Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 43: It turns out that he is the Tao (below)

(It is said that it is going to break out, so I offer the first change, and justly ask for a monthly ticket)

The third way, in the minds of everyone, it seems to be synonymous with mystery, just like the feeling of the heavenly palace among the forces.

"Welcome everyone to attend the Tiangong Daozao Ceremony." The mind dominates the opening, and the voice is not loud, but it is like a spring breeze and a clear spring, straight into the heart, straight into the spirit, even if it shields itself from the five senses, it can't shield it. Because it sounds like it sounds from the heart.

It was a mysterious power.

That is the power of the master.

The mind dominated so politely, everyone naturally responded more modestly, even the Taoist deities of the three holy places.

The master is the master. No matter what kind of power it is in, even the master in casual repair still has the powerful power to dominate the void. For example, the master of the ultra-empty sword is the master in casual repair. Dao Zun must also maintain a low profile when facing him, and must respect him.

The strong is always strong, no matter where it is, the strong strength will not be transferred on the basis of external conditions, but will promote the improvement of the external environment.

"You have a third son, Chen Zong." A Taoist devotion to the heavenly palace sang, and the voice covered the audience, and passed into everyone's ears.

"It turned out that the third element of the Mind Heaven Palace was Chen Zong."

At this moment, Chen Zong's two words, this name, suddenly turned into a brand, and entered their hearts with their heart.

"Chen Zong." On the side of Bingsheng Palace, he was slightly surprised.

"I seem to have heard this name." One Daozun of Binglongdao frowned slightly, and said to himself, thinking.

"Yu Nianxin's foreign aid when fighting for Taoism is called Chen Zong." Honghe Tao said in a **** yin and yang style, looking a little stunned.

Similarly, people such as Ao Guzun, Lan Ning Dao Zun, and even Hong Feng, Mo Hongli, and Lan Shuang are also in shock.

Without him, it is because the two words Chen Zong are familiar. As soon as they heard the name, they did not realize the foreign aid Yu Yuxin was fighting for.

"Is it him?" Everyone could not help but think so.

The name is Chen Zong, and it is the true biography of the Heart of Heaven.

"Impossible, it must be the same name." Hong Feng shook her head vigorously, and seemed to shake the thought out, and said in a positive tone.

They also hope to have the same name.

The vacuum teaches one side, but also a little dreadful, one after another thought.

At that time, the person who sent the corpse of the Emperor Yukong to Islam was the true disciple of Xinyi Tiangong, which seemed to be called Chen Zong.

Isn't he the third way of mind Tiangong?

If so, it would be amazing.

Among countless guesses and expectations, the third way appeared.

It seems to be stepping from the outside void, step by step, along a avenue formed by Jianguang, to the top of the mountain in the center, standing in a main road respect, juxtaposing with the mind.

Seeing that figure, the people who taught in the vacuum were very excited. Sure enough, it was really him.

But the side of the ice holy palace was stunned, and it felt like it was struck by lightning.

Chen Zong!

It's really Chen Zong!

It was Yu Nianxin's foreign aid.

how come!

How could it be him!

Although they had all kinds of premonitions when they heard the names, they were unwilling to believe that there was always a bit of luck. After all, it is also possible to have the same name and same name.

But now I saw it with my own eyes and confirmed it directly.

The third way of Xinyi Tiangong is the Chen Zong they know, which does not exist under the same name and same name.

Ao Guzun, Honghe Daozun and Lan Ning Daozun, etc., had a blank mind for a while, even if they were in the position of Daozun.

As for Hongfeng, Mo Hongli and Lan Shuang, their minds are frozen and they can't think of anything.

It took a long time for the three Taoist deities of the Ice Holy Palace to wake up.

Ao Guzun's expression changed, very vague, seemed to be afraid of something, also seemed to be afraid of something later, and seemed to have made up his mind.

Honghe Daozun was a little bit scared. She thought of her own shot at the time. In Binghuangdao, she wanted to put Chen Zong to death.

If Chen Zong was really killed at that time, the consequences would be very serious, and the mind Tiangong would definitely be furious.

After all, if a true biography dies, Binghuangdao will be uncomfortable and it will cost some money, but if the death is Daozi, whether Binghuangdao can continue to exist is still a big problem, even affecting the entire Bingsheng Palace.

The feeling of Red Crane Tao Zun is to be afraid and relieved.

Fortunately, my own finger was resisted at the time, but I want to come back, and it is really unusual to be able to protect it with a respectable power.

As for the look of Lan Ning Dao Zun changing, blue and red, and white, she thought of the words she had warned Chen Zong before.

What was not expected was that Chen Zong's identity turned out to be so noble.

Of course, for the Bingsheng Palace, the identity of the Tao of the Mind Heavenly Palace has nothing to do with them, at least it can not affect the rules of the palace that interfere with them, etc. Only the Tao of this palace is useful.

In any case, the Mind Heaven Palace is the most powerful force, stronger than the Bingsheng Palace, and Chen Zong as the Tao of the Mind Heaven Palace, to some extent, represents the Mind Heaven Palace, just like Taoism.

This has to be taken seriously.

Lan Ning Tao Zun felt hot on his face.

As for Hongfeng and the other three, they slowly reacted, and their looks were extremely wonderful.

Lan Shuang once looked down on Chen Zong, and was forced to leave the court later, but Chen Zong finally took Feng Jing, allowing Yu Nianxin to gain the respect of the Tao, but that has nothing to do with her, that is not her honor.

If she did not leave on her own initiative at that time, then she would enjoy those honors, but unfortunately, she left on her own initiative, rather than acting in batches after negotiation, which has a different meaning.

That kind of behavior is like telling others that they are not in a team with them.

Then Yu Nianxin won the honor that Feng Jing won the position of Tao, and it has nothing to do with her.

As for Li Jiayin and Wu Qiaoyun, of course, it is because of Yu Nianxin's relationship that they have received much attention and got a greater training.

Lan Shuang didn't have such a thick skin again.

Hong Feng was shocked and resentful.

Why Yu Nianxin has become a Taoist, now Yu Nianxin's foreign aid is also a Taoist, but she is obviously excellent but she is nothing.

Mo Hongli also had a solemn look, but relatively speaking, she did not feel as strongly as Lan Shuang and Hong Feng, because she didn't deal with Chen Zong much.

People who knew Chen Zong were surprised, but they were happy and sad.

The Dao Ceremony begins.

The **** of the mind proclaimed Dao Wen, full of the rhythm of the avenue, spreading out from the mountain, diffused, as if ripples and ripples, let everyone fall into a wonderful feeling.

Even Dao Zun has the same feeling.

What do you mean by the mind dominating the Dao, no one can understand it, but you do n’t need to understand it, because the mystery of the avenue in the void is led by the Dao to this gathering. Thick hair.

The mystery of the avenue turns into Guanghua flashing, like the water waves, the lake and mountains have a wonderful taste.

It was formed by the mystery of numerous roads.

The mystery of the avenue is ubiquitous, but it is very scattered, except that some places are more dense and are considered as cultivation holy places, and some places are relatively thin.

Today, the mysteries of the avenues here are quite good. Now, as the mind proclaims Daowen, countless avenue mysteries are attracted and become more intense.

The mysteries of the avenues must even condense into substance.

It can be seen that, above Chen Zong's head, countless rays of light converge, flicker, and shine.

Each kind of light represents a kind of mystery of the avenue. So many rays of light are countless avenue mysteries.

For a time, Chen Zong directly opened his heart and mind, and quickly realized.

A rare opportunity!

If it is not normal, this is not possible, but now, it is the Taoist Ceremony, and it is still the Taoist Ceremony of its own. Of course, we must seize the opportunity.

In fact, the Daoist Ceremony is not just a ritual, it also has deeper benefits.

This benefit is the Taoist person first, followed by those who are at the Temple of Mind, and finally, the person who is invited to watch the ceremony, and the benefit is the cohesion of the mystery of the avenue, which can be more clearly exposed to the mystery of the avenue. Mystery, enhance your own avenue, you can even comprehend some of the mysteries of other avenues, confirm your own avenue, and improve from different perspectives.

Everyone is immersed in that mystery ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as if cruising in the ocean of the avenue.

Only the mind dominates is sober, the degree of this mystery of the road is nothing to the dominating powerhouse.

Because the dominant power can directly perceive the origin of the Void Avenue, more than a hundred times better than this level.

The mystery of the avenue seems to come from Chen Zong. With all his heart and soul, Chen Zong is fully enlightened, and countless mysteries emerge.

Unlike other practitioners, Chen Zong's enlightenment can not be limited to any one, but he can all enlighten, learn its essence, and integrate into his own avenue.

Kendo of the Heart!

World Avenue!

Today, both of these avenues have reached the second level, but they have only just entered the second level of 10,000 meters.

You know, the limit of the second-largest avenue area is 99,999 meters.

If you want to reach the third level, you must break through to 100,000 meters.

What a vast area is the 100,000-meter avenue area, but that is still not the limit of the avenue area, and there are still higher levels.

Chen Zong found that when he raised his avenue to the second-largest 10,000 meters, he wanted to further improve, and the difficulty increased by more than ten times.

Chen Zong also knows that it is a relationship that is limited by his own cultivation.

After all, the second-level avenue area belongs to the level of supernatural powers, but it is only the high-level of Yuanming Realm, and it is very amazing to master the second-level avenue realm without even reaching Yuanming Realm.

The magic heart has also analyzed that in the high level of Yuanming Realm, it is very unlikely that Chen Zong wants to continue to improve the avenue area, and the price paid is not proportional. Only after he has achieved the completion of Yuanming Realm may he continue to improve .

But now, the opportunity has come.

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