Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 68: Outbreak of combat power

Dozens of scarlet bone claws were filled with the power of extreme evil, and they were quickly grabbed from all around in an instant, and rolled up a terrible cold wind, invading and permeating everywhere.

Chen Zong looked dignified. He originally pulled out a three-inch sword and completely sheathed it at once. As soon as he came out of the sheath, the eternal sky-like light bloomed.

Xuan Jianguang exploded like a ring of stars, chopped around, and chopped dozens of bone claws, but did not cut them as he wished. The bone claws were unexpectedly hard.

The light of the sword is as if the water is like waves of rivers. There are endless waves. Each wave of the sword light contains the extreme sharpness. If one is not possible, then two, and there are dozens of hundreds of swords Under the light, the bone claws can no longer be stiff and can't support them, they are chopped and broken.

The third shot of the high priest of the evil spirit was also resolved by Chen Zong.

100 meters!

The distance between Chen Zong and the high priest of the evil **** is 100 meters. This is a distance that is not close but not far. Yes, the toes clung to the ground, and the insteps in the war shoes were tensed and bulged, which contained terrifying power.

His eyes were as cold as a sword's edge, staring at the high priest of the evil god, as if penetrating it.

Xun Yi's sword momentum has continuously accumulated and has reached the extreme. The substantive pervasion pervades Chen Zong and turns into a wispy sword spirit.

The next breath, a bang, the power broke out on his right foot completely. Chen Zong's entire body flew out like an off-string arrow, and the drenched sword gas flew into a plume of smoke, as if blown by the wind .

Long hair dances like a sword in the sky.

The extremely heartless sword held in the hand suddenly waved.

One sword crosses!

Extremely fast, as fast as lightning and aurora, Chen Zong refining his heart to one sword: Jianliu to the extreme.

With this sword, its power has reached the top eleven-star combat level.

The high priest of the evil spirit raised a feeling as if to be cut off. Although the power of the sword is only the top eleven-star level, I don't know why. The sharp edge is extremely amazing.

The viper stick spreads a bit on the ground, and the ripples spread out and roll up from the bottom up, converging on the head of the high priest of the evil god, forming an egg shell, and turning it into a protective cover to protect it firmly.

Chen Zong did his best to cut a sword on the protective cover, and was immediately blocked by the protective cover. In the beginning, Jian Yuan's power was extremely sharp, with a groundbreaking characteristic, tearing everything. However, this time, he couldn't fully perform the work. , Was constantly offset by the strange power of the shield.

Nothing is absolute, besides, there is still a gap between the strength of Chen Zong and the high priest of the evil god.

I changed to another eleven-star combat power, and struck with all my strength, even the fur of the evil priest's protective cover could not be destroyed.

Her own shield was cut in half. The high priest of the evil **** was even more surprised. This kind of power is too sharp and amazing.

Chen Yijian failed to open, Chen Zong immediately waved a second sword.

The sword and sword were connected, and the sword became a line of light. In the end, the shield of the high priest of the evil **** was broken, and it was approached instantly. A sword was cut to the neck of the high priest of the evil god, and he was decapitated.

The viper's staff waved gently and intercepted directly in front of Jianguang.

Chen Zong only felt a violent force that exploded directly from the snake stick and hit it.

The ancient beasts are astonishing. Such powers are even more arrogant than themselves, directly opening the sword and knocking themselves back.

蛇 And the snake stick was obviously extraordinary, and it was stabbed by the extremely heartless sword without any damage, leaving no trace.

At the moment when Chen Zong was repelled, the priest's snake rod was also shot down suddenly, and the head of the snake-like rod slammed into Chen Zong fiercely. .

Chen Zong's figure flew back in mid-air, but he took advantage of his strength. A roll of the figure, like a flying swallow, bypassed not only the fierce and fierce blow of the snake stick, but also the sword was cut and passed through a stunning The extreme arc light is as beautiful as a dragonfly, but it is permeated with an incomparable edge, and it is directly cut to the neck of the high priest of the evil god.

A sword decapitation is the most secure.

When this time comes, the high priest who wants to take over the house will also be sealed by the curse and completely resolved.

However, the high priest of the evil **** is not comparable to those of the ordinary evil **** tribe. The extremely hard snake stick suddenly softened in an instant, as if it had become a poisonous snake, vivid, spitting a scarlet core, and a lightning burst. The general speed directly flew towards Chen Zong, and his body quickly surrounded, not only blocking the sword that Chen Zong cut and killed, but also entangled it.

宗 Chen Zong had a hunch. Once he was entangled, he was afraid that it would be difficult to pull it out, which was very bad for himself.

When the sword was cut, it seemed to be exhausted, but it was just an illusion. At that moment, Chen Zong turned to lightness, and he touched the snake stick lightly, and immediately showed unparalleled flexibility, sticking to the snake stick. The active body kept moving around, killing the high priest of the evil god, and the other hand pointed like a sword, the sword gas condensed, and stabbed at the snake head that bit his mouth.

For a moment, Chen Zong only felt that the sword gas on his fingers was broken, and his fingers were more like being hammered. The pain was like bursting phalanx.

Fortunately, blocking the snake's head from biting, Chen Zong kicked it out and kicked the snake's head away. The sword's edge was already approaching the neck of the high priest of the evil god.

Multitasking and fully control.


When Chen Yijian fell, Chen Zong's face changed, but the sword fell through.

The evil priest ’s figure is very weird, and it turns into a vanity in an instant, avoiding this sword and beating, as soon as he avoids it, counterattacks and kills, the snake rod directly turns into a huge cobra-like poisonous snake, the length Ten meters thick and extremely strong, winding the high priest of the evil **** in the middle and firmly protecting it. The huge triangle lifts up like a snake head with open wings and swings gently, constantly sucking the scarlet core, a pair of red The cold and ruthless broken eyes stared at Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong could not help but give birth to a wave of chill from the depths of his body.

Under the pair of cold and ruthless vertical pupil gaze, Chen Zong was under great pressure, which originated from the spirit and the deep body.

The stubborn and extreme power fluctuations emanated from the huge poisonous snake, condensed into one, and all oppressed.

Twelve stars!

The giant poisonous snake incarnate in this snake stick has a twelve-star combat power, which is the real power of the high priest of the evil god.

"Senior, you can only borrow your power again." Chen Zong said secretly, the voice can only be heard by himself and the demon heart.

The Tian Tianhong world's formation method has a limited power level, which cannot exceed the Yuan Ming Realm, even the demon heart can not break this rule, because he is only the fighting power of the Taoist level, and it is not the top Taoist level in his lifetime.

In this way, the help of the demon heart to Chen Zong has not been small


However, Chen Zong can still use the power of the magic heart to raise his combat power to a higher level, but he is still in the Yuan Ming Realm.

The gods borrow the law!

In a hurry, the majestic strength surged out of the magic heart, like a torrent of water, and poured into Chen Zong's body, integrated into Chen Zong's own strength, and greatly enhanced Chen. Zong itself.

The breath was full of turbulence, soaring into the sky, shaking in all directions, the look of the evil high priest suddenly changed, and he immediately commanded the huge poisonous snake to kill him directly. The sound of gurgling sounded like the roar of a giant monster, and the smell of smell was like a billowing smoke Surge.


With a low drink, Chen Zong's eyes were brilliant, as if the scorching sun was hanging, shining like heaven and earth. With his left hand pointing like a sword, he wiped the blade, and a force of force spread quickly on the blade's spine until the point of the blade. .

The sword is so bright, as if the pale **** of fire is burning, and the earth-shaking divine power is permeated.

Countless swords burst into force, condensed on Chen Zong's body, and transformed into a ten-meter-high virtual image. Chen Zong's virtual image looked exactly like Chen Zong.

I saw that the ghost reached out and grabbed it. Numerous sword spirits surged up, condensing into a long sword ghost, exactly the same as the extremely heartless sword. This scene suddenly called the evil **** high priest's eyelids involuntarily. , And raised a bad hunch.

At this moment, the giant snake head came as if struck by lightning. The barb-like fangs seemed to pierce Chen Zong directly.

Draw sword!

Cross cut!

Xuan Jianguang broke through, and the ten-meter-high phantom also cut out the sword at the same time.

He is mighty and mighty.

With a sword, his power is endless, infinite, and infinite.

The evil priest's high priest's face changed greatly, and even the other side of the fierce battle, His Royal Highness Yuan Chongshan and the evil god, were shocked, stopped for a moment, looked at them together, and saw that scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the look also changed suddenly.


This is totally unexpected. Who would have thought that Chen Zong, the Warriors Excalibur, could have such an amazing power.

The head of the snake, which was as fierce and extremely fierce as possible to kill, was directly cut by the sword of the magical martial arts, a slight pause, and the next break, it broke directly. The power of this sword is too terrible.

The sword continued unabated, still carrying terrible power, killing the high priest of the evil god, making the high priest look terrified.

I saw the evil **** high priest grabbing in the right hand with the right hand, and the severed snake suddenly emitted a strong light, quickly started, re-formed into a snake stick, suddenly shocked, spreading heavy ripple power, and once again formed protection. cover.

This protective cover is not the previous one, but the tenth one. It firmly protects the high priest of the evil god.

Under the sword light, the protective cover was severed and severed, and the high priest of the evil **** widened his pupils, his face was tense, and a snake was dancing like a group of living snakes, apparently doing his best.

The tenfold protective cover was also completely broken under the sword of the Shenwu virtual shadow, but the power of the Shenwu virtual shadow after breaking the tenfold defense was also weakened a lot. When he killed the high priest of the evil god, he was killed by the evil **** The last power of the high priest erupted, blocking it with a snake stick.

The roar screamed and shocked all directions. The evil priest's staff rod flew out of the hand, and the entire body of the tall tadpole was slashed to the ground and crashed into the hundred-meter-high statue of the evil **** king.

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