Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 70: Deceptive

One after another, Tianjiao, a human race, was captured and seized, and escorted to the place, one after another in prisons on the wall.

This scene makes people despair.

Here, it is indeed the base camp of the evil deities. They have also been found, but in the end, they were annihilated by the entire army, especially when Wang Yuan Chongshan, the third son of the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall, was also besieged in prison. So so.

After all, Yuan Chongshan is recognized as the strongest in this trip, and even he is trapped, let alone other people.

As for Chen Zong, although it is the third way of the Mind Heaven Palace, it has the title of Wushen Excalibur, and its talent and potential are unparalleled. However, in terms of cultivation, it has not yet reached the perfection of the Yuan Ming Realm, and has not reached the Yuan Ming Realm. The limit is still not comparable to Yuan Chongshan.

Of course, they didn't know that Chen Zong possessed the gods. They didn't know that Chen Zong could use the spirit to borrow the law and show his martial arts. He had a stronger power than Yuan Chongshan.

If you know, it may be even more desperate, because even such strength is trapped in prison and cannot escape.

不得 Unable to break free, unable to escape, the strength of a personal tribe's arrogance was banned, and they were sent to prisons and reduced to prison.

"The high priest, Your Highness, all the people who entered were arrogant, killed thirty people, and the rest were captured." An evil protoss warrior said immediately to His Highness and the high priest.

He speaks the language of the evil deities. Most of the people do not understand, but a few people understand. Chen Zong understands it clearly.

Thirty dead!

The rest are caught alive!

This is like a trap, waiting for everyone to enter, now everyone is in the trap.

Strangled dead, caught and caught.

"You just heard what you said, but maybe you don't understand the language of the Holy Tribe." His Highness the Evil God smiled, and he turned into a beautiful human race, very confusing, his eyes swept away, let Everyone in detention felt that he was being stared: "You people are so proud that your army has been wiped out."

Hearing the words of His Highness Evil God, most people ’s first reaction to Tianjiao was disbelief.

怎么 How is that possible!

How could the whole army be wiped out.

He is also a force that cannot exceed the level of the Yuan Ming Realm. How can they be wiped out by the army.

"Xiu wants to talk nonsense to disturb my mood." Tianjiao roared.

既然 "Since you don't believe it, let someone you know tell you well." His Highness looked like a slap on his face, clapping his palms, and suddenly a figure flew over and appeared next to His Highness.

"See His Royal Highness." As soon as this person came, he immediately bowed to His Highness Ninety Degrees and gave a great gift to the High Priest.

When everyone saw this person, they first looked at each other, and then their faces changed greatly, unbelievable.

Who is he?

Ye Tianhongmen ancestors!

The caller turned out to be the ancestor of Tianhongmen.


Chen Zong had another feeling of relief.

The Tianhong Gate did not open up a large array of defenses. His remark was that the Tianhongmen ancestors who had traveled for thousands of years returned and showed strong fighting power, repelled the invading evil protoss, and held the Tianhongmen.

At that time, Chen Zong and others believed.

But after entering here, Chen Zong knew the evil protoss

Xun's strength is very tyrannical. If he really intends to attack, the Tianhong Gate will not be able to hold it.

But Tianhongmen was safe and sound, and never opened the guardian formation.

Now, everything has the answer, because Tianhong's ancestors have already taken refuge in the evil deities, he is still a human race, he has not been taken away, and the evil atmosphere ring can not be sensed, but he has already taken refuge in the evil deities and became a running dog of the evil deities.

Throughout history, people who have been bought by aliens and betrayed them and turned to aliens are not alone.

Xian Tianhong's ancestors were not the first, nor would they be the last. Although he knew this, there was an outburst of anger from the bottom of his heart, and his desire to erupt.



Every tribe is angry.

The anger was high, and through his eyes, he stared at it, as if to burn the Tianhong ancestor to ashes, the old face that originally made people feel kind, and how disgusting it looked at this moment, there seemed to be a kind smile. An unspeakable puppet.


I can't wait for my skin to be cramped and frustrated.

Tatar traitors are the most hateful.

Maybe this time, everyone will be caught, and they have something to do with this person.

"All of you are Tianjiao from all major forces, with extraordinary talents, high potential, and limitless future prospects." Tianhong's ancestors gathered a smile on his face, still looking so kind, but it makes people feel harsh, his voice It is still so kind, but it makes people feel harsh.

"It would be a shame to die here. Many years of hard work and countless futures have disappeared. Think about it, do you feel sorry?"

Although Tianhong's ancestors are hateful and hateful, he has to admit that his voice and words have a strange rhythm and a strange appeal, like a breeze and drizzle, not strong, but a little bit rushing. Into the minds of the people, this is not a good thing for the people whose powers are banned, because they are slightly affected by their minds.

One by one, I think of my hard work and hard work over the past few years, and after life and death, I have the current strength. If I really die, it ’s a pity. After all, I have n’t cultivated to the limit and can continue to improve. , Break through the Yuan Ning Realm and reach the magical realm.

Even ... impacted that respect level, became the superior power of level reverence, and let Bafang look up.

Everyone's expressions changed, all of them were taken by Tianhong's ancestors, but there were still a few people who were extremely determined and remained unaffected, leaving Tianhong's eyes squinting secretly.

"Looking at my husband, he has ordinary talents. He has reached the high level of Yuanming Realm, and it is already the limit. Even after thousands of years of training, he still hasn't gone further. But since he encountered the saints, he got great chance A direct breakthrough to the complete consummation of the Yuan Ning Realm is not only a breakthrough in cultivation, but also a skill and a magical power. Now the old man's combat power has reached the top eleven stars.

He originally had a high-level cultivation of Yuan Ming Realm, and after thousands of years of experience, he only rose to the ten-star level, that is the limit.

But because of his trust in the holy tribe, he gained great opportunities and benefits, and made breakthroughs, and his combat power has advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching an unprecedented level and an unthinkable situation.

"Everyone is a clan, both talent and potential are above the old husband. If you can get the opportunity of the saints, I believe that your cultivation and combat power will be greatly improved, surpassing the old husband, easily."

I have to say that the words of Tianhong's ancestors are indeed full of temptation. For practitioners,

Hey, what's important?

Repair it!


No doubt about that.

With more powerful power, you can have more, your own destiny, the destiny of others, and so on.

His Highness the Evil God and the High Priest of the Evil God did not speak, but let the ancestors of Tianhong play it.

If the ancestors of Tianhong can say that some of the people of Tianhong take the initiative to turn to the saints, it is a good thing. If not, they can only use some means.

The result of using every means is naturally not as good as taking the initiative to trust, and it is somewhat flawed.

As for making maggots, it is not easy. It consumes a lot of resources and cannot be used for everyone. The high priest of the evil **** has already decided that all resources will be concentrated on Chen Zong.

With thousands of armies and thousands of horses, it can't reach a peerless arrogance.

"Don't be fooled by this dog thief." Some people can still calm down and yell.

"Damn dog thief, betrayal of the human race, not only will you die, but your Tianhongmen will also be wiped out."

Tian Tianhong's ancestor is the ancestor of Tianhongmen. He betrayed the people and turned to the evil protoss. It is difficult to guarantee that Tianhongmen actually surrendered to the evil protoss.

If yes, then Tianhongmen must be extinct.

He will do his best for his fellow citizens, and he will never have the slightest sympathy for traitors, for whatever reason.

Beggar betrayal is betrayal, and it can't get rid of the traitor because it is decorated with 1,000 or 10,000 reasons.

Hearing their roar, Tianhong's ancestors showed a hint of hesitation. So far, do they still want to leave unharmed?

That is impossible.

Eunuch either died, was taken away, or returned to the holy tribe, no matter which one, he could not threaten him.

Conversely, if he persuaded to succeed, he would be credited with the reward of the saints.

Whatever the ancestor of Tianhong said, Chen Zong ignored it, but practiced it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Time is urgent, and you should race against time to become a sword world as soon as possible.

According to the deduction of the magic heart, the power of the sword world is extremely strong, and there may be hope to break this evil prison and turn the situation around.

If even the sword world can't do it, then there is no good way to do it, and the army will really be wiped out.

But, in order to become a sword world, Chen Zong must also compress the world domain first and replace it with the heart of the world.

I have practiced many times before, but have failed again and again. Now, the soul has been made up, and the intensity has also been improved. Compared with the past, it is more than a lot. When we have a greater grasp of the successful compression of the world, Use this to replace the heart of the world and successfully cultivate the sword world.

It takes time.

Continuous oppression of evil prisons and continuous absorption of Chen Zong's power, which will interfere with Chen Zong to a great extent, making Chen Zong unable to practice in peace.

Fortunately, there is a demon in his heart. With his strength, he can block the oppression and absorption of the evil prison, which will not affect Chen Zong's.

Although it is not possible to exert the power beyond the level of the Metaverse, here, the demon heart is a level of Taoism, and the strength is amazing. It can completely withstand a considerable period of time, so that Chen Zong has more time to practice well, as much as possible to train the sword world, in order to break the evil prison, save everyone in distress, reverse the crisis and even Crack the crisis here, and finally achieve the purpose of this trip.

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