Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 52: Sword domain split style

(Fifth more, I'll offer it today, the outbreak is over, if the monthly ticket enters the top 40 tomorrow, it will erupt one day)

There are three floors in this pavilion. The three of Chen Zong broke through the first floor and broke into the second floor. There are still many ghosts in the second floor, which is almost double the first floor.

After Chen Zong's immense measure, the ghosts were suppressed immediately.

This is the Xeon sword in the world, the second world domain with a range of 12,000 kilometers. Its repressive force is extremely extreme, far more than the first weight many times, plus the countless mysteries of the sea, etc. The level of the ghost, even if it is very strange, is not enough to withstand the tremendous repression of the sea.

There were countless repressions in the sea, and the three men shot with all their strength and quickly killed the ghosts, and got some soul fragments.

Chen Zong found that the probability of killing ghosts in this pavilion to obtain soul and soul fragments seems to be much greater.

On the second floor, there were still no treasures found, and they went straight to the stairs on the third floor.

Before entering the third floor, Chen Zong and Yu Wuji were also frightened by the dark and deep breath, let alone Xia Yingfei.

However, since we have come here, there is absolutely no reason to look back.

With great vigilance, Chen Zong headed into the third floor.

When they actually stepped into the third floor, they did not encounter any attacks, which made Chen Zong secretly surprised, because when they entered the first floor and stepped into the second floor, they were immediately attacked by the ghost.

"Spirit." Suddenly, an ethereal and distant sound seemed to penetrate the endless space and time, with a sigh of sigh, which made Chen Zong and Yu flawless and Xia Yingfei shiver with excitement for no reason A creepy feeling emerged from the bottom of his heart, covered with goosebumps.

Unexplainable tremor.


The second sound sounded, but without a half sigh, it was like a growl, a fierce growl, an angry growl.


The third sound sounded, not only with a fierce angry roar, but also with an amazing killing breath. It directly shocked the three souls of Chen Zong, and there was a feeling of being shaken away from the Yuanshen.

Terrible, terrible.

The ultimate sense of crisis rose from the hearts of the three people in an instant, and rolled away like a storm. In an instant, it was like the torrent of a breakwater that destroyed the flood and destroyed everything.

Creepy and trembling, especially Chen Zong, the crisis warning flashed wildly.

See it!

The three saw it successively. On this third floor, which is the highest floor of the pavilion, there are not so many ghosts, but there is a figure sitting on a wide chair.

The shadow was dark and deep. It seemed to be the source of darkness in the third floor of the pavilion. The endless dark breath permeated it continuously, filling the third floor, then the second floor, and then the first floor.

Chen Zong's keen eyes also found that this figure is different from the previous ghost, and it has an armor on its body.

Get up!

The armored body rose, and as it stood up, the whole building seemed to shook, as if to rise.

This armored phantom, more than two meters high, more than two meters high, was not suspended in mid-air, but stepped on the ground floor of the third floor of the building, stepping out in one step, and the whole building was shaking, making Chen Zong San's Yuanshen couldn't help but follow.

Great World Sword Tips: The Unlimited Sea!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong Yi sword waved, the sword light spread quickly, as if the tide was turbulent, but in an instant, they covered the whole building, covering the body in armor.


The force of overwhelming repression seemed to suppress the armored phantom, making it as ordinary as the previous phantoms and immovable.

I saw the armor phantom followed, and the lifted footsteps stopped in mid-air, as if it really could not move, it seemed to be really suppressed.

Jade's flawless hands burned with flames, and Xia Yingfei's hands trembled. It also seemed to have a layer of invisible power, like a wind-like encirclement. It was the wind transformed by the power of the mind, and it was the wind of the mind.

The two acted extremely fast, and immediately attacked, seized the opportunity, and killed the armored body at the fastest speed.

"Dodge." When Chen Zong was about to drive the power of the mind, turning it into the heart of the mind, and when he merged into the extremely heartless sword, a shocking and extreme sense of crisis suddenly broke out, leaving Chen Zong's look unconsciously changed, immediately lowered Drink is born to remind Yu Flawless and Xia Yingfei.

With the cooperation of three people, Yu Wuxia and Xia Yingfei also trusted Chen Zong very much. They did not hesitate to attack, but they performed their stature at the fastest speed and evaded quickly.

Chen Zong's speed was also extremely fast, and he was the first to react and evade directly.

At the moment when the three were dodging, the armored body that originally seemed to be suppressed by the boundless sword of the sea moved.

Lifting his right foot in the midst of the air to fall at an even faster speed, and carrying the terrible power, as if to step on the mountain and river, can break the ground with one foot.

The moment the right foot fell, the whole pavilion shook with it. It seemed that there were invisible ripples, centered on the right foot of the armored body, and rolled away like a raging storm, impacting in all directions.

Ripples not only shake the pavilion, but also carry a terrible force, as if destroying everything, causing a burst of explosions.

Coincidentally, the three Chen Zongs also exhibited physical dodge, but they still felt a terrible force coming in. They were overwhelming and overbearing. When they passed over the bodies of the people, the three seemed to tremble slightly. There was a kind of torn Feeling, that feeling goes straight to the Primordial God.

Fortunately, the three dodge in time, otherwise the impact will be more obvious.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the armor phantom erupted at an astonishing speed, rushed directly to the jade flawless, and punched out.

The punches are simple and straightforward, and even a bit rough. In the eyes of the three, these punches are simply unsightly, but the punch contains extreme horror power, which makes people dare not to underestimate.

The jade flawless double fist blasted out successively. Under the collision of tyrannical force, the whole person was blasted. At the moment of the blast, she also blasted a leg and directly bombarded the armored body, and repelled the armored body.

Xia Yingfei's long whip was also shocked, and she broke into the air instantly, carrying a mighty force, and directly hit the body of the armored body.

"Sword domain ... Thousands of cracks!" Taking this opportunity, Chen Zong accumulated strength, seized the moment, and performed the trick of killing.

Sword domain split style!

This is exactly a kind of lore-type kendo supernatural power obtained by an ancestor from an outside opportunity long ago. After the practice, after many modifications, it became a lore tactic that could fit into the power of the mind. Select and practice to Dacheng.

Sword domain split style, which combines the power of the sword domain, the power of the mind, and the sharp edge of the kendo as a whole. If you do n’t use it, it will be extremely powerful, but it ’s difficult to cultivate. First, you must be a sword. Second, you must have a second. Epee domain, but also have sufficient strength of mind.

For many Yuan Ming Realms, these conditions are difficult to meet, but Chen Zong can.

Strictly speaking, the sword domain split-killing type is actually a miracle-level killing skill, or the most top-level psychic power. It is rumored to cultivate it to the extreme. When it exceeds the level of perfection, its power can surpass the level of psychic power and reach The level of mysterious magic.

At the beginning of the game, the sword domain split style is the sword domain ten split style, Xiaocheng is the sword domain hundred split style, and the big achievement is the sword domain thousands split style.

As for the realm of perfection, it is the sword domain million to kill.

As the top-level supernatural powers that can be compared to mysterious supernatural powers, at the current level of Chen Zong, he can only cultivate to the level of Dacheng, which is not complete.

Dacheng Realm ’s sword-field split-and-strike performance also consumes Chen Zong ’s strength, which is almost exhausted, and when he is performing, there must be a little time, even a short period of time to accumulate strength.


Chen Zongyi's sword waved out, and the 12,000-kilometer sword of heart blended into the sword in a hurry, as if roaring and roaring, as if it were a torrential dyke, pouring out and roaring.

Only momentarily, the armored body was covered by Chen Zong's sword.

It was a sword field, a sword field covering a hundred meters in size, directly covering the armored body, and the amazing repressive force was also promoted to the extreme, making the armored body a little meal, and it was difficult to move in an instant.

This is the repressive force belonging to the sword domain.

The repressive force is not the real power of the sword domain, but it has also been enhanced many times in the sword domain split style.

This repression does not need to last. It only takes a moment, it is like condensing all the power of long-term repression to the extreme ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ only for that short burst.

Suddenly, the swords of light emerged from nothing, as if tearing out the void and darkness, cutting everything through everything, emitting an incredibly dazzling light, dazzling.

One, two, three ...

Just a moment, there were a thousand sword lights in the hundred-meter sword field, as if there were a thousand clever swordsmen holding swords, and they only practiced one sword in their lifetime, facing the armored body that was suppressed by the moment. Wields the most quintessential sword, the sword of life's power.

One thousand swords, one thousand sword lights.


Each sword light contains the ultimate sword spirit, as if condensed into a substance, like a thousand swords, directly killing the armored body.

Too fast, too gorgeous, gorgeous to the extreme, dazzling to the extreme, neither Yu Wuxia nor Xia Yingfei can see directly, and can only close their eyes in an instant.

When they closed their eyes, a thousand swords killed the body of the armored body together.

That defensive power is astonishing, even if the armor that was violently bombarded by jade flawless long legs is not broken, but under the sword light, it is torn and penetrated like cardboard.

Unbreakable without destruction. Thousand swords of light. Thousands of attacks in an instant, cutting, piercing. The armor body is directly penetrated through hundreds of wounds. The sword rages, and it is cut wildly. Live like a thousand swords.

The armor shattered, revealing a fuzzy body, swaying like a candle remaining in the wind, and seemed to extinguish at any time.

One type of lore, extremely powerful, even such a mighty armor phantom is unbearable and directly dying.

Seizing the opportunity, Yu Flawless and Xia Yingfei attacked again, taking advantage of their illness, but Chen Zong felt that his strength was evacuated and he was directly weak.

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