Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 62: His Highness

Tianhongmen is in action. The secret and true biography of the powerful forces did not stay idle in Tianhongmen, but left and went to find the place of the evil deities.

"Taozi, sister Yushi and sister Xia, I will follow you." Xie Gang walked up with a smile and said naturally.

Before, I only joined temporarily. Now, I want to formally join the three-member team of Chen Zong. The previous cooperation is still possible. Chen Zong nodded and agreed.

This team, although Chen Zong's cultivation is not the highest, is mainly based on Chen Zong.

Although Jade Flawless is very powerful, compared to Chen Zonglai, she is more unsuitable as a captain. As for Xia Yingfei, if she is to be the captain, let alone the other way. She will only lead the way. Once she gets confused, she can bring her teammates With partiality, in the end did not know where to go.

The short man is tall, at least Chen Zong is not violent, at least he will not be confused, so the captain's post will fall on Chen Zong's head. No need to say more, no need to say clearly, it seems to be the default.

As for Xie Gang, it is even more impossible to serve as the captain.

The three-man squad expanded directly into a four-man squad. This is of course because Xie Gang's performance was good before, and his own combat power is not bad. He can have a ten-star combat power, which is not inferior to that of Xia Yingfei.

People are powerful and sometimes useful.


Take action!

Take action!

Such a large action, even if it is intentionally hidden, is difficult to hide. It was not long before it was discovered by the evil protoss and reported to the ears of the high priest of the evil pros and his highness.

"Somewhat interesting." After hearing the news, His Highness, who was transformed into a man of an unusually handsome human race, suddenly showed a smile. The actions of the human race, he naturally paid attention at all times, and also made inferences, but did not expect that the action would It was so unexpected that it was unexpected.

"High priest, what do you think of the next step?" His Highness looked at the high priest who was very tall and asked with a smile.

"Your Highness, you have decided." The high priest responded with a smile, his voice dull.

Indeed, His Highness the Evil God already had an idea when he heard the news. The reason for asking the High Priest was also a gesture of respect.

"Stayed so long, it's time to go out." His Highness stood up, stretched his muscles and made a series of subtle sounds, and an inexplicable momentum was permeating.

His eyes were bright, scary and bright, he seemed to be able to penetrate everything, his lips were slightly raised, and there seemed to be a touch of self-confidence in control.

"The high priest, I'm going out first." His Highness bowed slightly to the high priest, turned around, stepped out, and stepped into the darkness, disappearing as if into the darkness.


The Stellar Palace is an astral-level force, and it is also one of the top-level astral-level forces. It is a powerful force that is second only to the four holy places.

This time, there are also many secret disciples of the Star Palace entering Tianhong World.

Alien invasion, this side of the vanity race is incumbent.

Especially those powerful practitioners must take it as their own responsibility. Wherever the responsibility lies, they must stand up and do their part to guard the void.

The secrets of the five horror palaces act as a team. The highest one is Yuanming Reality, and the lowest is Yuanming Realm. The strongest one is the top ten stars, not the top ten stars. Eleven stars.

Eleven-star combat is not so easy to achieve.

Five people at the Star Palace are searching for the base camp of the evil gods in the Tianhong world. It is said to be a cave house underground, but the sky is huge and the land is vast. It is very difficult to find the so-called underground cave house. It's like a haystack.

Even so, we must look for it, and we must do our best to find it as soon as possible.

"Hello, what are you looking for, maybe it can help." It was abrupt, sounded with a chuckle, and passed into the ears of five people.

The five secret transmissions of the Palace of the Stars turned back suddenly, their eyes stared at them with radiance, and the sound was too abrupt, as if it sounded in their ears, making people feel very close, but they did not feel it. Who is close.

This will undoubtedly shock them. They were not even aware of being approached. Maybe they were killed by a direct attack. That's bad.

Looking back, the five men's vigilance turned into a kind of inexplicable surprise, especially among the female secret disciples. When they were surprised, they even had unconscious mind-blowing.


A kind of handsome that seems to have reached the extreme that people can achieve. This kind of handsome is not feminine, nor masculine, but an evil spirit, an evil will, an evil charm, very attractive, especially for women , More attractive.

A handsome face, a perfect figure, and a gorgeous armor are like a prince of a mighty dynasty, with a smile on his face, as if flashing.

"His?" Asked the cautiously of the strongest of the five Secret Legends of the Zodiac.

However, one of them subconsciously stimulated the evil atmosphere.

The positively activated evil gas ring has a stronger sensing ability. In an instant, it passed the body of the handsome handsome evil young man. When it was awake, the evil gas ring vibrated violently.

"Evil Protoss!" The Secret Secret Palace, which subconsciously turned on the active sensing ability of the evil gas ring, was suddenly shocked.

The other four were also startled. The three characters of the evil protoss were too sensitive.

Without hesitation, one by one directly opened the evil gas ring.

The evil gas ring is divided into active and passive, usually passive induction, and will be actively activated when necessary. After all, active induction will quickly consume its own power of devotion.

Unexpectedly, the subconscious evil gas ring would actually sense the evil protoss, an evil protoss who looks abnormally handsome.

The visitor is His Royal Highness of the Evil Gods.

He dispatched himself in order to deal with the Tianjiao people who entered the Tianhong world, and encountered the five secret transmissions of the Star Palace, not intentionally, but unintentionally.

Originally, he was going to play it, using his own incarnation as a human race, and playing with the Tianjiao of the human race, but I did not expect that the real identity had been discovered before the drama had actually started. .

Found the identity of the evil **** family, His Highness did not feel shocked and fearful, but only showed a little helplessness, because he was unable to have fun with the Tianjiao people.

Immediately, the eyes of His Royal Highness turned around and stared at the wrists of the Five Secret Secrets of the Zodiac House. There was a black surface with many bracelets with strange patterns.

"That's the thing, let you find out who I am." His Highness Evil God gently touched his finger and sneered, his body flashed suddenly, as if he was directly passing through the void, and appeared in front of one of the secret disciples of the Star Palace. Three fingers extended.

His movements seemed unpleasant, at least in the eyes of everyone, and the trajectory of his three fingers could be clearly seen, extremely clear, and even the fingerprints were clearly visible.

At this moment, time and space seemed to stop and stagnated. The five could only watch as the three beautiful fingers of the unusually beautiful evil protoss stretched out, and finally landed on the wristband of one of the secret disciples.

At the next breath, the bracelet seemed to break away automatically and fell into the other's hands.

Playing with the evil gas ring, His Royal Highness was a little surprised. In a short period of time, he roughly explored the role of this evil gas ring.


A secret treasure specially designed to sense the breath of their saints.

Before that, he hadn't seen it before, and it was likely that it would only come later.

Sure enough, in order to deal with the holy tribe, this tribe really thought hard.

"My ring of evil qi." Until then, the secret disciple had reacted. Anger broke out and the killing sprang up. While roaring, he shot, pointing out and killing.

In a hurry, Xingmang flowed, gathered at the fingertips, and shot out through the air.

One finger!

However, this blow was near the moment of His Royal Highness, but the other side only glanced at it, and there was an indescribable cold light in his eyes, and the finger star burst, shattered, and dissipated.

One look!

It's just a look, that nine-star combat attack directly collapsed. What a means it was, it was unheard of.

"Shoot, kill." The top ten star-powered secret pass is extremely dignified. When he screams loudly, he also shoots directly, shot with one palm, and the countless stars are flashing, turning into a palm print. Another vortex in the middle is turning like a nebula, containing terrible power.

Several other people also shot, no mercy.

Evil protoss, kill!

However, in the face of the five people's full shot, His Royal Highness did not have half a jealousy and caution, but instead showed a weird smile, seeming to disdain.

There was no evasion or resistance, so holding on to the evil gas ring, and letting several attacks fall on the body, but couldn't get close, but about half a meter away from the body, several attacks exploded, and instantly burst. It broke apart and was blocked, blocked by an invisible force like an air wall.

The situation immediately made the five of them feel bad.

When the decision was made, retreat immediately, and at the same time retreat, the message was quickly sent out.

But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Her Highness could not let them leave.

Gently pinch your fingers to directly crush the evil air ring, and the body of His Highness swayed, divided into five, and pursued directly.

Catch up!


When he retracted his five fingers, there were five more throbbing beating hearts on it, still making a powerful sound and emitting a red light slightly.

Gently pinch, the five hearts stunned, the next breath, in which the red light flickered and seemed to explode, but did not explode, but a ray of scarlet light flowed on its five fingers, along the five fingers Flowing to the arm, eventually sinking into the body.

Looking at the five people again, after the heart was directly removed, their complexion turned pale, and with the constant loss of blood in the heart, their complexions became paler, and their skin gradually became gray and wrinkled.

But the five did not die immediately, but they were unable to struggle, only to feel that their vitality was passing away, and they were dying a little bit.

Then, the five fingers of His Highness clasped the heads of the five people, and the light spread, covering five heads.

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