Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 44: Battle of the Third Tao (Part 1)

(Second more)

The incomprehensible Taoism contains the supreme mystery, like the vastness and depth of the sound of the sky, as if it came from the endless void, and as if it came from a very high and empty void, resounding in all directions, The mysteries of countless avenues have emerged, one after another.

No one spoke, everyone was immersed in the mystery of this cohesive avenue, and fully enjoyed it.

With one heart and one mind, Chen Zong's enlightenment effect is the most amazing. In addition, he is the protagonist here. The mystery of the avenue is the strongest and the effect of engraving is the most direct. It can be said that the effect of Chen Zong's awakening to the mystery of the avenue is other people. More than a hundred times, even if it is a Taoist strong, it is difficult to compare with Chen Zong.

The mystery of the sword of the heart and the mystery of the world avenue continue to emerge, absorbed and mastered by Chen Zong.

The Sword Realm of the Heart and the World Realm have also been continuously improved.

The Daowen recitation only lasted for a quarter of an hour. When the Daowen recitation was over, the mystery of the avenue that had been gathered was quickly dissipated.

Thirty Breaths!

In just 30 minutes, the intense mystery of the avenue was completely dissipated, restored to its original level, and everyone awakened from the enlightenment.

But even if they were enlightened, they still didn't forget that this time they came to attend the Dao Ceremony, it was a strange feeling.

It stands to reason that once entering the state of enlightenment, other thoughts will be treated as miscellaneous thoughts, but here, the idea of ​​participating in the Daoist ceremony has always existed and cannot be eliminated, but it will not affect the effect of enlightenment just before. , Extraordinary means.

Everyone also felt that although it was only a quarter of an hour to understand, the gain was not small.

The greatest gains belong to Chen Zong.

Although not released, Chen Zong can clearly feel that his sword of heart and world avenue are stronger. The scope of the sword of heart and world is only beyond the level of 10,000 meters, at least it can reach 10,000. One kilometer or more.

This improvement is indeed amazing. Even Chen Zong also found that how to compress the world, he found the clue without knowing it. Although he has not yet succeeded, he has at least a clear direction. No It will be as before, with multiple attempts but multiple failures.

But now is not the time to condense and condense the world, only to wait until after the ceremony.

In the announcement of the mind domination, Chen Zong officially became the third way of the mind heaven.

This is not only the recognition of Xinyi Tiangong, but also the recognition of the void. Since then, all forces in the void know that Chen Zong is the third way of mind.

Then Chen Zong ’s walking in the void will be much more convenient, at least it will save a lot of trouble, of course, it may also cause other troubles, such as the puppets of some evil people.

To enjoy the benefits, you must also bear the consequences. Everything is relative, perfect, not absolute.

Among the congratulations of almost everyone, Chen Zong was really the third Taoist of the Heavenly Palace of Mind, and the Taoist Ceremony has basically come to an end.

According to normal circumstances, when you come to the Daozi ceremony, you must prepare a congratulation, but the heart and soul of the heavenly palace wealth is extremely profound, so it is stated that the congratulations are not accepted in the invitation.

It's just wayward.

Now that the Taoist recitation is over and Chen Zong has been declared as the third Tao of the Mind Heaven Palace, the Mind Master has left, and with his identity and status, being able to personally come to preside over the Dao Ceremony is already amazing. it's here.

Because next time is a relatively free time, everyone can enjoy the delicious food and food prepared by the Heavenly Palace, etc., and can also exchange ideas with each other at will, which will continue for a period of time.

If the mind dominates staying here, everyone will feel like they can't let go.

Chen Zong did not intend to participate because he was so busy, because he had learned a lot from his enlightenment, especially when he had a sense of compression and condensing in the world field, so he planned to leave directly and go back to his palace to retreat and practice in the world. Successfully compressed.

"Hello Chen Daozi, this is Yuan Chongshan, the third son of our giant Yuan Ziji Hall." Just as Chen Zong planned to leave, three people appeared in front of Chen Zong.

Of these three, two are extremely tall and extremely strong, reaching two meters. Among the human race, they are considered to be a few people of this height, but among the powerful forces such as Juyuan Ziji Hall, the height is such. It is very common.

The third person is not so tall, similar to Chen Zong, but it gives a very strong and extremely strong feeling. With super strong perception, Chen Zong can feel the body of this person, which contains the most terrifying power. At this moment it is restrained, and once it breaks out, it will destroy the mountains and mountains.

Although this third person is not as good as the other two, Chen Zong feels that he is the strongest of the three.

What he spoke was exactly one of the tall and strong young people with a smile on his face, but from his look and tone, Chen Zong didn't hear much respect, but just called it casually.

What he said was Yuan Chongshan, the third son of the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall, referring to the man who was about the same height as Chen Zong, wearing a black gilt tight-fitting sleeveless robe. Production, very tough look.

Yuan Chongshan stared at Chen Zong with no expression, but nodded slightly as a greeting.

Chen Zong knew that Juyuan Ziji Hall also had three Taoist philosophers, and the third one was achieved earlier than himself.

However, the cultivation of Yuan Chongshan should not have reached the level of supernatural power.

"I don't know what the three men are suggesting?" Chen Zong couldn't help asking.

The visitor is a guest. Be polite.

"The same is the third way of sacred place, it is better to discuss one or two." Yuan Chongshan spoke very directly, without any twists and turns, directly put forward the idea of ​​fighting with Chen Zong, and his tone was firm, and there was a kind of oppression. It seems that if Chen Zong does not agree, he will shoot directly.

All in all, that sentence seemed to be asking Chen Zong's opinion, but in Chen Zong's feeling, it was not, but a kind of announcement.

"Your current practice is the high order of Yuan Ming Realm. I will not take advantage of you. I will suppress the cultivation to the high order of Dacheng Deity Realm." Yuan Chongshan added.

Because of his cultivation, he has already completed the Dacheng Deity Realm, which is equivalent to the complete level of Yuan Ming Realm.

For Tianjiao, the gap in cultivation will also bring about a gap in combat effectiveness.

When it comes to this, if Chen Zong refuses, he will probably lose the prestige of the heart of heaven.

"Please." Chen Zong reached out and falsely quoted.

Now that we're going to learn, we need the right venue.

All this has long been prepared.

Chen Zongnai is the third way of the Xintian Temple, and it was just announced. Therefore, everyone knows him. As for the several people in Juyuan Ziji Hall, they are also very conspicuous.

The third way of Xintian Temple!

The third way of Juyuan Ziji Hall!

The crowd seemed to find something that excites them, and they followed.

People are group effects, so when they see so many people following, others are naturally attracted. When they learn that the object to be followed is the third Tao of the Mind Heaven Palace and the third Tao of the Giant Yuan Ziji Temple Seems to think of something, quickly follow up.

"Little brother, what are you doing?" Yu Wucai was curious.

"What else can be done, naturally it is a challenge." Wang Zhengcheng smiled slightly, the feminine look more beautiful than the woman, making people feel lost.

"Go." Jade was flawless when she heard the word "Zhan" and rushed away. In response, the second brother Wang Zhengcheng shook his head helplessly.

The news spread, more and more people gathered, and even Dao Zun was alarmed.

The battle between the two sacred places in the third way is undoubtedly very attractive.

"Yuan Chongshan challenged Chen Zong. It was interesting. Let's go and see." The people of Wanyan Shenyan Mountain and the Eternal Battle Fortress also rushed to the place.

Among the people who came to the three holy places this time, there was only one Taoist, which was Yuan Chongshan of the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall.

As for the Eternal Battle Fortress, there are also three main roads, but they are all on the northern front, and the Wanyan Shenyan Mountain currently only has two main roads, one on the northern front and one without knowing where to go.

Yuan Chongshan, the third son of Juyuan Ziji Hall, has a reputation that surpasses that of Chen Zong today. After all, he became the third son much earlier than Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But then, Yuan When Chongshan became the third way, Xiuwei was not very tall.

Becoming a Tao has nothing to do with the height of Xiu Wei. What's more important is the combination of talents and potentials.

For example, in Bingsheng Palace, King Ao Sheng becoming a Taoist is a high-level practice of Yuanming Realm, but Yu Nianxin is a preliminary practice of Yuanming Realm. The gap is very obvious.

However, it is Chen Zong who is not interested in knowing what Chongshan was to become the third son of Ziyuan Hall of the Giant Yuan. At this moment, Chen Zong has some inexplicable expectations for the next battle.

To be the Tao of the Giant Yuan Ziji Temple, regardless of other abilities, the talent alone is definitely not weak, and the opponent's cultivation is not low, and his combat power must be very strong.

Chen Zong is not a person who is afraid of challenges. He is weaker than himself and cannot fight any war. It is equivalent to bullying people. Only if he is evenly matched or stronger than himself can he let himself enjoy the battle and enjoy heartily. .

Hope that the third way of this giant Yuan Ziji Temple will not let you down.

The opponent is based on refining. Fighting should be fierce and overbearing.

For a time, Chen Zong's thinking flashed through many thoughts like lightning.

There was a boom, as if the earth and the earth were shaking, an overwhelming momentum, suddenly detonated from Yuan Chongshan's body, as if to shatter the void, to the extreme.

Dacheng God Body Reality!

This is the complete atmosphere of the Dacheng divine realm, but because Yuan Chongshan cultivates the highest inheritance of the giant Yuan Ziji Hall, its breath is more complete than most Dacheng divine realms. As a result, many Yuanming surroundings have a feeling of suffocation, which is more like being directly suppressed and hard to move.

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