Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 26: Controversy over Tao (Part 2)

Lan Shuang, who is a disciple of Lan Ning Dao Zun, possesses the blood of the extremely cold Xuan Feng, and has a talent with superb potential. He is almost inferior to Hong Feng. Originally, such people can obtain the position of preparing Tao and participate in the battle of Tao. .

But unfortunately, Lan Shuang suffered an accident and caused damage to his bloodline. His potential was also greatly affected. He was not in a position to prepare for Taoism. Today, he can only serve as a supplement to Yu Nianxin.

However, Lan Shuang's talent is also very bright, and its potential is also extraordinary. Today, his cultivation has reached the level of Yuanming Realm, and his combat power is overwhelming. He is the leader among Yu Nianxin's contingent and ranks first. One.

She would not have been able to assist Yu Nianxin unless it was commanded by Master Lan Ning and Tao. In her opinion, Yu Nianxin's competitiveness was very weak. Now, when she saw the foreign aid that Yu Nianxin had solicited and found, Lan Shuang His expression became colder, without saying a word, the whole body's breath was extremely cold.

She came to assist Yu Nianxin as a teacher, but she also had some hope. She hoped that Yu Nianxin would attract more masters and invite more powerful foreign aid. Now it seems that she is disappointed and very disappointed.

With Lan Shuang's strong perception, it is easy to perceive the cultivation of many people. Yu Nianxin is the low level of Yuan Ming Realm, and Li Jiayin is also the low level of Yuan Ming Realm. As for Wu Qiaoyun, it is good. Because of this, the combat power should not be weak, at least it can have a seven-star level, and even an eight-star level is possible.

As for the only foreign aid, the breath is so secretive that it can't be seen through.

"What are you doing?" Lan Shuang still asked.

"Yuanming Realm is advanced," Chen Zong answered truthfully.

"Yuanming Realm is high-level." Lan Shuang's eyes flashed an indescribable disappointment. It was really disappointed. If this foreign aid has the perfect cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm, the combat power can be ten stars, maybe, Yu Nianxin still has so little hope for contention.

As for the present, but Yuan Ming Realm is only at a high level. No matter how strong the combat power is, where can it be strong? It is nine stars.

A nine-star battle against Dao Zi is simply not very helpful.

Lan Shuang no longer spoke. Since it was the order of the Master, then just walk around and do your best, but you must also protect yourself.

Yu Nianxin, as a preparatory Taoist, is also the principal of the five-member team, naturally introducing each other.

"Everyone, I know that we are weak on this side and we don't dare to extravagantly. We can only do our best." Yu Nianxin also knew his disadvantages, so he said.

Do your best, and nothing else.


Bingsheng Palace has a secret area, or a relic, which they named Bingsheng Market.

Bingsheng Ruins have also been transformed by the strong men of Bingsheng Palace, reducing dangers, increasing opportunities, and so on. It took a long time, many years and many years, and now, Bingsheng Ruins has been used as a place for disputes between Taoists.

A huge ice vortex is slowly condensing from the shadow. To become a substance, between the rotations, strands of blue and white are intertwined. When the blue and white vortex is completely solidified, you can enter the ice holy market. Inside.

A statue with a strong breath appeared around the huge swirling imagination. There were men and women on each side. It was the Dao Zong of the Ice Dragon Road and the Dao Zong of the Ice Phoenix Road.

In addition, there are many two powerful magical powers present.

Figures flew quickly from a distance. To the east, the figure turned into a dragon-like pattern, accompanied by bursts of high-pitched groaning sounds.

The majesty of the name.

Where the West is, there is a flood of light and shadow that turns into a phoenix bird spreading its wings and flying into the sky. The high-pitched screams seem to penetrate the sky and shake the world. This is the disciples of Binghuangdao.


The disciples of Binglong Road and Binghuang Road have landed outside the vortex imaginary of Bingsheng Market, several kilometers apart, but they do not feel the suction of the vortex imaginary at all, as if the vortex imaginary is really just a imaginary It's just a shadow, it doesn't exist, it doesn't have half influence.


The side of Binglong Road is mainly male, but there are also a few women. The breath of those women is different from that of Binglong Road. It is the foreign aid invited by the five major preparation roads of Binglong Road.

One side of Binghuangdao is basically dominated by women, not many men.

The five preparatory paths of Binglong Road and the five preparatory paths of Binghuang Road are scattered separately.

At a glance, you can see that of the five preparatory roads of the Ice Dragon Road, the king of Ao Sheng is the strongest, with a maximum of ten people.

The dispute between Daozi, including itself and foreign aid, can only have a maximum of ten people and no more than ten people. Therefore, keep improving.

King Ao Sheng's own practice is the high level of Yuan Ming Realm, which assists his disciples of the Ice Dragon Road. The lowest level is also the high level of Yuan Ming Realm. There are four in total, and the remaining three are Yuan Ming Realms The last two are foreign aids. Although they are foreign aids, they are actually cultivated by the Ao family. They have a deep and powerful breath, and they are also the perfect cultivation of the Yuan Ming Realm, which is amazing.

In comparison, although the other four major preparations are also full of ten people, the success of Yuanming Realm is very rare. Obviously, it makes people feel that compared with Ao Shengwang, Uncompetitive.

"If there is no accident, the position of Binglong Dao is undoubtedly King Ao Sheng." A respected Binglong Dao nodded.

"I'm not afraid of 10,000, I'm afraid of any chance." Ao Guzun said with a grin. He is the strongest of the Ao family and one of the esteems of Binglong Road. Dao Zun.

Although it may sound like a humble word, the look of Ao Guzun seems to be showing off.

There is no doubt that the position of Binglongdao Taozi belongs to King Ao Sheng.

Now, it ’s like going through a cutscene. You ca n’t directly appoint King Ao Sheng as the way of the ice dragon. That would be like breaking the rules of the ice holy palace, and it would leave a reason for criticism.

"I think that there is a disciple named Hongfeng on the Binghuangdao Road. It is very likely that he will get the position of the Tao." Although it has not yet started, it is almost a foregone conclusion. There is nothing to say.

"Red Phoenix is ​​indeed very dominant, but that disciple named Huarongrong has heard that it is good."

"I heard that there is a descendant of Binghuang Tao, and now I have awakened the blood of Bingyan Tianhuang. I don't know which one?"

The Red Phoenix side is also full of ten people, seven women and three men.

Seven women are Red Phoenix itself, and five are secret disciples of Binghuangdao, one is foreign aid.

As for the three men, they are all foreign aids. Two of them are the foreign aids sent by King Ao Sheng, Ao 13 and Ao 14 of the Ao family.


This lineup may not be as good as Ao Shengwang's lineup, but it is also very arrogant and amazing.

Hua Rongrong is also full of ten people, but Binghuang Taoist brother Hua Rongrong recruited

There are only four sons. The other five are foreign aids.

As for Yan Zhenlian and Su Yumeng, they are also full of ten people, but when it comes to the level of cultivation, they are weaker than Hong Feng and Hua Rong's lineup.

The weakest is Yu Nianxin's lineup.


There are only five.

"There isn't even a full member, is this disciple named Yu Nianxin not too concerned about the contention of Daozi." A Binglongdao Dao Zun seems a little dissatisfied.

Lan Ning Tao Zun was also a little disappointed.


Including Yu Nianxin himself, there are only five in total, which is double the distance from the full ten. At least in terms of number, it seems to be far inferior to others. Is this really competitive? ?

"Poor." Honghe Daozun laughed strangely: "Even the personnel can't gather together, and one Yuan Ming Realm is successfully completed, two Yuan Ming Realms are advanced, and two Yuan Ming Realms are lower. , Does she think this is a child playing a game?

The other Taoists did not answer, because this Red Crane Taoist had some disagreement with Binghuang Taoist, or she and her peers of Binghuang Taoist had been suppressed three or five times. Dao Zun was very dissatisfied.

Lan Ning Dao Zun's expression was cold, her eyes were extremely sharp, as if the sword was broken, but she didn't say anything, because at this moment, she didn't know what to say.

Yu Nianxin, her successor, really disappointed her.

Of course, as long as Lan Ning Tao Zun is willing, he can also think about the dilemma facing Yu Nianxin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But that is nothing, it really is nothing to the whole. To be a Taoist, you must be able No way.

Today, it ’s just a preliminary test. It ’s not even possible to do that. How can you count on doing it in the future?

Obviously impossible.

Forget it, now that Lan Shuang has been asked to assist her, then, do your best, and it can be regarded as an account of the fallen sister.

If this is not possible, what qualifications are there for Daozi?

Just looking at the results, what the process is, in this case it doesn't matter.

King Ao Sheng looked at the camp of only five people, secretly sneering, looking at Chen Zong's eyes, with a vague chill.

As for Hong Feng, when staring at Yu Nianxin and Chen Zong, she was unconcealed in anger and murder. She would never forget that she was defeated by the opponent with a single sword, and she was just one click away. It was a shame and a lifelong shame.

But now, he is stronger. When he enters Bingsheng Market, he will have a little chance to wash his shame.

In the face of the ridiculous gaze of the crowd, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged and unchanged, but the other four could not achieve the state of mind like Chen Zong.

Yu Nian clenched her red lips tightly and said nothing, very stubborn. Li Jiayin felt a little unable to lift her head. Wu Qiaoyun secretly regretted her absoluteness at that time, but Lan Shuang's complexion became colder and colder. Annoyed.

There is no way, not only the difference in the number of people, but also the gap between Xiu Wei is very obvious. Among the other Quartet lineups, the lowest level is repaired, and there is also the middle level of Yuan Ming Realm. On the side of Yu Nianxin, Yu Nianxin and Li Jiayin Human cultivation is just the lower level of Yuanming Realm, or the one that has just broken through.

Total disadvantage!

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