Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 53: Little Soul Reading

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Sword domain split-kill type is extremely powerful, Dacheng's sword domain thousand splits are terrible, the arrogant armor body is directly cut and broken, and it is on the verge of death. It is attacked by Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei, and it is instantly broken.

After the death, the armored body did not fall into the shard of the soul, but a piece of palm-sized debris fell. The jade flawless five-finger and a void-like grab caught it, and the palm-sized irregular fragment fell into its hands.

I saw that there were dense lines on it, it seemed to be some kind of text, and it seemed to be just random strokes.

After a few glances, Jade flawlessly gave up.

Chen Zong worked his tricks, restored the power he had just consumed, and used the lore of swordsmanship in the split-sword style, almost exhausting all his strength.

Fortunately, Chen Zong recovered his power very quickly. It didn't take long before he recovered some and continued to recover.

"Master, look at it." After Chen Zong's strength was restored, Jade flawlessly threw that piece of irregular palm-sized pieces to Chen Zong, neither she nor Xia Yingfei could understand.

Now give it to Chen Zong, with some luck, what if Chen Zong can understand?

Chen Zong took it, the shards felt cold and cold, straight through Shenhai, so that Yuanshen was bathed in the cold wind.

After careful observation, Chen Zong didn't understand what it was, but he could only confirm that it was a kind of text. After all, there were many kinds of texts that Chen Zong had contacted, and it was an accumulation. sure.

After a few glances, Chen Zong suddenly felt that the ancient and weird text seemed to have an inexplicable attraction that attracted Chen Zong. Unconsciously, Chen Zong found that his spirit seemed to be drawn. Power then moves.

This power is derived from the spirit, but it is not a direct spirit power. The spirit power is too inscrutable and difficult to apply.

But this power is not divine thought, but it is similar to divine thought.

With the change of the power of the spirit and soul, Chen Zong carefully perceives that the power is a new force that combines the essence of the spirit and soul, although the amount is small, it is more refined than the spirit. pure.


Constantly running, the new power gradually increased, and Chen Zong was agitated, trying to mobilize the new power, quickly spread out, and fell into the irregular fragments in his hands.

Suddenly, the incomprehensible characters above suddenly flashed a ray of light. Between the ray of light, each character seemed to come alive, and a group of rays flew out, directly immersed in Chen Zong's Eyebrow.

Jade flawless and Xia Yingfei were shocked.

"Brother, are you okay." Yu Wuzhen asked quickly, his eyes gazing at Chen Zong, a little worried.

"I'm okay," Chen Zong answered quickly, paying attention.

Those characters were originally incomprehensible, but after being activated by mysterious forces, and then entered Shenhai, Chen Zong could understand its meaning.

Little Soul Reading!

This is truly a cultivation practice called Xiao Nian Soul Method.

The power of cultivating the Mind Soul is called Soul Mind.

Chen Zong suddenly understood that the power cultivated by the Divine Cultivation in the Archaic Era was soul-mind, a force different from the soul-spirit and different from the mind-mind, but closely related to the two, it was the fusion of the two.

The small mind reading method is the method of practicing the soul reading method. According to the prompts in the character information, this is a star soul reading method.

As for the star soul mind

What concept, because of lack of sufficient information, Chen Zong is not clear.

In any case, Chen Zong was very happy to have obtained a technique of divine repair from the Archaic era and practiced successfully.

It is a pity that Chen Zong did not understand the words of the Archaic Era and was able to cultivate successfully. It was also a coincidence that he could not teach it at all.

After telling Yu Wuzheng and Xia Yingfei, Chen Zong passed the fragments of the recorded Mind Soul Law, and let them try to enlighten, and enlighten with the power of the soul, maybe they can succeed.

But unfortunately, Yu Wuxia and Xia Yingfei tried again and again without success. They had to give up helplessly.

It seems that the practice of divine cultivation in this archaic era is not so simple, maybe there are special requirements.

Chen Zong and others do n’t know, because they are not people of the Archean era. If they are Archaeologists, it ’s easier to practice soul-knowledge, but it ’s relatively easy. In the Archean era, the amount of spiritual cultivation It is also far less than ordinary people.

Because divine cultivation requires talent, enough soul talent.

Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei are undoubtedly the pride of the heavens. In the Archaic era, they can definitely practice the soul-knowledge and become a god, but unfortunately, the two small epochs are separated. People have become different.

This epoch is an epoch supplemented by the practice of practicing qi.

The same is human, but in some subtle aspects, there are differences. This kind of detail has become a kind of gauntlet, a kind of interval, just like a genius.

It ’s like teaching the practice of qi to the Archaic era. At that time, it was difficult for people to cultivate. Of course, there would be a very small number of suitable people, but they could not be expanded.

Each era has its own characteristics and limitations.

Divine cultivation in this era is no longer suitable. Chen Zong was able to cultivate successfully because of the strong relationship between his essence and spirit, but even so, Chen Zong's efficiency in the cultivation of small minds is not high. This is the limitation. .

Since Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei could not cultivate, they gave up, but Chen Zong could cultivate, so he planned to stay here first, practice well, and strive to cultivate more soul power.

Chen Zong's intuition that this soul-mind power should be more effective against the phantom and should be better than the power of the mind.

Chen Zong is constantly practicing small mind-hunting methods, while not forgetting to practice other enlightenment swords, etc., the left and right mindful mood can be opened at any time, and the recovery speed of the mind power is faster than the normal consumption speed.

As he continued to cultivate, his soul thoughts slowly increased. Chen Zong suddenly found that the spirits he had split up seemed to recover a little bit. This discovery surprised Chen Zong.

Then, Chen Zong took out the soul and soul fragments obtained after killing the phantom, and tried to absorb the power in it, which was used to assist the cultivation of the Xiaonian soul method. The attempt was very pleasing.

Not only can the refining be absorbed, and it can be directly converted into soul thoughts, but also the cultivation can be accelerated. Chen Zong was certain that the kind of power contained in the fragments of the soul and soul that he considered to be the soul power was the soul thought.

In this sense, the Soul Fragment should actually be called the Soul Mind Fragment.

Chen Zong had only a few fragments of his soul, and it was absorbed within a few moments.

"Brother, this thing is good for your cultivation?" Yu Wuzhen asked.

Chen Zong nodded, and Jade flawlessly took out the pieces of soul and soul she got, and gave it to Chen Zong without hesitation.

When Xia Yingfei saw this, she also took out a few pieces of her soul and sent it to Chen Zong.

Anyway, Chen Zong's cultivation can be used more efficiently than them, not to mention the three-person relationship and a few soul-mind fragments are nothing.

With the help of these soul fragments, Chen Zong's practice is more efficient.

The Xiaonian Soul Method is a star-level skill. It is divided into nine levels. Chen Zong cultivated to the second level. He also increased his soul thoughts by one percent. There are only the first three levels of Soul Reading.

Chen Zong's spiritual thoughts are extremely huge, one percent of which is quite a lot.

Chen Zong is also very clear that without the help of the Soul Mind Fragments, he estimates that he can only practice to the first level, not to the second level.

In a short period of time, it is almost impossible to want further improvement. Chen Zong got up and didn't plan to stay here anymore, looking for, hunting, and getting the fragments of soul-mind.

In this way, the cultivation and accumulation of soul thoughts can be accelerated.

In addition, Chen Zong also intends to try out the power of this soul, whether the killing effect on the phantom really outweighs the power of the mind.

Of course, even if he didn't stay in the pavilion, Chen Zong could still practice the little mind-soul method, and the whole heart is not a joke.

Stepping out of the pavilion, the three continued to move forward. There were many ghosts in this derelict city.

Neither Jade Flawless nor Xia Yingfei shot, because Chen Zong already said, try to test the effect of the power of the soul on the phantom.

It is important to overcome the power of the mind, or not, or almost the same.

Soon, the phantom appeared, or the three met the phantom again.

The phantom was very fierce, and it killed him instantly, in an attempt to kill Chen Zong. The sharp claws turned empty, bringing up a strand of invisible ripples, impacting Chen Zong's Shenhai.

Previously, Chen Zong was not clear, but now I know that the aftershock of this kind of impact is exactly the kind of shock similar to the power of soul-mind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or simply the impact of soul-mind.

Draw a sword!

Chen Zong did not use the power of practicing qi, nor did he use the power of the mind, this time using the power of the soul.

The soul thoughts cultivated by oneself are as handy and easy to grasp as the divine thoughts.

The color of Hun Nian is very light, it seems a little black, but there is no trace of impurities, spread to the blade, and is killed with Chen Zong's superb swordsmanship.

Ghost's combat skills are very rough, relying only on strange powers, but now this power, Chen Zong also mastered.

A sword is just a sword that cuts the phantom, and the phantom sends out an extremely loud cry. The strange thing is that the cry did not spread to the surroundings, but rushed directly into the sea of ​​the three men of Chen Zong and hit the Yuan Shen directly.

Especially Chen Zong, bear the brunt of the scream sound most intensely, but the soul thought spread all over the Yuan God, easily resist the impact of that scream, without being affected at all.

On the contrary, Chen Zong's sword slashing contained the power of soul thoughts, which directly caused strong damage to the ghost. With two swords breaking, the ghosts dissipated and left a piece of soul thoughts.

Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei secretly startled. This killing effect is more than ten times stronger than the power of the mind. Sure enough, this is the best power against the phantom.

"Go!" After verifying the power of Soul Thought, Chen Zongyin was a little excited, but did not lose his mind.

Next, Chen Zong showed great power. These ghosts that originally required hundreds of swords to kill, were killed by the sword tricks blessed by the soul, but they could be killed if they couldn't stop the sword, and left the soul. The probability of debris is greater, which was also discovered by Chen Zong after slaying more than a dozen phantoms in a row.

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