Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 42: It turns out that he is a Tao (Part 1)

(The outbreak will start tomorrow. Are your monthly passes ready?)

In the Mind-Heaven Temple, countless arrays are arranged in one place in the heart of the mountain, and all the rays of light are flowing. The array of arrays is composed of many treasures, forming a small space.

In the small space, there is a huge garden, a very peculiar garden. There seems to be nothing, everything seems to be.

"Please, everyone, this is the place where Daozi Ceremony is held." The disciples of Yudaojing Zhenzhu of Xinyi Tiangong all welcomed guests from all directions in the void.

There are Taoists, there are true monarchs of the supernatural powers, and there is also Yuanming Realm. Of course, there are imperial realms. After all, among some astral forces, imperial realms are very good true stories.

"This place ..." When these people from all over stepped into the garden, they froze.

"It's a beautiful place, it's like a flower world." Some female disciples looked surprised.

"I see countless mountains."

"The sword air is vertical and horizontal, the sky knife is facing the dust."

The mystery here is amazing even if it is a Taoist powerhouse.

"Sen Luo Vientiane, only one heart." A Taoist Supreme exhaled a long breath, his voice full of shock.

"It is truly the first of the four holy places, such a handwriting."

In this small space, there are countless formations, and the overlapping layers are intertwined. They are very subtle, and they are integrated with many treasures, making them a magical place.

Different people entering here will see different scenes.

Some people see the sea of ​​flowers, some people see the mountains, some people see the forest, and some people see endless light.

No matter which one you see, it is closely related to your own cultivation, and you can get inspiration from it, and then get an opportunity for enlightenment.

The man-made opportunity to create enlightenment, of course, has no effect on the Taoist level. If it can affect the Taoist level, it will be too scary.

It doesn't even have much impact on the magical realm, but the effect is still very good for Yuan Ming Realm and Royal Realm, especially Royal Realm.

To put it simply, this is like a man-made holy land for cultivation, but it cannot last. When the Taoist ceremony begins, all changes will be unified.

However, it is not a holy place-level power, and there really is no such thing.

More and more people came and were greeted by the true disciples of Xintiangong. They were brought into the Daozi ceremony space and arranged. All the food and wine were provided, making them feel at home.

Even those low-order, middle-order, star-level forces are secretly moved, and have a feeling of being valued and flattered.

The Mind Heaven Palace is the head of the four holy places and the most mysterious existence among the four holy places. In the eyes of many forces and practitioners, it is tantamount to unpredictable and unattainable.

Naturally, its status is unmatched.

Originally they were able to receive invitations from the Temple of Mind, and came to participate in the ceremony, they felt very honored. After arriving here, they found that they were treated well and had a feeling of great respect, which originated from the heart The sense of identity exploded directly.

Very honored!

How honored!

I was even grateful for it, and the good impression of Tianxin Gong soared.

Of course, these are digressions.

The invitations sent by Xinyi Tiangong have naturally calculated the corresponding travel time. Therefore, as long as there is no delay in setting off and there are no more delaying forces on the road, they can arrive before the ceremony.

Of course, there is no absolute thing in the world, and some forces did choose to leave immediately when they received the invitation, but some unexpected situations along the way delayed the time and eventually delayed it.

Xinyi Tiangong will not delay the holding time of Daozi Ceremony, which is not suitable for the whole.

Finally, it's time for the Taoist Ceremony.

Tao, symbolizing the glory of a power, placed in the void is the spokesperson of that power, and its actions and actions will be related to the honor and shame of the power.

The position of Dao Zi is very important. Those who are not very capable are not enough to serve.

Of course, this ability is very general, but in general, it is based on talent and strength, because no matter how good your other abilities are, if you do n’t have enough cultivation talent and sufficient strength, walking outside will only be reduced to The target of being hit.

The world of cultivators, where strength is vital, is a symbol.

A Taoist statue of the Mind Heaven Palace appears in the center. It is a hill, a hill exactly the same as Xin Shen Mountain, exuding an endless mysterious atmosphere, like a sea of ​​dust floating in the sea.

Everyone who came to the Daoist Ceremony suddenly found that they also appeared on that mountain.

This mountain, I do not know when, from the original size of only a hundred meters, it instantly expanded to a height of ten thousand meters, huge and extremely wide.

Everyone is in the mountains, and there is a feeling of standing outside the mountains, able to see everything clearly.

At the next breath, they found that they and others appeared in the hills, and each hill was suspended.

People from different forces appear on different hills, and people of the same force are in the same hill.

Many hills surround the huge mountains in the center. It can be seen that the dangling hills where the people of the three holy places are located are the largest and are at the forefront.

This is followed by more than a dozen top-level star-level forces, followed by high-level star-level forces, followed by intermediate-level star-level forces, and finally low-level star-level forces.

The total number adds up to more than a hundred, but this is not all the star-level forces in the void. Some of them have received invitations, but they have not dispatched due to their own reasons. In an unexpected situation, did not arrive.

"I don't know who is the third person in the Mind Heaven Palace?" The man from the flame mountain of Wanjie secretly guessed.

The first and second ceremonies were naturally attended by some people, so it is clear, but the third verse has not yet known who it is.

The giants of the Ziyuan Palace and the Eternal War Fortress are naturally guessing.

"No matter who is the Tao, I have to try what he can do." A young man inside Juyuan Ziji Hall sneered.

Coming to the Daoist Ceremony is not only a long experience, but also a contest of thought.

"I don't know how the new Tao of Xinyi Temple is compared to the Tao of our Ice Temple." On the hanging hill on the side of the Ice Temple, there are four Taoists and six secret disciples, exactly ten. There are five Binglong Roads and five Binghuang Roads.

Of the five people from Binglong Tao, two of them were Dao Zun, and one was King Ao Sheng's grandfather, Ao Guzun.

The two Taoists from Binghuang Tao are interesting, just the Red Crane Taoist and the Blue Ning Taoist.

As for the six secret disciples, because Ao Shengwang and Yu Nianxin were retreating to absorb Long Jing and Feng Jing, they did not arrive.

Binglong Tao came from three talented students who were second only to King Ao Sheng. The three from Binghuang Tao were Hongfeng, Mo Hongli and Lan Shuang.

In a hurry, an invisible, but indifferent atmosphere appeared, as if the breeze was invisible, colorless, and silent, passing over everyone's body, all hearts.

The feeling of imperial realm is the most superficial, and nothing is general. Yuan Ming Realm condenses the Yuan Shen, and it already has a clearer feeling, but it is just a feeling. There is a feeling of being suppressed in the level of supernatural power. But his own strength is not half affected.

That weakness is a feeling that comes from the mind.

As for the feeling of Taoism, it is extremely horrifying, as if the calamity is coming.

It seems that his life and death are between the thoughts of others.

What kind of power can dominate the life and death of Dao respect?


The power of the master, the power of the master.

The Master of the Mind Heaven is here.

I don't know when, perhaps just now, or permanently, a figure of a white robe appeared silently on the largest and oldest mountain, with long white hair and a white beard, very conspicuous.

When this Lord appeared, the Daoists of the Heart of Heaven and the elders and true disciples around him bowed and saluted to welcome the Lord.

With the appearance of the old man with white long hair and white long white robe, the kind of breath that seemed to penetrate the mind also disappeared. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That's ... "A Dao respectfully looked at the one Figure.

"The mind is dominated!" Said an elder Taoist solemnly and excitedly, his eyes brightened.

"Heart dominates!" The other Taoists also responded, exclaiming in a low voice.


It is one of the major masters of the Mind Heaven Palace, and is currently the oldest dominated heart in the Mind Heaven Palace. It is rumored that it is also the strongest master, not only the first Master of the Mind Heaven Palace, but also the first master of the Void and the strongest master.

Such strong men are usually very rare. Even the people in the heart of heaven, it is extremely difficult to see one side, but now they are directly in front of everyone.

"I remember the first two Taoist Ceremonies of the Mind Heaven Palace, the Mind Master did not show up." A Taoist said with a trembling tone.

From this point, it may be seen that the mind-mastering also attaches great importance to the Taoist allusions of this time, which indirectly illustrates one point. This third way, I am afraid that even the mind-mastering is alarmed.

In this way, everyone is more curious about the third way that has not yet appeared.

What kind of person is that?

It turned out that the masters of the mind that had never appeared in the previous two Taoist Ceremonies appeared, and it seemed to come to preside over the Taoist Ceremony. What a honour.

To this day, the third way of the Mind Heaven Palace is whether it is male or female, and what age and cultivation is not known.

Previously, some people tried to ask them from the mouth of the Tiangong Zhenzhu disciples who received them in various ways, but unfortunately, nothing was asked.

Because, the true story of Yudaojing doesn't know who it is, and knows that he can't arbitrarily talk when the time is up.

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