Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 71: Mind and move

Chen Zong eliminated all distractions and cultivated wholeheartedly.

The 15,000-kilometer world area spreads directly, but cannot break through the shackles of evil prisons.

This evil prison is very wonderful. It looks small, only a few tens of meters square, but the internal space seems to be ten times and a hundred times larger, which is very strange.

However, the internal changes cannot be perceived by the outside world at all, and they are all isolated. Even the priests of the evil gods who use the power of the statue of the evil king to cast out evil prisons cannot sense the changes.

The ten-meter high martial arts ghost image still exists, exuding extreme force, but this martial arts ghost image is not the power of Chen Zong, but the condensed force of the magic heart and spirit, and is also dominated by the magic heart.

The reason for this appearance is to create an illusion. Although the outside world does not feel any breath, it can be seen that the evil prison has not cut off the line of sight.

So cautious, also in order not to be surprised.

Otherwise, if there is something wrong with the other party, forcibly intervening, maybe it will cause Chen Zong to fail.

Originally, I was not very sure. Once disturbed, the success rate was lower.


World spheres are beginning to shrink.

Previously, when Chen Zong compressed to ten meters, he encountered an unbreakable bottleneck, because the spirit and soul were divided, and the relationship has not yet been restored. Now the spirit and soul have been completely restored, and they are one step ahead.

The world area of ​​15,000 kilometers was compressed quickly. When it was compressed to within 10,000 meters, it experienced a rebound, but this rebound, Chen Zong had prepared for it, easily resisted it, and continued to compress.

When compressed to the kilometer level, he encountered a second stronger rally, which was still resisted by Chen Zong.

The third rebound was that when it was compressed to a range of 100 meters, its rebound force was much more powerful. However, Chen Zong still resisted and felt a lot easier than the last time.

The fourth rebound, when compressed to ten meters, is also the last point of the last time, stopping at ten meters.

This time, Chen Zong was sure to successfully compress it to within ten meters.

However, only by compressing it to one meter can we succeed, and then we can replace the heart of the world with the world realm, combine with the realm of the heart, and cultivate the world of the sword.

Ninety meters!

Eighty meters!

Seventy meters!

Chen Zong's degree of compression is fast, but without the slightest impatience, the closer he approaches ten meters, the more calm Chen Zong can't afford the slightest wave of disturbance.

Twenty meters!

The next step is ten meters. Chen Zong is also ready for the fourth stronger rebound.

The strength of the fourth rally was so extreme that Chen Zong had fresh memories, which failed him several times, and eventually had to give up temporarily.

Ten meters!

With a buzz, a terrible force exploded in an instant, like a burst of water in Foshan, and like a flood in the sea. It exploded directly and showed no mercy.

Chen Zong looked dignified, flying long, his robes bulging, and resisted with all his strength.

This look looked like it was oppressed by the forces of the evil prison. The high priest of the evil **** had no doubt at all, but showed a hint of confusion.

"Don't make senseless resistance. The power of evil prisons is not something you can resist." The high priest of the evil **** laughed: "Submit to me and submit to me. I will use the power of the evil circle to regenerate the large array and draw the Tianhong world The vitality of all beings will use a part of it for you, forging a foundation for you, letting you go further, more now. "

Although the words of the high priest of the evil **** were not much, the information revealed made Chen Zong secretly shocked. Although he was in the cultivation and eliminated all thoughts, it did not mean that Chen Zong knew nothing about the outside world.


Is this the name that covers the entire Tianhong World Front?

To learn the vitality of the entire world of Tianhong, what is this to do?

Think carefully!

Once successful, Tianhong World will fall completely. Thinking down, Chen Zong does not know how to imagine.

Sword World!

You must practice successfully, you must succeed before the evil circle is completely completed, reverse the crisis, and crack the Tianhong world crisis.

Letting the evil priest say nothing, Chen Zong ignored it and concentrated on the compression.

Withstood it, finally withstood the impact of the fourth rebound, and successfully compressed the world to ten meters.

But this is not the ultimate.

Keep compressing.

Nine meters!

When compressed to nine meters, Chen Zong felt a terrible rebound force burst out unexpectedly.

Fortunately, after Chen Zong's soul was made up, he became stronger. After blocking the impact of the rebound, he continued to compress.

Eight meters!

There was another backlash.

Chen Zong was well prepared.

Seven meters!

Six meters!

Five meters!

For every one meter of compression, there will be a rebound force, and it is stronger than one time. Fortunately, although each time it is stronger, it will not be too strong, but it is gradually increased, so that Chen Zong can resist.

The benefits of soul replenishment are fully revealed.

If this is not the case, it will have failed when compressed to ten meters.

Three meters!

Two meters!

Next, it is one meter.

One meter, which is the limit to be compressed in the world, replaces the standard degree of the heart of the world.

Chen Zong knows that when compressed to a size of one meter, its rebound force may be even more arrogant and more amazing. In fact, it is not very sure whether it can resist.

However, even if you are not sure, you must try and try your best.


one meter!

Suddenly, as if the beast of the deep sea was awake, as if the stars were exploding, a horrendous amount of violent violence was directly exploded.

This kind of power is better than many before, like the explosion of the ancient volcano, destroying and destroying everything.

Chen Zong only felt that his power was going to collapse directly under this power explosion.


In any case, you cannot fail. Once you fail, you must spend some time to adjust your interest rate and start again, which will waste a lot of time.


Only once, must succeed.

Gambling on everything and gambling must succeed.

Hold me up!

A strong heart is a strong one, and all potentials seem to be constantly tapped and exploded, resisting this counterattack force that seems to destroy everything.



Chen Zong's long flying, each wire is filled with amazing power, sharp and sharp like a sword, can easily pierce the steel, looks calm, blue forehead is covered with blue veins, and the cold light in his eyes.

The roots of the teeth clenched and constantly encouraged their own strength. That was the power of the spirit, the power of the heart, and the power of faith.

In any case, it must be held up, like a tug of war.

The explosive rebound power is not endless, but it will be continuously consumed. As long as you carry it, you can succeed.

Now, it depends on whether Chen Zong is exhausted or the rebound power is exhausted first.

It's about success and failure.

Ten peoples Tianjiao was taken out of the prison cage and brought to the front of the evil temple.

"Kneel down!" The evil protoss warrior shouted, but none of them moved.

"Kneel down!" The second voice sounded, and the evil protoss fighters kicked out directly, hitting the knees of ten people respectively, and the ten people whose power was banned fell to the ground immediately, extremely indignant, growling and roaring to stand stand up.


Supreme humiliation!

Even kneeling at the evil protoss, although it was not voluntary, but was forcibly kicked to the knees when the power was banned, it was all a shame, a great shame.

His Royal Highness revealed a smile, high above him.

It's normal for him to humiliate it first.

The other Tianjiao detained were furious and cracked.

This is not only the shame of the ten people's arrogance, but also the shame of their people.

"Knelt well." Once someone resisted and struggled, they would be suppressed by the evil protoss warriors, unable to move, and only kept in a kneeling posture.

"Submit to this seat, you will be able to get a new life." The voice of His Royal Highness is full of inexplicable charm.

"Don't think about it."

"I will not surrender when I die."

"A group of people don't have ghosts and ghosts, and they delusional about my surrender."

Although kneeling, despite the humiliation, the ten human race Tianjiao did not yield, but instead sweared.

"Yes, very boney, this place admires it." His Highness's eyes narrowed slightly, as if smiling, but also seemingly angry: "In that case, give away your spirit and body."

The words fell, and suddenly, ten rays of light radiated from all around. It was a spirit of an evil protoss, and instantly fell into the ten heavenly pride.

Ten people were struggling violently, their expressions changed greatly, their bodies trembled, their faces looked like ghosts, and they changed.

After ten breaths, all the struggles stopped. In the horrified eyes of all the people, they saw the ten people standing up, their expressions were clear, their eyes were empty, and it took a while before they became flexible.

"See His Royal Highness." The ten men bowed down to the Temple of Evil.

"What did you do?" Tianjiao roared, shocked.

"Ten of them have been taken away." An evil protoss warrior sneered: "You either submit to His Highness or you are taken away just like them."

Undoubtedly, being robbed of the house is equal to the spirit flying away, leaving only one body to be occupied and used by the evil protoss, and if you surrender, you can retain all of your ego, of course, provided that you betray the human race.

how to choose?

No matter what kind of ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is not a good result.

"You Tianjiao, what are you worrying about?" Tianhong ancestors spoke again with a smile: "In the opinion of the old man, of course, you must choose to surrender, so that you can continue to cultivate to a higher level, as the results are Written by the winner. "

"The strength of the saints is not what you can imagine. As long as you surrender to the saints and make the most contribution to the efforts of the saints, when the day comes, the saints’ army will truly descend on this side of the world, and you will be your greatest contributors. . "

The words and voices of Tianhong's ancestors were full of confusion and fanaticism, as if they set off a storm, especially when they saw the ten human race Tianjiao from swearing to death and being taken away. It hit many people's hearts and shake their beliefs.

Once the belief is shaken, the consequences are terrible.

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