Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 39: Daoist Ceremony (Part 1)

(Zhu Jun, the day after tomorrow will break out, please prepare your monthly pass)

Dedicated to the heart, Daozong found that since Chen Zong was adopted as a disciple, he would be surprised once every time he saw Chen Zong, and over time, he would get used to it. He even thought that maybe he would not be surprised in the future, but would find it strange. .

When Chen Zong left the Mind Heaven Palace, that is a few years ago, the cultivation at that time was still the first stage of Yuanming Realm, and now, it is the high-ranking level of Yuanming Realm. Such a speed of ascension is too amazing.

In just a few years, Xiu's promotion has been so great, as normal, it will take at least decades or even hundreds of years.

There is a bit of worry under my heart, and I ask it with all my heart. After all, if the cultivation is so fast, will it be radical, cause instability, and even leave serious hidden dangers.

Chen Zong did not hide it, and said the ancient ruins and his party again, those are not secrets.

After listening to Chen Zong's words, the devotee had to be amazed. His disciple had good luck. He encountered a super-level mediocre at the master level, and he survived, and got a great chance.

Unfortunately, the sword world Chen Zong himself has not yet begun to cultivate, nor can he describe it. In any way, it can only be passed down after Chen Zong has really cultivated and mastered it.

This method is rare, but it is not unusual. It is also available in the void of the ancient era.

Although his disciples ’chances are also very curious, they also want to see the so-called sword world. After all, the strongest Kendo in the Middle Ages dominated his life's work.

"Since you are back, don't leave again for a while, the Dao Ceremony is about to begin." After learning about Chen Zong's situation, Yixin Daozong finally called.

"Yes." Chen Zong answered respectfully.

"Well, as for the Star Bandit you brought back, it is really useful. After the masters hold their minds and locks on them, they can be sent to the northern front to defend against the barbarians and wash away their sins." Yixinzun said again.

Mind Lock is a special inheritance magical power of Mind Heaven Palace. It has no fighting ability and average effect. Therefore, most people in Mind Heaven Palace do not practice.

For example, Taoist strongmen who practice spiritual locks can only lock practitioners at the level of the royal realm and Yuanming realm, and the master level exerts mental locks to lock divine power, which is the upper limit.

Because of this, Chen Zong did not cultivate the lock of mind, at least now he does not need to spend time and energy on it.

After resigning from the Master, Chen Zong returned to Dongfu. The elder brother was still sitting in a certain theater on the northern front. The sisters of the three divisions did not know where to go to practice.

As for the second and fourth elder sisters, Chen Zong has not seen them until now, but only heard them from the third elder sister's mouth.

After returning to his cave house, Chen Zongjing repaired for a while before heading to the Battle Star Tower again.

The twelfth floor of Yudaojing does not need to be challenged. Chen Zong challenged from the thirteenth floor of the Yuan Ming Realm level, easily defeating one after another, the barbarian brave, and constantly climbing.

The twentieth floor of the Battle Star Tower. The demon brave here is a nine-star star and has powerful combat power.

However, Chen Zong ’s conventional combat strength has also reached the nine-star level. In addition to the second-tier kendo power, the demon brave at the nine-star level is no longer Chen Zong ’s opponent. After some fighting, Kill directly, then enter the twenty-first floor.

This level of demon brave is stronger, but it is a ten-star combat level.

Even if it ’s the second area of ​​Kendo, Chen Zongye

It can only remain undefeated, it cannot be defeated and killed.

This also allowed Chen Zong to know his current combat power. The high-level cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm can kill the nine-star combat power and resist the ten-star combat power without defeat with the second-class kendo area.

But that is the upper limit.

Fortunately, the practice of refining the body has also successfully broken through to the high-ranking level of the Dacheng Deity Realm, which is in line with the practice of practicing Qi.

Lingwu Supreme!

Furious 14!

Power of the sword in the beginning!

Under the eruption of all forces, Chen Zong's combat power soared and became more forceful. He broke the limit from the original nine-star conventional combat power and reached the ten-star combat level in the small polar realm.

With the ten-star combat power in line with the second-largest kendo area, Chen Zong directly pulled back the disadvantage, suppressed the demon brave brave with ten-star combat power, and finally killed.

Yuan Ming Realm is high-level, with conventional combat power reaching nine stars and extreme combat power reaching 10 stars. It is undoubtedly very amazing, but Chen Zong just entered the high rank of Yuan Ming Realm and has not yet reached the level of Yuan Ming Realm. The peak of the stage can even be said that because of a forced breakthrough, it is still in a stable period and will not be improved in a certain period of time.

In other words, at the higher level of Yuan Ming Realm, Chen Zong's conventional combat power can continue to improve, even breaking through the nine-star level.

Such as King Ao Sheng, who has the blood of the Ice Dragon, is very clever, and his talent is also amazing. It has broken through to the high level of the Yuanming Realm for many years, almost reaching the peak of the high level of the Yuanming Realm, and it is a complete distance from the Yuanming Realm. That is a line apart.

However, its conventional combat power is only a nine-star level, which has not yet reached the top nine-star level.

In the void, there are very few talents such as King Ao Sheng, and there are few such talents as Chen Zong.

I tried to challenge the 22nd floor. It was a brave warrior with eleven-star combat power. The combat power was much stronger than the ten-star power.

The results are self-evident. Chen Zong reluctantly resisted the attack of the eleven-star demon brave warrior by relying on the Da Zhoutian sword world to cooperate with the second heavy kendo area, but it was very reluctant. Very obvious.

After the test, Chen Zong knew his current combat level.

The regular combat power is nine stars!

The ultimate combat power is ten stars!

Facing the eleven-star star can save your life, and even hope to get away, but if it is the top eleven-star star, it is difficult. As for the twelve-star star, there is no need to say more, unless it is the use of deities and magic.

The high-level cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm is amazing.

If it is further improved after the defects have been eliminated, the avenue will continue to be enlightened, and the combat power will continue to increase. It is not impossible to raise the conventional combat power to the twelve-star level in the extreme world in the future.

Do one's best!

After leaving the Battle Star Tower, Chen Zong returned to his palace to practice.

The current practice is mainly based on the realization of the World Avenue, supplemented by eliminating the disadvantages of qi practice, and of course, swordsmanship, etc. will not fall.

Sword World!

Chen Zong has never forgotten that he forcibly broke through the practice of qi, then promoted the practice of refining the body, etc., in order not to master the second-level kendo area, then the second-level world area, and the second-level world Realm replaces the heart of the world, practice sword world?

At the time of Chen Zong's retreat, the Mind Palace was also fully operational. One invitation after another was sent out to the various star-level forces in the Central Void. As for the forces below the star-level, they did not have that qualification. invite.

After all, the sky is vast and powerful, and if it is to be delivered to all, it is undoubtedly a laborious task.

Moreover, even if the invitations are sent to those small forces, whether they have the ability to rush to the Temple of Mind is still a big question. Even if you can get there with good luck, it will take a lot of time. ended.

Xinyi Tiangong will not resign Daodian to wait for the arrival of those forces. What time is it?

In this way, only the astral-level forces have the ability to rush to participate within the prescribed time.

Perhaps some powerful galaxy-level forces can also do it, but the problem is that it is too troublesome and needs to be selected through brush selection.

In this way, simply draw a line and a dividing line directly.

The star field level is the dividing line, and there is a star field level to qualify for invitations.

The Heart of Heaven Palace is always mysterious in the four sacred places. Now that it has received invitations from Heart of Heaven Palace, many star-level forces are also very excited.

Many of them have never been to the Xintian Temple, or even entered the black and white world. They are undoubtedly very curious about the Xintian Temple.

The star-level forces far away in other voids acted immediately, led by important figures, such as the high-ranking vice-ministers and vice-ministers, and selected several elders and some of the best and most outstanding disciples to accompany Go and get involved.

Although it is very tempting to mobilize the brigade personnel, it is unrealistic. Although there is no limit to this invitation, doing so will only provoke unnecessary jokes, as if it were soil buns.

"The Dao Ceremony."

"It turned out that the Taoist Palace of the Mind was also selected ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As a top-level star-level force, Bingsheng Palace was second only to the powerful forces of the four sacred places.

Invitation to Dao Dadian.

As it happens, Bingsheng Palace only chose two Taos, and he was more concerned about things like Dao Dadian.

"Since the Mind Palace is going to hold a Taoist ceremony, our Taoist **** will be delayed."

"Well, the delay is good. It will take a few years for the winning king and Nianxin to absorb the refining dragon crystal and phoenix crystal. At that time, the Taoist Ceremony of the Heart of Heaven Palace has ended, and it is our turn to hold it."

Holding a Dao Ceremony is also an opportunity to raise your profile.

Of course, the so-called awareness-raising is irrelevant to the Xintian Temple, but it has some benefits to the Ice Temple.

Prestige is very important to any power. Strengthening the prestige and expanding its popularity will let more people know that it will be more competitive for recruiting disciples.

For example, when a genius chooses between several similar forces, the more powerful one is often the main choice.

If the Bingsheng Palace also chooses to hold a Taoist ceremony this time, it will undoubtedly collide with the Mind Heaven Palace. With the momentum of the Bing Sheng Palace, it still cannot be compared with the Mind Heaven Palace, and the attempt to grow the momentum naturally fails.

It can even be self-defeating.

After Bingsheng Palace made a decision, it also began to send people to start. Naturally, the Taoist leader was the leader, but because the two new Taoists Wang Ao Sheng and Yu Nianxin were retreating to absorb the relationship between Long Jing and Feng Jing, They are destined to be unable to participate in the Taoist Ceremony of the Heart of Heaven Palace, and can only choose other disciples to go.

Naturally, the disciples who can go are those who are the best.

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