Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 69: Evil prison

With a sword, the high priest of the evil **** was chopped and slammed against the statue of the evil king of a hundred meters high, spit out a spit of green blood, and his expression faded.

On the other side, Yuan Chongshan received a full blow from His Highness Evil God and was immediately repelled. The giant Yuanba body is the supreme inheritance method of the Giant Yuan Ziji Palace. It is not a regular magical power. Therefore, it will continue to consume its own power when performing, until The limit is unsustainable.

This battle was extremely fierce. Yuan Chongshan burst into full force, but he couldn't defeat His Highness. The high power of His Highness is too terrible. Here is the base of the evil **** family in the Tianhong world. A lot of benefits are not only bad for people, but harmful.

With the passing of each other, Yuan Chongshan's giant Yuanba is finally difficult to continue to support. After all, every time the giant Yuanba is under attack, it can resist it, making it difficult for him to be injured and no pain. , Will not be repelled, endlessly fighting, but the power consumed by each attack is also very amazing.

In a stubborn blow, Yuan Chongshan was blown away, and the two-meter-strong strong body quickly contracted, shrinking to its original appearance.

Yuan Chongshan, who had the giant Yuan overpowered, withstood the blow. Although he was not injured, his face was exhausted and his face was pale. He was exhausted. The fighting was amazing, not only to attack, but also to be lower than the body of the evil temple. The erosion and penetration of the most extreme forces has intensified their own burden.

"Your strength is very good, and you are qualified to be the guard of this seat." Although His Highness the Evil God has also consumed a lot of power, here his speed of recovery is amazing.

At the moment when the sound of the words fell, His Royal Highness sent out another blow. Yuan Chongshan's body suddenly spread out a light, blocking the blow, it was a secret treasure of body protection.

His Majesty the Evil God stunned for a moment, and then shot again, killing by continuous bombardment, but blocked by the treasures of Yuan Chongshan.

Qi Yuan Chongshan stood still, and allowed His Highness to attack, and only blocked all attacks with the guardian secret treasure. This secret treasure was donated by the teacher's gate, and its power was amazing. It can only be inspired at critical moments.

With the power of His Royal Highness, it is difficult to break it.

Moreover, after this mysterious power is stimulated, Yuan Chongshan can ignore it unless he wants to terminate it.

While the strength of the bodyguard's secret treasure is still there, Yuan Chongshan quickly took out the elixir to take, operated the trick, quickly refined the elixir's power, and restored his cultivation to power.

After Xiuwei recovered, he took the initiative to release the strength of the body protector to fight the evil temple next.

Although Xie Fangcai's fight fell behind, Yuan Chongshan also felt that he had inspired a bit of potential in the fierce battle, and continued to fight, when he was sure to go further and have stronger combat power.

Twelve-star combat power, that is, super-altitude combat power. This is a collective name, and its level range can even exceed the span of ten-star combat power to eleven-star combat power.

If you want to subdivide the 12-star combat power, you can also divide it into more details.

Xun Lianba shot, but was unable to break the light of the body of Yuan Chongshan, His Highness also gave up, directly transferred the target, and blasted to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong slashed with a sword, and Shenwu Xuying also came out with one sword.

Based on Chen Zong's cultivation at this time, he can borrow more **** powers. Therefore, the combat power not only reaches the twelve-star level of the superpolar state, but also reaches a more powerful level among them.

This combat power not only broke the power of the snake rod with a sword, but also wounded the high priest of the evil god, and now it is killed with a sword, which directly breaks the blow of His Highness.

Here comes the assassination.

There was a sudden change in color under the evil evil shrine, with a strange cry, and he did not hesitate to fly back. The power of this sword was too strong, and he could not stop it.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that this unparalleled magic sword is the strongest one.

The wounded evil **** high priest did not take the shot. Instead, after taking back the snake stick, he faced the statue of the evil **** directly, reading the mysterious prophecy like the sacrifice. Shocked, connecting the surrounding pillars, the power of the photosphere at the top of the pillars was continuously guided and transmitted.

The extremely wicked atmosphere fluctuated wildly and suddenly overflowed the entire wide cave house, causing Chen Zong to feel inexplicable pressure.

Staring at the statue of the evil **** king, Chen Zong did not hesitate to wave his sword and should do his best.

The ten-meter-tall sacred martial arts shadow also slashed out with one of the swords, exhausting all its power, and slashing the statue of the evil **** king with one sword, destroying it.

宗 Chen Zong already has a kind of enlightenment. The statue of the evil **** king is the focus. His Highness and the high priest of the evil **** are also the focus. Only by removing these two points can the crisis of the Tianhong world be solved.

The huge sword light destroyed the deadly horizontal cut, and directly cut the statue of the evil **** king, which is 100 meters high.

The red light flashed, flashing endlessly on the surface of the evil **** king statue, blocking the huge sword light's chopping until the light burst, and the red light was never broken.

This kind of mighty power makes Chen Zong look very dignified.

On the verge of death, I saw the eyes of the statue of the evil **** Wang burst out with two red to the extreme light, one shot to Chen Zong instantaneously, and one shot directly to Yuan Chongshan.

I was too fast to beat the amazing speed like lightning, Chen Zong had no time to dodge, the red light had already reached.

Suddenly, the red light exploded and turned into smaller one-hundred lanes, which respectively fell on Chen Zong's body, forming a prison-like one directly, besieging him.

"This is ..." Chen Zong stunned for a moment, immediately feeling an astonishing force, coming from all directions frantically oppressing, not only completely blocked the surroundings, but also attempted to defeat his own power.

Chen Zongshan suffered this way, and Yuan Chongshan was no exception. He was also trapped. However, Yuan Chongshan was able to resist the invasion and oppression of evil forces with his guardian secret treasure, but could not escape.


Chen Zong Yijian was cut out, and the martial arts virtual shadow was also cut off with one sword, carrying an astonishing mighty power. One sword was severely slashed on the red beam of light of the arm around the prison, but this power was so powerful , But did not chop it, but was shocked, Jianguang shattered.

Second sword!

The third sword!

Chen Zong continued to wield swords, one sword after another was beheaded, but each sword was broken, and it was impossible to break the prison.

The evil forces are constantly increasing, and the pressure is coming from all sides, squeezing and squeezing, which makes Chen Zong's pressure increase.

Yuan Chongshan accelerates the refining of the elixir, restores strength, and although the body protection treasure can still resist it, it has already issued a few crunchy, subtle sounds, which are very harsh, causing the scalp to numb, making Yuan Chongshan's look dignified .

Once the defense of the Protective Treasure is broken, you have to face this terrible evil force directly. With the strength of these evil forces, you are afraid that your resistance will be as fragile as thin paper and will be torn directly. Crack, by then, will undoubtedly die.

Although he thought of danger, Yuan Chongshan never thought that he would die here.

You know, his combat power is tyrannical, it is a twelve-star level, and he has a bodyguard.

Wu Mibao stood by, in such a world that could not exceed the power of the Yuan Ming Realm, it was undoubtedly the biggest guarantee and the reliance on the rampant. But now, it is going to be crushed and it is in danger of death.

Chen Zong did not attack again with a sword, because of his own attack, he could not break this prison.

"Be assured, I will make you into a puppet. By then, you will not lose your mind or spirit. In addition to fully obeying my orders, everything you own will still exist. You can still Cultivation can still become stronger. "The high priest of the evil **** flashed out of the body and appeared outside the red prison cage. His eyes stared at Chen Zong with an indescribable and hopeful light, that kind of gaze was like admiring Like a perfect work, Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a chill.

The words of the high priest of the evil **** also made Chen Zong extremely vigilant.

"The power of the evil prison will continue to consume your power until it is completely exhausted. At that time, you will lose all the resistance." The high priest of the evil **** said again.

In his view, Chen Zong, who was in the prison of evil, was already the one in Langzhong, and there was no possibility of resistance.

In the face of the words of the high priest of the evil god, Chen Zong did not answer, but thought quickly.


如何 How to solve this crisis?

"Only to break the evil prison." Devil Heart said.

宗 Chen Zong also understands this. There is hope only when he breaks out of the evil prison to escape from the trap, but has only tried it before. The power of the evil prison is amazing and it is difficult to break.

And the oppressive force is amazing, and Chen Zong also feels that his own power is constantly flowing and seems to be absorbed. If this force is absorbed, then he will lose all his resistance and fall into the hands of the other party. .

At this time, the evil protoss clans appeared one by one.

"Sister Three and Four Sisters!" Yu Guang glanced at the corners of Chen Zong's eyes, and his expression changed suddenly. One of the detained people was Yu Wufei, the third teacher, and Xia Yingfei, the fourth teacher ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Other Tianjiao.

Saitama Flawless and Xia Yingfei also saw Chen Zong, who was trapped in an evil prison. They looked greatly changed but were unable to rescue them.

"Senior, what can you do?" Chen Zong can only ask for advice, and the situation is urgent, and he cannot tolerate meticulous thinking.

"Try the sword world," Moxin said after a few breaths.

There is no other way to do this.

After all, his own power is greatly restricted, and the power beyond the level of Yuanming Realm cannot erupt, and this evil prison cannot be broken, and the evil protoss has never encountered it before his death.

Power is limited. I have not encountered it, and I am not familiar with its characteristics. Naturally, I feel helpless.

After thinking about it, the demon heart thought of the sword world, and the content of the sword world, he actually knew it, after all, he is now one with Chen Zong, and it is dependent on Chen Zong.

If you master the sword world, maybe you can break this evil prison.

"Senior, I haven't practiced sword world yet." Chen Zong smiled bitterly.

Time is too hasty, it is too late to retreat.

"Cultivate now." The tone of the demon heart is beyond doubt: "You practice with peace of mind, the power of evil prisoners, I will stop you."

Although his own power cannot be used beyond the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, it does not mean that his power cannot be used. It is still possible to resist the previous period.

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