Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 57: 1 forward

(Seek monthly tickets, continue to code, and try to add another chapter at night)

Tianhong World is no longer visible. All that can be seen is the blood-red light, which is permeated with thick blood, covering the whole world.

Although Tianhong World is not a huge world, among many worlds, it can only be regarded as the smaller one. However, the formation that can cover the entire world is undoubtedly very amazing.

After researching by many masters in the void, this blood-red array is different from the array inherited by the void. It belongs to the two systems in general. Although they have common features, there are also many differences. The difference makes it difficult for the masters in the void to crack it.

Maybe continue to study, and continue to try and deduced it, and finally it can be cracked, but it takes too long, and many people in the Tianhong world are probably dead by then.

Because of this, the Four Holy Places issued the Four Holy Orders, solicited the powerful Yuan Ming Realm to break into it, explore the situation, and if possible, destroyed the formation from the inside, combined inside and outside, and finally rescued the Tianhong World.

There is no absolute certainty as to whether it can be achieved, it can only be said to be five to five.

But if there is hope, it must be done.

Before the last resort, you must not give up the Tianhong world and allow it to be occupied by the evil protoss; otherwise, you will eventually be reduced to the base camp of the evil protoss.

Void today is dangerous enough that such uncontrollable crises cannot be increased.

After the research of many front masters, this **** formation shrouded the Tianhong world, which not only controlled the power level of the entrants, but also limited the power of the evil deities in the Tianhong world, and could not exceed the level of the Yuan Ming Realm.

As for the original Tianhong World, it is only a middle world. Although there are many people and powerful forces, there are not many practitioners who reach the level of the Yuanming Realm, and there is no strong person at the level of the Divine Realm.

Therefore, the powerful Yuan Ning Realm can enter into it without restriction, and it has enough strength to protect itself.

While the front masters are studying the Scarlet Array, they are laying out the formation outside. Once an evil protoss rushes out, they will be immediately trapped by the formations arranged by the front masters and cannot get away. This is a double insurance. .

On the side of the Mind Heaven Palace, there are a total of fifteen Yuan Ming Realms, of which ten Yuan Ming Realms are successfully cultivated, and five are Yuan Ming Realms. In addition to Chen Zong, the other four are old Yuan Ming Realms. The level has reached the peak of the high level of Yuanming Realm, and it can almost break through to the completion of Yuanming Realm, so the combat power is good, and it can reach the level of nine stars under full force.

The highest combat power is the top eleven stars.

Chen Zong is the Tao, and he should be the leader of everyone. Acting together, the fourteen people must obey Chen Zong's command line, but the order is not mandatory.


The fifteen true disciples of Tiangong set off and quickly rushed into the **** light.

The **** light was the formation, and Chen Zong immediately felt the strange power contained in it, the power beyond words.

Chen Zong had part of the lineage inheritance of Taixu Shenmen, so he has a good understanding of the way of the formation method. Compared with other entrants, he can feel the strange and terrible power contained in this **** light.

Fortunately, this power will not just block and suppress, it will not hurt everyone.

The **** light seemed to be endless, like an endless sea. Everyone entered it, controlled the body with their own strength, and rushed forward.

The people are not weak, and they are fast. They are led by Chen Zong, flying like the shape of a sword. After a while, they finally burst out of the **** light, but it does not mean that everyone is out of the cover of the formation method. On the contrary The existence of the **** light is to resist the attack of external forces.

The power of formation is still there.

Chen Zong's eyes were so sharp that he swept across quickly, locking in the nearest mountain.

"Go." The voice dropped, Chen Zongyijian took the lead, and immediately flew to that mountain, and the other fourteen true stories of the Heavenly Palace followed.

The reason for not taking out the Hekong Flying Boat is that the target of the Flying Boat is much larger, more eye-catching, and easier to find than humans.

What kind of situation is in the Tianhong world today, Chen Zong and others are not clear, they should take caution first.

Fifteen people, converging their own breath, converged to the extreme, maintaining a fast speed and flying away from the nearest mountain, not long after, 15 people landed in that mountain.

The place where the fifteen people landed was in a relatively remote place and dispersed.

Many people have known about the evil deities, because in the past four years, the four holy places and many star-level forces have actively sought the traces of the evil deities, and they have also hunted down many evil deities and even captured some of them. Many features of the evil deities have been studied in more detail than Chen Zong knew at the time.

At present, the human race has corresponding means to refine some of the evil protoss breath sensor to sense the evil protoss breath within a certain range.

This device, referred to as the evil gas ring for short, is the style of a bracelet that everyone has got and wears on the wrist.

There are two modes of evil gas ring, active induction mode and passive induction mode.

The passive induction mode comes with the evil gas ring. The induction range is 100 meters. As long as there is an evil protoss within 100 meters, it can basically be sensed, but the accuracy is not 100%, because some evil protoss are hidden deeply and not so easy. Induced.

In the active induction mode, the practitioner needs to be urged by his own thoughts to expand the induction range and induction strength. The maximum range is 10,000 meters.

In the strongest state of the active induction mode, it can basically detect hidden evil deities. This is tested after capturing a lot of evil deities. As for whether it can detect all hidden evil deities, no one can guarantee this. .

However, there is an evil atmosphere in it, at least it can sense most of the evil protoss, which will be of great help for this operation.

Fifteen people wore a ring of evil gas, three of them in one group, a total of five groups, each going in five directions, each group has a strong Yuanyuan Realm, and the Yuanming Realm of the Mind Heaven Palace is complete, The combat power has also reached at least the top ten stars and eleven stars.

In other words, at least one of the five small teams has an eleven-star powerhouse.

Eleven-star combat power, ten-star combat power, and nine-star combat power.

Chen Zong is in a group with Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei. After all, the three cooperated well in the ruined city of the Archaic era.

And the three are from the same heart, and the relationship is closer.

Tianhong World is just an ordinary medium-sized world. The most powerful force is also a galaxy-level force, a high-level galaxy-level force, named Tianhongmen.

In addition to Tianhongmen, there are two intermediate-level galaxy-level forces and five lower-level galaxy-level forces. In addition, they are all star-level forces.

In other words, the strongest person in the Tianhong world is only a high-level cultivation of Yuanming Realm, and its combat power also belongs to the normal standard.

However, before that, there were many schools of Yuan Ming Realm entering Tianhong World to pursue the evil protoss. If they are not dead now, they should all be in this Tianhong World.

The task now is to probe the news, and then to find the disciples who were trapped in the star-level forces in the Tianhong world, they should have more information.

It is only hoped that these people have not been captured or taken away by the evil protoss.

The three Chen Zongs acted quickly and flew directly out of the mountains into the nearest city.


Chen Zong and others can feel that there is an inexplicable panic in the scent of the city. Pedestrians have become scarce on the streets, all of them have a hurried look, panic and panic, and each one is flying. However, some rushed and embarrassed, as if there were some beasts behind them.

Chen Zong stopped a person and inquired by some hypnotic means, and knew the reason.

It turned out that when the **** shroud that envelops Tianhong World urged, an amazing storm rolled up in Tianhong World. Every corner of Tianhong World was shocked and fluctuated, and the endless blood was diffused like a tide. The attack passed by, as if the disaster of the world.

When the blood light swept past, everyone felt that their bodies seemed to have lost something, and suddenly became weak, and it took them a long time to recover slowly.

Some people who were originally weak physically died directly.

For ordinary people, this is a very terrible thing. The scope of influence is very large, causing panic in the heart and spreading for a time.

Chen Zong knew that when the power of the large array spread, it passed over everyone's bodies and took away some blood.

"What a weird formation." After thinking for a while, Chen Zong was secretly shocked.

These arrays directly absorb the vitality of the soul, strengthen themselves, and become more powerful, so that they can cover the entire world of Tianhong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and to some extent resist the dominant power Power has gradually merged with this world.

If it is forcibly broken, the consequence will be a large-scale collapse, and the Tianhong World will be destroyed accordingly, with countless deaths and injuries.

Based on this, in order to avoid unnecessary injuries, Yuan Ming Realm was dispatched and dived into it to see if it could crack the big team from the inside.

If this is not the case, you can only take the last step, which is to forcefully break through the large array. Although it will cause countless deaths and injuries, it is the last method. There is no other alternative.

The current hope can only be pinned on the crowd, hoping to find the evil protoss and kill it. If it is to no avail, the large array will be destroyed from the inside, the inside and the outside should be combined, and finally the large array will be disintegrated. At that time, the strong will dispatch and directly Sweeping past, all evil protoss have nothing to die for, and they will all die.

This star is located in the edge of the Tianhong world. It belongs to the lower-order stars, or the more ordinary one among the lower-order stars. The most powerful force is a force named Tianqingmen, which is a low-order star-level force. The strongest This is just the level of imperial realm.

The three men formed a team, but they were also slightly dispersed. Each of them provoked a ring of evil air and quickly swept the city to see if they could sense the breath of the evil protoss.

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