Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 32: Who fights (on)

Xu Jianguang flashed, burst out of nothingness, and appeared in front of Yu Nianxin. bookmark our website

With the token's induction, the three of them could clearly feel the strong fluctuation of the token, and Feng Jing seemed to be close at hand.

"Chen Zong, isn't Fengjing ..." Yu Nianxin's tone was shaking and full of excitement.

"Here." Chen Zong took out Feng Jing, an ice-blue crystal, about half the size of a fist, with a thirty-two face shape. From each side, you can see a complete ice phoenix. Among them, the wings are soaring, and the beauty is so vivid and magnificent.

"It's beautiful." Li Jiayin murmured, her eyes fascinated.

"Feng Jing, put it away." Yu Nianxin did not take away Feng Jing's idea, because Chen Zong was the strongest of the four, and Feng Jing was of course placed on top of the strongest person to be safer.

This is also a trust in Chen Zong, a high degree of unreserved trust.

"Okay." Chen Zong closed up Feng Jing.

In this regard, Li Jiayin and Wu Qiaoyun have no half opinion, which is indeed the best way.

"You take Feng Jing first." Yu Nianxin also quickly said.

Chen Zong's speed is obviously faster than the three of them. If they act together, they must be slowed down because they have to wait for them, and they will be pursued. At that time, they will inevitably fall into the dilemma of having two fists and four hands. Maybe you will lose Fengjing.

In short, as long as someone in the own camp brings Feng Jing out, even that one will win.

This is also the reason why we need to recruit assistants and foreign aid.

As long as Chen Zong can leave with Feng Jing, Yu Nianxin wins and wins the dispute over the Tao.

Now, it depends on whether Chen Zong can do that.

Although there is help in heart, but the helpless speed is not as good as Chen Zong can only move one step ahead.

As soon as the Sword in the Sky was unfolded, Chen Zong immediately took Feng Jing to the exit of Bingshengxu, and it was extremely fast.

After a while, Su Yumeng and others chased up and saw Yu Nianxin and others, but they all felt that Feng Jing's breath was rapidly away, so they ignored Yu Nianxin and others and flew by.

"Catch up." Yu Nian gritted her teeth, knowing that she was out of reach, she also had to catch up, maybe she could add Chen Zong at any time.

Now Feng Jing is in his hands and has a certain hope of winning, he should do his best to seize it.

Operation, everyone was guided by the token, quickly acted, chasing where Feng Jing was.

Yan Huarong's battle had already ended, because Feng Jing was lost, and Yan Zhenzhang naturally informed that the battle was not necessary.

Also, Hua Yourong also joined with five other people to become a team full of ten people.

Xi Hongfeng and Mo Hongli took the team from different directions and quickly chased away.

"Everyone, rush to the exit first." Hong Feng ordered directly.

Rather than chase like this, it is better to rush to the exit directly and block it.

As long as you want to leave with Feng Jing, you must arrive at the exit.

I'm ready to work!

Let others fight for life and death, and they are constantly fighting, but they are waiting, in a state of prosperity, to work with ease, the effect is better.

Chen Zong's speed is fast, but it is still limited. In the end, he is inevitably caught up.

I caught up with Chen Zong, who is the master of Huarongrong camp.

"Oh, it turned out to be you." Several Yuanming Realms and Yuanming Realm who were chased after they saw Chen Zong were surprised.

They recognized that it was Yu Nianxin's foreign aid, the only foreign aid, a high-level practitioner in Yuanming Realm, a true disciple of Xintiangong.

I didn't expect Feng Jing to go round and round, but it fell into his hands.

"Give Fengjing over." The secret tale of Binghuangdao, which was successfully cultivated in the Yuan Dynasty, stared at Chen Zong, the overwhelming coercion permeated, as if the ice storm was swept up, and Chen Zong was about to be Freezing in general.

人 This person's combat power, but reached the level of eleven stars, very arrogant, not what Chen Zong can compare now.

Without the blessing of Supreme Master Wu, Chen Zong's combat strength cannot reach this level, so it is under great pressure.

But even if the pressure is not small, Chen Zong still does not have a half-tense look.

"Feng Jing is in my hands." Chen Zong smiled, took the Feng Jing out of her arms, and showed it to everyone.

The magnificence of thirty-two faces is as if an ice phoenix burning with flames soars and spreads wings in it, beautiful and lifelike, extremely seductive.

For the people of Binghuangdao, this one Fengjing has an inexplicable attraction, just like a gourmet, tempting them to eat it.

"Hurry up." The people's breathing did not consciously become rushed, and quickly urged.

But only for a moment, Fengjing disappeared and was collected by Chen Zong again.

"If you want, then you can get it by your ability." Chen Zong smiled slightly, his body suddenly flashed, turned into a sword light again, dart into the void, and quickly went away.

Is also the Sword Emperor, and with Chen Zong's cultivation and realm ascension, this Sword Emperor becomes more and more brilliant.

"Don't want to escape."

"Leave me."

几 These people broke out, released the realm, suppressed the parties, and tried to block Chen Zong in this way.

But unfortunately, they are not as good as Chen Zong in their understanding and mastery of the avenue field. After all, Chen Zong cultivates Kendo field consciousness to the second level, which is fundamentally different from the first.

For this reason, it is simply impossible to restrict Chen Zong's body by the repression of the avenue.

It was just a moment, Chen Zong rushed out of their avenue to suppress, and quickly left.

"Chasing!" It was a great shame to walk away under the eyes of others like himself, one after another, looking ugly, chasing after one another.

The speed of ten-star and eleven-star bursts is undoubtedly amazing, especially the speed of eleven-star combat power is extremely fast.

Chen Zong exerted his strength under the instant sword, and was unable to get rid of it.

When Chen Zong's incarnation Jianguang burst out from the void, a blast of ice-cold vitality instantly cut through the sky and killed him directly. Near the moment of Chen Zong, it exploded and turned into a huge Frosty flowers bloom instantly.

Suddenly, the huge ice flower covered a square kilometer in an instant, directly surrounding Chen Zong's body.

At the moment of full bloom, it also absorbed the endless coldness of ice in all directions, becoming more and more cold, more and more amazing, combining the terrible extreme cold and chill, and the integration of that field, as if to freeze Chen Zong directly, Even the surrounding void was affected, as if to be frozen.

宗 Chen Zong can feel the amazing chill invasion, there is a feeling of being completely frozen. Fortunately, the body is strong and strong, and the blood is exuberant. It is like an oven burning, which greatly resists the cold chill.

With a flash of light from Jian Jian, Chen Zong pulled out his sword and shot through the air, splitting the chill in front.

The sword is invisible!

Along the gap cut by that sword, Chen Zong flew into the sword again.

However, the thousands of ice flowers constantly absorb the cold air, although it has not really frozen the space, but it has also affected, reducing the speed of Chen Zong. At the same time, as the endless cold air inflows, the flower blooms. The flower of ice is closing fast.

At the same time, the chill is constantly improving, as if compressed, the impact on space is becoming more and more amazing, step by step approaching the level of frozen space.

The slower Chen Zong's speed.

Fear and burn!

Suddenly, Chen Zongshi exhibited the secret method, the fifteenth center of gravity ignited, and the body was covered repeatedly.

In a hurry, Chen Zong's strength soared, and his speed soared.

The second sword was killed, tearing the sky like a waning moon, the power was terrible.

Jian refining heart to one sword: sword five!

This sword, as the strongest sword for refining one's heart, is unmatched by Jiansi, and it is incomparable at all.

Because sword four is integrated into the first kendo area, and sword five is integrated into the first kendo area.

There is a big difference in power between the two sword styles, more than double.

The stalemate is like a broken bamboo, all tangible and intangible are cut off under this sword, and Chen Zong rushed out of the siege before the ice flower completely closed.

"How is it possible!" The Yuanming Realm practitioner who exhibited this move was surprised. Although the only move he took was too fast, he did not mobilize all his strength, not even half, but he was able to reach a ten-star battle. The level of force.

Such a trick, but could not leave a high level of Yuanming Realm?

Is simply incredible.

Is it possible that a high-level combat power of Yuanming Realm can reach ten-star combat power?

Is simply heaven and earth.

Even the king of Ao Sheng, who is known as the first day of the ice dragon road, can't do it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Seeing Chen Zongxi's closed flower of ice, this person looked cold and a blushing flickered between his brows.

"Burst!" Closed together, the flower that turned into a flower bud fluttered in a flash, exploded directly, and the astounding cold exploded with it, like a violent cold current, blasting in all directions crazy.

宗 Chen Zong could feel the cold current coming from behind him, the rolling vacant void, as if to break himself.

However, in the end, Chen Zong still managed to escape.

"Damn, how could this be."


I'm all like this, what can I do? I can only continue to pursue.

At the exit of Fangbing Shengxu, about ten meters apart, ten people are scattered, blocking any direction.


"be ready."

These ten are exactly Hongfeng's team.

Through the token, they all felt that Feng Jing was approaching at a fast speed, and soon after, they should be able to arrive here, if nothing unexpected happened.

However, it doesn't matter if there is any accident, because in the end, Feng Jing will fall into their hands.

It's so easy to wait for it, just wait until the other person delivers it to you.

Chen Zong did not know the plans of Hongfeng and others, but he also took care. After all, no one of the Red Feng camp has appeared. It stands to reason that their camp is strong, fast, and token-like. Induction, it is impossible not to know that Feng Jing has appeared, and it is impossible to sit idly and ignore nothing.

Because of this, Chen Zong felt terrified.

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