Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 50: Ancient mystery


The breath is quite different, not the same as the breath of the outside world, and the breath of the ancient ruins that Chen Zong visited before.

This breath is mysterious, deep, vicissitudes, and ancient.

It is possible to say that Xia Yingfei suspects that it is a relic of the ancient era, because this breath clearly does not belong to the breath of the modern era.

The practice of the Middle Ages was dominated by meditation, and its breath should also be dominated by meditation.

But here, there is no sense of qi, and the sense of breath, but there is a mystery and depth.

"According to the classic records I have read, the Middle Ages were dominated by meditation, while the Archean era was dominated by divinity." Chen Zong seemed to say to himself, but his voice also passed on to Yu Wuxia and Xia Yingfei. In the ears.

"Well, that's why I think it's a relic of the Archaic era." Xia Yingfei responded.

Indeed, it seems that it is really possible to judge based on breath alone, but it cannot be affirmed.

The spiritual practice of the Archaic era is not the way of practicing qi or refining the body, but the way of cultivation mainly based on the power of cultivating the spirit and soul.

As for whether to cultivate the soul directly or to cultivate a power based on the soul, it is not clear, even among the many classics that Chen Zong has turned up, there is no detailed record.

After all, there are still Middle Ages between the Archaic and Modern times. Under the catastrophes of the two Era, only a small part of the Archaic era can continue to the Middle Ages. However, by the time of the Middle Ages, it had been marginalized and not mainstream Cultivation.

Because the mainstream practice in the Middle Ages is meditation.

From the Middle Ages to the modern times, the heritage of meditation has become scarce, and there is not much left, let alone the heritage of the Archaic Age, and even the record of information has become very small.

However, if this is really a mysterious place left by the Archean Era, perhaps the hope of restoring the soul itself is here.

God repair!

That is a cultivation practice that has something to do with the soul.

The three talked as they walked inside.

This mystery is strange, as if it were a broken city.

The place where the three Chen Zong entered was outside the city gate. You can clearly see that the general city gate collapsed, with a height of hundreds of meters. If it is complete, it must be very majestic.

The three Chen Zongs also found that the dilapidated city was suspended in nothingness, with half of the city gate collapsed in front, and endless darkness behind it, like an abyss.

That darkness, like an abyss, gave the three of Zong a kind of heartfelt breath. It seemed that if they fell into it, they would die.

"No one has been here." Although Xia Yingfei would be confused and lost her way, she was very subtle in her observation. This is what she is good at.

Just a glance, Xia Yingfei was quite sure that no one except her had found this place.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the three.

Make all preparations, the three flashed in shape, Lianju stepped into the gate.

Upon entering the city gate, there was a feeling of entering a different world. The mysterious atmosphere became stronger and stronger, filled with air, and it seemed like a mist formed.

Chen Zong keenly felt that the diffuse mist, with an indescribable spirituality, seemed to be alive, but gave Chen Zong a strange feeling, which seemed very dangerous.

It's like a snake!

If you want to describe it.

The voice of the demon heart also rang, only Chen Zong could hear it, the tone was dignified, because the demon heart instinctively felt that the breath here was unfavorable to itself and could not show up.

"Sister, which direction did you go after you entered last time?" Yu Wuzhen asked.

"This direction." Xia Yingfei seemed to be very determined to point to the left, and then retracted again, with a little confusion on her face: "It seems not, it should be this way, um, it should be there ..."

After changing several directions in a row, Xia Yingfei finally became confused and became more confused.

"Forget it." Jade flawlessly touched his forehead very helplessly: "Let's go this way."

Jade flawless is very decisive, pointing directly at one direction, Chen Zong does not matter, after all, I don't know which direction to go, it is right to choose one at random.

In this regard, Xia Yingfei didn't say anything, anyway, she is now confused, and just follow it.

The more you walk inside, the denser the mist, the richer the breath, the more mysterious, the faint glimmers of gray, and the more so, the more alert the three Chen Zongs are.

On the way, Xia Yingfei also said that the situation she had encountered before was dangerous. The danger comes from a magical thing, or a strange life.

Spirits and ghosts are probably similar. Anyway, it is not an easy task for Xia Yingfei to express clearly. It is only a rough idea. It is only clear after encountering in person.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong's keen eyes to find that there was a figure floating in front of him. Yes, instead of walking, he floated, floating in the void, a few feet above the ground, and quickly approaching everyone.

"Come here." Xia Yingfei also found out and reminded immediately.

Jade flawless is full of fine eyes, like a flame burning, the body flickers, directly into a streamer rushed past.

As he approached, Jade flawlessly thoroughly saw the floating figure, which seemed to be a person, but there was some illusory feeling, the features were blurred, the body was slightly fluctuating around, and the breath was mysterious and weird.

Although the facial features are blurred, Jade's flawless eyes can still see its eyes. It is a kind of hollow depth, and when looking at each other, it seems to absorb the spirit.

Seeing the jade flawless approaching, the strange figure flashed, and the fluctuations around the body became more and more fierce. There seemed to be a faint, weird call, which was very strange, weird to the extreme, not in the air. The pass, instead, sounded directly in Jade's flawless ears, straight into the soul.

Jade flawlessly felt a slight movement of her own Shenhai, it seemed that there was an invisible force hitting his own Yuanshen.

If the intensity of this call is increased a few times, it will be enough to shake the Yuan Shen completely and hit the soul.

When jade flawless was struck by the sharp sound, he also shot directly, punched out with a fierce strength, like a fierce fire, and blasted out instantly.

It was just a punch, and the weird figure was directly penetrated, and the back can be seen through the hole.

It ’s just that it has no effect at all. The weird figure has no feeling. Instead, it looks like a flicker, light and half-weight. It is like a flash of curve and lightning. It kills the jade flawlessly from the side and lifts up. One claw, tearing the sky, as if to tear the jade's flawless body.

Seeing that he punched it through with one punch, but did not have any influence on the weird figure, Jade Flawless was also slightly surprised, but the reaction was very fast.

The legs were extremely violent, destroying the mountains and destroying Yue, and immediately burst that weird figure.

However, it was still useless. The weird figure was not killed. Instead, it became two sections, and the upper body was killed again. A trace of mist filled the space and turned into a string of wires, which immediately connected the upper and lower bodies.

Sure enough, it seems weird, even more weird than what Xia Yingfei described.

You know, jade's flawless fist is extremely violent. When it is hit, it will die or die, at least it will be wounded, but the weird figure is hit, even broken, but it has no effect at all.

"Burning!" When he screamed, when the jade's flawless fists burned a flame, the flame seemed reddish, but there was an illusion.

Chen Zong, who had played with Jade Flawless, knew that it was a flame evolved from the fire of the mind, and it was one of Jade's unique skills.

Under the burning of the mental fire, Jade flawless shot again, this time, the weird figure was hit and could not be recovered, and was killed directly under a few punches.

The battle didn't last long, or it ended very shortly, and the weird figure disappeared.

Not enough. There is nothing but a battle.

The three continued to move forward, and constantly encountered the weird figure. Jade flawlessly named it Phantom, which is the abbreviation of Phantom Spirit.

Because the phantom has no entity, the general attack is difficult to work. Even if it is attacked with the strength of Xiqiwei, it is unlikely to kill it, unless it has to attack many times and slowly consume it.

However, if you use the power of the mind, the effect will be very good, and it is relatively easy to kill. This is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xia Yingfei discovered it when she first entered it, and now Jade Flawless and Chen Zongye also Personally confirmed.

Although Chen Zong and Xia Yingfei don't have a unique and unique fire of mind, it is a high-level application of the power of mind, with super savvy and the help of magical spirits. Chen Zong can easily master similar means.

The power of the mind condenses on the sword body, and the lethality to the phantom is amazing.

Moreover, Chen Zong's mental power was already overwhelming. It was not comparable to Xia Yingfei and Jade Flawless. In addition, the speed of recovery was amazing, and there was the assistance of a second mind. I don't know how many times Xia Yingfei and Jade Flawless.

Killing the ghost is not without benefits. At least Chen Zonggang killed a ghost and got a piece of debris, an irregular piece like a black crystal. From this, Chen Zong felt the breath fluctuation of the spirit.

Chen Zong did some research and found that it really contained the power of the soul, but it was very weak, it was just a ray, it could be absorbed, and it seemed to be used to supplement and enhance the strength of the psyche, but for himself, this ray The soul power is too low, and even if it is absorbed, it cannot recover its soul.

Throwing away the fragments that became pale because of losing a ray of soul power, Chen Zong not only did not show the slightest frustration, but showed a smile.

Because this means that here, there are probably treasures that are good for the spirits. I really can find the treasures here that can be restored when the spirits are divided, and restore them to the peak state. Perhaps by then, I can Compress the world successfully to the extreme, truly replace the heart of the world, and cultivate the sword world.

For a moment, Chen Zong felt that a force emerged from the deep of his heart, and the whole body was filled with fighting spirit.

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