Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 60: Big fish

Qihongmen was invaded several times by the evil protoss and captured a lot of disciples. Although some evil protoss were also killed, they basically lost more than lost, suffered heavy losses, and their overall strength dropped by a large margin.

In Qihongmen, the strongest are the doorkeeper, deputy doorkeeper, and the elder three. They are all in the early stages of Yuanming Realm, and their combat power is not strong enough. The highest is only the top two stars, but now, the deputy door The main battle died, the doorkeeper was missing, and the fighting power of Yuan Ming Realm left only the elder.

If the mind of the true disciple Xie Gang of Tiangong came, and killed the invading evil protoss with strong combat power, Qihongmen would have been destroyed.

But before that, a strong evil deity came. In that battle, Xie Gang was unable to resist, and he could only use the large array of Qihongmen to finally resist the attack of the evil deities.

The current situation is delaying time. It ’s awkward to talk about, but it ’s lingering. I do n’t know when it will be breached. After all, when the full array is opened, the power consumed is amazing. With the accumulation of Qihongmen, it cannot be opened Too long, once the power is exhausted, the large array fails, and it will be difficult to stop the invasion of the evil protoss.

Chen Zong and other three disciples of the Heavenly Palace came, but the people who called Qihongmen saw hope and gave birth to hope.

No one wants to die.

In particular, it was captured by the evil protoss, which was more terrible than death.

During the conversation, Chen Zong suddenly frowned slightly, his eyes gazed, his spirit was like a sword.

"What's wrong?" Jade responded very quickly and asked immediately.

"The evil protoss is here." Chen Zong's words just dropped, and Jade Flawless and Xia Yingfei successively felt that the breath of the evil protoss was condensing and approaching quickly.

The induction of the evil air ring is not needed, because the breath is very obvious.

Then Xie Gang felt the breath and his face changed greatly.

The three of Chen Zong's body flashed, and they appeared outside Qihongmen in an instant. They stared at the front of the spaced array, and saw several strange shapes approaching at an alarming speed.

Evil Protoss!

They are the evil gods who have not taken away the human race. When they appear, they are directly the essence of the evil gods, or they are directly deified after they have taken away the human race. In this way, they are more adapted to the spirits of the evil gods.

Moreover, because it is the relationship of taking the human race first and then demonizing it, the ability to adapt to the rules of the void is stronger, and the suppression is less.

In addition, the large blockade that blocked the world of Tianhong also slowly transformed the rules in the invisible, and became more suitable for the survival of the evil protoss.

In short, here, it is similar to the home ground of the evil protoss.

In any case, since there are evil protoss coming to the door, of course it is fighting or killing.

"Pause the array." Chen Zong said immediately.

With the full opening of the Seven Rainbow Gate, he couldn't get in or out, and had to stop before leaving.

"Stop the formation." After the elder Qihongmen hesitated slightly, he immediately issued an order. He is now the highest status person in Qihongmen.

During the buzzing, the formation was stopped, Chen Zong and the four immediately flew out, and immediately, the formation was opened again.

However, it is not so simple to reopen the formation method. It takes some time to fully activate the opening. This is also a concern of the elders of Qihongmen. In case Chen Zong and the four can't stop the evil protoss, it will be completely opened again in the large formation. Anyone who had been broken into before would be killed.

Even if it is not dead, it will be taken away. What happens after being taken away is unclear, but it is definitely more terrible than death.

"That's what the high priest and His Highness said, people from outside."

"Hey hey, grab it back, grab it all back."

The evil erect pupils of the four evil gods gazed at the three Chen Zong and issued weird and chilling laughter.

Suddenly, the speed of the four evil protoss surged by several dozens, quickly approaching Chen Zong's four.

The four of Chen Zong were not afraid, and they also met immediately.

There are exactly four evil deities, one for each person.

The breath fluctuations emitted by these four evil protoss are not weak, at least they all reach the high level of Yuanming Realm.


Suddenly, the four evil **** clan shot, the claws of the evil **** were torn in the air, the arms of the evil **** were bombarded fiercely, and the power was unmatched.

Evil God Claws and Evil God Arms are just the talents of the Evil God clan, and they are equal to their weapons. The power is very terrible. The Evil God Claw seems to tear everything, and the Evil God Arm seems to smash everything. As soon as they appear, Chen Zong and others feel immediately To the threat.

These evil protoss are different from the previous evil protoss that were induced by the evil gas ring. Those evil protoss are relatively weak, but these four evil protoss are much more arbitrary.

The sword light flashed, and the sheath emerged instantly, drawing a long trace of void, like a beautiful arc, with an indescribable sharp edge, cutting everything, tearing everything, running through everything.

Jade flawlessly punched out. The arm and fist were several times different from the arm of the evil god, but the power contained in it was extremely horrible.

Xia Yingfei trembled with a long whip, making a burst of thunderous sounds, extremely strong.

The last Xie Gang slowly pulled out the long waist knife with both hands, the blade body and the scabbard rubbed, as if rubbing out a continuous stream of sparks, continuously sputtered, but not sputtered, but pulled by an inexplicable force, surrounded by Around the blade body, it became more and more fierce, and finally, as the blade tip was shed, it condensed on the blade edge, and seemed to slowly rise upward.

"Cut!" Xie Gang stared suddenly, his arms were tensed, his muscles were swollen, and his five fingers seemed to crush the mountains, and the long knife lifted suddenly fell, and countless sparks fused with terrible power, Turned into a blazing knife and cut through the sky to kill.

To the evil protoss, there should be no tenderness.

The large array of Qihongmen gradually opened, and the buzzing sound continued to shake. It was full of light, like a streamer. Within the large array, there were elders and deacons of Qihongmen, etc., staring one by one with wide eyes. Looking at the four backs.

That's where hope lies, and where it depends.

If these four lose, the consequences of Qihongmen are estimated to be very bad. In turn, the four win, and Qihongmen can continue to support it.

If the sword shines, and it doesn't know where it started, it doesn't stop there, so that the evil protoss can't predict and judge where the sword light came from, and where it will go.

The sharp evil claws killed by the volley seemed to tear Jianguang, but if the mirror-like phantom was not only did not hit Jianguang, but was passed by Jianguang and killed directly.

One sword runs through!

Kill with one sword!

The head of the evil protoss flew high, and the next breath, I saw the evil rays of the vertical pupils of the evil protoss flickered, the eyebrows seemed to split, as if an eye, directly radiated a red light, and a **** and soul flew to Chen Case.

Win the house!

Another ability of the evil protoss is innate ability.

Although Chen Zong has encountered many robbings so far, each time he turned the corner and gained something. Even so, Chen Zong was unwilling to put himself in such a dangerous situation.

I often walk by the river, how can there be non-wet shoes, if you will be robbed and then benefit from it as a habit, and take the initiative to do so, it will inevitably suffer one day.

Once suffered, it is the end of the soul fly, irreparable.

Seal the curse!

Chen Zong's left hand seal, and under a seal curse, the spirit of the evil gods who flew to try to seize the house immediately sealed up.

On the other side, under the jade flawless punch, he collided with the arm of the evil **** without evasion, as if it were smashing bamboo. The stout arm of the evil **** was directly blown off, instantly broken, and the terrible and extremely **** fist suddenly turned the half body of the evil god. Directly exploded, that scene was shocking.

This evil protoss naturally also wanted to seize the house, but Jade Flawless also practiced the sealing spell and sealed it directly.

The battle between Chen Zong and Yu Flawless was the earliest end, but Xia Yingfei and Xie Gang fought fiercely with the evil protoss, and there was not much difference in the fighting power between the two sides.

But neither Chen Zong nor Jade flawless intervened.

In this case, there is no need to intervene, but more attention is paid to the surrounding movements, and whether there are other evil deities.

Chen Zong also began to interrogate the sealed demon **** spirit.

Because of previous experience, Chen Zong understands the language of the evil protoss and can normally communicate with the evil protoss. Of course, many evil pros will actually master the language of the human race after taking over the house.

The evil protoss that were killed before are only the evil protoss at the level of the imperial realm, but they are low-level evil protoss. The low-level evil protoss have limited knowledge and can not interrogate any useful information.

The current is the middle-level evil deity, which should be regarded as the highest-level evil deity in the Tianhong world, and should know more.

"I won't tell you anything." This evil protoss was very stingy. Facing Chen Zong's interrogation, he sneered: "Soon, you will be finished, this world will become our holy tribe, human race, Will be enslaved by our saints. "

Many evil protoss will call their races holy, which is tantamount to putting gold on their faces.

Even if Chen Zong used some means to make the spirit of the evil protoss endlessly painful, he still didn't force any useful information.

Under the help of Chen Zong, the spirit of the evil protoss could not hold on, it was broken directly, and the spirit was flying away.

Interrogate one if it doesn't work, then another one ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The second one is the evil **** spirit of Jade Woundless.

After some interrogation, this one was not as hard-hearted as the first one, and finally couldn't support the information.

Such as the high priest of the evil protoss tribe, the highness of the evil protoss tribe, and thousands of evil protoss warriors and so on.

But there is not much information that can be interrogated, that is, only those, but at least let Chen Zong and others know that the evil protoss already knew their arrival and responded.

"The High Priest of the Evil Protoss ... Your Highness the Evil Protoss ..." Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Jade flawlessly, and suddenly felt that this time, he seemed to be able to catch two big fish.

After all, the words high priest and highness sound like they sound extraordinary, and most people don't have such titles.

High weight!

If the evil protoss who can seize such a position and give it to the strong men in the door, maybe they can get more information about the evil protoss, and if they do not help, the crisis here can be solved.

It's just a pity that the evil protoss don't know where they are, they can only determine that it is an underground cave.

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