Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 76: 0 sword return 1

"Who are you?" His Highness stared at a figure that suddenly appeared, his expression stunned, and he yelled.

Suddenly, it was the demon heart that emerged from the heart of Chen Zong. Without answering His Highness, the right hand grabbed the void, as if using the void as a scabbard, and took out a long black knife, which was a magic sword.

With the demon sword in hand, the breath of the spirit and demon heart ran to the extreme of Yuan Ming Realm.


The dark blade of light cuts the sky in an instant and kills His Royal Highness on the shoulder of the evil king statue directly.

The purpose of the Demon Heart is to drag the statue of the evil **** king for a period of time to gain time for Chen Zong.

But the statue of the evil **** king is very tyrannical, the demon heart pays at the level of the Yuan Ming Realm, and based on his own strength, he is afraid that he cannot defeat it. In this way, the target is the high **** of the evil god.

In this way, the statue of the evil **** king must protect His Highness, so as to achieve the purpose of delaying time.

The power of this sword is very terrible. It changed the color of the evil temple. It was previously suppressed by Chen Zong. Now a strange man suddenly appears and can even suppress himself. His heart is like tens of thousands of mammoths trampled. It looks awful.

When the demon heart out of the sword, Chen Zong quickly retreated to the edge of the cave, away from the statue of the evil **** king, and accumulated strength.

There are 10,000 sword lights. Each sword light carries terrible power, and it bursts out, enough to be comparable to the top 11-star combat power. That is because Chen Zongshi used his extreme power to display his sword world.

多 As high as your own ultimate strength is, how strong Jianguang is, this is the terrible part of the sword world.

宗 Chen Zong began to condense Jianguang. This takes time and cannot be disturbed. Therefore, it is necessary for the magic heart and **** to help and temporarily hold the evil **** king statue for some time.

Under the control of the two swords, the two sword lights quickly converged and quickly condensed into one. The power contained in them suddenly surged.

Immediately, Chen Zong took control of the third sword light, and quickly integrated into it.

One after another, when integrated into the tenth, the sword light not only doubled in size, the more condensed, the sword light became more dazzling.

Twenty swords and lights are integrated into one body, and its power is far better than before, and it has reached the level of 12-star combat power.

But, it's not enough.

The ten condensed and condensed swords, although its power has reached the level of 12-star combat power, it has only barely reached it. It is sufficient in quantity, but has not yet caused qualitative changes.

This power is not enough to cause damage to the evil **** king statue.

Continue to condense, condense more Jianguang, and give stronger power.




The sword-light of Jiandao was refined.

As more Jianguang condensed into it, the sword light became brighter and more dazzling, and the power contained in it became more and more powerful and terrible.

However, the more you integrate, the harder it becomes.



Not enough!

Although the power is more powerful and arrogant, it is not enough, and more needs to be incorporated.

Chen Zong, what he wants is not to compete with the statue of the evil **** king, but to be able to destroy the statue of the evil **** king in one fell swoop. Otherwise, if the evil **** is anxious and forcibly opens the evil reincarnation array at all costs, to Tianhong World It is a great disaster.

If you do n’t, you will have to destroy the statue of the evil king directly.

Chen Zong's instinctive feeling, there should be a relationship between this evil **** king statue and the evil reincarnation.


Fifty sword lights are fused into one. The sword light is three meters long, as wide as a slap, and as thick as two fingers. The sword light is extremely dazzling, dazzling to the extreme, and the turbulent breath is constantly spreading. Going, flooding in all directions, shocking.

His Royal Highness felt it too, and his face became very ugly.

"Kill him." His Royal Highness roared. He had an ominous premonition that he could not let the other party complete such a move, which would definitely cause great trouble.

However, the magic heart stabbed in one hand and broke out the amazing combat power, blocking the statue of the evil **** king directly, unable to attack Chen Zong.

If it wasn't for not appearing for a long time, it would be eroded. Maybe the demon heart could use its own power to kill the statue of the evil **** king.

Sixty swords of light condensed into one!

Seventy Road!

Eighty Road!


At this point, Chen Zong felt that he was approaching the limit, but he hadn't reached the real limit, and could still continue to condense and compress.

Ninety one!



Every one of them blends together, it feels like an impact and challenge to the limit, and the difficulty keeps increasing.

On the forehead of Chen Zong, the blue tendons were protruding, and the sword fingers were trembling.

Ninety-four Road!


Gradually, the fused Jianguang approached one hundred.



When the one hundredth sword of light was integrated, Chen Zong knew that he had reached the limit, and now he was at the limit. He could not be integrated any more. Forcible integration brought about failure, and once it failed, it would lose control and its consequences It is an explosion, even if you ca n’t bear it.

One hundred swords of light merged into one, as if they were refined by thousands of hammers, and turned into a three-meter-long excalibur. After the sword's light was shining to the limit, it was introverted, as if returning to true, and turned into a dark silver three Meter-long sword blade.

"Senior dodge!" Chen Zong drank, and took full control of the dark silver three-meter long sword blade condensed by a hundred swords.

"One hundred swords return to one ..." At the moment when Chen Zong's sharp voice filled with sound, the magic heart also cut out a knife with all his strength, and the ten-meter-long dark knife broke into the air, killing directly to the direction of His Highness Evil God. The statue of the evil **** king had to fight against it.

As Chen Zong's voice sounded, the sword pointed upwards in the void. At that moment, I saw the dark silver blade with a length of three meters being towed, flying in the sky, and flying to the highest part of Dongfu.

"... Evil!"

The last two words blurted out, as if the thunder was shocking, with its imposing presence, its mighty power, and its mighty power.

Shoot down!

The dark silver blade with a length of three meters, as Chen Zong drew his sword-like fingers, blasted directly to the statue of the evil **** king.

Compared with the 100-meter-long statue of the Evil God King, the length of the three-meter-meter is a big gap, but the power contained in it cannot be ignored.

This, but the condensing of a hundred sword lights, each sword light has a level of top 11 star power.

In other words, the power of this sword, even if it is not a hundred times higher than the top 11-star combat power, there are dozens of times. Among the 12-star combat power, it belongs to an extremely arrogant existence, which is more powerful than the magic heart. One shot is even more overbearing.

The evil devil's claw blocked the demon heart's full force and slashed, the evil god's arm agitated all its strength, and the red light was stirred, covering as many as the sturdy arm, carrying the force of extreme destruction, and punched the sword with a punch. .

One hundred swords return to one ... 诛 evil!

This is Chen Zong's full-strength blow, which is even more violent than the sword-field split-killing style, and even more powerful than the gods using the law and martial arts.

I do my best!

The power of the mind is pouring out like a torrent of dyke.

光华 is blooming in a hurry, and the three-meter blade seems to turn into ten meters or tens of meters.


Xuan Jianguang and the arm of the evil **** collided in an instant, and the heavy sword light was broken, but the red light on the arm of the evil **** was also torn.

The narrow one meets the strong!

The red light was torn, and the sword light was constantly broken. However, the three-meter-long dark silver blade was not damaged. The red light was torn through the sword light, breaking the amazing toughness of the arm of the evil god. The epithelium penetrates into the extremely strong muscles.

Although the statue was transformed by a statue, it was just like a flesh and blood body.

Break through every inch, advance layer by layer.

At the end of the day, the three-meter-long dark silver blade penetrated the evil god's arm of the evil god, through his shoulders, into his body and vandalized.

"Burst!" Chen Zong drank again, his sword fingers trembling endlessly, as if he was about to collapse, and the sword gas floating around, also followed.

The Jianguang that ravaged the body of the evil **** king statue suddenly exploded and turned into one hundred smaller sword lights. Although the power was also weakened, it also had a top 11-star level.

I was like a hundred top eleven-star powerhouses who arrogantly shot inside the statue of the evil **** king, destroying like crazy.

All the limbs, even the head, were covered, hanged, and destroyed.

The whole statue of the evil **** king trembled violently, and the red light on his body flickered, dim and dim.

Abandoned by one hundred sword lights, Chen Zong ignored them. With the last strength, he drove ten sword lights, and instantly converged into one, directly blasting to His Highness.

At the same time, the demon heart also cut a knife again, and after the last knife was cut, it turned into a streamer and submerged into Chen Zong's body.

One sword cuts, ten swords become one.

His Royal Highness could not escape, and was directly hit, and his body was penetrated and torn instantly. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A loud blast, His Royal Highness's body exploded directly, but a light flew out at an amazing speed. .

At the same time, the statue of the evil **** king is also torn apart, the red light soars into the sky, falls into the altar, and the red light around it, the spirit of the high **** of the evil **** directly bursts into the shining red light.

"This revenge will be reported in the future." The final voice of His Royal Highness dropped into the shining red light, and the red light turned into a vortex, shrinking at a rapid speed, and finally condensing into a point, disappearing.


The entire Dongfu seemed to lose its support, violently oscillated, and cracks spread quickly on the cave wall, and the rubble fell down.

Chen Zong's look changed slightly, this cave is about to collapse, and it is located thousands of meters below the ground. Once it collapses, it will be buried. It is not difficult to go out.


Forcibly urged the remaining few forces to display the Sword in the Sky, Chen Zong turned into a sword light, broke out at the fastest speed, rushed out of the cave directly, and rushed to the surface along the passage.

The caves began to collapse, and the amazing roar accompanied by a violent force, the constant impact, and the madness of the shock, rolled up a heavy smoke wave, and continued to chase from behind.

It seems that there are countless evil beasts chasing after them, trying to devour themselves.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's speed is not slow, and the recovery of his own strength is fast enough.

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