Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 74: Within the world, I dominate (below)

With resentment, Yuan Chongshan also left the cave.

It has been proven before that he is not an opponent of His Highness the Evil God, and if he stays, he is not an opponent.

Not long after, in the entire huge cave house, only His Highness Chen Zong and the evil priest and the high priest of the evil **** remained. Well, there were also a lot of corpses of human and evil **** families, corpses everywhere.

"Next, it's your turn." Chen Zong smiled and looked down. This gesture made His Highness very annoyed, and the direct demonization revealed his true body.

Although he was very afraid of Jian Guang floating around, it did not mean that he could not compete.

Those races are gone, and he doesn't care, either. It is not impossible to stop them forcibly, but it is not necessary. Only by defeating this race can we truly control everything. At that time, no matter where those people flee, they will still be unable to escape. Off.

"This seat has to admit it, seeing away." Although His Highness revealed the true body of the evil God, he did not immediately burst out, but smiled weirdly: "It is a pity to stay in the human race with your talents, and you should join my saint. The tribe is right. "

"Now, the entire world of Tianhong has been cast into a circle of reincarnation of my saints. Once this large array is moved, it will extract the spirit and spirit of any soul in the world of Tianhong. Think about it, in the entire world of Tianhong There are so many living creatures, and how all the spirits and gods will converge, how amazing it will be. "His Highness raised his hands, as if he was speaking wildly.

"So what." Chen Zong smiled coldly.

"Don't you understand yet?" His Highness Evil God laughed suddenly, and the laughter became louder. "What a powerful and immense power such a huge spirit is, that power will It is used to open the corridor between the holy realm and this side, so that the holy army can truly descend. "

"Moreover, that power is so vast that even if it is used to open the channel, it will not be completely exhausted, and a part will be left. If it is absorbed, it will greatly enhance its potential and reach a higher level. . "

"If you are willing to be a member of the holy tribe, this seat can guarantee that you can also enjoy the baptism of Jingqi God, with your talents, and once you are baptized, you will be upgraded to another level. If you take it to another level, how amazing it will be. "

I have to say that the words of His Royal Highness, although simple, are very tempting.

It's amazing how one's talents rise to another level. It's like no one has come before and no one has come after.

If you are a person who is pursuing strength wholeheartedly, you may be directly moved.

But Chen Zong is not. Chen Zong pursues cultivation for strength, but has his own principles.

Tough and strong, not shaken.

"You guys, even more **** it." Chen Zong's voice fell, pointing to a sword, driving thousands of swords, and shooting down.



Every Jianguang has Chen Zong's strength and ultimate strength.

In other words, the power of each Jianguang can reach the level of eleven stars and even top eleven stars.

Hundreds of thousands of swords are equal to hundreds of top eleven star powers. What a terrible scene.

Moreover, this is even more terrifying than the hundreds of top eleven star powers, because the sword light is smaller, more integrated and united, and there is no so-called worry about life, no defense, no dodge, only attack .

Jianguang came blasting, locking His Highness and the High Priest.

The two shot together, and their combat power was as high as twelve stars, and among the twelve stars, they were not weak.

The gap between the top 11-star combat power and the 12-star combat power is obvious. Even if the ten top 11-star combat powers join forces, they are not the opponents of the 12-star combat power.

However, Jianguang here has hundreds of thousands, which is equal to hundreds of top eleven star powers.

Ten is not enough, then 20, 20 is not, then 30, or 100 or even hundreds of waves of attack.


All the sword lights were smashed by His Highness evil, but the breaking does not mean disappearing. Almost within a short time, the broken sword lights condensed again, and there was no loss.

If Chen Zong ’s sword qi was broken before he became a sword world, although he could re-aggregate, he would have to consume more power, but not in the sword world. The sword light was broken and re-aggregated. Rotation.

Just like a stone, even if it is broken and turned into rubble, it can still be put together again. It will not increase or decrease, and there will be no additional consumption.


This is a constant.

Like a stormy sea, Jianguang followed the heavy one and shot wildly. Each Jianguang has a top 11-star combat power.

Even if the twelve-star powerhouse is amazing and can resist it, but it can block one wave of two waves and three waves, but it will always be broken.

Chen Zong's figure was suspended in mid-air. He remained motionless, using his sword fingers to control thousands of swords, and used both of them to attack His Highness and the High Priest.

Without borrowing the power of the magic heart, only with its own extreme combat power, it can compete with two enemies with twelve star power with one enemy and two.

This is the unpredictable power of the sword world.

In the world of swords, everything is under Chen Zong's perception and mastery. Any slight change cannot be escaped. Numerous information, like a torrent, constantly emerges, and it is agitated in Chen Zong's mind.

However, Chen Zong must grasp all the influx of information in an instant and deal with it clearly. Otherwise, it will only drag himself down and lead to rigid thinking. Not to mention fighting, it is still unknown.

In other words, in order to cultivate the sword world, in addition to those two prerequisites, in fact, there must be some other hidden conditions.

For example, you need to have a strong mental will and a strong mind, otherwise it is not enough to withstand or even deal with a sudden flood of information.

Chen Zong's eyes twinkled with divine light, the light of wisdom, the light that controlled everything.

Chang Fei Yang, each silk is permeated with light, like the glory on the edge of the sword, the sword robe is dazzling, as if surrounded by the sword wind.

Throughout the body, there are all kinds of sword lights hanging, like the most loyal sword guards, who will guard Chen Zong firmly. If you want to attack Chen Zong, you must first break through these sword lights.


His Highness the Evil God and the High Priest of the Evil God felt very guilty. They obviously have stronger combat power than these sword lights, but they can't help it. Even if they can break the sword lights, those sword lights will be reborn in a short breath. Condensed out, Wei Neng is not damaged.

Just like people who ca n’t be beaten, they are very difficult to deal with, they are not weak, and they are numerous.

My head hurts.

Whether it was His Highness or the High Priest of the Evil God, they exhausted their power, but they were still unable to approach Chen Zong. Although they are very clear, Chen Zong's control of these sword lights is the culprit. Only by killing Chen Zong can he curb the current Happening.

Inaccessible is inaccessible. Instead, the waves of sword light continue to retreat, and after each wave of sword light is reached, it is impossible to dodge and can only cope.

The entire Dongfu is under the shroud of the other side's wonderful power.

The sword is strong, fast, sharp and agile, and can be stabbed and chopped, just like there are many peerless swordsmen wielding swords, and the power is even more terrible.

Fortunately, these sword lights are only showing basic swordsmanship. They are not powerful magic swordsmanship, otherwise they are even more amazing.

The sword light shot down, and a flash of lightning passed through the broken sword light, instantly breaking through the air and flying, bringing a little blood to the sky, and His Highness was wounded.

Upon being wounded, His Highness the Evil God first stunned, and then became as mad as he became violent. In a moment, his power was strengthened by several percent, but all the nearby sword lights were broken.

It's just, it's just a futile struggle.

After several successive waves of Jianguang's attacks, His Highness the Evil God was injured again.

Similarly, the high priest of the evil **** was also injured, and had to activate the snake rod into a huge poisonous snake coil to protect himself firmly. Under the sword light, the poisonous snake was constantly attacked, and all over his body appeared. Sword mark wound.

However, compared to the huge body of the giant snake, such a sword mark wound is nothing, so the high priest of the evil **** is safe and sound.

But he knew very well that the snake would also be killed if it continued, and it would turn into a snake stick again, and it would take some time to activate it again.

If you lose the protection of the snake stick in the form of a giant snake, you can't stop yourself from facing the fierce sword light.


The role seems to have suddenly changed over. Chen Zong and Yuan Chongshan were previously trapped, but now they have changed.

This feeling is not good for the high priest of the evil god, even for the first time.

What kind of identity he is, how could he be caught in such a situation, but now he really understands it.

There are more and more sword marks on the snake, and many sword lights will cut to the same sword mark, which makes the sword mark continue to expand and deepen.

On the other hand, His Royal Highness is getting more and more injured, blood is dripping, and the whole person is a bit embarrassed. Even if it is the base of the evil **** tribe, it is beneficial to the evil **** tribe, but in this case, it still consumes a lot of power. Recovery cannot keep up.

If it continues, it will be beheaded.

When thinking of this, His Royal Highness suddenly changed his face and became cold.


What a distant word ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ for His Highness, His Highness, and His Strength.

But now, it's so close.

"High priest, what time do you have to wait." His Highness finally shouted.

"In this case, let you see the real means of this seat." The high priest of the evil **** finally made up his mind. As soon as his voice fell, his eyes burst into an astonishing light, as if the evil fire was burning. Roar, the evil fire spread quickly, blinked, and burned everywhere in the whole body.


The body of the high priest of the evil **** was completely burned, as if he wanted to commit suicide, but Chen Zongke didn't really think so.

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