Shame, that is the shame of life, the great shame.

"Let her be unable to get any supplementary secrets." Hongfeng breathed quickly, her towering chest was constantly undulating, and the intention of killing was filled in her chest, like a torrent, in one sentence, it seemed to be extremely northerly, and it was more general A torrent of horror, extinct.

"Relax, Ma'am, even if Yu Nianxin is a bloodline with outstanding talents, now there is no secret missionary sister to assist her." One of the tall women who looked very strong smiled gloomily, it seemed All arrangements have been made, and everything is under control.


Inside the cave, in a back garden, flowers bloom, fighting against each other, emitting a little

Weak fluorescence, filled with endless aroma, the aroma seems strong, but it seems light, overlapping each other, forming a wonderful taste.

A woman in a pale red robe, which seemed to have a pattern of petals, was strolling among the flowers, her eyes were slightly closed, it seemed intentional or unintentional, and there was an indescribable mystery in it.

This person is the second person who obtained the preparation of Binghuangdao after Hongfeng: Huarongrong.

At this time, Hua Yourong closed his eyes open, stretched his muscles and stretched his waist, there was an indescribable style.

At the same time, a figure entered here from the outside.

"Sister Rong, Yu Nianxin successfully awakened the bloodline of Bingyan Tianhuang. Now she is promoted to Yuan Ming Realm and is listed as the fifth preparation Tao." The visitor is also a woman, which is one of the secret disciples of Binghuang Tao. .

"Oh." Hua Yourong was slightly surprised. At this time, she did not leave, but was practicing with all her heart to prepare for the upcoming Daoist struggle. Therefore, she did not know the news of Yu Nianxin's breakthrough, but Now I know.

"Sister Rong, what shall we do?" The woman asked.

The preparation of Taoist Words is counted by Yu Nianxin, and now there are as many as five. Each additional preparation of a Taoist Word is equivalent to one more competition.

Therefore, while the other party has just become a preparatory tactic, it will immediately use some means to interfere and even suppress it, weakening the other party's competitiveness.

To be straightforward, in fact, the so-called dispute over Taoism has begun quietly from the moment it became a preparatory Taoism.

After all, if you have to find a way to find foreign aid yourself, and find a teacher and sister to assist you, that is a test that tests the individual's eyesight and affinity charm and so on.

Not only that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also need to withstand the pressure of others.

For example, Huarong Rong, at that time, also resolved the invisible oppression of Hongfeng with a clever strategy, and successfully recruited several good secret disciples to assist him before he could resist the court with the Red Phoenix Chamber.

Today, he is the most powerful candidate for Daozi's election, which poses a great threat to Hongfeng.

"No, we don't have to do anything." Hua Yourong smiled slightly, just like a blooming flower, but his eyes were calm, as if nothing could cause him waves: "Someone will compare to We are even more anxious. If this sister Yu Yu can rise under her oppression, then even if we take a shot, it is difficult to suppress, it is better to wait and see. "

In addition to Hongfeng and Huarong Rong, the two most powerful candidates to compete, the other two preparations are Yan Zhenxuan and Su Yumeng, both of whom were promoted to Yuan Mingjing earlier than Yu Nianxin. In order to prepare the Tao, and has been suppressed by the Red Phoenix, but still developed.

However, because of suppression and other reasons, the advantages of the two of them are somewhat inferior to Hongfeng and Huarong.

However, their strength still poses some threats to Hongfeng and Hua. Although the possibility of competing for the position of Tao is not high, it is not necessarily.

Everything is absolute.

After they knew that Yu Nianxin broke through and was called the preparation Tao, they didn't choose to suppress it. For one thing, they also thought about the point that Huarong had thought of. Naturally, someone would try to suppress Yu Nianxin.

The second is that if Yu Nianxin can develop, it can cause some threats to Hongfeng, which is a more favorable thing for them.

Under the turbulence of undercurrents, the contention of Daozi gradually came.

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