Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 40: Ceremony of Tao (Part 2)

Void, as if awakened, one void flying boat appeared from all directions, flew into the void, spread out at full speed, and flew towards the central void.

These are the starship-level forces of the Void Flying Vessel. On each Void Flying Vessel, there are strong elements of Yuanming Realm and Divine Power. Those powerful star-level realms will even follow the Dao Zun.

The invitation to the Daozian Temple Ceremony, like a piece of stone thrown into the calm lake surface, was splashed with numerous water splashes, making the void suddenly lively.

At the same time, many star bandits have also appeared one after another. Of course, it is the powerful star bandits. The weak star bandits are either united or hidden at this time.

All in all, there is more fighting and killing in the void, but this is inevitable.

After the invitation was sent out, Zongyi Tiangong began to arrange the venue for the ceremony.

The ceremony of Xun Dao Zi is very shrouded, naturally it is to be carried out in the heart of heaven.

The formation of the formations is arranged, and the mystery of the formations is used to build the venue and everything. It can also play a very strong defense against the enemy and prevent any bad accidents.

As for the star bandits brought back by Chen Zong, they were sent to the northern front of the northern void by the dominion-level strongmen, and their fate was to resist the demons until they died.

Before the death, they burned and plundered in the void to create unprovoked sins. Now, when it is time to repay the sins, they use the rest of their lives to contribute to the settlement of the void.

Chen Zong, on the other hand, practiced in retreat and learned the world.

The world field is also a very high-end field. It can be said that all the fields in the void are located in the top avenue fields, which are extremely deep and mysterious.

Naturally, it is more difficult for such a superb field to be enlightened.

But Chen Zong has already cultivated the refining body to a higher level of Dacheng Deity Realm, and has the memory experience of the world **** tree, etc. He has also raised the awareness of Kendo to the second level, and all conditions have become convenient.

As a result, the world domain has been continuously improved with Chen Zong's retreat, becoming more and more clever, and gradually approaching the first limit.

9,999 meters!

This is the limit of the first major field.

Only by breaking that one meter and lifting to a distance of ten thousand meters can we break through the first limit and reach the second.

It's as if the rice is cricket.

When Chen Zong entered the field of kendo before, this meter limited Chen Zong and got stuck. Finally, he had to resort to external forces to participate in other second-level kendo fields before he found an opportunity and successfully broke through.

This time, it was not so difficult, because Chen Zong ’s kendo area is the second most important. Although it is different from the world area, it can also learn from one or two.

Numerous mysteries were revealed in Chen Zong's mind, like a streamer.


The vastness, depth, and breadth, nurture vitality, nourish all things, and carry life.

In Chen Zong's palace, centering on Chen Zong, the world sphere spread and spread around, covering a range of 9,999 meters.

In the realm of the world, all kinds of ghosts emerge.

The grass, trees, forests, stones, mountains, rivers, rivers, seas, and even the stars of the sun and moon have also emerged one by one, but they are just ghosts and they look very pale, and people can tell at a glance that they are fake.

虚 Every kind of imagination is trembling, as if it will collapse at any time.

Numerous mysteries emerged and were continuously realized by Chen Zong.

In the end, it seemed that there was an invisible force erupting, centered on Chen Zong, like ripples and ripples, and like a storm sweeping, the rapid impact was in all directions.

When that invisible ripple passed by, it spread to the whole world. At the moment, the trembling ghost image seemed to be injected with a brand-new powerful force, and it became stable and gradually solidified.

In the next breath, the world area of ​​9,999 meters was trembling suddenly and expanded instantly.

Although this expansion is only a trivial expansion, it seems that this expansion is just an extension of the horizon.

one meter!

This meter directly broke the first boundary of the world and stepped into a whole new level.


World field, step into the second.

The phantom of the sun, moon, and stars of the mountains, rivers, and rivers also gradually became more and more solid after the breakthrough from the first to the second, and it seemed to be completely reduced to the general and the real world.

Chen Zong even came up with the idea that when this world is cultivated to the extreme, will it evolve into a real world?

If so, it would be amazing.

Chen Zong also exhaled and finally raised the world to the second level.

Next, stabilize first, and then start practicing sword world.

The practice conditions of the sword world are the fusion of the second-largest kendo area and the heart of the world.

But Chen Zong didn't have the heart of the world and didn't know where to get the heart of the world. He could only think of other methods. After many deductions with his predecessors, he found an alternative method.

That is to replace the heart of the world with its own world sphere.

Also, through this further deduction, the feasibility was confirmed.

Of course, it is not easy to replace the heart of the world with the world. First, we must upgrade the world to the second place.

Everything is now in place.

In the deduction, the possibility of replacing the heart of the world with the world sphere is as high as 80%. As for 10%, it cannot be achieved by any deduction, even if it is 90%.

I haven't received the Taoist Ceremony from outside, Chen Zong naturally doesn't need to show up, and continues to retreat.

To replace the world's heart with the world's realm, merge into the world of kendo, and finally form the world of swords, you must first compress the world's realm.

The heart of the world is used to integrate into the field of kendo and become the core of the sword world.

It is not easy to compress the world, and it is very challenging.

Chen Zong tried again and again, but failed again and again.

After a while, Chen Zong received a rumor. It was a flawless rumor from the third division sister Yu, and she returned.

多年 After a few years, Chen Zong was still a little excited to see the third teacher again.

Since it is difficult to compress the world field for a while, it is also a good idea to adjust the mentality first.

I haven't seen it for many years. The third-class sister Jade Flawless is still the hot one. When I saw Chen Zong, I seemed to think of something. The ears were slightly red, but it disappeared for a while. Got to bang.

In the past, Chen Zong was photographed this way and felt that his shoulders were about to be abolished, but now when he is beaten, he will not feel pain or discomfort, except for the thumping vibration, but feel more kind.

"Good boy, it's actually elevated to this level now." Yu Wuzheng said in a pun, saying that Chen Zong's current cultivation and strength have become very strong. I don't know how many times he has gone past, and also said that Chen Zong's identity now Status is extraordinary.

Oh Daozi, there are only three Daozi in this generation of Xintiangong.

Although the top and bottom add up, the official members of the Mind Heaven Palace are only a few thousand people, less than ten thousand people, but each one is a real genius.

If any one is placed in the other three sacred places, it will not be at the lowest level, at least at the middle and lower levels.

"Go, go fight with my sister." Yu Wuzheng is still so fierce, not giving Chen Zong any chance of rejection, grabbed Chen Zong's arm, and just pulled Chen Zong out.

Chen Zong can actually refuse, even directly open the flawless palm of the jade, but Chen Zong did not do so.

Every time she came back, she would find someone to fight. That was her hobby, but then, fewer and fewer people were willing to fight Jade Flawless. Basically, every time they fought, Jade Flawless became bruised and swollen.

As a result, now that Jade is flawless, many disciples will find excuses for reasons to retreat, etc. In short, they will not fight with Jade flawless.

For jade flawless who likes this mouthful, it's as if the alcoholic can't drink the fine wine, which is uncomfortable.

Since this is the case, Chen Zong will meet her sister.

However, she is also her sister and takes care of herself.

Another point, Chen Zong is also curious about the strength of the three sisters.

Then fight.

"Little brother, I'm coming." Jade Wuzheng just stood, and the voice rang, followed by a punch, a bang. The punch was like shelling, full of violent power, as if destroyed. Break everything up.

Before the fist came, the astonishing blazing pressure came to the face, suffocating Chen Zong, it was extremely hot ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as if to be burnt.

I'm strong!

The power of this punch directly reached the level of ten-star combat power.

World Realm!


Chen Zongxian first released the second world domain.

With the same repressive power, the second world field is better than the second world Kendo field. It can even be said that in the power of repression, the world field belongs to the highest level among the road fields of the same level.

After all, the repressive power of the world sphere itself is very powerful and prominent.

Even if it is Jade's flawless practice, because of all kinds of experience and opportunities, it has been elevated to the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, and its combat power has surged. It is also surprised to face the repressive power of the second world.

Alas, this inspired her warfare even more. A pair of beautiful eyes seemed to burn the flames of war, becoming more and more vigorous.

With a punch punched out by the cricket, the burning flame became increasingly fierce and more violent.

With a ten-star combat power, this is obviously beyond the level of Chen Zong's combat power, but in conjunction with the second world field, Chen Zongshi exhibited the strongest sword in the Great World Sword Technique and instantly killed it.

Just, jade's flawless fist is really very violent, destroying withering.

宗 Chen Zong turned into a sword light and instantly walked away to avoid the blow.

The body shape flickered, as if a flame of light swept through, and Jade was flawlessly fast. It immediately chased Chen Zong. The round long legs carried the thunderous thunderous power, as if splitting mountains and mountains, directly cutting to Chen Zong.

The wind pressure was highly condensed, and it seemed that the void was broken open. Chen Zong immediately burst out of all powers and exerted extreme combat power.

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