Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 41: 1 Master of the Heart Palace

The fist is extremely violent, his legs roar like the strong wind, and each stroke accumulates an astonishing power. It destroys the mountains and the mountains, and it is like Chen Zong's heart-beating feeling.

Chen Zong also finally knew why everyone in the Heavenly Palace who had fought with the Third Division sister was unwilling to fight her again. It was too violent. The offensive, both hands and legs became overbearing weapons. The attack is like a fire attack, like a storm, and it is dense and non-intermittent, like it will never tire.

Coherent and violent!

When the two are combined, they become extremely scary.

And compared to when they met that year, the three masters ’sisters’ cultivation and combat effectiveness have made great progress. The Yuanming Realm ’s cultivation practices have not achieved the top eleven-star combat power under the secret method.

At the beginning, when Jade Flawless used ten-star combat power, Chen Zong could still use his ability to resist and deal with it. However, when Jade Flawless broke out with eleven-star power, Chen Zong could only use his power. Zhou Tian Jianjie resisted.

And when Jade flawlessly broke out of the top eleven-star combat power, with the violent offensive, Chen Zong's Da Zhoutian Sword Realm couldn't resist and was defeated.

There is no doubt that Chen Zong was defeated.

"Yes, young man, very promising." Jade's flawless complexion turned red, which was caused by the surge of blood and blood caused by the violent shot, and the whole body was filled with fiery heat, like a raging fire, she stretched her hands hard I patted Chen Zong on the shoulder and expressed satisfaction.

Chen Zong shook his head helplessly.

However, Chen Zong is also curious, why is the tall body of Sister San Shi not looking bloated at all, neither looking strong nor refined, but like a human-like tyrannosaurus, each shot is full of strength , But there will be no embarrassing situation.

Although curious, Chen Zong did not ask, this may be the secret of the third teacher.

Everyone has their own secrets, so it's not easy to inquire, otherwise they'll be afraid of breaking the relationship and even turning into enmity.

After the fight, Chen Zong and Yu Wuzhen went to Yixin Palace to meet Yixin Daozun.

"Chen Zong, you are here. This is exactly what your elder brother sent back to you." Yixin Daozun took out a finger about the length and thickness of the finger, and presented it to Chen Zong with a simple, silvery appearance.

That simple silver blade of silver light turned into streamer and appeared in front of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong reached out and pinched the quaint silver blade, and a cold touch spread away. Immediately, the blade trembled slightly, and it seemed to emit a blade sound. The blade sound was not pleasant, but it was not unpleasant. It's like the long howl of Sirius under the moonlit night sky, long and distant.

Immediately, a quaint light permeated from the edge of the blade. Silently, a figure appeared in it.

The figure was small, the size of a slap, carrying his hands, a silver robe, a person who looked young and middle-aged, or somewhere in between.

"Hello Brother Five." The palm-sized silver robe figure seemed to come over, with a smile on his face: "I am your master Luo Beichuan, the northern front, I heard the name of my brother, but I am sorry to see you. Dao Zi, you ca n’t return to participate in the ceremony. You do n’t want to blame the master. The brother has no long thing, but you can use your own power to cast the sword of the secret treasure. Congratulations. "

This figure was a picture left by Master Luo Beichuan in advance and did not have the ability to communicate. As soon as the words were finished, the figure quickly faded and completely disappeared after three breaths.

The silver light was restrained, once again becoming quaint, the silver blade completely quieted down.

"The digger's elder brother was bleeding a lot." Yu Wuji expressed surprise.

It is undoubtedly amazing to be able to exert the blow of the nine-star combat power of the magical powers. This was cast by Luo Beichuan himself, and his power was integrated into it.

Of course, Luo Beichuan's combat power is not as simple as a nine-star, but stronger and stronger, but the problem is that this is only a secret treasure. It is only a dead object. It cannot fully exert Luo Beichuan's full strength. It is only a part of the strength. Rao is This is amazing.

If you want to cast such a secret treasure yourself, the consumption is not small, and Jade Flawless will say so, but she only talks about it, and there is no envy, envy and hatred.

"Thank you very much, Brother." Chen Zong laughed, closed the blade, and through contact, Chen Zong could feel the trace of knife path contained in it, the unpredictable knife path.

Although speaking, he has a **** standing next to him, and the nine-star blow from Divine Realm does not really have much effect on himself, but no matter what, this is all the good intentions of a great brother. Chen Zong is grateful.

"Your second and fourth elder sisters are coming soon, too," laughed with all his heart.

After receiving Chen Zong as his fifth disciple, only the third disciple Yu Flawless had contacted it, and the big disciple, the second disciple, and the four disciples have never met with Chen Zong.

Because they are all trained outside, they will only return once in a long time, and every time they return, it is basically difficult to meet other teachers and brothers.

However, this time, it is to hold a Taoist ceremony, and it is also the fifth true story of the Yixin palace. As a disciple of the Yixin palace, of course, it is necessary to rush back.

For example, the master Luo Beichuan, because he guards a certain theater on the northern front, he must not leave easily, otherwise he will rush back.

However, although he did not return, he also sent a congratulatory gift.

Chen Zong is also very happy to see the second and fourth elder sisters. Chen Zong has a strong sense of belonging to the Yixin Palace and the Mind Heaven Palace, especially the Yixin Palace. Chen Zong directly treats it as his own home.

Well, the wholehearted respect and the brothers and sisters are their own families.

Before long, the second and fourth sisters returned.

The second elder brother is named Wang Zhengcheng. This is a pretty name with a manly character. However, when Chen Zong saw the second elder brother's people, he thought of the third elder sister's evaluation of him.

so gay!

Indeed, the appearance of the second elder brother is indeed more feminine. If you change into a women's clothing, you don't need to dress up deliberately, and you will be mistaken for a woman.

The voice of his speech was the same, soft.

However, the tone of speech is not so feminine, but it has an indescribable spirit, which combined into a very unique temperament.

As for the name of the fourth division sister Xia Yingfei, the third division sister Yu Wuji's evaluation of her is a little confused.

Chen Zong found that the height of the fourth division sister Xia Yingfei is very ordinary. It looks like the height of a developing girl. In short, everyone is missing one head. Her eyes are large, but there is always a feeling of confusion, it seems It ’s the same as not waking up.

咋 At first glance, the Fourth Master is a very cute girl, and she is harmless, but this is not the case. The Fourth Master ’s cultivation has reached the level of Yuanming Realm, and her combat power is relatively weak, which is the top ten Stars.

Of course, this weakness is relatively speaking. In the void, how many practitioners who have successfully completed the Yuanming Realm can only reach nine stars, not to mention that Xia Yingfei is expected to increase the fighting power to ten in the Yuan Realm level. One star level.

"In our vein, there is a master who suppressed Tiangong first. No one else can be defeated by his peers. It is the first way of the contemporary. Now you have five masters and you are peerless and the third way of the contemporary. "The second elder brother, Wang Zhengcheng, laughed, his voice was soft, but he could not speak with boldness.

That's true.

The master suppresses his peers and is the first son of the contemporary. The fifth master also suppresses his peers and is the third son of the contemporary. As for the second son, he is a person in the house of mind.

San Da Zi Zi, Yi Xin Palace occupied two people, which is very amazing.

Of course, relatively speaking, the Yixin Palace is relatively weak compared to the other Four Palaces, and it has insufficient information. Compared with other Four Palaces, it is like a growing child, but the child of the Yixin Palace has great potential. Once your child grows up, it will be amazing.

"With the talents of your five masters, you will be able to surpass Beichuan in the future." Yixinzun smiled, giving Chen Zong a very high evaluation. This evaluation immediately made the second and third brothers and the fourth sisters startled.

Although Yu Flawless and Chen Zong have more contacts, I feel that my five master brothers can compete with the master brothers and may even surpass them, but it is only a simple guess.

The second senior brother Wang Zhengcheng and the fourth senior sister Xia Yingfei are the first time to contact Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although they also feel that these five senior brothers are very good and better than themselves, they can compare with the master brother, but surpass the master brother , They are utterly afraid to think, because when they got started, they were brought to Luo Beichuan by their elder brother Luo Beichuan for a while, and they still knew Luo Beichuan better.

It is because of the understanding that Luo Beichuan's excellence is more clearly known. That is an amazing talent and talent. No one in the whole family can be suppressed by Luo Beichuan.

Even the previous generation and even the previous generation couldn't find anyone who could match the master Luo Beichuan in terms of talent.

This is true even in the other three sacred places, except for the Xinyi Temple, because Luo Beichuan once challenged it, and the suppression of his contemporaries was not casually talked about. It was once their shadow.

And now what they heard, the Master even said that the talents of the five masters are better than the masters. The future achievements will surpass the masters. That tone is very certain, not speculation.

This, how to make them not shocked.

Of course, they did not doubt the Master's words. Although the Master is a Dao, but it is a very high-level Dao. Among all the Dao in the entire void, the Master is ranked and can be ranked. The top one.

Since Master said so, it means that the fifth master really has such potential.

For a time, Chen Zong was stared at by his elder brothers and sisters. That kind of gaze was like seeing him through, making Chen Zong feel uncomfortable.

"Well, don't look at Chen Zong like this." Zong Dao Zun released the siege and let Chen Zong relieved, but everyone's next sentence made the hearts tremble unconsciously.

"If we are the one who is most likely to dominate, it will be Chen Zong."

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