Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 58: Nowhere


The fifteen true stories of the Mind Heaven Palace descended on a mountain, and the true stories of the Eternal Battle Fortress and the Mountain of Flames and the Ziyuan Hall of the Giant Yuan entered other places.

There are other secret disciples of top-ranking high-ranking middle-ranking and even low-ranking star-level forces, and they all go to other places in succession.

A medium-sized world, with vast land, many mountains, and other landforms. In addition to some uninhabited barren land, there are also many lands inhabited by people.

"The cubs of the evil protoss are coming out to this uncle." The true story of Yuanyuan Ziji Hall descended into a large city, one after another opened the ring of evil gas, and quickly moved in all directions, while sensing the breath of the evil protoss, He shouted aloud, a posture that did not put the evil protoss in his eyes.

The people in Juyuan Ziji Hall are militants, with strong blood and strong physiques, so that their personalities are more direct and more irritable. They do not like conspiracy and tricks, and they often use fists to solve them. thing.

The person who shouted was a strong man with a great body in the Ziyuan Hall of Juyuan. The combat power was up to eleven stars. Because of the relationship between refining, he had strong blood and a strong physique, and his vitality was terrible. The combat strength cultivator fights, wins more and loses less. If it is a battle of life and death, the probability of survival in the end is greater.

The practice of refining is difficult, but if cultivation is successful, under normal circumstances the combat power is stronger than the same level of training.

The strong strength is to rely on, because here is under a large array, the divine realm cannot enter, and the evil protoss side will also have no power beyond the Yuan Ming realm, so it is even more fearless.

Twelve stars are too little, too little.

The people of the Magnificent Flame Mountain descended elsewhere, spreading like a fire burning the sky.

The people of the Eternal War Fortress rose up in battle, agitating the situation.

Although the evil protoss is evil, although it is a scourge, the people in the four holy places are actually not afraid, not afraid at all, because they have their own means and have extraordinary strength.

If you want to fight, the Eternal Battle Fortress will set up the northern front to defend the demon barbarians in the north. For countless years, the demon barbarians can no longer invade. How amazing.

An evil protoss is not enough to make them fear, and some are just excited.

In this city, the 15th Yuan Realm of Mind of Heavenly Palace is divided into five groups, flying in five directions at an amazing speed, opening the ring of evil gas, opening to the maximum range, covering the range of 10,000 meters, and quickly sensing the evil **** family. Breath.

This is not a simple task, because a medium-sized world is not small, and 10,000 meters is only a very small range for a medium-sized world, such as a drop in the ocean.

It is undoubtedly a time-consuming and labor-intensive method to find the world, and even if there are many people entering, it cannot be achieved in a short time.

But for now, there is no better way for a while.

Soon, the three men of Zong Zong searched the whole city and found no trace of the evil protoss.

Contacting the other four groups of true biography did not find the trace of the evil protoss.

It seems that even if the world is occupied by the evil protoss, the evil protoss has not really completely occupied it, or the power of the evil protoss is not so powerful, perhaps because of various reasons such as insufficient manpower.

From this perspective, there is still hope.

If you can easily find the traces of the evil protoss after entering, it can only indicate that the number of the evil protoss has become very large. This world has completely fallen, which means greater trouble.

Since no trace of the evil deities could be found here, and those who had entered before were not found, Chen Zong and others did not hesitate to change their direction immediately and flew away towards the center of the world.

Fifteen people looked cold and cold.

Although there are many disasters and disasters in the void, and human races have suffered many disasters, and they have resisted countless disasters. Some disasters have caused countless casualties. However, the human race persists tenaciously. Even now, there are still huge disasters The same is true of the human race.

The evil protoss is just one of many disasters.

However, Chen Zong will not despise this. At least among the people who enter, it is undoubted that he is most familiar with the evil deities.

The methods of the Evil Protoss are weird and needless to say, but personal experience and hearing are two different things.

I heard that to be more detailed and immersive, it is not true after all, after all, it is a bit less cruel.

Only by real experience can we understand the evil of the evil protoss.

To the evil protoss, even now, Chen Zong is actually afraid.

It's a race that doesn't know where it comes from, it's weird and evil, it's not so easy to deal with.

Although no trace of the evil protoss was found, it is gratifying and worth worrying about.

The evil deities of the past were good at lurking, and today's evil deities may be even more difficult after years of fighting with human races.

Not underestimate any opponent, nor underestimate any opponent.

Although the evil air ring can actively sense the breath fluctuations of the evil deities, and better find the traces of the evil deities, it must be actively stimulated with the divine thoughts to maintain the maximum power. In this way, the divine thoughts will be continuously consumed.

Even with the power of everyone ’s great devotion, we ca n’t help this consumption. There is no way. Today ’s evil atmosphere is like this. Only by continuing to improve and continue to improve can we reduce consumption, but now, there is not so much time.

Therefore, everyone turns to open the evil gas ring, and the search efficiency is reduced again.

Fifteen people this time, really dispersed, into five groups.

Chen Zong and Yu Wufei and Xia Yingfei are a group. They crossed the mountains and flew into a city, which is a big city.

The evil gas ring opens!

The three of them were separated by a distance of 20,000 meters, passing quickly, carefully sensing the fluctuation of evil spirits.

The evil gas ring suddenly shocked, and immediately attracted the attention of Chen Zong. When his eyes were twinkling, he immediately looked to the left and forward, with sharp eyes, and locked one of them directly.

It seemed that it was a human race, but Chen Zong was certain that it was a human race that was taken away by the evil **** race, and it looked like a human race, but in essence, it was no longer a human race.

Immediately transmitted a message to Yu Wuzheng and Xia Yingfei, the three of them were surrounded and quickly swept away.

The evil protoss also felt bad, rushed into the crowd without hesitation, and quickly got away.

Unfortunately, under the influence of the evil gas ring, his breath is clearly visible like a lighthouse in the night, and it is difficult to escape.

Soon, the three Chen Zong chased after the man.

"This is the evil protoss?" Yu Wuzhen and Xia Yingfei stared at the man, surprised.

Whatever it looks, they are all human.

However, they also all know that the evil protoss will seize the human race and occupy the spirit and seize the body, so it looks like a human being on the outside, but the essence of the soul is not, but the soul of the evil deity.

In addition, the human race occupied by the evil gods will be demonized after bidding for a period of fusion.

The so-called evil deification is to change the body of the human race into the body of the evil **** race, but once most of the evil **** races can't change back to the human race once they are deified.

Therefore, the evil protoss will not be demonized before the last resort. After all, this is the territories of the human race. It will be more convenient to act with the human body.

Otherwise, after being demonized, it will be directly transformed into the true body of the evil deity. Everyone knows at a glance that this is not a human race, but a ferocious alien race.

"How did you find me?" The evil protoss saw that they were surrounded outside the city, unable to get away, their eyes became dark and fierce, turning into vertical pupils, cold and evil, their voices were sharp, as if the sword was rubbing, People feel uncomfortable.

"You don't need to know, where are the other evil deities?" Chen Zong asked.

It is better to be able to ask about the situation of other evil gods.

"Don't think about it." The evil protoss sneered, and immediately transformed, blood swept away, and the wicked breath burst out from the body, and the body swelled sharply.

In front of Chen Zong's eyes, this evil deity has completed its deification.

The vertical pupil, snake-like long hair crazy dance, a layer of **** snake-like **** body covering the whole body, a breath more ten times stronger than before, terrible.

"Dead!" After the demonization of the evil deities, the power surged, and between the serpentine chaos, the pupils shot cold and ruthless scarlet rays, and the weird body twisted, like a snake shuttle through the grass. However, the speed is amazing.

Suddenly, the evil protoss rushed towards Chen Zong, his arms rushed out like a python in an instant, fast and extremely fierce, and showed no mercy.

The sword flashed, the sword came out of the sheath, and with superb skills, it was instantly cut.

A sword, but as if several swords, directly cut off the extremities of the evil deities, even the snake-like long hair was cut off, severing all the means of counterattack of the evil deities.

The final counter-attack method of the evil protoss is to seize the house.

The light flashed directly to Chen Zong's brows.

"Seal the curse!"

Chen Zong responded more quickly. A seal spell was cast, and the spirit of the evil protoss was sealed and locked in his hands.

This can be taken out and turned in, studying the characteristics of the evil protoss, etc. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is only an instant, the battle is over, and Yu Flawless is very upset, but the enemies are killed and they can only continue to look for it.

There is the active induction of the evil gas ring. The three people continue to pass by, continue to sense, and continue to find the place of the evil protoss. The induction of the evil gas ring is indeed very strong. So far, no evil protoss can escape its induction. All were found out.


Jade's flawless and furious punches smashed an evil protoss, cast a spell, and imprisoned the spirits that the evil protoss tried to take away.

Xia Yingfei shook her whip, and suddenly gave out an astonishing might, destroying the mountains and destroying Yue, and also smashed the body of an evil protoss, and sealed the spirit that she was trying to occupy.

So far, the three have found more than twenty evil protoss, all killed. Under the influence of the evil gas ring, these evil protoss have nothing to hide.

Chen Zong's side is rich in fruit, other teams, from time to time, find the breath of the evil protoss, and then chase and kill.

Although they have not experienced the evil protoss before this time, they have been informed of the detailed information. As long as they are not arrogant, they are basically unharmed.

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