Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 63: Invincible


Five mysterious disciple disciples were reduced to corpses, fell directly, and cracked into pieces, just like ceramics.

The five figures of His Royal Highness instantly merged into one, and the secret smile on his face became more and more obvious.

"The third Tao Ziwu Sword of the Mind of Heavenly Palace, the third king of the Ziyuan Temple of the Giant Yuan, I hope you will not disappoint this seat." In the chuckling, it seemed a bit of anticipation, and the lower body of the evil **** flashed. , Into a phantom, silently flying away, looking for other peoples Tianjiao.

And the moment the five people fled, although they didn't escape, they spread the message.

It's just that the time is too short, and what they know is limited, so the message is very simple.

There are a lot of Tianjiao who enter Tianhong world this time. At least dozens of Tianjiao disciples of Tianjiao enter, from as few as seven or eight, as many as a dozen, and they add up to hundreds.

The six Yuanming Realm high-order and Yuanming Realm perfect Tianjiao are hunting down two evil protoss warriors, aggressive look.

"So is the evil protoss." One of Yuan Yuanjing laughed while chasing and killing.

I encountered the evil deities several times, but in the end, they were defeated by the evil deities. Now, as well, three of the evil deities are killed and three are left, leaving two rushing away. Was killed.

Of course, when the evil protoss are killed, they will fight back to seize the house, but the star-level forces have their corresponding means to resist, especially after knowing that the evil protoss has the talent to seize the house, it is very prepared.

So far, no human race Tianjiao has been successfully taken away by the evil protoss.

The two evil protoss are very sad and angry. Perhaps other evil protoss have achieved good results, but three of them have been killed. Now two are fleeing.

It was very abrupt, a figure appeared from a distance, and the next breath, as if traveling through time and space, appeared directly in the middle of the pursuit and being chased, and intercepted six human race Tianjiao.

"who are you?"

"He is an evil protoss!"

Under the influence of the evil gas ring, the identity of the other party was immediately identified.

The two rushing evil gods also sensed something, and immediately looked back, seeing the back slightly, and immediately rejoiced.

"His Royal Highness!" The two evil **** clan immediately turned around and quickly flew to both sides of His Highness.

"There is another evil protoss, and they just happened to kill."

The six human races Tianjiao sneered, and immediately shot, relentlessly bursting out full attack.

His Highness the Evil God revealed a disdainful smile, as if he did not look at the six people, and the fact is the same. In his eyes, the six human races are like chickens and dogs, and are vulnerable.


Just waving his hand in an instant, he rolled up a violent wind, and directly defeated the six people's Tianjiao attack.

The next breath, I saw that the next palm of the Temple of the Evil God stretched out, the five fingers were fastened, and as if descending from the sky, they were directly turned into six arms, and at the same time were buckled above the heads of the six human races Tianjiao.

Shivering, the body of the six human races Tianjiao trembled violently, the eyes were constantly whitening, the limbs were convulsing like a sheep epilepsy, and the corners of the mouth continued to emit turbid saliva.

In just three breaths, the six human race Tianjiao described withered, eyes completely white, deadly, like a long-dead person.

All of their blood and spirits disappeared, and they were absorbed by His Highness.

Absorbing the blood of six arrogant Tianjiao, the breath of His Highness Evil God seemed to be strong again, revealing a very satisfied look.

Killing the human race, absorbing the essence and blood, and improving oneself is a more terrible method than other evil **** races. Only a few evil **** races can master the talent ability, which is the royal family among the evil **** races.


"Is this the so-called Terran Pride? I'm so disappointed."

Loosen the five fingers, the dried corpse full of horror and despair fell in the air and fell directly apart, His Royal Highness's face was disdainful.

This is the third group of Tianjiao who died under his hands. Whether it is a ten-star combat power or a so-called eleven-star combat power, it is not his opponent, even if it is a so-called top eleven-star combat power. Nor can he really take it seriously.

"Shan Wang, Wushuang Divine Sword." His Highness once again said to himself, his eyes twinkling brightly.

The world of Tianhong is very big, even if it is His Highness, he hasn't traveled all over the world. Besides, trying to find two of them is like finding a needle in a haystack. I don't know how long it will take.

Originally, it was intended to have a good time with the human race Tianjiao, but was identified through the beginning, and within a short time, he could not think of any good way to shield the evil gas ring induction.

Keep searching, it's just a waste of time.

The eyes of His Royal Highness glowed with madness.


"found it?"

"Did you really find the underground cave where the evil deities are?"

For a while, the news was passed back to Tianhongmen, and subsequently, it was passed into the hands of Chen Zong and others.

It was found by a true disciple in Tianhongmen. The true disciple is not astonishing in appearance. Among the true disciples, it is of ordinary standard. Unexpectedly, he found the hiding place of the evil deities.

Naturally, this true disciple also received the Tianhongmen's award for finding the hiding place of the evil deities, or a heavy award, which will greatly help his future cultivation.

This is something.

The Tianjiao who received the information also acted one after another, and quickly went to the hiding place of the discovered evil **** tribe.

"A big play is about to begin." A figure in Tianhong Gate burst out of the air.

"The entrance is here."

"It turned out that the entrance was in such a place, no wonder it was difficult to find."

"I've looked here before, but unfortunately I didn't find it."

Some Tianjiao, who was closer, rushed to the place first, and when they found the so-called entrance, they were surprised and regretful. They were surprised that the entrance was here, and they regretted that they had searched but did not find it.

But anyway, since it's here, let's go straight.

It didn't take long for Yuan Chongshan to bring his own team into the underground cave, and then the true disciples of the Heart of Heaven Palace also stepped into the underground cave, with Chen Zong and others naturally among them.

Almost, most Tianjiao people have stepped into this underground cave.

When they first entered the underground cave, everyone was surprised and bewildered.

There are too many channels in front of you. At a glance, there are dozens of them in every direction. Each channel is dark, as if it is a bottomless abyss.

If you have a choice problem, you will definitely be dizzy and do not know what to do. It is estimated that you will linger here for a long time.

Even if you have no choice difficulties, once you enter here, you will probably spend some time and thoughts on which direction to go.

Jade frowned, Xia Yingfei looked confused, and she was confused again. Xie Gang didn't say anything, but she also frowned. For a moment, he didn't know what to choose.

Chen Zong's brows stretched and didn't think too much, because the situation is very simple, that is, dozens of channels, so which one is true, it is hard to say, in the case of lack of sufficient information and full induction, it can only be randomly selected .

Whatever choice you make, it may be right or wrong.

Well, no need to worry.

Chen Zong made a choice directly and, with his habits and intuition, walked to one of the channels, and the three flawless jade naturally followed immediately.

At this moment, Chen Zong is the captain, and the three of them are team members. The team members follow the captain's actions.

The passageway was dark, giving a temporary excavation feeling. As he walked, Chen Zong found several forks. After choosing one, he found several forks.

All in all, there are always forks, and many forks will be intertwined with each other, in a cyclic and chaotic trajectory, which will make people lose their way and find no way out.

Chen Zong and others also realized that something was wrong. It felt like a trap, a trap dug by the evil protoss waiting for the Terran Pride to enter. No, the Terran Pride had entered the trap.

Not only is Chen Zong thinking so, other Tianjiao people also have questions before and after.

Isn't this a hiding place for evil deities?

It's a trap deliberately created by the evil protoss, the purpose of which is to attract the human tribe Tianjiao, and then make a trap.

"Tianjiao of the human race, welcome your arrival." Suddenly, a sound seemed to sound with a bit of evil intentions, sounded directly in all the roads and forks, and passed into everyone's ears: "Here is you We are looking for the stronghold of our holy tribe. "

The following sentence relieved everyone's inner doubts to a certain extent, but some people did not believe it.

Believe it or not, you have already entered here.

"I, Your Highness, the Holy Tribe you are looking for."

"Next, this seat will play a game with you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The sound will also go silent, no longer ringing, but the hearts of everyone ’s Tianjiao are a bit complicated.

His Highness the Evil Gods spoke personally. What kind of game would you like to play?

I do n’t know, but it ’s not a good game anyway, it may be fatal.

However, as Tianjiao, he has his own arrogance and arrogance. How could he be scared because of this, but he showed some expectations.

The four members of Chen Zong encountered several forks. As the captain, Chen Zong headed in, stepped in, his shape disappeared in an instant, followed by Xia Yingfei, Xie Gang, and finally Jade Flawless stepping in.

"Sister Four, Sister Three, Xie Gang." After Chen Zong stepped into the road, he found that the three behind him did not keep up, which was wrong.

They could not fail to keep up, but disappeared.

With a slight change of thinking, Chen Zong thought of a possibility that it was separated. The evil protoss used some means to separate the people who entered the same fork. Such a means is simple but not simple, but to say Difficulties are not too difficult.

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