Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 49: 1 with sisters

(Second, more late)


Compress again!


Compress again!

Repeatedly, there are no shortcuts.

The failure many times is that when compressed to a size of ten meters, the power of the instant burst is too amazing. Even if Chen Zong had been prepared for it, it was still difficult to resist. Even the impact of the outbreak was extremely fierce, almost Called the world realm completely broken and hurt Chen Zong himself.

It's like walking on a steel wire, and below it is a mountain of swords and mountains.

This is to fight for their own future and life.

But the road to cultivation is like this, and smooth sailing is impossible. It can't be achieved. Only by working hard can we break through our own world and become famous and reach the peak.

After repeated failures, Chen Zong could only stop and find the cause.

"Your spirit has been divided into two, and it has not been fully recovered yet." The spirit of the spirit has found a reason. As for whether it is, I am not completely sure.

At the beginning, Chen Zong divided the soul into two in order to break through to the Yuan Ming Realm and the Dacheng Divine Realm at the same time to practice qi and refine the body. Later, although he also deliberately searched for a method to restore the soul and so on, the effect was not high.

There are some magical medicines for restoring the spirits in the Mind Heaven Palace, but the effects are relatively ordinary. At least, the spirit of Chen Zong cannot be completely restored as it was. Of course, it is not called recovery as before. The spirit of Chen Zong is divided into two. It is full of soul strength.

However, the purpose of Chen Zong is to restore the spirits that were divided into two to the strength before the division. When they are really counted, they are to be doubled.

Then it's not that simple. So far, the spirit of Chen Zong has not reached the level before the original division.

Could this be a flaw in myself now?

Although the two spirits after the division are combined, the intensity is the same as before the division, but now it is divided and it is impossible to re-aggregate.

It is equivalent to saying that a single soul is not as complete as it used to be.

Perhaps it is for this reason.

If it is for this reason that the world cannot be truly compressed to within ten meters, there will be no good way for Chen Zong.

It seems that if he wanted to cultivate the sword world, he had to push back. Chen Zong expressed some regrets but was helpless.

There are very few divine spirits. Even if there are, most of them are relatively ordinary. It has little effect on Chen Zong's current spirit strength.

It seems that I can only go out and find it by myself, and try my luck in various dangerous places and even forbidden places. Maybe I can find it.

But before leaving, Demon suggested that Chen Zongxian practice a trick.

The Heart-strengthening Sword Techniques and the Great World Sword Techniques are indeed very strong, but that is only a more conventional fighting method that can continue high-intensity combat. However, when encountering powerful opponents, such as Yuan Chongshan Opponents will not be able to lay down the victory and defeat in one fell swoop, but will fall into a protracted battle.

But if there is a trick, it may be possible to solve the battle in a short time.

Powerful lore is necessary.

There are many supernatural powers included in the Xinxiang building of Xinyi Tiangong. Chen Zong can choose a good one and find a suitable one for his own cultivation.

In the memory of Dongting Sword Master, there are naturally some lore


However, it was a magical power belonging to the East Mountain Jianshan, and Chen Zong generally used it as a reference, not a major.

I am the Tao of the Heart of Heaven, and have a strong mind and so on. Of course, I must choose a strategy that is very suitable for me in order to maximize my advantages.

Now that Chen Zong's mind is stronger, he can stay in the mind image building for a longer time.

After a lot of selection, Chen Zong found a satisfying explosive Kendo supernatural power as a lore killer, and fully opened up his heart and soul to enlighten himself. With Chen Zong's accumulation and super savvy, plus one heart The amazing effect of the trick, Chen Zong learned the mystery of the lore in a short time, and then cultivated.

Now, with one mind, Chen Zong is beyond the second level of mindfulness, but has not yet reached the third level of mindfulness, which is too difficult.

In today's Yixin palace, there are a total of six people who practice one mind, from the highest to the one heart, to Chen Zong. There is only one heart, one mind, one mind, and one heart, one mind, one heart, one mind, one heart, one mind, one heart, one mind, one heart, one mind, one heart, one mind. Beichuan reached.

The remaining four, all of which are second-level, single-mindedness.

Even the second brother Wang Zhengcheng, who has spiritual mastery, has one mind and one mind. Of course, there is a difference between being one mind and one mind, and the difference is the distance from the third heart and mind.

When Chen Zong practiced the lore to Dacheng, he went out of the game. As soon as he got out of the game, he was arrested by the jade of the third division.

"Brother, go, go to the secret place together." Jade flawless is very direct.

In the past, Chen Zong was weak because of his low combat strength, and there was a big gap with Jade Flawless. Therefore, Jade Flawless did not invite him to run together. After all, under the great power gap, it was equal to disguised care. It will not have any effect at all, but will become a mutual drag.

But now, Chen Zong's cultivation and strength are already close to himself. Although he is not his opponent, it is enough to venture into a secret place as a teammate.

Especially after seeing the battle between Chen Zong and Yuan Chongshan, Jade flawlessly knew that Chen Zong's combat strength was stronger than before when he fought with himself.

Chen Zong is also planning to go out, since the three teachers invited her, let's go together.

In addition to the third division sister, the fourth division sister is also accompanying.

Because Sister Four ’s practice is also complete in Yuan Ming Realm. Although the combat power is not as good as Sister Three ’s, it is not weak. In addition, the mystery was discovered by Sister Four. She broke into it by herself, but did not penetrate through Because of insufficient strength.

This time, Chen Zong's third ceremonial ceremony, when she returned, was also planning to invite her teachers and brothers to join the secret realm.

"Is it suspected of being left over from the ancient era?" Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly.

This epoch is divided into Archaic, Antiquity, Middle, and Modern times, and it is now an ancient epoch, while the ancient ruins are Middle Ages.

So what's different in the Era?

Maybe, I still have the possibility to find something that can replenish my soul and soul to the full recovery. Of course, this is just to think about whether it can be found or not.

However, such magic drugs have always been scarce and difficult to obtain. Chen Zong's plan to go out on his own to find them also had to be lucky.

The three of them hit it off immediately, and they set off immediately. As for the preparation, there was no need to prepare anything deliberately. Everyone had a lot.

The three-man operation is naturally unable to use the Void to move the array. Each time it is opened, it will consume a lot of power, even if the mind is rich in the wealth of Tiangong.

It was Chen Zong's Niankong that was riding. After all, this was the top-level void ship. Chen Zong was already able to start full-speed flight and opened a century-old void shuttle. It was very fast.

Qikong quickly left the heart of heaven, and flew to the secret place found by Xia Yingfei.

According to Xia Yingfei, the location of the mystery is in the marginal zone of the southern void, within the void zone between the two star fields.

The mysteries that are generally located in the void zone are all relatively hidden and difficult to find, because practitioners rarely stay in the void zone. There is almost no vitality in the void zone. Once the power is consumed, it is difficult to draw from the outside world. Vitality supplement.

Because of this, those secret places in the void zone are often more difficult to find, and every time they are discovered, it is often because of some accidents.

For example, someone was chased and killed, escaped into the void, and accidentally discovered the mystery and entered it.

Mostly, that's the case.

As for how Xia Yingfei discovered that secret place, Jade flawlessly laughed, Xia Yingfei looked a little embarrassed.

Because Xia Yingfei discovered that the mystery was because she was lost. She was going to pass through nothingness, and the confused attribute broke out, she got the wrong direction, but unexpectedly found the mystery.

In this regard, Chen Zong didn't know how to describe his mood.

Fortunately, Xia Yingfei also offered to let her come to fly a void boat, which was stopped in time by Sister Three.

Otherwise, maybe something unexpected happened this time, and went to somewhere else.

However, although Xia Yingfei was confused on the road of recognition, the designated place was not wrong, as long as she was not allowed to lead the way directly.

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Chen Zong, while driving the flying boat, was enlightened.

As for jade flawless and Xia Yingfei, of course, there is no slackness.

No matter what kind of character they are, they are very clear that their own strength is the most important and the most important dependency. Everything else can only be a supplement.

Fortunately, the location provided by Xia Yingfei was not wrong. The Niaokong arrived at the Void Zone and also reached the place where the secret entrance was located.

The three quickly flew out of the Niankong, Chen Zong's thoughts moved, and the Niankong was also included in the Nine Heavenly Circle.

Although the location is correct, it is not very accurate. Next, naturally, it is necessary to find the entrance to the mystery accurately.

The entrance was quite secret. The three scattered and searched. On the one hand, Chen Zong found that the jade was flawless and paid attention to Xia Yingfei's movement from time to time.

Because she was worried about an accident, Xia Yingfei ran in the wrong direction again.

The three did not search for a long time, and finally found the entrance to the mysterious land. When it was not found, it was difficult to find it.

It can only be said that the secret of this entrance is very high.

However, this is also a good thing. At least it is guaranteed that it will not be easy to find. Others are less likely to find it. Naturally, there are fewer competitors, which means more benefits.


Yu Wuzheng led the way first, followed by Xia Yingfei, and finally Chen Zong.

As soon as he entered this secret territory, Chen Zong immediately felt that the atmosphere was quite different from the outside world. It was an ancient vicissitudes of mystery.

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