Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 55: Ghost flower

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Yuan Shen, like being smashed by a sledgehammer, a strong pain shocked, spread throughout the Yuan Shen, and quickly rushed to the soul, so that the spirit of Chen Zong gave a feeling of being severely smashed, the pain was extremely painful , Black eyes.

The spirit power of this ghost is much stronger than itself, and it is completely two levels.

The black sword light reached again, Chen Zong was in dire strait, Jade flawless and Xia Yingfei killed to the left and right, blocking the knife light, a click sound rang, and the soul reading device in their hands also directly broke apart.

There is the resistance of Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei, for the instant opportunity for Chen Zong, reluctantly control himself, pull back, and while Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei's soul instrument are broken, the terrible power contained in the long black knife , Also hit their primordial spirits, hit the spirits directly.

Xia Yingfei first issued a humming hum and flew upside down. After falling a few times and rolling, she remained motionless.

Jade was flawless, flying upside down, humming, and struggling a few times before holding his head.

Chen Zong's look could not help but change greatly. Did both sisters die?

Unspeakable anger suddenly erupted, turning into a killing spree.

In anger, Chen Zong burst into full force.

The atmosphere here is incompatible with the outside world, and it is better than the ancient ruins of the Middle Ages, so that the spirits and demon hearts that live in the heart are affected and cannot appear outside. hurt.

This also made Chen Zong realize that the gods are not omnipotent and will be restricted.

In essence, the magic heart belongs to the spirit body, and the breath here will hurt the spirit body.

However, the magic heart cannot appear, but Chen Zong can borrow its power.

The gods borrow the law!


Anger and murderous tide, tumultuous, as if breaking through all obstacles, which originally took a little time to perform, but now, it has accelerated more than ten times.

Anger will make people lose their senses, but it will also make people burst into faster speed and stronger power in an instant.

Chen Zong was in extreme anger, but because of one-hearted strategy, he did not completely lose his reason. He was in a very wonderful state, as if he was burning with anger and lost his reason, but still maintained sufficient reason.

Sword domain split-style sword domain thousand splits!

The ten-meter-tall figure is solid. When the moment elapses, all power bursts out, together with the power of the second mind, it also stimulates the urge.



In terms of its level, it is definitely the most advanced level in Yuanming Realm. Those who have strong 12-star combat power in Yuanming Realm can't stop this trick.

Although there is no blessing of the power of the soul, but under the advantage of quantity, the power of this trick is also overwhelming and terrible.

The one hundred meter sword area immediately shrouded the mighty body, together with the dark sword, the force of repressive force under the mighty sword, the body and the long sword stopped for a moment.

Just a moment, there were a thousand terrible sword lights all over the body, as if at the same time a thousand peerless swordsmen slashed at the ghost.


The power of each sword light is extremely powerful, and it is invincible.

Although this phantom is very strong, it can't stop a thousand sword lights from strangling.

The armor was torn and penetrated, losing the protection of the armor, and the ghost was directly injured.


The gods under anger use the law to evoke divine martial arts, in order to exhibit the sword domain thousand split kills, and immediately kill this extremely powerful body.

The armor shattered, its body disintegrated, and it dissipated quickly.

The ten-meter imaginary image of Chen Zong's body dissipated, and his figure fell from the air to the ground, and his body was weak.

Feeling exhausted.

But Chen Zong still stood up.

At the same time, after the beheaded body dissipated, there was a smudge of light smoke, which caused Chen Zong to be extremely vigilant, and quickly took the elixir to speed up the recovery of strength.

The light smoke suddenly condensed into an illusive figure, like a wave of water swaying slightly, as if a breeze blew past, and it could be dispersed.

Even so, Chen Zong was extremely vigilant, clenching the extremely heartless sword, his sword trembling, his eyes sharp.

"Finally seeing the sun again, junior, thank you very much." The imaginary figure, which seemed to dissipate like a gust of wind, suddenly made a sound, which sounded directly in Chen Zong's ear.

Chen Zong was surprised. Since entering this derelict city, all the bodies he has encountered are unconscious ones, and this is the first existence with spiritual intelligence.

This is so. Chen Zong didn't relax his vigilance at all, the elixir quickly melted, and he recovered a little strength, enough to take another shot.

"Junior, you are not a god," said the illusory figure again, seemingly full of wonder and confusion.

"Who are you?" Chen Zong asked.

"Oh, I was the owner of this city." The illusory figure sighed, "Junior, to make a long story short, I can't exist for much time. You killed the resentment body, so that I can be relieved, I don't think it will be, two of you The companion did not die, but the spirit was affected, and if he was not treated in time, he would sever the path of cultivation.

"Excuse me, how do seniors treat it?" I heard that the two sisters, Yu Wuji and Xia Yingfei, were still alive. They were immediately happy, but they were anxious when they heard that their souls were damaged.

"In the city's main house, there is a ghost flower. You pick the ghost flower and take out the juice, and apply it to their brows. In this way, when they absorb the juice of the ghost flower, the wounds of the soul will slowly heal." During this time, Chen Zong found that the figure seemed more and more unreal, as if it would spread out at any time.

"Senior, can Ghost Flower restore the spirit after the division?" Chen Zong asked again quickly.


Chen Zong unexpectedly rejoiced in the answer of the illusory figure.

"Please also ask the predecessors to indicate the location of the ghost flower." Chen Zong said immediately, if someone showed the way, you can find the ghost flower in a shorter time.

"Take away the soul sword, and follow me." The illusory figure became weaker and weaker, and seemed to collapse at any time. As soon as his voice fell, he quickly drifted into the city's main government house.

Chen Zong quickly picked up the long black knife, then picked up the two flawless people, Yu Wuxia and Xia Yingfei, and quickly followed.

The ghost flower grows in the back garden of the city's main mansion. Although it is only one, it has covered a huge ancient tree that is dozens of meters high.

One layer of purple three-layered nine-petal flowers about the size of a palm stalk grows in it. The outermost first layer of petals is lilac, the second layer is dark purple, and the third layer is biased toward black.

There are also flowers that have not bloomed, but still look like buds.

"The blooming ghost flower is only useful," said Unreal. "Remember, to pick the ghost flower, you need to control the soul mind with the soul mind."

Chen Zong is also very fortunate. Fortunately, he asked himself clearly, otherwise he would do something wrong.

"All I can give you is nothing more than that." The illusory figure faded, and then, like a light smoke blown by the wind, dissipated.

"Thank you very much." Chen Zong saluted the illusory figure that was about to dissipate. The other side seemed to smile slightly, a look of deep relief, and finally, completely dissipated and disappeared between this world.

Chen Zong immediately took control of the long black sword and chopped off the blooming ghost flower roots, and collected them with the spirit of mind.

The soul flower surrounds the ghost flower, so that it will not destroy the ghost flower and make it ineffective.

Fortunately, Chen Zong got some soul-mind fragments before absorption. After absorption, the soul-minds were all restored, otherwise, these ghost flowers could not be taken away at once.

The ghost flower is here, and it is difficult to save. Chen Zong just picked a few flowers first, while squeezing the juice with the soul idea, he quickly applied it to the jaws of Flawless and Xia Yingfei.

The sap of the ghost flower is purple and a little bit black, as if the stars are shining.

I saw that the sap smeared on their brows was rapidly diminishing and was quickly absorbed by their spirits.

In this scene, Chen Zong was slightly relieved, and immediately applied the remaining juice to his eyebrow. Suddenly, Chen Zong felt an indescribably cool breath, and quickly spread from the eyebrow. , And quickly penetrated into the brow.

In Shenhai, Chen Zong can "see" a ray of purple mist, crystal clear, and quickly spread to the Yuanshen, submerged in the spirit.

Gradually, in addition to the cool breath, there seemed to be a spicy breath breeding, which made Chen Zong feel weird, but still bearable.

The spirit is in the double breath of cold and spicy, and is constantly recovering at a speed that can be felt.

Sure enough, it really inspired Chen Zong.

My purpose is not to restore the spirits after the division, and now I finally found the treasures that can really restore the spirits.

Under the running of the spirit, he actively absorbed the juice of the ghost flower. After a while, the juice of that ghost flower was absorbed by Chen Zong, and Chen Zong felt that his spirit had recovered a little.

Pick the ghost flower again, pick the juice and apply it on the eyebrow, and actively absorb it.

Chen Zong was actively absorbing, while Yu Wuji and Xia Yingfei were in a coma and were passively absorbed. Their efficiency gap was more than ten times.

When both of them absorbed the juice of a ghost flower, Chen Zong had absorbed the juice of ten ghost flowers.

But the two haven't awoken yet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just look a lot better, Chen Zong smeared the juice again, and then applied the juice to himself.

Although there is only one ghost flower, there are a lot of ghost flowers growing. There are hundreds of mature ones.

After Yu Wuji and Xia Yingfei each used three ghost flowers, the wounded spirit recovered and recovered.

After Chen Zong quickly explained the situation again, he continued to squeeze the juice and apply the juice, and also divided a part of it for the two.

Nowadays, Chen Zong ’s spirit of practicing Qi and Yuanshen has been restored, completely restored to the strength before the division, but because of the relationship from the imperial realm to the Yuan Ming realm, the intensity can be further improved.

In addition, refining spirits also need to be restored.

Enhancing the spirit, even if it is only a little, is very rare. Such an opportunity will certainly not miss Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei, but their speed of absorbing the ghost flower juice is still not comparable to Chen Zong, which is many times different.

Hundreds of ghost flowers were absorbed by all three, most of them were absorbed by Chen Zong, and a few were absorbed by Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei.

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