Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 48: Extreme compression

(The outbreak continues today, the first will be presented first, for more monthly tickets)

The Daoist Ceremony is over, but the aftermath is still there. As people from various astral forces leave the Mind Heaven Palace and return to their respective schools, along the way, the news is continuously spread.

For a moment, the whole void was talking about it.

Many galaxy-level forces have also received news from various channels. They are very curious about this. One is that the heavenly palace is always very mysterious. Many forces are curious and want to learn more.

The second Taoist ceremony is not a trivial matter. Knowing more and knowing more can also avoid unknowingly or unknowingly inducing each other and causing disaster.

Monary galaxy is monistic.

"Third way ... Chen Zong!" The monarch leader and other senior leaders were shocked after they got the news.

"Is it the same name?" An associate bishop couldn't believe it.

The Tao of the Mind-Heart Temple is like the godson of the monarchy. Of course, this is only a status representation within a force. When it comes to the real level, the two are very different.

It's like a small town master and a prince in a dynasty. In that small town, the master of the little city is a very high-ranking character, and in the dynasty, the prince is also a very high-ranking character. This is a relative status.

However, the owner of the small city and the small city cannot be compared with the prince of the dynasty.

The people of the unitary religion couldn't believe it. The Chen Zong they knew and knew was indeed a true disciple of the Heart of Heaven Palace, and they were indeed talented. However, Daozi and true transmission are two concepts.

So they can't believe that the third way Chen Zong will be Chen Zong they know.

"I have a hunch, that should be Chen Zong as we know it." Su Luan laughed, even though he didn't believe it himself, but felt so.

"It's amazing." The monarch leader sighed, wondering how it felt.

At that time, Chen Zong was only a level of imperial state, and all belonged to a lower level in imperial state.

But now, according to the information discovered, that Chen Zong has not only become the third way of Xintiangong, but also fought with the third way of Juyuan Ziji Hall. Under the same cultivation, it is not inferior. To each other.

According to their knowledge, the cultivation used by the two sides in that war was the high-ranking class of Yuan Ming Realm.

If it was really the Chen Zong they knew, it would be amazing. From the lower level of the Royal Path to the higher level of the Yuan Ming Realm, it has only been a few years, and it is impossible to imagine how it is cultivated.

Think about yourself. Although the combat power has been enhanced over the years, Xiuwei still hasn't made a breakthrough. By comparison, he is so ashamed that he can dig a hole into it.

Such arguments as in the Yiyuan religion were staged everywhere. At one time, the name Chen Zong became famous.

"Haha, just right, my son was named Chen Zong as soon as he was born." Someone took advantage of his name and named his child Chen Zong, hoping that his child would be so good in the future.

"Hum, my son is already named Chen Zong." Someone hummed, the tone was full of ostentation.

"You're not surnamed Chen."

"Whoever said that he could not be named Chen Zong without his surname Chen, remember that my child's name was Yang Chen Zong."

This is also the norm. Whenever someone is famous in the void, there will always be many people who take their own offspring to the same or similar name, hoping to borrow it, and pin it on a beautiful wish.

Chen Zong didn't have much feeling for himself. No matter how famous he was, if he didn't have enough strength to support it, it would be an air tower, without foundation, it would become a drag.

Under the retreat, the mysteries of the avenues learned from the Daoist Ceremony were thoroughly mastered by Chen Zong, and the 12,000-kilometer heart sword world and world domain were also freely controlled. Jian Jue's countless two moves are also perfected to the present extreme.

Just wait until the field is stronger, and after the entry, the power of the sword will be stronger.

However, Chen Zong did not go out of the customs, but continued to cultivate. The next step was the focus of this retreat.

Sword World!

First, we must compress the world.

The enlightenment from the previous Taoist ceremony allowed Chen Zong to find a clue to compress the world and make it easier to get started.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Once you get started, you will continue to try, even if you will fail again and again, but every failure is to prepare and accumulate for success.

In addition to their own efforts, there is the deduction of the help of the magic heart and the spirit, and the probability of success is even greater.

Cultivate the sword world, replace the world heart with the world realm, and compress the world realm as the world heart.

The heart of the world is the core of the world's legacy and the essence of the world.

The world field is compressed into the heart of the world, naturally the same reason.

Chen Zong released the world area, the world area of ​​12,000 kilometers, and he was fully aroused. In a moment, the ghost in the world area quickly consolidated.

Woods, mountains, rivers, swamps and everything else are becoming real.

In the sky, there are clouds of air breeding, condensing into white clouds, flying in the sky, rising in the sun, blooming a great light, shining on the earth.

When the scorching sun continued to run and fell to the west, another round of cold moon rose in the eastern sky, crossing the sky, exuding faint moonlight, gentle and gentle, deep and cold.

A little bit of sparse starlight also dotted the sky, as if the eyes blinked.

The sun rises and falls, the moon rises and rises, and the day and night alternate.

Immediately, there were white clouds as if rendered by thick ink, turning to cloudless, low, depressed, thundering, and rain falling.

Clouds rain, and the sun shines.

The leaves gradually turned yellow, and the air was covered with Xiao Xiao. It was autumn.

The leaves fell, turned into fallen leaves and returned to the roots, the temperature in the air dropped, and gradually, white snow fell.

Autumn goes to winter.

Then, spring thunder rolled, spring rain was rolling, and the buds sprang new.

It's winter to spring solstice.

There are heavy rains, hot sun, the buds grow into dense branches, and summer is coming.

Sun and moon alternate, day and night cycle, four seasons rotation.

This has turned into a complete world, which is the ultimate that Chen Zong can do now.

It's time to compress.

The 12,000-kilometer world sphere started under Chen Zongqiang's extremely divine will, and began to compress it with Chen Zong as the center.

This is compression, not contraction. Compression is to condense the world, and contraction is to close up. The concept is different.

At first, the compression speed was very fast, 12,000 kilometers became 11,000 kilometers, and then, it quickly became 10,000 meters.

Although the field has shrunk, its power has not weakened at all, but it has become a little stronger. The rivers and lakes, forests, mountains, sun, moon and stars in the world are becoming clearer and more condensed.

Nine kilometers!

With the continuous compression, the speed is getting slower and slower, because Chen Zong can feel that the resistance to compression is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that an invisible force is breeding internally and growing, preventing himself from compressing the world.

This is inevitable and exists in the deduction.

Chen Zong is also very clear that with continuous compression, the resistance will become more and more difficult.

However, in any case, he must face that resistance and squeeze the world to the extreme.

What is the ultimate in deduction?

one meter!

Just one meter!

How amazing is it to compress a world area of ​​12,000 kilometers on one side to 1 meter? The gap is 12,000 times, but the difficulty is not as simple as 12,000 times.

Eight kilometers!

Seven kilometers!

The world is constantly being compressed.

When compressed to a size of six kilometers, the phantom inside is almost condensed into substance, and the true substance is general, and the breath emitted gradually becomes apparent.

Similarly, Chen Zong can feel that the power of this world has increased more than twice, and its repressive force is appalling.

Five kilometers!

Four kilometers!

Three kilometers!

Two kilometers!

One thousand!

When it was compressed to one kilometer, that resistance soared tenfold, and Chen Zong began to feel the pressure.

At the same time, when Chen Zong was compressed to a thousand meters, suddenly, a terrible force suddenly broke out and broke out directly in the world. This force was so sudden that it broke out so abruptly that it was called Chen Zong. I didn't notice it for a while, and it was too late.

In an instant, the 900-meter world exploded directly under this force.

At a critical moment, Chen Zong quickly loosened the world and quickly restored it to its original state. All the rivers, mountains, sun, moon, stars, etc., burst under that power and turned into chaos.

so close!

Chen Zong couldn't help wiping a cold sweat, but it was almost. If he did n’t respond in time, it would be almost ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The world would explode and directly wound himself.

Fortunately, I was quick enough.

After calming down his mind, Chen Zong adjusted his breath, restored his energy, and compressed again.

With the first failed experience, Chen Zong paid more attention.

After a while, it was compressed again to a thousand meters. This time, with precautions, Chen Zong immediately strengthened control and resisted the shock of the sudden amount of wild violence to stabilize the compressed world.

Keep compressing.

900 meters!

Resistance soared, but there was no sudden outburst.

800 meters!

700 meters!

So time goes by.

At the beginning, the compression speed was very fast, but now the compression speed is greatly reduced. Chen Zong feels that the time has passed a long time before he succeeded in further compression.

Three hundred meters!

Two hundred meters!

One hundred meters!

Suddenly, a more violent force suddenly appeared than before, erupting directly, more than twice as much as before.

Even if Chen Zong was under guard, he was also breached and controlled. Chen Zong immediately released the world and restored it at an alarming rate. Everything inside was shattered, and the force of the anti-quake was like a dying storm in it. Chen Zong was horrified by the horrible breath of the attack.

If you fall into it yourself, I'm afraid it will be dangerous.

Exhaling a long breath, Chen Zong first restored all the energy expended to the peak, and did not continue to compress. Instead, he got up and practiced his sword as a way of adjusting. After that, he fully recovered his energy and only then did it again Unleash the world, and compress it again.

When compressed again to a size of 100 meters, Chen Zong carried a big eruption and compressed to 90 meters, but his resistance increased again a lot.

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