Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 72: Sword world ... open

Ten more people were taken up from prison.

"Kneel down!" The evil protoss shot and knocked them down to kneel again, with humiliation.

"Submit ... or perish." His Highness Evil God looked down with a high eye, a smile of evil from the corner of his mouth.

For ten people, their looks changed, and they did not directly reject or anger them, because they all knew the consequences.

The consequence of the refusal is to be taken away by the evil protoss.

There are many evil gods killed and many escaped spirits. They all need a new body.

I saw His Royal Highness gently beckoning, and the rays of light radiated from all directions, suspended behind His Royal Highness, burning like a ghost fire, and they were breathtaking breaths of the evil gods. Evil and cold.

For the human race, the evil **** race is evil, and the breath is naturally evil, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

There are hundreds of gods in the evil deities, and they are called Tiangan people, and they are all cold.

"Think clearly. If you refuse, you will lose your soul and your body will be taken away. You will no longer be you. If you surrender, you will be yours, but you will be an object of allegiance. How should you choose to use your wisdom? Intellect should be very clear. "Tianhong ancestor said again, straightforward and vital.

One look is cloudy.

"This seat does not have so much patience, three breaths," said His Highness Evil God again, putting greater pressure on everyone.

"Don't promise." Someone roared inside the cell.

"Can't promise, once promised, it's the sinner of the human race."

"I would rather die than be a traitor."

"I surrender." Although there were all kinds of screams in my ears, in the end, there was still a person who couldn't bear it, didn't want to die, didn't want to be taken away, and the spirit flew away. He said those two words.


"You traitor."

"How can you surrender."

He first had a meal, then everyone was angry.

But the man who surrendered his head bowed his head, said nothing, and did not respond.

"I surrender." Soon, there was a second person who couldn't support it, and said the words of surrender, His Royal Highness showed a smile and nodded secretly.

I'm pretty good. As soon as someone starts, they will further crush the persistence of others.

"I will not submit to death." The third was roaring and roaring, struggling to resist, glaring at His Highness, a posture to be shared with them, helplessly suppressed by the evil Gods warriors.

"Very ambitious." His Highness smirked, and his finger lightly touched, a strange and scream of the evil spirit tribe made a sudden and swift rush, immediately plunged into the head of the tribe Tianjiao, quickly robbed.

He resisted, struggled, and hesitated, but was inevitably taken away.

This scene makes people even more chilling.

How to do?

Where to go from here?

Is the soul flying soul scattered away?

Hey or betrayal?

This is a difficult choice, a torture of the heart.

Life and death are hard to see through.

Everyone is the same. Those who talk about life and death are because they don't really face that situation.

Of course, there are also some people who really broke through life and death, but very few, very few.

Any investigation of life and death, has gone through countless calamities, passed through again and again, and realized the enlightenment again and again, and finally the investigation can be carried out. As now, everyone can only be regarded as a younger generation, which is still far behind.


Take the house!

There are always people who are unwilling to die and choose to surrender, but most people are unwilling to surrender and be taken away.

The third batch!

Wu Yuan Chongshan has restored his strength, but the forces of the evil prison are constantly oppressed, and they continue to absorb the power of devouring the secrets of the bodyguard, so that the power of the bodyguards is continuously lost, and it is estimated that it cannot be maintained for long.

Xuan Yuan Chongshan's complexion looked so irritated that he looked at each of the surrendered people, and was extremely angry.

As a human race, how can you surrender to other races.


The humiliation of Gao Tianda, but he was unable to save, that feeling made him almost crazy.

I hate it!

Xuan Yuan Chongshan hated his weakness very much and could not wait to pay some price in exchange for a stronger force to break the prison of evil and kill the Highness of the Evil God. All those who dared to betray the people and surrender to the Evil God were killed.

"Submit it." The people who had already surrendered looked at the third group of people, Tianjiao, and began to speak.

"It's nothing, just say the word of surrender and you will be released and you will be released."

"Yes, as long as you live, you can cultivate to a higher level and have stronger power."

The psychology of these people is very simple. They have already surrendered and were rejected by other people who have never surrendered. Now, they want to pull other people into the water, surrender to the evil gods like them, and betray the people, so that they will feel more comfortable. .

心理 This mentality is already sick.

"Damn, you all deserve to die." Tianjiao, an eternal battlehouse, roared again and again, glaring at those betrayed Tianjiao.

I just betrayed the people and surrendered to the evil gods, and even encouraged other people to Tianjiao to betray the surrender.

宗 Everything that Chen Zong knows, but can't bother, the rebound force that compresses the world to one meter has reached the extreme.

With one drum, the momentum is like a tiger, and then it fades, and it exhausts!

As long as this shock is carried, it will decline, and then exhaust and exhaust.

But the same, Chen Zong's resistance has reached its limit. Now, it is supported by the supreme mind and conviction. It has reached the edge of being unable to carry it.

Is Chen Zong unable to carry it first, or is the counterattack power exhausted first?

At that moment, Chen Zong's mind flashed a lot.


I have a responsibility!

If it fails here, there are only two consequences, or the Tianhong world is completely occupied, and the evil protoss will use it as a base camp, penetrating the void a little, and eventually bring a greater threat than even the demon.

Either, Tianhong World was destroyed.

The former is more likely, because once the Tianjiao here are controlled by the evil protoss, and the false information is passed to the outside world, the consequences will be very serious.

Your own friends and relatives may suffer as a result.

"Never allow!" Chen Zong's heart uttered a roar, and the resistance force that had reached its limit soared in an instant, as if the light returned, blocking the final impact of the counterattack force.


The counterattack power began to decline, and Chen Zong's resistance was also rapidly reduced. Fortunately, the counterattack power was exhausted faster.


I finally blocked it!

World sphere, finally compressed to a size of one meter.

The was compressed into a one-meter-sized world, suspended in front of Chen Zong, and shrouded in the shadow of the martial arts. From the outside, it was difficult to see what, besides at this moment, most of the high priest

He was distracted by His Highness's side, and he did not pay attention to Chen Zong's changes.

After all, he has 300% confidence in the evil prison.

Compressed into a one-meter-sized world, it is completely condensed into a real substance. The forests, rivers, lakes, mountains, mountains, sun, moon and stars all appear clearly, just like the real world is compressed.

There was a mysterious and mysterious breath, and then it spread.

宗 Chen Zong quickly adjusted his interest rate and recovered the consumed power, because then, he would start practicing the sword world.

The difficulty of practicing in the sword world lies in mastering the second-largest kendo area first, and the integration of the world heart into it. Once these two conditions are met, the difficulty of cultivation will be greatly reduced.

Of course, a substantial reduction does not mean that there is no difficulty, it is still difficult, and it is not small.

It's not difficult to mourn, but it's still relatively speaking.

However, for Chen Zong, as long as the world is compressed to one meter and the necessary conditions for practicing the sword world are completed, the difficulty of practicing the sword world is not so great.

Fully grasped.

On the other side, the third group of people were also subservient and unwilling, but they were taken away, and they had no chance to resist.

The fourth batch!

Each batch is ten people.

He is not unable to be more, but deliberately used by the evil deities to continuously pressure everyone and defeat their hearts.

By the time of the fifth batch, more people had surrendered, from less than five to five.

The tenth batch of ten people were also taken out.

Among them, there are two flawless jade and Xia Yingfei.

In addition, there are the Tianjiao of the Eternal Battle Fortress, the Tianjiao of the Magnificent Flame Mountain, and the Tianjiao of the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall.

Twenty people, almost all from the four holy places, compared to other batches, this lineup is even more amazing.

"His Highness, these ten people are of extraordinary origin, but they are the pride of the four holy places of the human race. It would be better if they surrendered." One who has surrendered and quickly transformed his mind, acting as His Highness Dog legs, said charmingly.

If you hit him, ten people immediately glared ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If the eyes can kill people, then at this moment, he has been Ling Ling.

If he is not in peace, he would not dare to offend the Tianjiao of the four holy places, but now it is different, and there is a dark feeling.

Doesn't the four holy places have eyes above the top?

Then, now, either kneel in submission or be taken away, I feel very happy when I think about it, an indescribable abnormality permeates the mind and body.

"Four Great Holy Places." His Highness the Evil God smiled.

He also knows the reputation of the four holy places, but the four most powerful forces in this void are so powerful that they are jealous of the saints.

Jain Mountain King Yuan Chongshan and Wushuang Excalibur Chen Zong are the Tao of the four holy places.

It is no wonder how wonderful it is to subject the heavenly lords of the four holy places to themselves and to the holy tribe. Think about it, even the high spirit of the evil **** can not help feeling a little excited.

"Kneel down." His Highness first spoke, but none of them moved, it was impossible to kneel, and it was not a soft-footed shrimp.

"Have heard me, immediately kneel." The evil protoss tribe behind was immediately furious.

His Royal Highness took the initiative to open his mouth, but he was so uninterested that he knew nothing about life or death.

Punch out!

The evil protoss warrior kicked out directly, only at that moment, one leg was divided into ten, and each kicked at the bend of ten people's legs. It was intended to be the same as before, kicking all ten people directly to kneel, and was banned in strength The case cannot be resisted.

"Sword World ... Open!"

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