Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 38: Breakthrough

Dozens of Yuan Ming Realm and Supernatural Powers all captured and were imprisoned by the magic heart, kneeling before Chen Zong.

It is the one-eyed man who is headed by a strong man who is at the pinnacle of divine power.

But even at the pinnacle of magical powers, even the strongest 12-star combat power of magical powers must kneel when encountering Taoist level. Even the weakest Taoist level, there is still an insurmountable gap between magical level Great divide.

"Say, who is the main messenger." Chen Zong looked calm, but his eyes were a little cold and indifferent.

This time, if there is no magic heart, he is really dangerous.

"Lao Tzu is the ambassador." The one-eyed man grinned and looked fierce.

Chen Zong is not very good at things like interrogation. He wants to use torture and other methods to force questions. For a group of cultivators, the effect is not very good, especially these people are fierce. , Tough-minded.

Finally, the magic heart shot.

The Taoist method is unimaginable and directly saves Chen Zong's energy and time.

These people are star bandits, named blood sharks, which can be regarded as fierce. After all, there are dozens of people. Among them, more than a dozen of them are supernatural powers. Cruel.

As for why Chen Zong was shot, this is also well understood. After all, they are star bandits, and it is normal for star bandits to rob the practitioners.

However, this time it was not so simple. It seemed that someone had summoned the blood evil star bandit before firing on Chen Zong.

For the Bloodshaker Bandit, this is just another normal robbery. Even if the identity of the other party is a bit special, the problem lies with the person who is the messenger.

who is it?

Even the blood evil star bandits don't know, just to be clear, they got the news unexpectedly.

In short, the blood evil star bandit was used as a gun, and they all knew it, but they did it because they were star bandits.

Star bandits are synonymous with plunder.

Since no more information can be asked, the wealth of these star bandits has become Chen Zong's trophy. There are quite a lot of them, and Chen Zong has not yet checked it carefully.

As for these star bandits, how to deal with them?

Kill them?

Chen Zong's first thought was this.

But I thought of the northern front.

Cultivators on the northern front struggle to survive and resist the invasion of the barbarians, bringing peace to the void, but these people have good cultivation and combat capabilities, but are unwilling to resist the invasion of the barbarians on the northern front. Instead, he became a star bandit, plundering the void, causing more turmoil and casualties.

If you think about it, I do n’t know how many people died because of the Star Bandit ’s plunder, and even some of them have some geniuses. Once grown up, it is good for the void, at least it can make the status of the tribe more stable and resist the foreign tribe Invasion.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Star Bandit that, to a certain extent, the number of practitioners has decreased.

The star bandit is unwilling to resist foreign invasion, which weakens the human race's ability to fight against aliens. The star bandit plunders and kills, reduces the reserves of practitioners, plunders resources, and reduces the resource allocation of other practitioners.


Star bandit is a tumor!

The four sacred places have their duties to guard the void, maintain the stability and prosperity of the void in the general direction, and resist the invasion of foreign nations.

Chen Zong is the true biography of Xinyi Tiangong, and even the Tao of Xinyi Tiangong

It is necessary to take up such responsibilities. Sometimes, we cannot act on our own terms, but must consider the overall situation.

Of course, the so-called overall consideration cannot be contrary to one's heart.

As soon as the thought passed, Chen Zong felt that he would bring the dozens of star bandits back to Xinyi Tiangong and hand it over to Xinyi Tiangong.

Maybe there will be some means in the Mind Heaven Palace to control these people, and then put them on the northern front to resist the invasion of the demon barbarians, contribute to the human race, and make up for the sins caused by the star bandit killing and plundering.

For Chen Zong's absolute, Demon Heart agreed, this is indeed better than killing all these people.

At least, it can be used for waste, not to mention that these dozens of people are all powerful members of Yuan Ming Realm and Divine Power. They are all rare talents placed in the Star Bandit, and indeed it is. The Blood Shark Star Bandit is in the Star Bandit world. Among them, they belong to the more top star band groups.

Such a lineup, sent to the northern front, and arranged well, can also give some help to the human side.

Dozens of people did not stay on the Niankong. After all, the Niankong was just a small empty flying boat, only 100 meters in length. Excluding other parts, it was at most able to accommodate one or twenty people. Fortunately, there were also in the hands of the star bandit. High-level void ships and even void ships.

In this way, the high-level void spaceship was guarded by the demon heart, and with the emptiness, the void shuttle was successively started, and quickly went to the central void.

It ’s very difficult to manufacture the Void Array. It ’s very precious. In non-emergency situations, Chen Zong does n’t want to use it. For example, before returning to the Heavenly Palace, he intends to fly in a Void Flying Boat and spend some time to return. It can also be used as a kind of Experience.

As for now, when there are many people, it is even more impossible to use the Void to move the array. It can only be used for your own use.

Nether shuttle, flying at top speed.

Chen Zong controlled and practiced.


"It really failed, who is that Dao Zong?" A figure appeared in the void, carrying his hands, at first glance, it seemed infinitely tall, the breath permeating his body was astonishing, and he was extremely overbearing, as if to suppress one world.

This is truly a Taoist.

Usually, I do n’t see where the deity is, but the key moments really appear. Otherwise, the true story of this mind Tiangong is dead.

But now, the opportunity was missed. I didn't expect that when the Blood Shark Bandit was all dispatched, there was no way to tell the true story of the Tiangong. The reason lies in that Taoist deity.

Do not know where to hide, and do not know how to appear Taoist.

As for the spiritual grave, it is actually the secret of the mind and body. Most people don't know it. Apart from the mind of the heavenly palace, only a few people know it.


Time passed slowly. In Zongkong, Chen Zong was constantly enlightened. How to integrate the formation and instrument into the sword domain, and gradually got the idea. This is a good start, so that Chen Zong can go further. There is a clear direction forward.

As for the dozens of star bandits, they are very good, because they have the guardian predecessors to guard them, they would not dare to raise any son, otherwise they would be dead words.

Although I don't know what fate is waiting for them in the end, if I can live, I must seize the opportunity to live well.

The Void Ship and the Void Ship entered the central void intact, and flew to the most central place.

The three snow dragon spirits have been absorbed by Chen Zong's refining. As a result, Chen Zong's refining practice has also made considerable progress, gradually approaching the advanced level of the Dacheng deity.

If you want to break through this level in peacetime

It still takes a lot of time, but now, Chen Zong is somewhat confident that before he returns to the Heavenly Palace of the Mind, he will successfully cultivate the practice to break through to the high level of the Dacheng Deity Realm.

Because of the blood shark bandit's wealth, there are several magic drugs that are good for refining.

One capsule is elixir, one drop of essence blood, one strain of divine medicine, and the total number is three. They all have an effect on the divine realm. Of course, the effect on the refining level of the magical level is weak, and the effect on the refining of the imperial state is very good. It has a good effect on Yuanming Realm.

With the help of these three refining divine medicines, Chen Zong was confident to break through.

Taking that divine medicine first, the power of the medicine spreads out, like a torrent of tumbling shocks, which fluctuates in the body like a tide.

The medicinal power was absorbed by Chen Zong's continuous refining and refining, and the cultivation of the body was also gradually improved.

Refining is more difficult than gas training, not only hard, but also more resource-intensive.

Fortunately, the three refining potions possessed by this blood shark bandit belong to the very good ones, which are of high value and good effect.

When that refining potion was thoroughly refined by Chen Zong, Chen Zong could feel that his refining had been improved a lot, really reaching the critical point and breaking through the critical point.

However, breaking through the tipping point is not so easy.

When Chen Zong took that drop of essence blood, it turned into an astonishing torrent as soon as he entered the belly. It instantly exploded and hit the body. The burning heat was like a stream of flames, as if to burn Chen Zong's body. of.

As if the body was stuffed into an oven, the flames were burning, and even the vigorous blood was driven by shocks and fluctuations.




Chen Zong feels like his body is going to burn up completely ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shock!

Began to mobilize the burning power of this body, hit the bottleneck, break it, and break through.

However, after three shocks, that power began to weaken, but it was still not broken, which made Chen Zong realize that the power was not enough to break through.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong took the last elixir and took it directly.

As the elixir melted into the belly, it turned into a turbulent torrent, and the fiery power that had been weakened suddenly was once again stimulated and became violent. Before it surpassed it, it became more violent.


Chen Zong immediately mobilized this increasingly violent force, madly hitting the bottleneck, two or three times at a time. In the faint, Chen Zong seemed to hear something sound, like the sound of something being broken.

The bottleneck was broken.


In a hurry, that overbearing force seemed to break through a difficult level and poured into a new river. The river seemed to be wider and deeper, and the original violent power was quickly dispersed. Driving away, it gradually became calm, and the rivers flowing into each other flowed slowly.

This is not because the power has weakened, but because the realm has broken through, it can accommodate more power, and its power is also stronger.

Dacheng God Body Realm Advanced!

The Yuanming Realm is the same as the high level of Qi training. Qi training and refining are in the same level once again, and Lingwu Supreme Mastery can be performed again. Once it is cast, its own combat power will be strengthened again. One means.

When Chen Zong modified a body that had just broken through to further consolidate, the black and white world was also near.

Heavenly Palace of Mind ... Here it is.

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