Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 25: Controversy over Tao (Part 2)

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As time goes by, Yu Nianxin walks around, recruiting secret disciples with sufficient talents, potential and strength to assist himself and compete for the respect of the Tao, but he has repeatedly failed and frustrated.

There are two reasons for this. One is that Yu Nianxin became slower to become a preacher, slower than the other four people. Most of the talented secret disciples were recruited by those four preachers first. Even if there are still things left, either they are not in Binghuangdao, or they are not threatened.

Weigh the pros and cons!

After all, although not explicitly stated, in the dark, the Red Phoenix party has released the news. Whoever assists Yu Nianxin will be regarded as a thorn in the eyes of Red Phoenix. Once there is a chance, it will be removed.

No one can be a stupid person who can become the true biography or even the secret biography of Binghuangdao.

There is no doubt that the most competitive of the five preparations today is undoubtedly Master Sister Hongfeng, followed by Sister Hua Yourong Er. According to the analysis of everyone, eventually she can win the respect of the Tao, Hongfeng Da Sister probability is over 80%.

The second teacher sister Huarongrong can pose a great threat to the master sister, but there is no certainty that she will win, let alone a few other preparations. The gap is obvious.

Of course, there are still variables, and that variable lies in foreign aid.

Calling foreign aid is a special feature. A strong foreign aid may turn things around.

However, even on foreign aid, Hongfeng is extraordinary.


At least in all aspects that are now showing, Red Phoenix has the most advantages, and it is most likely to win the respect of the Tao.

And Yu Nianxin is undoubtedly the most disadvantaged. Everyone knows how to choose.

One side has the most advantages, and the other side has the most disadvantages.

Of course, most of the people invited by Yu Nianxin's visits are looking for an excuse and a reason to refuse them politely, so as not to offend Yu Nianxin. In any case, Yu Nianxin's blood awakening is extraordinary, even if he cannot be a Taoist, gifted And the potential is great, and future achievements will not be low.

"It's too irritating, these people." Li Jiayin's face was angrily angry.




After repeated failures, Yu Nianxin's brows were full of exhaustion.

So far, not to mention anything else, she said that the result of her own efforts to solicit, only Li Jiayin, who happened to have taken dozens of Tianming Fruits, was inspired by some potential, and her cultivation was originally achieved. At the peak level of Yudaojing, under the retreat, he finally successfully broke through, reaching the lower level of Yuanmingjing, and became a secret disciple.

But to be honest, a Li Jiayin is really difficult to provide much help, chat is better than nothing.

Even more, Yu Nianxin did not attract Li Jiayin very much. Li Jiayin brought it to her own door. After all, the relationship between the two was very good.


Chen Zong retreat once again, and he wholeheartedly promotes the practice of refining the body. The high-level Tianming Baodan takes all of it, but it is difficult to obtain other medicines for refining the body. Intermediate level, did not enter the high level.

But the retreat is not ineffective. At least, the revision is approaching the high-level, and the world area is also constantly expanding, gradually approaching the second place of 10,000 meters.

Heavy level.

As for Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong doesn't worry about anything at present. Only by working hard to improve himself can he do his part.

On the occasion of Chen Zong's retreat, as Yu Nianxin continued to run and solicit, King Ao Sheng of the Ice Dragon Road of the Ice Holy Palace found Yu Nianxin.

"I don't know if Brother Ao is looking for me, what can you tell me?" Yu Nianxin asked slightly as he saluted.

"Mind your heart, you don't need to be so polite to me." Wang Aosheng's self-acquaintance seemed to have a very good relationship with Yu Nianxin. Immediately, after waiting for Yu Nianxin to speak, he said again, "Congratulations to your brother. Zeng, standing in the path of preparation, but in recent days, your actions seem to be hindered and not going well. "

It is not a secret news that Yu Nianxin became a preparatory Taoist, and the current situation of soliciting the sisters of Binghuang Taoist mentors is not a secret news. Wang Aosheng is very concerned about Yu Nianxin ’s actions, so he is very clear. Now, he is accurate. Since he thought it was the right time, he took the initiative to come to Yu Nianxin.

"After half a month, we will start a struggle for Taoism. In view of your current situation, it is very unfavorable to you." King Ao Sheng had a mentality of mastering everything, as if he was pointing at the river with a spirited look, his eyes were dazzling. Shooting, flashing endlessly, the words are extremely sharp, a word directly points to Yu Nianxin's embarrassing situation now: "But you do n’t need to worry about thinking about the heart, these two are the children carefully cultivated by my Ao family, they all have Yuan The perfect cultivation of the underworld is that both of them have reached the eleven-star combat level. The two are twins. They have cultivated together since childhood and are very acquainted. Together, they can defeat many eleven-star stars, even if they are twelve-star stars. It ’s not easy to beat them. "

"Ao Shisan and Ao Shi 14 have seen Yu Michuan." Two young men with almost identical appearances behind King Ao Sheng stepped forward, saluting Yu Nian's heart with a cold look.

Li Jiayin's pupils contracted next to Yu Nianxin, shocked.

It is really amazing that two people with 11-star combat power in Yuanming Realm are coming to do foreign aid. There is no doubt that it is a great help.

Today's situation is obvious. It is difficult to recruit enough outstanding people to assist Yu Nianxin in Binghuangdao. Starting from foreign aid may be another good way.

However, Yu Nianxin didn't seem to take any action. This made Li Jiayin very puzzled. It is better now that someone took the initiative to come to the door. If possible, Li Jiayin would like to agree directly to Yu Nianxin.

However, she did not speak, because she only recommended herself to assist Yu Nianxin, and did not have the right to decide.

To be honest, there are two 11-star foreign aids, which also made Yu Nianxin's heart suddenly jump, and he was almost ready to agree. After all, with such two foreign aids, the success rate of competing for Tao Will be a lot bigger.

However, the two were not solicited by themselves, but were sent by King Ao Sheng. Moreover, they were still members of the Ao family. King Ao Sheng's attitude towards himself was very obvious, but unfortunately, Yu Nianxin's heart contained No less than him.

Since it is not possible to accept King Ao Sheng, then foreign aid brought by King Ao Sheng cannot be accepted.

"Thank you Brother Ao for your kindness, sister and I have received my heart." Yu Nianxin was not euphemistic, but said directly: "As for foreign aid, I have already found a good one. In addition, I also asked Brother Ao to call me Yu Shimei or Yu Nianxin. . "

Although Yu Nianxin would say this every time, every time, Wang Aosheng seemed to not hear her, and still called herself "Nianxin", very kind.

However, the other party does not mean that Yu Nianxin can ignore it. Even if it is useless, it must be

That said, it is an attitude.

"Brother Ao, I still have something to say, I will leave first." After speaking, Yu Nianxin turned and left. Li Jiayin glanced at Wang Aosheng secretly, unfortunately.

Anyone with a good eye can see that King Ao Sheng's heart for Yu Nianxin, but unfortunately, Yu Nianxin didn't know what was going on, he just stayed unmoved.

At first, everyone thought that Yu Nianxin was deliberately reserved, and deliberately hung King Ao Sheng's appetite, but then everyone gradually realized that it was not Yu Nianxin's deliberate appetite, but that she really did not have that aspect with King Ao Sheng meaning.

This, naturally, makes many people envy, envy and hate.

Li Jiayin was also envious, but helpless, King Ao Sheng looked down on her.

It's a pity to return. Now that I supplement Yu Nianxin myself, I naturally want everything to be based on Yu Nianxin.

After saluting King Ao Sheng, Li Jiayin quickly turned to catch up with Yu Nianxin, but King Ao Sheng did not look at Li Jiayin, staring blankly at the back of Yu Nianxin's departure, his hands under his robe sleeves were tight. Make a fist, as if to crush everything.

Although it was not the first time he was rejected, Wang Aosheng felt more and more unhappy.

If it was rejected at first, it was just a kind of mentality that seemed to overcome difficulties, then now, it is gradually getting impatient.

"After I become a Taoist, come and make good preparations for you." Wang Aosheng secretly made a decision. Immediately, he looked at both Ao Shi and Ao Shi: "You, go to Hongfeng and be a red Feng. Foreign aid, we must help Hongfeng win the way, remember that if necessary, the last resort can be used. "

"Yes, young master." Ao Shizhang and Ao Shizhuang both thought, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Answered immediately.

It is nothing to help Hongfeng, but it is necessary to use the last resort when necessary, which is extraordinary for them.

As for the arrival of Ao Thirteen and Ao Fourteen, Hongfeng was naturally delighted, especially when the two men still obeyed Ao Sheng's orders, and it made her more excited.

With these two powerful foreign aids, Hongfeng's grasp of attaining the position of Taoism has grown a lot.

The half-month period was actually very short, and it was easy to pass. Yu Nianxin was still making his last effort.

She suffers from time. She is too slow to become a preacher. Compared with the other four preachers, she lacks a lot of preparation time.

But no matter what, you must do your best.

Right now, time is getting closer, and under the intangible suppression of Red Phoenix, and some words that King Ao Sheng seems to have no intention of, Yu Nianxin is even more difficult to move, and he can't recruit any good hands to support himself.

As we approached the Daozi dispute, it was getting closer. Only the last day was left. Yu Nian returned to Dongfu with exhaustion. Today is the last day. There is no way to fight hard anymore. What to do today, It is to call together those who assist him, because tomorrow is the time of the Daozi dispute.

Chen Zong naturally also received the news, and hurried to Binghuangdao.


Within Yu Nianxin's Dongfu, a total of five people were present.

Yu Nianxin, Li Jiayin, Chen Zong, Lan Shuang and Wu Qiaoyun.

Among them, Li Jiayin and Yu Nianxin have a good relationship. They have come to recommend themselves. Wu Qiaoyun is the result of Yu Nianxin ’s continuous efforts during this period of time. Perhaps for Wu Qiaoyun, it is also a gamble. Preparing to help.

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