Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 34: Who fights (below)

(A friend comes, entertained, it's late)

Yan Zhenlian's team and Su Yumeng's team arrived back and forth. When they saw Hongfeng's team, their faces changed greatly, and when they saw Chen Zong surrounded by Hongfeng's team, their looks became more dignified.

Feng Jing is on Chen Zong's body.

Later, the three of them were also arrived.

"Chen Zong!" Seeing the scene where Chen Zong was surrounded, Yu Nian's expression changed greatly, and she was extremely nervous. She wanted to draw her sword and rush up, but she was pulled by Wu Qiaoyun.

"Yu Shimei, if you go up, you will not only be able to help him, but it will be a drag." Wu Qiaoyun's words directly, let Yu Nianxin release the sword handle at once, but bit her silver teeth. At this moment, she hated herself. , Able to fight alongside Chen Zong, facing all dangers.

Instead of just like now, I can only watch Chen Zong alone faced with so many powerful enemies, unable to do anything.

This sense of powerlessness spreads from within, like a frenzy.

Fortunately, it seems that Chen Zong blocked it, blocking the siege of the four Yuanming Realms.

He blocked two of them alone, and a sword-shaped figure blocked two, which was amazing.

That sword-qi figure is the result of Chen Zong ’s second-strength Kendo field. The stronger Chen Zong ’s own power is, the higher the combat power, the stronger the sword-qi. Become stronger.

Otherwise, with Chen Zong's own strength, the figure formed by the sword energy is not enough to withstand two eleven stars, and one face will be defeated.

Therefore, its basic strength is still very important.

Seeing that Chen Zong actually used his own strength to block his four Yuanming Realms from being successful, so that they could not defeat Chen Zong for a while.

Such a battle is amazing. Other high-level elements of the Yuanming Realm can't intervene for a while. That is the gap in combat power.

Moreover, under Chen Zong's second kendo sphere, they are under constant pressure all the time, and will be affected to some extent. They must retreat and withdraw from the scope of repression in kendo.

Chen Zong's opponent was Mo Hongli and another Yuan Ming Realm, while the opponents of the sword figure were Ao XIII and Ao Xiv.

After a long battle, Ao XIII and Ao Xiv looked colder, and looked at each other immediately, thinking of what the young master said.

When necessary, all available means will be used at all costs.

break out!

In an instant, Ao 13 and Ao 14 broke out completely, and they were raging with strength, swept madly, becoming more arrogant, and full of combat power, and thus rose from the eleven star to the top eleven star level. Become increasingly domineering.

In particular, Ao Thirteen and Ao Fourteen are twins, and they are very acquainted with each other.

The sword air figure was directly suppressed. Although the sword air figure is not weak, it is not comparable to Chen Zong itself.


Under the joint siege of Ao Shizhuang and Ao Shizhuang, the sword air figure finally couldn't hold it and was defeated. When the time came, Ao Shizhuang and Ao Shizhui quickly approached and killed Chen Zong.

Chen Zong took the upper hand with one enemy and two, and gradually suppressed the secret transmission of the two Binghuangdao. Unexpectedly, two more stronger opponents came and suddenly fell into the siege of four people.

In particular, Ao Thirteen and Ao Fourteen have the strongest fighting force, and they work together in close cooperation to the utmost tacit understanding, which has increased the pressure on Chen Zong.

The advantage disappeared in an instant, and Chen Zong was gradually suppressed in turn, falling a little bit into the downwind.

However, Chen Zong did not look

There is a slight change, only calm and calm.

Within the sword domain, the sword gas condensed again, surrounding Chen Zong, assisting himself to resist the attack of four powerful enemies and maintaining an undefeated trend.

"It's strong." Hua Yourong and others couldn't help but secretly startled.

In the face of four powerful enemies with such powerful forces, they can still be blocked, which is really terrible.

"Sister Hua, please help me." Yu Nianxin had to ask for help.

Eleven-star combat power, only eleven-star can fight.

In the field, only the camps with a lot of talents had strong players with eleven-star power.

"Let him hand over Feng Jing to me." Hua Yongrong smiled slightly and offered his own conditions.

Yu Nian's heart froze slightly, but quickly reacted.

If you hand over Feng Jing to Hua Yourong, do you still need to ask for help?

"You still have some time to think about it." Hua Yourong looked at Yu Nianxin, and a smile appeared on his face again, full of confidence as if to have a smile on his face: "He should be able to support it for a while."

According to Huarong's judgment, although Chen Zong is still undefeated now, he is only maintaining undefeated. This kind of maintenance can only last for a while, and it is a matter of time before defeat.

After the defeat, either he was taken away from Fengjing to inspire the token to leave, or he was killed.

"If you hand over Feng Jing to me now, his crisis will be lifted immediately." Hua Yourong said again.

Yu Nian's heart shook.

Feng Jing is about the contention of Taoism. It is about the status of Taoism. Whether it can be a Taoism or not, Fengjing is very important. It is the only way.

Now, the gap between himself and Chen Zong is very large. I want to shorten the distance as soon as possible, catch up with Chen Zong's footsteps, and be able to fight side by side in the future, jointly explore the mysteries of the avenue, face all dangers and dilemmas, and become the ice phoenix. The Tao of Tao is a good road.

Because after becoming a Taoist, you can further enjoy more and better resources in Binghuangdao, so that you can grow up faster.

It is for this reason that Yu Nian's heart is inevitable for Dao Zi's position.

But now, Yu Nian's heart has really shaken, because Chen Zong is in trouble and is in danger. Although he can still resist it, will he be defeated after some time?

If Feng Jing caused her harm, Yu Nianxin felt unacceptable.

Looking at Yu Nianxin's eyes changed, Hua Yourong's mouth slightly hung a smile, it was the smile that grasped Yu Nian's mentality and interfered, it seemed that he had mastered everything.

Feng Jing should eventually fall into his own hands.

I will be the final winner of this battle.

At this time, another figure flew from the distance, and he was a man of ice dragon path.

King Ao Sheng's left hand is playing with a spar, thirty-two faces in shape. Inside, he can see the ice dragon as if taking off.


That's Long Jing, who has fallen into the hands of King Ao Sheng. Around King Ao Sheng, there are strong men who have successfully completed the Yuan Ming Realm, and high-level strong men in the Yuan Ming Realm are located at the outer periphery.

This lineup is the strongest, even the lineup of Red Phoenix cannot be compared with it.

The other four preparatory paths of Binglong Road could not capture Feng Jing from King Ao Sheng, even if they joined forces, not to mention, the four preparatory paths

Not many people remained, and more than half were eliminated.

In the distance, King Ao Sheng saw the battle at the exit of Bingshengxu, and his eyes fell on Chen Zong.

"It turned out to be him." King Ao Sheng's eyes were frozen, a flash of cold flashed, and the situation was clearly thought out between the turning of thoughts.

It must be that Chen Zong got Feng Jing, which led to the complete siege of the four elements of the Red Phoenix camp.

However, why this man's combat power is so strong, he can block the attack of four strong enemies with one enemy and four, although it seems to be slightly behind.

Wang Aosheng originally thought that with his own fighting power, he would not be inferior to the other party, or even be sure to defeat the other party. Now it seems that this is not the case.

"Master, he should have used some means." Ao Shishi seemed to understand what Ao Sheng thought.

"A few, he probably borrowed external forces." Ao Twelve said.

The rankings of Ao 11 and Ao 12 are higher than Ao 13 and Ao 14. Although they are both 11-star combat power, they can reach the top 11-star level in conventional combat power. It is even closer to the twelve-star level.

Such a strong hand, naturally to keep their own use, can not be handed over to Hongfeng.

Even if it was Yu Nianxin, King Ao Sheng could not ask Ao Shi and Ao Shi to hand it over to her, but chose Ao Shi and Ao Shi who were weak.

"Thirteen, fourteen, kill him." The voice of King Ao Sheng directly passed into the ears of Ao San and Ao Shi, because according to the rules of Bingsheng Palace, the words of Binglong Road and Binghuang Road In the dispute, the two sides are not allowed to interfere with each other.

If you interfere, you will be punished, and the consequence of punishment is likely to be disqualification for the Daozi dispute, even if you have won Longjing.

Daozi ’s position, Ao Sheng and Wang Zhizai, must be obtained ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Naturally he is unwilling to lose because of this, even if his grandfather is a Taoist in the Ice Dragon Road, he does not violate the rules of the palace.

Upon hearing the voice of King Ao Sheng, the appearance of Ao Thirteen and Ao Shi changed, and from the tone of King Ao Sheng, they heard a resolute and ruthless tone.

How to kill Chen Zong?

Of course, more powerful forces are needed to erupt.

However, they have already performed the secret method, and the top 11-star combat power broke out.

As the Ao family cultivated with many resources from an early age, they have long been inculcated with all kinds of faith in loyalty. Now, young people are desperate. Once they are desperate, they will lie down for a few years, or they will be abandoned directly.

Suddenly, the palms of the fourteen Ao 14 lifted up, as if dragging the mountains, the force of extreme force, also from all parts of the body, directly into the palms, between the vaguely, there seems to be a dragon groan, more Make it loud and stun.

Suddenly, the dragon-shaped vigor ran down the palms of his hands and banged directly on Ao Shisan's back, into Ao Shisan's body.

Ao San's body trembled suddenly, as if the whole person was about to be blasted, but not blasted, but trembling all over, absorbing that strong dragon-shaped energy into the body and constantly walking. The whole body is integrated into its own strength, which makes its strength soar again and rises.

The roar continued to come from Ao Shisan's body. In a row, there seemed to be a group of dragons roaring and shaking in all directions.

Ao Shishi seemed to have lost all his strength. Under this terrible breath, he was directly flying thousands of kilometers away by the earthquake, and when he fell, he vomited blood.

Under this overwhelming impact, Chen Zong felt that his kendo field even fluctuated, and seemed to be crushed.

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