Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 73: Within the world, I dominate (Part 1)

"Sword World ... Open!"

That voice was not loud, nor was it hysterical, nor did it contain any murderous murderous intentions and killing intentions, as if the breeze sings and sings, as if whispering in the ear, but it spreads in all directions and penetrates the void, completely Into everyone's ears.

Faster than the sound, it is a force, as if the breeze is passing by, as if the ripples are diffused.

Everything, everything was passed over, everything was affected.

At that moment, it seemed as if time had stopped. The entire cave house was completely covered and turned into a giant three-dimensional painting.



He was kicking, and he was divided into ten legs and kicked towards Yu Wuji, etc. The legs were bent, and the evil protoss warriors who tried to kick them to kneel were transformed into a statue, and the toes were bent from Yu Wuji and others' legs. But an inch.

But at this moment, this one-inch inch is like a horizon.

The evil prison around Chen Zong still exists, but it cannot stop the spread and coverage of this force.

"What's going on?" Yuan Chongshan's look changed greatly. He now saw that the evil prisons around him still existed, and his protective power still existed, but he could clearly feel the suppression of a power, that power. Invisible, colorless, and shadowless, but impacted from every angle in all directions, everywhere, everywhere.

Even if his power was completely restored, in the face of this power, he felt restrained and suppressed, and was very uncomfortable.

Similarly, His Highness the Evil God and the High Priest of the Evil God also felt this way. Although they were not able to move like other evil **** warriors, they really felt suppressed. They only felt the pressure around them, making their every move difficult.

What kind of power is this?

At that time, His Highness and the High Priest of the Evil God turned their heads and looked at Chen Zong. They could feel that the source of the invisible pressure was the arrogant person.

The third Tao of the Mind-Heart Tiangong Wushuang Excalibur Chen Zong!

The high priest of the evil **** is even surprised and puzzled. Why?

Obviously the other party has been imprisoned by evil prisoners, and one's strength should be constantly flowing. Why can such a force be released?

Is it a hidden means?

Is the power given by the dominating powerhouse of the Mind Heaven?

It seems to make sense to think so.

Evil prisons are indeed strong, but they are not without solutions.

"Go!" His Royal Highness responded extremely quickly and immediately waved his hands. The spirits of the evil gods behind him flew out and rushed towards the heavenly pride of the human race and wanted to take them away.

At this time, it is no longer important to surrender and not to surrender. Let's talk about it first to avoid more unnecessary changes.

"Sword ... come!" A clear drink sounded directly, and for a while, there was a continuous sound like a sword pulled out, the swords screamed, the sound was strong and clear in the ear.

Not together!

Not ten ways!

Not even a hundred ways!

But Qiandao ...

The sword lights, which are about one meter long, are extremely dazzling. They are condensed and condensed by countless sword qi, like the exquisite swords, which are extremely sharp.

These swords are light, without a hilt, one meter long, all with blades and **** wide.

As soon as he appeared, there were hundreds or thousands. Between each of the sword lights flashing, there was an astonishing sharpness, which caused a group of evil protoss to chill all over the body, as if they were cut and torn.

"Cut!" The second word sounded, and when the sword light flashed, it immediately killed those evil gods and spirits who were trying to seize the house. The power contained in this sword light was very terrifying, directly penetrating those spirits and killing them.

Generally speaking, even if the spirit is a sword, it will not collapse directly. At most, it will suffer some damage. Only the power dedicated to the spirit can seriously damage or even kill the spirit.

However, the sword light in the sword world can destroy everything and kill everything.

But all of a sudden, all the spirits of the evil gods were broken and torn under the sword light, leaving only a sharp voice, and the spirit was flying away.

"Cut again!" Between the screams of Jianguang, like the swords of the Emperor Jianzong, they flew from all directions. If the tide is like a sea, the waves are crashing on the evil prison.

Evil prisons are extremely tough. Previously, Chen Zong tried to fight with the power of divine martial arts, but was unable to break it.

Now, under the mighty sword light, the wicked and horrible evil prison can no longer be supported, and they have been chopped and broken, and Chen Zong emerges from this trap.

Hanging and standing still, Wandao sword light is floating in all directions, eyes are cold and scorching, long flying robes are like gods in swords, that kind of posture, straight into people's hearts, and turned into imprints, even if it is an evil **** family I have to admit that at this moment, Chen Zong is incomparable. His Highness the evil **** can't help but raise a feeling called jealousy.

Yuan Chongshan stared, staring at the dog.

Evil prison, just broken.

And that Chen Zong looks like the **** in the sword, the feeling is beyond description.

"Chopping!" With the sound of the third chopping sound, Jianguang shot down like a waterfall and chopped to the place of Yuan Chongshan. The evil prison outside Yuan Chongshan was also chopped off instantly, and Yuan Chongshan was out of trouble. Out.

At this moment, Yuan Chongshan's mind was complicated and extremely complicated.

Originally, he had to use his own strength to solve the troubles here, one to strengthen the prestige of the Ziyuan Hall of the Giant Yuan, and the other to suppress Chen Zong and even the heart of heaven.

Who would have thought that in the end it was a ship overturned, defeated by His Highness, and surrounded by evil prisoners. If there were no variables, then the power of the guardian secret treasure would be exhausted, waiting for him would be either death or another end, All in all it's terrible.

Now, the variable has appeared, but this variable is the most unacceptable way of Yuan Chongshan.

Chen Zong!

The variables came from Chen Zong, who he regarded as an opponent and wanted to suppress.

Chen Zong's mood is not as complicated as Yuan Chongshan, and even, he doesn't think so much at all.

Under the unfolding of the sword world, Chen Zong had a feeling of controlling everything and controlling everything.

In this sword world, I am the master, controlling life and death.

The mighty power of the sword world was initially shown.

Wandao Jianguang is fully controlled by Chen Zong.

It seems that it is similar to the past in the sword field, but the essence is different. The sword light in the sword world is like a magic sword. The power of each sword light is terrible and indestructible.

Even if it is destroyed, it can condense again without loss.

According to the description of the inheritance of the sword world, different people practicing the sword world are not necessarily the same. This is a highly adaptable inheritance, which will show different powers according to different individuals.

Chen Zong didn't know what the world of the strongest Kendo in the Middle Ages dominated the Moon Sword, which Chen Zong hadn't seen.

Now, it belongs to Chen Zong's sword world.

The sword energy is endless and the sword light is vast, but this is only preliminary power.

"Chop!" The moment the fourth chop sounded, the sword lights scattered, like a school of deep-sea fish, and like a torrential rain pouring down, they shot out and covered the entire cave.

Nearly a thousand evil **** warriors were suppressed by the terrible power of the sword world.


It was just a face-to-face, killing as many as possible, all died, even the spirits could not escape, the soul flew away and died.

The human race Tianjiao is still alive.

The sword light floated and aimed at and locked the Tianjiao of those who betrayed the people and surrendered to the evil gods.

Traitors should be killed. This is the iron law. It is the iron law of the void. Everyone must obey it.

No matter what kind of reason you are betraying the interests of the people, betraying the people, it is useless.

"Stop ... Stop."

"Can't kill me." Tianhong's ancestor was panicked, and never looked half calm again.

"I'm not really surrendering. I'm fake, fake surrender. This is a strategy."

One by one, the traitors changed their faces, yelled quickly, and justified each other.

"Yes, I am pretending to surrender. This is a strategy that can divide and break down the evil protoss from the inside."

It seems to be true.

However, Chen Zong can distinguish between true and false.

Therefore, Chen Zong didn't listen to what they justified.


Jian Guang shot down and killed directly.

"You dare to kill me."

"Damn thing."

These people scolded, but in the end, they still couldn't get rid of the situation of death.

In the end, the people in the entire cave house were left with those who had never surrendered and were not looted. Tianjiao, as for the people who surrendered and were looted, died.

On the side of the evil **** family, His Highness and the high priest of the evil **** remain.

The two were extremely powerful and extraordinary in their methods, and Chen Zong could not kill them directly.

The sword world is indeed strong, but it is not unlimited. The strength of the sword world is closely related to the strength of Chen Zong himself. The stronger Chen Zong is, the stronger the sword world is.

The swords of light locked the Highness of the Evil God and the High Priest of the Evil God, so that they would not dare to act lightly for a while.


At this moment, Chen Zong felt extremely jealous about His Highness and the High Priest.

"Sister, you go first." Chen Zong stood in the air. Under the sword light, the prisons were broken, and the people inside Tianjiao were able to get out.

"Okay ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yu took a deep look at Chen Zong and bit his silver tooth. Although the internal seal was broken and his strength was recovering quickly, it was useless even if it was fully recovered. Evil God His Royal Highness and the High Priest of the Evil God are obviously not something that others and others can compete with.

The so-called elephant with more strength and more ants is not here. The strong is the strong, the weak is the weak, and the weak is more, the stronger cannot be approached, and the strong will kill the weak.

Therefore, if they stay, they will not be able to help Chen Zong, but will become a burden. Although they are very unwilling, they can only leave.

His Highness the Evil God and the High Priest of the Evil God could only watch as the Tianjiao people who were captured by them were evacuated, very angry, but unable to stop them.

"Yuan Chongshan, you also leave." Chen Zong stared away and said politely.

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