Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 65: 1 sword horizontal push (middle)

The ultimate sword light, a sword swept across the sky, penetrates and tears everything, incomparable.

The fierce corpse of the evil **** corpse is like a meteorite falling from the sky. It is directly shot down, violent and invincible, and destroys everything. In the dimness, the air is exploded and turned into a vacuum. Countless air currents are sweeping from all directions and impact, Various storms and whirlpools formed, and the whole Dongfu was shaking.

This punch was in contact with Chen Zong's sword. When the sword was broken, the sword was broken, but the punch was also penetrated.

Chen Zong's body flickered, fold a near-perfect arc, and walked behind the evil **** corpse, a sword slashed out in the air. The sword was dazzling, radiant, and instantly converged, and cut directly to the evil **** corpse. Neck.

When the blade touched the neck of the evil **** corpse, Chen Zong looked slightly changed.


The film of the corpse of the evil **** has an unspeakable tenacity, extreme tenacity, even if it is the sharp characteristics of Jian Yuan Gong in the early days, and it is difficult to tear it away in an instant. However, the amazing characteristics of Jian Yuan Gong's power in the early days still let Chen Zong's sword tore the defense of the evil **** corpse.

However, instead of cutting off one sword, it was blocked by cutting into about one-fifth. There was also an overwhelming force contraction, and Chen Zong's sword was stuck. At the same time, the evil **** The corpse's evil god's arm twisted strangely and slammed into the air.

A few meters long, the evil devil's claws were extremely sharp, enough to tear all the hard, called Chen Zonghan's hair upside down. Once caught, Rao was arrogant and defensive, and was not sure to block it.

The five fingers are fastened, the muscles are like a dragon, the power bursts out, and then the wrist trembles slightly, the sword body trembles, and the force clamped around the neck of the evil **** corpse is shaken by the force of vibration, and the sword is pulled out.

His body flickered, Chen Zong rolled up a sword light directly, but did not move forward, instead he bullied himself and flew past the neck of the corpse of the evil god.

The evil devil's claw was several meters long, and Chen Zong approached, so that the evil devil's offensive could not be fully displayed.

Jian Guang was passing by, exactly where the wound on the neck of the corpse of the evil **** struck, deepening the wound again.


The reaction speed of the corpse of the evil **** was astonishing. Between dozens of scarlet eyes turning, Chen Zong was quickly locked, the arm of the evil **** was raised, and it fell suddenly, as if a large mountain was suppressed, and the terrible fist pressure directly caused the ground to collapse.

Under the strong wind pressure, Chen Zong found it difficult to open his eyes.

However, Chen Zong's body is very flexible, bypassing a circle, not only avoiding the violent blow of the arm of the evil god, he once again cut out the sword.

The power of the evil **** corpse is very tyrannical, the response is very fast, the speed is very fast, the defense is even more amazing, it can be called a terrible monster, but after several fights, Chen Zong still found its weakness.

That is not round enough, although its movement is fast, it is a bit stiff and not as smart as others.

Moreover, the body of the evil **** corpse is huge and swollen, far better than Chen Zong. If the evil **** corpse is compared to an elephant, then Chen Zong is as robust as a cheetah. As long as he is not hit, he constantly evades and takes guerrilla Tactics, and will not arbitrarily sword, but the sword will inevitably attack the weakness of the corpse of the evil god.

Such as the neck, such as the joints and so on.

If one sword doesn't work, then two swords, if two swords don't work, then three swords.

With his unparalleled flexibility, Chen Zong quickly walked next to each other, playing around with the applause of the evil **** corpse.


Tianjiao, an eternal battle fortress, broke into the fork, soared into the sky, and continued to advance.

It was very abrupt, and there were subtle and dense sounds coming, getting closer and closer, making the scalp numb, looking intently, the eternal battle of the eternal battlehouse suddenly changed its look.

It was a black thing like a tide, approaching at a crazy speed, and if you look closely, it wasn't a tide, but a black beetle, the size of a fist, with a shiny black shell, and its claws seemed very Sharp, longer shark-like fine serrations.

"Dead!" Tianjiao of the Eternal War Fortress only felt that his scalp was numb, his face was extremely dignified, but he didn't recede, the fighting exploded, condensed in his hands, and slammed out.

The palm print was broken, and came to kill, directly bombarded the black beetle wave, and immediately repelled, knocked off, and killed.

But he was shocked to find that the attack of his ten-star combat power was very limited in killing the black beetles, but it was only the first few dozen, but these dozens were relative to the black wave-like beetle flow. But it's just a trivial part, like a bowl of water in a pond.

Boom boom!

One palm followed by another, and the palms continued to bang, as if the waves were endless, the sound of whistling sounded, as if the waves were surging.

Batches of beetles were bombarded and killed, and dozens of beetles died each time. Only the dead beetles would be drowned by the following caught beetles in an instant.


The black wave-like beetle was approaching the eternal battle of the Eternal Battlefield. It was fast and sensational. Even if it was too late to retreat, it was directly surrounded and crawled all over.

Everything like fists, palms, feet, and so on turned into weapons, carrying a force that was extremely powerful, blasted out by crazy bombardment, and killed waves of black beetles.

Then, a scream of terrible sounds rang. When the black beetle wave spread quickly, like a locust crossing, the Tianjiao of the Eternal Battlefield had died, and there was only a dead bone that had been swallowed up. , Not even Yuan Shen escaped.


When the sword light shone, the punch of the corpse of the evil **** suddenly burst out. The forearm connected to the huge fist was also cut off immediately, fell directly, hit the ground fiercely, and made an amazing sound.

In the next breath, Jianguang divided into two, divided into four, and divided into eight ...

Only in an instant, a sword was divided into hundreds or even thousands of sword lights, and each sword light was extremely sharp, as if condensed into a sublime sharp sword, all falling on the huge bloated body of the evil **** corpse.

Thousands of swords are extremely bright, as gorgeous as fireworks in the night sky.

The sword light has not yet dissipated, but Chen Zong has already received the sword and returned to the sheath. The figure has gently fallen to the ground, the toes are a little ground, and there is no sound. The whole person is like water skiing, and the graceful posture is like flying swallows. Passed by the corpse of the evil **** entangled by thousands of sword lights.

The sword light dissipated, and the corpse of the evil **** remained motionless, as if it had been cast. At the next breath, cracks appeared on the neck, limbs, etc. of the corpse of the evil god, spreading away.


In the previous attack, Chen Zong focused on the neck and various joints of the corpse of the evil god, cut into it from every angle, and the last sword became a thousand swords, more like a straw that crushed the camel, and all the neck and all joints Cut off.

Dozens of red eyes were also broken by Jianqi, and the pupils inside were also broken.

This evil **** corpse was abolished directly by Chen Zong.

"Good swordsmanship." The evil high priest flashed a little dignified look.

The evil **** corpse was created by his own hands, and he knows how well he is fighting.

But now, in the case of strength prevailing, the opponent was dismembered with superb swordsmanship. These swordsmanships are indeed very delicate and superb.

As a result, the high priest of the evil **** also knew the weakness of the corpse of the evil god, which was convenient for future improvement.

However, the high priest of the evil **** is more interested in Chen Zong himself. If he can grasp this person and transform it, it may be an excellent help.

After Chen Zong regained his strength, he moved on and stepped into a new fork. It was still a relatively narrow fork.

When Chen Zong moved forward about halfway, his keen ears heard the sound of crackling sounds, like the sound of the legs and feet of some small insects crossing the ground. When they were stunned, they were densely packed, making the scalp tingle.

Chen Zong's eyes were extremely sharp, and when he stared, he saw a black wave rolling in, rolling faster than himself.

It wasn't water, but a fist-sized black beetle. His amazing eyesight allowed Chen Zong to see the black beetle clearly.

Scarlet eyes, a single horn, fine teeth like sawtooth, sharp hexapod.

The strong sense of crisis made Chen Zong startled, without hesitation, immediately pulled back.

However, the speed of the black beetle is too fast, which is much better than Chen Zong, and Chen Zong has no time to withdraw from the fork.


The sword light flickered, and it was directly killed. It landed on the black beetle in front of it. The extremely sharp sword immediately tore and killed the amazing beetle of the black beetle.

Only Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly. The black beetle killed by this sword was only a few hundred, less than expected, indicating that the black beetle's defense was stronger than he thought.

Chop Chop!

Only in an instant, countless Jianguangs beheaded and killed, and each Jianguang could kill hundreds of beetles. The dense Jianguang continued to kill the beetles.

The beetle's speed is very fast, approaching fast, not afraid of death, and Chen Zong's sword speed is also extremely fast, the sword light is continuous and violent, as if the wind is like a torrential rain. com ~ The servants stepped into death.

The number of black beetles is very large, at least hundreds of thousands, even so, in the end, no black beetle can actually touch Chen Zong's body. The nearest one is two meters apart, which is exactly a sword extension. range.


The last beetle was killed under Chen Zong's sword.

At first glance, the dense bodies of black beetles exuded an indescribable sour smell, overflowing the entire roadway, disgusting.

Swinging a sword, splitting a beetle corpse passage, Chen Zong's figure turned into a sword light, passing quickly.

This scene all fell under the observation of the high priest of the evil god, but His Royal Highness did not see it, because he had already focused on Yuan Chongshan.

In his opinion, Yuan Chongshan was qualified to become his real opponent. After all, Yuan Chongshan's cultivation was higher than Chen Zong, and his combat power was still better than Chen Zong's.

With an extremely powerful force, Yuan Chongshan broke through many obstacles. In the end, he stepped out of the fork and entered the deepest part of the underground cave, which is also the place where His Highness the Evil God and the High Priest of the Evil God were.

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