Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 54: Strongest body

(Second more)

The deeper it gets, the more domineering the ghost in the abandoned city is.

Today, the phantom appears in front of the eyes, unlike the previous phantom, the body seems to be shrouded in a faint halo, its features are more clear, and its entire body is surrounded by a streamer.

If you look closely, it is not a streamer, but a thing similar to a gunpoint, a weapon.

When the three Chen Zongs were found, the weapons around the body instantly turned into a streamer bursting into the air. The speed was very fast, carrying an astonishing sharp edge, as if to penetrate everything, so that the three were raised Feeling locked and penetrated.

The sword light flashed, Chen Zong hit a sword directly, blocking the attack of that gun point, the sword contained the power of soul thought, collided with it, and struck it away.

But I saw that the gunpoint was extremely flexible, extremely fast, and shot again from the side.


Very fast!

It's too fast to feel defenseless.

However, Chen Zong's response was also extremely rapid. With a sword in his hand, if it was a godsend, he completely blocked the offensive point of the gun.

The sword trembled and the power burst. After the gunpoint flew suddenly, Chen Zong stepped out and turned into a flash of sword light.

Under the blessing of the soul, Chen Zong cut off the layer of halo on the opponent's body, and then cut off his body.

After a few swords and killing the phantom, Chen Zong not only harvested a piece of soul-mind, but also got the tip of that gun.

Without the control of the phantom, the tip of the gun became simple and gloomy, and even a few mottled rust-like traces. Chen Zong tried to use Qi training as a motivator, without movement, and the power of Qi and blood was also invalid.

Then I tried to use the power of the mind and the power of the mind to find that it can be controlled, but there are still some obstacles. Finally, I use the power of the soul to urge, and now I have a relaxed and very happy feeling.

The point of this gun became the thing that Chen Zong imposes.

When he is close, he fights with a sword. When he is far away, he uses this gunpoint to take the lead in launching an attack. Because it fits well with the power of the soul, Chen Zong temporarily calls it the soul mind.

With the combination of Soul Mind and Sword, Chen Zong kills Phantom faster.

And here, once the mindfulness is consumed, running the little mindfulness method can absorb the soulfulness breath recovered in the air, and can also absorb the power in the soulfulness fragments to speed up the recovery.

The further you go, the easier it is to have a ghost with a soul device.

In addition to Chen Zong, Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei also received soul-mind devices. Although they did not cultivate the soul-mind, they could still use the power of the mind and the power of the mind to make envoys, but they did not Hun Nian Yu is so flexible and powerful.

However, the two held the soul mind in their hands and urged them with the power of the mind or the power of the mind to exert their lethal power. The effect is several times better than the power of the mind alone. Damage to the phantom is greater.

Otherwise, Jade's flawless heart is actually very depressing. She originally had the strongest combat power, but when she got here, she became a foil. She watched Chen Zongda make a mighty kill, and she could only resist the body. When attacking, it is difficult to kill, the inner depression can't be explained.

It's not jealousy, but because of temperament. In this situation, belligerent, she seems uncomfortable and naturally feels uncomfortable. In contrast, Xia Yingfei is better, not so belligerent.

And now, I get the soul mind, although there is no soul mind, but the power of the mind is more powerful than the use of the power of the mind alone to kill the phantom. It can also really kill the phantom. The jade is flawless and natural. Feel free again.

In this regard, Chen Zong felt a little funny. The three divisional sisters were really militants. No wonder they wanted to find someone to fight against when they returned to the Tiangong Temple. The brothers who fought at the Tiangong Temple hid as soon as they saw her.

With soul reading device in hand, Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei seem to have surged in combat power, and they are more and more comfortable with the phantom.

Of course, the real reason is not that their combat power has surged, but that they have the appropriate means to better deal with the phantom.

Chen Zong verified a little. Sure enough, after killing the phantom with the Soul Mind, the probability of getting Soul Mind fragments is much greater than ten times, and these Soul Mind fragments are also owned by Chen Zong, and become Chen Zong's practice masters. Resources for Soul Reading.

The three kept moving forward and deepening, and gradually approached the deepest part of this abandoned city, where a huge mansion stood.

Along the way, Chen Zong can be sure that the mansion in front of it is the largest building in the abandoned city. The soul of the mansion has just reached the third level, and the breath of that mansion is integrated, containing an unspeakable terror.

There are nine levels in the Xiaonian Soul Method, but unfortunately only the first three levels have been obtained by Chen Zong. Now he has cultivated to the third level and cannot go any further.

And Chen Zong also found that after practicing Xiaonian Soul Method to the third level, his spirit has recovered a lot, which is indeed a good way to restore the spirit after the division.

Unfortunately, only the first three levels are not enough. If it is a complete method, you may really be able to fully recover your soul.

In the final analysis, this is the method of practicing soul-mind, not for restoring the soul. The restoration of the soul is only a kind of auxiliary. For example, the suppression in the avenue area is only an incidental force, not the main one. .

Minor and major differences are often obvious.

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