Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 67: 1 sword push (final)

It was an unreal figure. It appeared momentarily and instantly solidified, but it was extremely short-lived. In response to the words of the high priest of the evil god, he took another step, as if with an endless smoke, his figure faded again, became illusory, and submerged In nothingness, disappeared.

On the other side, Yuan Chongshan, who displayed the giant Yuanba body, and his evil Highness, who revealed the true body of the evil god, fought fiercely and fiercely, reaching the most intense time.

Chen Zong crossed a piece of gravel. Soon after, he stepped out of the fork and entered an empty cave house. Suddenly, Chen Zong took a step back to retreat, moving with astonishing degree and extreme flexibility.

Speaking of time and time, a black ghost was also assassinated from one side. It was silent and invincible. It was just a matter of being able to pierce Chen Zong. The black ghost was diffused by the silk. The cold atmosphere, called the perceptive Chen Zong, was cold all over the body.

Without a hit, the black ghost was submerged into nothingness.

Chen Zong stood still, his eyes were extremely sharp, his eyes were brilliant, and he looked around, and the divine thoughts permeated, but there was no trace.

However, Chen Zong's more important means is sword territory, which reaches the second-most heart sword territory.

The sword area of ​​the heart is familiar with the spread, and the entire interior of the cave is directly covered, even the wall of the cave is under the cover and penetration of the sword area of ​​the heart.

The second level of the sword area of ​​the heart, to a certain extent, surpasses the level of the Yuan Ning Realm. Everything in the sword area will be difficult to hide. Rao is so. Chen Zong just captured a very vague figure. The figure, as if located in the inner layer of the void, looked like a latent poisonous snake, waiting for opportunity.

Even if something happened, Chen Zong's look didn't change half, it seemed that he didn't notice anything.

The lurking figure was very patient, and remained motionless, like a sculpture hidden in the void. After a while, Chen Zong seemed to be quick in the competition of endurance, and there was a look of impatience in his eyes. But was captured by the lurking figure.

Immediately, Chen Zong collected the sword and returned to the sheath, gathered the sword domain of the heart, stepped out again and stepped out, a little flaw appeared.

The figure lurking in the void also caught the fleeting flaw and shot immediately.

Like a poisonous snake, it does n’t move, and every move is the best effort without leaving any vitality.

A shadow like a stinger, silent and fast past lightning, assassinating directly from the deep depths of the void, condensing unparalleled poisonous cold cold power, sharp to the extreme, as if the extinct assassin bloomed with life and the final kill .

At that moment, Chen Zong only felt tight, the Yuanshen trembled, and even the spirits trembled.

If it is not prepared for this attack, it is estimated that it will take its own life, but all the actions that it does are to lead the other party, after all, the sword area of ​​the heart senses the existence of the other party, but it is not very accurate, and, The opponent is deep in the void. His attack is difficult to kill, and he will only fight grass and scare the snake.

In this case, it is necessary to draw them out of the void and better counterattack.

It's just now.

Located in the scabbard, the extremely heartless sword that embodies Chen Zong's strength emerges in an instant, directly radiating unparalleled light, dissipating all the dimness around it, like a fiery mad burning Unleash the ultimate light, everything has nothing to hide, everything must be ablated.

This sword light is too dazzling and too fierce, so that the evil shadow that can get a strong blow can't help being affected.

Powerful rivalry, with the slightest influence, may feel like victory or death.

This is the opportunity for Chen Zong to grasp.

Sword comes out of the sheath, one sword shines, one sword is terrible.

Then came first.

This sword pierced directly into the depths of the void, following the trajectory of a black stinger, toward the evil shadow lurking in the void.

The timing of this sword is so precise that it cannot be avoided or blocked.

The evil shadow directly hits the sword, and the sword gas bursts in an instant, raging away, and it is like a smashing mad strangling. The evil shadow can no longer hide and show up. The person who meets it is the endless sword light.

Jianguang rages, all falling on the evil shadow, even if its body is tyrannical, it can't stop such terrible Jianguang strangulation.

After all, the evil shadow's defensive ability is inferior to that of the previous evil **** corpse, but it also has advantages that the evil **** corpse cannot match, that is, the latent ability and the assassination ability. It is like a peerless assassin, especially its attack. No doubt.

But now, not only did he not kill this people, but he was led out and killed by this people, it is sad.

Seeing the elaborate ghost shadow that he had carefully crafted was so easily killed, the high priest of the evil **** was heartache and surprise.

The heartache is because it is not easy to make the ghostly shadow. It takes a lot of time and energy and treasures. Being killed today is a waste of time and resources.

The surprise was because he had considered Chen Zong as his own maggot, and the stronger he behaved, the more amazing it became after being made into a maggot.

Come on, I'll wait for you here. The evil high priest murmured, as if summoning Chen Zong, and the voice of the evil high priest sounded in Chen Zong's ears.

The voice seemed to be telling in his ear, as if the evil priest was next to him.

The sword returned to the sheath, while Chen Zong adjusted his breath and quickly restored his strength, he stepped forward and walked forward again. There was an entrance, the only entrance. I didn't know where it would lead, but Chen Zong gave a feeling. After going in and out, you will reach your final destination and see the biggest goal of this trip.

His evil Highness!

Evil God High Priest!

When Chen Zong stepped out of the passage, at a glance, he saw a huge cave house, which was many times larger than the previous cave houses, at least dozens of times or even hundreds of times. There was an indescribable grandeur.

Its height, which is hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters, is circular. Chen Zong's gaze swept away, and he immediately saw that there were prisoners on the wall of this huge cave house, which were imprisoned inside. Holding a personal family.

Underneath, stands a huge statue of the evil **** king, which is located on a 10,000-meter-wide altar. It is as lifelike as if it were an incarnation of a true evil **** king.

The fierce collision sounds continued to sound, and the horrible spirit was overwhelming, which made Chen Zong feel shocked. It was a fierce battle with 12-star level combat power.

Chen Zong saw at a glance that the fierce battle party was the third son of the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall, Yuan Chongshan, known as the King of the Mountain.

On the other side, Chen Zong has never seen it, but it must be the evil protoss. With a little thought, Chen Zong judged the identity of the other party, but his highness.

It seems that it was Yuan Chongshan who took the lead.

In this case, Chen Zong's gaze fell on the figure holding a snake stick near the statue of the evil **** king. This dress, if not unexpected, should be the so-called evil **** high priest.

As long as the High Lord and the High Priest of the evil **** are removed, the purpose of the Tianhong world trip is half done.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong's eyes were a little stunned, his eyes were condensed, his sword was shining, and he locked the evil high priest remotely, approaching step by step, stepping out each step, the momentum on Chen Zong's body would condense for a minute, and on the ground, Chen Zong's advance left a straight mark, as if cut by a sharp sword.

It was a footprint and a sword mark.

Where the footprints point to the sword marks.

The eyes of the high priest of the evil **** are dark red, and a little dark brown is scattered. It looks like a turbid feeling, but it is not the turbidity of the old eyes, but a deepness that brings invisible oppression.

Staring at his eyes, Chen Zong also gave birth to an indescribable sense of oppression. The oppression seemed to originate from the depths of his heart, as if the invisible hammer was pounding fiercely.

But Chen Zong just felt oppressed, but he didn't have any fear. His footsteps didn't stop. The degree kept increasing. He kept walking evenly and kept accumulating the sword strength to increase the sword pressure. , Is bound to cut the ultimate sword.

I saw the staff of the high priest's snake gently lifted and dropped gently, but the ground suddenly trembled, just like the trampling of ancient beasts. An indescribable power suddenly passed through the ground directly at Chen Zong Rushed under his feet.

This force is extremely ambitious, overbearing, destroying mountains and mountains, trying to abolish Chen Zong's feet.

However, Chen Zong fell down, the sword gas surged, and immediately broke that strength.

The high priest of the evil **** raised the snake stick again. This time, he struck three times in succession, and fell as if he had melted into one. The ground did not shake violently, but a strange ripple spread out.

I saw around Chen Zong's feet, a faint green light suddenly appeared, one layer after another, the light shrank rapidly from outside to inside, layer upon layer, carrying strange and terrible power, and turned into one. The ring shrinks to restrain Chen Zong.

Chen Zong clasped the hilt of his sword with his right hand, and the sharp sword emerged three inches from the sheath. At the moment, an astonishing edge shook out, turning into countless sword qi, sweeping in all directions.

Under the endless sword raging, green and dreary rings were broken in succession, which could not restrain Chen Zong's points, nor could he curb Chen Zong's footsteps.

The high priest of the evil **** did not panic, and lifted the snake stick again. This time, the height was much higher than before, and the fall was faster, as if the ground was to be cut through.

With a slam, the snake's staff shot down, like a meteorite falling and hitting the ground severely. Without cutting through the ground, an invisible ripple spread in an instant.

The strange sound of Kaka Kaka suddenly sounded, dense and callous scalp ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I saw that under the land around Chen Zong, one after another, the bones and claws with reddish and reddish demon rays came out of the ground, As if the ghosts demanded, they went to Chen Zong.

Feet, legs and body are the targets of those scarlet bone claws.

There are dozens of scarlet bone claws.

The scarlet bone claws containing the amount of evil and violent force were caught, the power was amazing, and Chen Zong's look changed slightly.

If the high priest of the evil **** shot twice before, it was only a tentative move, then this time, he shot out his real strength.

(The annual conference of Zongheng will start again. The great gods from all walks of life gather in Beijing. Six waves last year and last year will have a wave, but this year six will be eliminated, because the second child is about to be born, and you dare not be too far away from home.)

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