Sword God

Vol 38 Chapter 77: Famous void

Outside of Tianhong World, the scarlet light shrouds it, completely covering the entire Tianhong World. From a distance, it looks like an egg soaked with blood.

This is the formation method, a huge formation of the evil protoss, covering and covering the entire world of Tianhong, and also blocking it.

This formation method makes it impossible for the people of Tianhong World to leave, and it is difficult for people outside of Tianhong World to enter. To enter, they must not exceed the level of Yuan Ming Realm.

A lot of powerful men from various powerful forces are waiting outside the scarlet array. I do n’t know what happens to the Tianjiao of the various forces after entering the Tianhong world?

Is it still in action?

Still encountering difficulties?

I do n’t know, because of the existence of the formation method, all communication methods are also isolated, and the information cannot be transmitted at all.

I don't know how long in the past, suddenly, the scarlet light shivered slightly, like a small lake thrown into a small lake, and opened up a layer of fine ripples. Then, the ripples gradually intensified and turned into waves. More and more obvious.

"what happened?"

"how so?"

"Did something happen?"

The look of a strong one changed, and stared away.

I saw that as the ripples became more and more intense and became heavy waves, they began to weaken a little bit.

"The power of the formation is weakening."

"Did they break the formation?"

The strong were secretly excited.

The red light began to fade, and gradually faded. Eventually, in front of the powerful men, the real disappearance disappeared.

"Let's go!" The strong men held their inner excitement and set off, turning into a streamer, rushing into the Tianhong world.

Sure enough, the formations really disappeared instead of being hidden. They didn't block them at all and went directly into the Tianhong world.

Unobstructed, no longer feel the hindrance of the half-array method.


"That is to say, this crisis is mainly due to Chen Zong, the third son of the Heavenly Palace."

When all the forces found the Tianjiao of their respective schools and had a deep understanding of the situation, they were shocked.

Unexpectedly, there were so many events and changes in it. It was difficult to find the base camp of the evil **** tribe in the beginning, but then it was found. It was because the information deliberately revealed by the evil **** tribe was revealed by the ancestors of Tianhongmen. News.

It is also because the ancestors of Tianhongmen have secretly betrayed the human race and turned to the evil protoss, becoming their running dogs.

It is revealed that the base camp of the evil **** tribe is an imperial conspiracy, and deliberately introduced the human tribe Tianjiao into all the traps already laid out and recaptured.

Even Yuan Chongshan was defeated.

If it wasn't for Chen Zong's outbreak of super power, they would be able to get away.

As for what happened afterwards, they didn't know it. They only knew that after a while, the cave began to collapse. Only Chen Zong came out alive, and none of the evil gods saw it.

The answer, of course, is to ask Chen Zong to be clear.

Soon, Chen Zong was summoned by a group of Dao-level lords. Dao-level priests with intentional heavenly palaces, Dao-level tribes in the other three sacred places, and Dao-level tribes with powerful stars.

In total, there are more than 30 Taoists appearing around Chen Zong, all eyes are gazing at Chen Zong, but Chen Zong is not half afraid or nervous.

"Chen Daozi, would you please tell me what happened later?" A Taoist Supreme from the Ziyuan Hall of Juyuan took the lead to speak, his voice buzzing.

The other Taoists respected Chen Zong, waiting for Chen Zong's answer.

There is nothing to hide, Chen Zong said things again, but for the sword world, Chen Zong did not elaborate, but just brought it in the name of a powerful secret magical power obtained by chance.

As for the magic heart and spirit, Chen Zong did not say too clearly, but just said that it was a force of protection left by the strong in the heart of heaven.

Because most people don't know the existence of the gods grave in the Xintian Temple, and naturally they don't know the existence of the gods.

As for the others, especially the evil deities, Chen Zong said very detailed, but did not bring in any of his own guesses, that is not necessary.

After listening to Chen Zong's description, the main respecters groaned, and their eyes swept across Chen Zong's body from time to time.

In particular, Dao Zun of the Giant Yuan Ziji Hall and Wanyan Shenyan Mountain, unfortunately, Dao Zun who has the intention of heaven is here. Otherwise, he can use some means to let Chen Zong say more.

For example, Chen Zong took the so-called opportunity to obtain powerful magical secrets.

That must be an amazing magical secret.

Such thoughts were fleeting, and I didn't think too much. After all, I couldn't get them. Moreover, within the Holy Land, there was a lot of inheritance. One more was good. Without one, there was no loss.

After Chen Zong said the situation, what happened next had nothing to do with himself, or that he could not intervene.

At the level of Yuan Ming Realm, after all, it can't dominate anything, it can only play a role in some specific occasions.

Although the crisis has been lifted, it does not mean that the evil protoss will not invade again. Perhaps in other places in the void, the evil protoss is still lurking and is acting in secret. A little bit of cannibalism belongs to the human race. When will it explode.

Moreover, although the ground collapsed and the Dongfu was submerged, the strong still had the means to enter it, look for clues, analyze the mysteries, etc. Maybe there are other gains.

All in all, these are too high-end for Chen Zong, and they are not reachable now.

Now that the crisis here has been cracked, Chen Zong is leaving.

Although he didn't get any substantial reward, it didn't matter. Because of this crisis, Chen Zong also successfully cultivated into the sword world, knowing the powerful power of the sword world.

The crown is absolutely at the same level. It can be said that the sword world is exhibited, and the same level of combatants are like ants.

For example, his current extreme combat power is at the top eleven-star level. Once the sword world is exhibited, he can condense a thousand sword lights, and each sword light has the top eleven-star power.

This means that I have control of a thousand top eleven star powers.

In addition, the sword world itself also has an amazing power of suppression and suppression, which is equivalent to combining the sword power of the heart and the world's suppression power into one, which is even more amazing. , Will be suppressed directly, the top eleven-star combat power will also be affected.

Not to mention the top eleven stars, even if it is twelve stars, if they fall into the world of Chen Zong's sword, they will most likely be suppressed by Chen Zong, such as His Highness and High Priest.

Unless it is a very powerful 12-star combat force, such as the level of the evil **** king statue, but such a level, as long as Chen Zong some time, cast a hundred swords into one, you can still kill.

If the Thousand Swords are displayed, they can be destroyed instantly.

Chen Zong couldn't imagine the power of uniting thousands of swords, but now he can't control himself. It's too difficult. One hundred swords is his limit.

As Sister Sanshi and others went to Xintiangong, they kept thinking.

The power of the sword world is amazing, unfortunately, the consumption is too large to support for a long time. This consumption is not only the consumption of energy and spirit, but also the consumption of mental power. It is the consumption of all its own power. Its consumption rate is very amazing.

This means that the sword world cannot be used as a conventional fighting method, and the strongest method is to restore one hundred swords, but the time taken is too long, and not every time I have time to allow myself to merge and condense sword light. , Casting a hundred swords into one.

This must be promoted.

"One hundred swords is one of my strongest methods of attack. The sword world is the second, and the sword-splitting style is the third." Chen Zong secretly said.

As for the deities borrowing the law and the martial arts, that's not really their own power, but the power borrowed from the devil's heart, of course, it can also be regarded as a hole card.

Unconsciously, I have more hole cards.

In the flying boat in the void, Chen Zong's thinking is constantly turning, thinking about more possibilities, the application of the sword world.

In short, his sword world is just a preliminary exercise, and there is still a lot of potential to be tapped.

For example, Jianguang is now one thousand, so is it possible to condense more Jianguang, such as two thousand, three thousand, four thousand or even five thousand or even ten thousand.

Every additional sword light equals a strong combat power.

When Chen Zong returned to the Mind Heaven Palace with the true legends of Mind Heaven Palace, the news spread along with it, like a storm sweeping the void, especially those who are astral-level forces know, the crisis of the Tianhong world, It was resolved, and the person who resolved was Chen Zong, the third Tao of the Mind Heaven Palace, known as the Wushen Sword.

At one time, Chen Zongyang became famous and his reputation was vanity, even better than when the third ceremony was held.

After all, Daoist Ceremony is a ritual, a recognition of name and identity, and resolving the great crisis of the Tianhong world is a direct expression of ability and strength ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's only temporary. If you don't have the ability, you will eventually be dismantled, and you will be in the public. Only with real ability can you get real recognition.

This is the law, it is the iron law.

As far as Chen Zong is concerned, his fame becomes louder and louder. In fact, it is not very useful. It is not as good as the improvement of his own cultivation and the breakthrough of the realm. The sword world, of course, did not fall behind in its own cultivation.

Xiu Weihe Avenue is the root, and all other means are the means to show the strength of Xiuhe Avenue and Dao Avenue, no matter which one cannot be dropped.

Eventually, Feizhou entered the central void, entered the star domain where the Heavenly Palace of Mind was located, then entered the black and white realm of the original world, and quickly returned to the Heavenly Palace of Mind.

"I have received the news, you are doing very well." In front of the gate of Yixin Palace, Yixin Daozong was waiting for Chen Zong and others to return. When he saw Chen Zong, he smiled and was very satisfied.

Famous Void!

Even with his Master, there is light on his face.

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