Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 61: Tianhongmen

The four evil protoss have been beheaded and killed, and the seals of the souls trying to take over the house tried to ask, but did not ask for more information.

Thousands of mid-level evil protoss warriors!

High Priest of the Evil Gods!

His Highness the Evil Gods!

Underground cave!

This is all the information, but where is the underground cave located, but I ca n’t ask how it can be seen. It ’s not that these evil protoss did not say, they have already mentioned this, and there is no need to hide other .

From the beginning to the end of the battle, the time was actually very short. The Qihongmen formation was fully opened and it had to stop, but Chen Zong stopped it.

When this large array is just opened, it consumes the most power. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that it will not be turned on at all, and it will not be turned off and turned off frequently. The power that is consumed is several times or even ten times greater than that of maintaining the open state. Times.

In the end, the Seven Rainbow Gates were kept open to protect the gatekeepers of the Seven Rainbow Gates, while Xie Gang acted with the three Chen Zongs. Only by finding the so-called High Priest and His Highness of the Evil God Tribe as soon as possible, can he break the Tianhong World crisis.

Watching Chen Zong leave, the heart of Qihongmen is up and down, and full of expectations.

I just hope that the crisis here can really be solved. Otherwise, Qihongmen's large array will not be able to persist for long.

Chen Zong also pressurized the news, and circulated it to the other four teams of the Mind Heaven Palace. Although the information was not much, at least let them know and had a clearer direction instead of rambling around.

"The high priest of the evil protoss, and His Highness the evil protoss, are really interesting."

"Let's go and meet them."

After receiving the rumors from Chen Zong, the four teams of the Mind Heaven Palace all smiled. They also kept tracing, but unfortunately, they didn't find any clues. It was unexpected that Chen Zong and his team found it first.

It really is the way.

These messages were not concealed by one side of the Mind Palace, but were passed on to the true secrets of other forces. Although it is said to be the ultimate glory to break the crisis by its own strength, in such an emergency, it is still Focus on the big picture.


"We went to Tianhongmen to explore the situation," Chen Zong said after thinking.

Tianhongmen is the most powerful force in the Tianhong world. It is the only high-level galaxy-level force. It has the high-level powers of the Yuanming Realm, and the middle-level and low-level strong powers of the Yuanming Realm are not counted. less.

As the most powerful force in the world of Tianhong, Tianhongmen's information source will definitely be richer than Qihongmen. If you want to find the underground caves hidden by the evil protoss, you might also use the power of Tianhongmen.

Tianhongmen is the most powerful force in the world, and is located in the most powerful and powerful place in the world. Its name is Tianhong Mountain.

Tianhong Mountain is the highest and largest mountain in Tianhong World.

The four of Chen Zong kept alarmingly telling and flew away.

"Tianhongmen didn't even open the formation."

As they approached the Tianhong Gate, the four discovered this, secretly surprised.

Today's Tianhong world is blocked, the evil protoss is at an advantage, and the human race is at a disadvantage, but the Tianhong Gate has not opened the guardian formation. What does this mean?

Tianhongmen has fallen?

Or is Tianhongmen strong enough to resist the invasion of the evil protoss?

If it is the former, it is absolutely very bad news. If it is the latter, it is unexpected.

Looking at each other, the four did not pause, but accelerated into Tianhong Mountain and flew towards Tianhongmen.

As soon as he entered the gate, a master of Yuanming Realm greeted him.

"Welcome everyone to Tianhongmen, but I don't know where you are from?" This is a master who looks like a low-level old man in Yuanming Realm. When he saw the four of Chen Zong, he did not seem surprised, but asked with a smile.

"We are the true story of Tiangong," Chen Zong replied.

"Oh, it's the true story of Xintiangong, please hurry up." The elder was a little excited.

Soon, the four of Chen Zong met the gatekeeper of Tianhongmen, a master of advanced cultivation in Yuanming Realm.

"Master Li, hasn't Tianhongmen been attacked by the evil protoss?" Xie Gang asked directly, while Chen Zong was carefully observing.

"Yes." Lord Li Men replied calmly: "So far, the evil protoss has attacked my Tianhongmen several times. Fortunately, my ancestor of Tianhongmen went out of the gate to repel the evil protoss."

"Tianhongmen ancestor!" The four of Chen Zong were slightly surprised.

According to the information, the first master of Tianhongmen is the master of Tianhongmen, the high-level cultivation of Yuanming Realm, and a seven-star level of combat power.

Perhaps the combat power is concealed, but it should not exceed eight stars, at most it is eight stars.

The old-fashioned Yuan Ming Realm is high-level, and the eight-star level of combat power is only a good level for star-level forces and even the four holy places.

With this kind of combat power, it is not enough to resist the attack of the evil protoss.

"My ancestor of Tianhongmen has traveled for thousands of years. Before going out, he was a high-level practice of Yuanming Realm. Now, beyond the limit, he has successfully cultivated Yuanming Realm. Introducing new ideas and surpassing the limit, and the surge in combat power, can repel the invasion of the evil protoss. "Tianhongmen seemed to see the doubts of the crowd and actively explained.

However, this is a family matter of Tian Hongmen, and Chen Zong and others can't go into it.

"Before you came, there are several true biography of Juyuan Ziji Hall, and now they are resting." Tian Hongmen lived and smiled.

Chen Zong's four were a little stunned, the people in Juyuan Ziji Hall acted so quickly.

But then again, I can think of finding Tianhongmen, other people can naturally, the difference should be only before and after time.

Soon, under the leadership of the Tianhongmen master, the four of them saw the ancestors of Tianhongmen, and they also saw the true story of the giant Yuan Ziji Hall that arrived at Tianhongmen faster than their own.

"It's you." Yuan Chongshan frowned slightly when he saw Chen Zong.

When he saw Yuan Chongshan, Chen Zong was also a little stunned, and then smiled slightly, it was a greeting.

Chen Zong was still very impressed with Yuan Chongshan. He was a very strong opponent.

The ancestor of Tianhongmen is an old man in a white robe, with a ruddy face and a smiling face. He is very enthusiastic and very kind to Chen Zong and others, just like an old man who is kind and kind to his neighbor.

Despite his introverted breath, Chen Zong's super strong perception can still perceive the breath of the ancestors of the Hongmen of this day, which is the level of the Yuanming Realm. As for the combat power, this cannot be perceived.

However, to be able to resist and repel the invasion of the evil protoss, the combat force must have at least a top ten-star or even an eleven-star level.

In a high-end galaxy-level force, it is indeed very rare for a strong person with eleven-star power to sit in town.

When entering Tianhongmen, Chen Zong also opened the circle of evil atmosphere, and did not sense the breath fluctuation of the evil protoss here, so it is a good thing that Tianhongmen has such a powerful combat force to sit in the town.

Both are the four sacred places, but in fact, the giant Yuan Ziji Temple and the Mind Heaven Palace are still mutually invisible. There have been some conflicts between the two parties many years ago. In fact, it is not a very big conflict. It is nothing more than some disputes and disciples. High or low.

Over a long period of time, it has become a situation that is not pleasing to each other, and they always have to weigh on each other.

At the time of the third ceremony of Chen Zong, Yuan Chongshan challenged Chen Zong for this purpose and swept away the face of the heavenly palace.

It was a pity that it was not successful at the time. On the contrary, he still lost face, but that was why Yuan Chongshan believed that he had restricted cultivation and could not exert his full strength.

If it is fully exerted, all means will be more powerful.

Because of this, Yuan Chongshan would say that he hoped that Chen Zong would break through as soon as possible, and would promote Xiu to a complete level of Yuan Ming Realm. By that time, he would go all out to fight, and he had great confidence to defeat Chen Zong.

Seeing Chen Zong here, although Yuan Chongshan didn't say anything, he was full of energy.

He wants to crack the crisis and take the lead. From this point, he will suppress everyone and make a name for himself in the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall.

Chen Zong did not know Yuan Chongshan's inner thoughts, and he did not pay too much attention to Yuan Chongshan, because the Tianhong ancestor not only gave people a friendly feeling, but also could speak, perhaps because he had traveled for thousands of years, see Knowledgeable and well-spoken, people feel very comfortable, there is a feeling of chatting with him.

The ancestors of Tianhong are very old-fashioned, not comparable to these younger generations such as Chen Zong. There was a little bit of a tense atmosphere between the original true story of the giant Yuan Zijidian and the true story of the heart of Tiangong. Dissolved in the invisible.

Of course, it is not a real resolution, but a temporary resolution.

Gossiping is just gossiping. The real thing is to find the hiding place of the evil protoss.

"The High Priest of the Evil God Tribe, His Highness the Evil God Tribe." Listening to Yuan Chongshan's words, the ancestor of Tianhong seemed to frown slightly, and immediately he summoned the master of Tianhong and an elder and ordered it to continue.

Make every effort to find the whereabouts of the evil gods, especially the underground caves where they are.

Yuan Chongshan glanced at Chen Zong with a proud look.

Chen Zong didn't care, he was able to force him to ask such news ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is difficult to guarantee that other people can do the same.

After all, Tianhongmen is the most powerful force in the world of Tianhong. With its full cooperation, it must be more efficient than finding it by itself. Not to mention ten times, at least a few times improvement is possible, it should be able to be shorter. Within the time, find out where the evil deities are.

The longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it is to everyone, and the more unfavorable it is to Tianhong World. You must solve this crisis as soon as possible, or wait until the people here are almost dead. It's better to let the master dominate the shot at the beginning, forcibly break the formation, and directly destroy the entire Tianhong world.

In that case, the human race will die countlessly, and the evil protoss will also be wiped out.

It didn't take long for someone to find Tianhongmen, the true biography of the Eternal Fortress, and then, the true biography of the flame mountain of all calamities, and the secret disciples of the top-level star-level forces, etc. Hongmen became very lively.

The top and bottom of Tianhongmen are also surprising and exciting. After all, Tianhongmen is only a galaxy-level force, and it is not far from the astral level, let alone the four holy places.

Now, there are many secret passages of star-level forces coming, and the secret passages of the four sacred places are there.

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