Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 64: 1 sword horizontal push (on)

The fork is dark and one person walks alone.

"Are you going to break each one up?" Chen Zong said secretly, without the slightest fear, this calmness came from the state of conviction and self-confidence in his own strength.

With a long sword on his waist, Chen Zong walked forward without fear, and suddenly, the long sword came out of the sheath, marking a cold light, tearing the darkness, and shattering a pale light from the silent attack.

Following that, more attacks appeared, from all directions, as if the rainstorm invaded to kill, each light carried terrible power, even more a sense of evil.

Swinging the sword, the sword light surrounds the surrounding like a seal, blocking all the light like a rainstorm, which can not hurt Chen Zongmin.

"Her Royal Highness, please don't take out such a small method." After blocking the attack from all directions, Chen Zong said with a chuckle.

No one was around, but Chen Zong felt that he should be able to hear this sentence.

"Do you mean Chen Zong, the third Taoist Wushuang Sword of the Heavenly Palace?" The voice of His Royal Highness sounded, as if asking, but a little certain.

When searching for the **** spirit of the human race Tianjiao, His Highness the Evil God got some memories of the human race. Among them, some information about Tianjiao entering the Tianhong world, especially Yuan Chongshan and Chen Zong, these two people came from the two holy places The way of thinking, both in terms of status and talents, is the best of all.

Such a top human being is so proud that he is qualified to be his opponent of His Highness, but whether he can become a real opponent depends on the other person's ability.

Fame is not that strong and powerful.

"You have to fight with me for life and death." Chen Zong turned his thoughts and instantly grasped the idea of ​​His Highness Evil God: "Come on now, you don't have to send ants to die."

"Ha ha ha ha, yes, very imposing, and very confident." Chen Zong's response gave His Majesty a slight glance, and then laughed: "This seat is waiting for you here, I hope you can arrive as soon as possible."

His evil Highness was not excited, but responded to Chen Zongdao.

The voice of His Highness the Evil God was silent. Immediately, Chen Zong found a figure swaying in front of him, approaching instantly, and a terrible blow erupted directly, as if destroying a mountain and carrying a terrifying power.

Evil God Arm!

This is the blow of the evil **** group to display the arm of the evil god, not only that, but also the martial arts of the evil **** group, making the arm of the evil **** more violent and more powerful.

This blow directly brought a horrible fist, and rushed to his face, as if to crush Chen Zong.

The fork is narrow, and the two will be crowded side by side. One is just right, but it also greatly reduces the space that can be avoided, and Chen Zong does not dodge, because the punch is powerful, but it cannot threaten himself.

Jianguang flashed, a sword broke through the air and killed directly, carrying the terrible sharp power, running through and tearing everything.


If Jianguang's arc is full of moonlight, sharp and utterly destroyed, the fist will be torn immediately, like a broken bamboo, and the fists of the mighty and violent evil **** will be cut open all the way.


Two points with one sword.

But the spirit of this evil protoss did not take the house away, but instead flew away at a very fast speed.

It was too dark, affecting Chen Zong's sight and perception, and even the deities and so on were restrained, so that Chen Zong did not respond in time to seal the soul of the evil **** family.

Escaping from the opponent ’s soul, Chen Zong would not be upset, and he moved forward with a sword. After a while, an evil protoss appeared and killed him.

The second evil spirit group that was killed had a much stronger combat power than the first one, and the threat to Chen Zong was also greater, but was still killed by Chen Zongyi sword.

When the third assault came, there were two evil deities, one was casting the claws of evil gods, and the other was the arm of the evil gods. The strength was amazing. Chen Zong gave two swords to kill.

The fourth time was when four evil protoss came to assault. This place is at a fork in the road and is wider. The four evil pros have joined forces to increase the pressure on Chen Zong, but under a fierce battle, this The four evil deities were still killed by Chen Zong.

And all this is under the attention of His Highness.

Yes, these evil deities are sent by him, the purpose is to try out Chen Zong's ability. It sounds like this approach is stupid, send his own hands to die, but as long as the spirits escape, the evil deities will It won't really die, so the consequences are less severe.

He has to look at Chen Zong's strength and means, knowing that he knows how to fight.

Since this Wushuang Divine Sword is regarded as an opponent, of course, there must not be the slightest concubine, or he might overturn in the gutter, he is confident, but not arrogant.

"High priest, please trouble me next." His Highness laughed to the high priest on the side.

"His Highness, rest assured, I let those little toys out." The high priest of the evil protoss smiled, and the snake stick gently hit the ground a few times. There was a unique rule of unclear way, and a dull voice sounded like a giant. The ground was shaking, and the earth was shaking.

A huge black shadow also emerged from behind the high priest of the evil god, walking forward step by step.


After defeating the fifth wave of the siege of the evil protoss, Chen Zong stepped out of the fork and stepped into a dark place. Here, it is no longer a fork, but a wide space with dim light. It is like a cave opened by man. of.

The wicked breath permeated all around, turning into a wave of evil winds, and the coldness of the air was permeating, as if it were going to blow into Chen Zong's body, attacking Chen Zong's spirit, and eroding and destroying it.

In fact, the longer you stay here, the greater the influence on the human race. That is not a good influence, but a bad influence.

This environment is more conducive to the strength of the evil deities.

Bang ... Bang ... Bang ...

The ground shook endlessly, and Chen Zong's eyes were dignified and stared away.

I saw a huge bloated body appearing in front of me, stepping on it step by step, like a heavy mountain, a terrible and heaviness of evil with a rotten corpse smell, as if swept by the wind, Chen Zong was almost choked, and quickly blocked his breath.

Fortunately, with the current practice, it does n’t matter if you do n’t breathe. It ’s just a habit. Even if you do n’t breathe, you can circulate in the body without any real asphyxiation and death. So-called almost asphyxia It's just a feeling of being a person.

Anyway, it's stink, it's stink.

After being shielded, Chen Zong will not be affected by the stench. Sometimes, the smell of stench and so on will also become a weapon for the enemy, affecting the opponent, making the opponent unable to maintain the proper state and exerting it. Due strength.

The light was dim, but Chen Zong could still see clearly. The huge and bloated body was a monster that was five meters tall and four meters wide. It looked similar to the evil deities, with vertical pupils, snake hair, and an arm. It looks like an evil god's claw, and one arm looks like an evil god's arm, but there are traces of stitching on and around the body.

It feels like the bodies of countless evil gods have been cut open and stitched together, seemingly ugly, but very reasonable.

Evil God Corpse!

It is the masterpiece of the high priest of the evil god.

There are also some evildoers in the evil **** family, like bandits and criminals among the human race, etc. After being caught, naturally there will be no good end.



The horrible breath of this evil **** corpse is horrible. There are dozens of eyes on its ugly skull, scattered scattered, as if everything around him is accurately and clearly captured.

Each eye is either sideways or upright, the red light is flashing endlessly, and the evil is abnormal. Among them, there seems to be eyeballs turning, and those eyeballs look carefully, as if they are like an evil **** tribe, with eyes in their eyes, staring together To Chen Zong, Chen Zongqing couldn't help raising a creepy feeling.

Fortunately, there is no dense phobia, otherwise goosebumps will even spit out.

Rao is so, Chen Zong also feels scalp numbness, it is not a fear, but a feeling that comes from the depths of the body, and adjusts quickly. Chen Zong's eyes return to a coldness, staring away without fear.


The corpse of the evil **** stepped out suddenly, approaching the Zong directly, and the arm of the extremely large evil **** suddenly lifted up, condensing a horrible force, and blasted directly to Chen Zong like a smashing void. , The roar also rang out, oscillating back and forth.

The strong wind blew his face, and the wind pressure was astonishing, as if he could destroy the mountains out of thin air, Chen Zong's expression changed suddenly.

So strong!

The power of such a blow has reached at least the level of top 11-star combat power.

Rao is that Chen Zong's current combat power is better than ever, and he dare not have the slightest slackness. The heartless sword is out of the sheath, the sword light flows, passes through the dim, and a sword is shot out of the air.

Lingwu Supreme!

My heart is burning!

Power of the sword in the beginning!

Fifteen thousand kilometers of Heart Sword Field!

All kinds of forces also erupted.

Refining the Heart to One Sword: Sword Six!

This is a sword that surpasses the past ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is the ultimate sword of Chen Zong.

All the power is condensed by this sword, which is extremely bright, extremely dazzling, and extremely eye-catching.

In the depths of the underground cave, His Highness and the High Priest are seeing the sword of Chen Zong clearly through a huge round mirror. The brilliance and dazzlingness of that sword are immediately called by His Highness and the High Priest. His eyes narrowed and he was surprised.

"Good sword." His Royal Highness sighed: "The name of Wushuang Sword is truly worthy of the name, and it is qualified to be an opponent of this seat."

"That being said, there is still a big gap compared with His Royal Highness." The High Priest of the Evil God knows how well His Royal Highness is fighting, so he said.

"The high priest is too famous." His Highness laughed. Although he said so, a confident smile could still be seen from his face.

Indeed, this sword is really good, but for His Highness the evil god, it is still not enough to look at, and still can't get him anyway. If this Warriors Excalibur only has this level, it will not be qualified as his real opponent.

Immediately, the eyes of His Highness Evil God turned to look at the other evil light mirror, and it was Yuan Chongshan who appeared there.

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