Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 33: Who fights (middle)

Go away!


Like an endless loop.

"Fast!" Hua Yourong had already received a rumor from another squad, with four people chasing quickly, from another direction, intending to intercept Chen Zong and capture Feng Jing.

However, Chen Zong's instantaneous sword sword is very exquisite, not only extremely fast, but also comes with amazing sharp edge, once in the void, unless it is someone who knows and masters the mysteries of space enough, otherwise put one's oar in.

Hua Yourong and others are indeed very talented, but compared with Chen Zong, there is still a huge gap. Chen Zong has studied the mystery of the vacuum method in the vacuum teaching, combined with the big air method, etc. Only then did he create the sword in the sky, perfecting it again and again, which is extraordinary.

Can't catch up, even if it is an eleven-star-powered Binghuangdao secret biography or foreign aid, it is difficult to catch up with Chen Zong for a while, because Chen Zong's method is too mysterious.

Of course, it's also because Chen Zong's own cultivation is improved and his combat power is stronger. If it is only the middle-level cultivation of Yuanming Realm, the sword of the instant sky will be difficult to escape.

"Here it is." Hongfeng's voice dropped, and in front of him, a sword light suddenly appeared and approached at an alarming speed.

When Chen Zong wanted to plunge into the void again, passed directly through the blockade of the crowd, and rushed into the exit of Bingsheng Market, he found that the space here was different from other places.

Can't plunge into the void!

It is impossible to cast the mystery of the instant sword sword into the void and directly pass through the red phoenix and others.

In fact, this is also a means of Bingsheng Palace, in order to prevent someone from entering the exit of Bingsheng Market by entering the void.

Controversy over Tao is easy to say, but not easy to do.

In this way, we can only face Hongfeng and other people directly.

Many Yuanming Realms have successfully practiced, and some Yuanming Realms have high-level practices. The weakest should be the red phoenix itself, Yuan Yuan Realm's intermediate-level practices, but their breath is not weak.

Each breath directly locks Chen Zong, especially the successful breath of the Yuan Yuan Realm, which directly brings obvious threats to Chen Zong.

The extreme vigour of the ice was constantly invading from all directions.

"It was you." Seeing Chen Zong, Hong Feng's eyes almost burst into flames, and her heart was extremely furious.

This face, this person, appeared in her dreams many times. It was not a dream, but a nightmare. It was a nightmare and shame that was defeated and beaten by a sword under the eyes of everyone.

Shame, only blood can wash away.

"Kill!" Hong Feng gritted his teeth and spit out a word, full of cold and stern killing power.

Ao Thirteen and Ao Xist's eyes are subtle, but a little bit of maliciousness and murderousness are quietly circulating.

The two glanced at each other and had a good understanding.

This person is exactly the person who should be given special attention by the young master.

Suddenly, the murderous mad roll, carrying the terrible cold chill, rushed from different directions, and wanted to freeze Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's perception is extremely acute, and he can clearly sense the killing power in the breath of these people. These people obviously want to kill themselves here.

"Not good." The people in the Huarong Rong camp quickly chased after him, but saw that Chen Zong was caught in the encirclement of the Red Phoenix camp, and his look changed greatly.

What they feared the most happened.

Once Feng Jing fell into the hands of Hong Feng, it was extremely difficult and almost hopeless to seize it.

Hua Yourong also hurried to see this scene, frowning suddenly.

"Honour, Red Phoenix remembers you

Hate it, please give me Feng Jing, Hong Feng will not aim at you with all my strength. "Hua Rong's voice passed into Chen Zong's ear.

I have to say that Huarong's thinking turned really fast, and I grasped a little bit of precision at once.

Indeed, Hongfeng had a grudge against Chen Zong, and could not wait to kill Chen Zong and then quickly, a shame before the snow.

But now, Feng Jing's contention is the most important. I believe that Red Phoenix will not lose too much because of the small ones. As long as Feng Jing is obtained to seize the position of Tao, it will undoubtedly be easier to deal with Chen Zong at that time.

Therefore, as long as Chen Zong delivers Feng Jing to Hua Yourong, Hong Feng's main spearhead will be facing Huarong Rong, Chen Zong will naturally escape, and if Hua Yourong can successfully seize the position of Tao, then, Hong Feng wanted to retaliate against Chen Zong again, and it was more difficult.

"You can rest assured that I can guarantee that as long as I win the position of Tao, I will definitely treat Yu Nianxin and my sisters with gratitude," Hua Yourong added quickly.

This flower is very content, and it is really very thoughtful. If you replace it with other people, you may think about it. In the end, you may choose the method of flower and content. After all, it is difficult to keep the Fengjing by yourself, and you will be deliberately targeted .

However, as if Chen Zong did not hear it, he did not respond at all to Huarong, let alone Feng Jing to her.

Huarongrong was a bit ugly. Under the siege of Hongfeng and others, it was too difficult or too difficult to capture Fengjing. Now Chen Zong was not moved, and for a time, she didn't know what to do.

"Everyone, take a good chance." Hua Yourong still ordered.

In any case, the position of Tao should not be overlooked.

The avenue was released at once, suppressing Chen Zong.

These Yuanming Realms are highly advanced and complete, and they have mastered the avenue area to a certain extent, at least reaching a range of two kilometers, or even three kilometers.

The extremely cold atmosphere, the constant impact, as if to freeze Chen Zong frozen.

Sword domain!

Suddenly, Chen Zong released his kendo realm, and the second-largest kendo realm swept directly away, crushing and crushing the avenue realm with irresistible power.

"what happened?"

"My realm!"

The face of Hongfeng and others changed one after another, and they could clearly feel that their avenue area was impacted by an overwhelming avenue area, and they were suppressed, crushed and disintegrated in an instant.

This is incredible, because it is so powerful only beyond many of their avenues.

The other party is just a high-level cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm.

The high-level cultivation of Yuanming Realm can be so strong in the avenue field?

Ten thousand meters!

When Chen Zong ’s kendo area stopped, everyone immediately discovered that the kendo area reached a range of 10,000 meters.

"Ten thousand meters sword field!"


One by one screamed.

A 10,000-meter sword domain means that it exceeds the limit of the first priority and reaches the second priority.

The second-level avenue area is a sign of supernatural powers. I have never heard of any practitioner who can cultivate the avenue area to the second level when he is in the Yuan Ming Realm.

The face of Hongfeng was the ugliest, but Huarong was full of shock.

"He must have some secrets of a certain domain type." Mo Hongli seemed to think of something and said immediately.

If the Arcana of the Toxic God Gate is too stunned by the Thunder Robe, it can stimulate the Thunder Realm, which is the Arcane of the Realm category.

However, there are very few precious treasures in the field category, which is very precious.

But thinking that Chen Zongnai is the true biography of the Mind Heaven Palace, the talent is not weak, maybe it is possible to get the treasure of the domain category, at least, now there is only such an explanation, compared to Chen Zong's ability to master the second kendo area, domain The explanation of the class-like treasure is more acceptable.

In other words, if they can get that kind of treasure in that field, they are also expected to master the second-largest avenue field at the level of Yuanming Realm, and the increase in strength is very significant.

Feng Jing!

Realm class treasure!

Either way is full of amazing appeal and temptation.


Suddenly, the four practitioners who successfully completed the Yuanyuan Realm shot out, all of which broke out with eleven star power.

Chen Zong faced the siege of four terrorist attacks in a moment.

Any attack surpasses Chen Zong's own combat power, unless Chen Zong also cultivates the refining body to upgrade to the high level of the Dacheng **** body, which is in line with the practice of Qi training, and exhibits the supreme power of martial arts. At present, relying on its own combat strength alone is not enough.

Even so, Chen Zong still didn't have half a panic and no half fear, but instead looked like a light cloud, and seemed confident.

"Senior, you are in trouble again." Chen Zong said silently, his eyes were flashing, as if a flash of divine light flashed: "The gods borrow the law!"

It is true that it is impossible to display the power beyond the level of the Yuan Ming Realm in Bingshengxu, but it does not mean that Chen Zong cannot borrow the power of the demon heart.

The arrogant power constantly emerged from the body of the demon heart and poured into Chen Zong's body.

Chen Zongxiu's promotion has increased the upper limit of Chen Zong's external force, exceeding the past.

The emerging power surpassed Chen Zong's own power.

Not only that, the higher the status of Chen Zong's cultivation, the higher the level ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the more accurate the mastery of the borrowed power, the more powerful he can be.

When the force stopped injecting, Chen Zong could feel that the overwhelming force was surging in the body, like a violent surge, surging and mighty, as if to break through his own restraint, like a torrential dyke.

However, this violent force, like a wild horse, was grasped by Chen Zong, and he was in control like a dragon and a tiger, without any leakage.

Sword out!

When the time passed, the sword shone in all directions.

Killed with a single sword, and directly differentiated, four violent attacks from the surrounding bombardment resisted and defeated.

The four eleven-star attacks were not only helpless, but were defeated by Chen Zong.

Is this something that can be done by the advanced members of Yuanming Realm?

Is this the combat power that Yuanming Realm should have?

break out!

Shoot with all your strength and directly approach Chen Zong, to start a fight.

Although the power of suppression in the second kendo area is not weak, it is also difficult to suppress the strong players with an eleven-star power, and their own strength is enough to resist the suppression.

However, the real power in the second kendo area is not under repression, but in others. Chen Zong's second real power in kendo is sword power.

Every line of sword-like qi gathered together, and they all converged. Under Chen Zong's thoughts, they condensed directly into a sword-qi figure, which condensed into a sword in hand and killed two of them. Star power, one enemy and two, to block it.

And Chen Zong himself, also wielded his sword to face the other two eleven star-powered enemies.

This scene made everyone more and more shocked.

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